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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by 4prettierships
    You might be in luck! I did the dialogue for one last night, however, it still needs tons of work, maybe by this weekend i'll be able to submit it to human eyes
    YIPEE!!!....Can't wait.

    Originally posted by Cpt.Ritter
    Thanks Witchy, I am thinking about writing another set of chapters for that.
    Ohhhh..more ficcies....

    *does a happy dance*.....

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      Okay...I don't have a story to post just yet I did the next best thing and brought back...STEVE!!!

      That's right...Steve is back and he's vying for the hand of Teyla...he will try to romance her with flowers, chocolates and singing....

      With Shep stand a chance against that assault?

      Who knows....

      So here is some artwork for the story...'TEYLA'S CHOICE'...

      We need more pic fics, emoticons stories and such so here we go...

      I'll start...

      Steve has come back from a long absense having spent the last few months in a romance workshop 'Ten Different Ways to Win Over the One you Love from the Man she is Currently With'.

      Now Steve is feeling pretty darn confident and with his manuel tucked inside the coat pocket of this three piece suit he returns to the John/Teyla thread to woo the lovely Teyla...



        Originally posted by WitchBlade007
        Oh must try you hand at a fic...pretty plz?....

        Don't know if you saw this but over at the sga_john_teyla LJ Doxymom posted some prompts from the 5 minute fication from the Yahoo List.

        Here's the link to the post....

        5 Minute Ficathon List

        There's twelve hopefully a plot bunny will attack you while doing one, or while you read them...
        *evil whumper-shipper giggle* I just had an idea that would combine numbers 3 and 12...

        Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
          Okay...I don't have a story to post just yet I did the next best thing and brought back...STEVE!!!

          That's right...Steve is back and he's vying for the hand of Teyla...he will try to romance her with flowers, chocolates and singing....

          With Shep stand a chance against that assault?

          Who knows....

          So here is some artwork for the story...'TEYLA'S CHOICE'...

          ...Oh I love that....snags for background.......

          We need more pic fics, emoticons stories and such so here we go...

          I'll start...

          Steve has come back from a long absense having spent the last few months in a romance workshop 'Ten Different Ways to Win Over the One you Love from the Man she is Currently With'.

          Now Steve is feeling pretty darn confident and with his manuel tucked inside the coat pocket of this three piece suit he returns to the John/Teyla thread to woo the lovely Teyla...


          Stepping into the thread Steve looks around wondering were all the regular attendee were. Then he realized that Teyla sat on the sofa all by her lonesome.

          Seeing this as the perfect opportunity to begin the wooing Steve silently made his way to her. Standing behind her he covered her eyes and whispered in his best wraithy voice, 'Guess who'.


          R.I.P Wraithlord

          Awesome sig by SciFan


            Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
            *evil whumper-shipper giggle* I just had an idea that would combine numbers 3 and 12...
            Oh no!!!...Poor Sheppie....Don't hurt him too bad ok Ceekay?....promise...

            Can't wait to see what you come up with.

            R.I.P Wraithlord

            Awesome sig by SciFan


              Originally posted by WitchBlade007

              Stepping into the thread Steve looks around wondering were all the regular attendee were. Then he realized that Teyla sat on the sofa all by her lonesome.

              Seeing this as the perfect opportunity to begin the wooing Steve silently made his way to her. Standing behind her he covered her eyes and whispered in his best wraithy voice, 'Guess who'.

              The whispered voice of a wraith intruded upon Teyla's solitude and she went into instinct mode, jumping up from the sofa in a graceful move, pivoting on her heel snatching Steve's hand and with a 'hiyah' sends him flying over her shoulder and crashing into a wall...

              Steve...I did not know it was should not sneak up on a person...

              Steve looking a little worse for the wear tries to sit up, "Teyla, my love, I have come back for you..." Steve spreads his arms out wide as if to encompass Teyla in a hug when Shep walks into the thread...



                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                The whispered voice of a wraith intruded upon Teyla's solitude and she went into instinct mode, jumping up from the sofa in a graceful move, pivoting on her heel snatching Steve's hand and with a 'hiyah' sends him flying over her shoulder and crashing into a wall...

                Steve...I did not know it was should not sneak up on a person...

                Steve looking a little worse for the wear tries to sit up, "Teyla, my love, I have come back for you..." Steve spreads his arms out wide as if to encompass Teyla in a hug when Shep walks into the thread...

                Shep thinking Teyla was being attacked by a wraith (you know they all look alike.. ) ran full speed at the Wraith's back, grabbing AG's famous pepperoni pizza and Witchy's broom.

                Swinging the broom Shep swept the wraith's feet out from under him and with a spin and pivot presented the delicious pizza to Teyla, and said 'Pizza, my love?'


                R.I.P Wraithlord

                Awesome sig by SciFan


                  Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                  Shep thinking Teyla was being attacked by a wraith (you know they all look alike.. ) ran full speed at the Wraith's back, grabbing AG's famous pepperoni pizza and Witchy's broom.

                  Swinging the broom Shep swept the wraith's feet out from under him and with a spin and pivot presented the delicious pizza to Teyla, and said 'Pizza, my love?'

                  John...what are you doing...oh poor Steve...let Teyla have a look at the nock on your head...Really is only Steve, our mascot..

                  Steve sensing things might be looking up for him starts to moan and clutch his head...'Ohhhh, head'

                  Now Teyla being the caring person she is decides to look after Steve...'Here STeve come with me...would some pizza make you feel better?

                  And with that Teyla takes the offered pizza, helps STeve stand up, throws his arm around her shoulder to help him stand and starts to walk off...

                  Steve still moaning, throws a grin over his shoulder at Shep before leaning more heavily into Teyla...

                  Shep was none to happy...



                    *bounces into thread* Hiya guys! Okay, I posed this question over during my weekly visit to the S/W thread, and I thought I'd do the same here to see what you have to say. As far as this season goes, what do all of you think was the biggest action/moment/piece of dialogue that progressed the S/T relationship. And what would you like to see the characters tackle next as far as their interaction goes? Okay, enjoy! I'm off to do my "rounds" back soon!

                    ETA: Witchy and AG...sometimes you guys make me a mite scared. In a good way, though!

                    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                      Oh dear... not touchin' that one wih a ten-foot pole.

                      *sits back and enjoys a good weird read*

                      Edit: I meant the round-robin fic thing, not SP's post...

                      Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                        John...what are you doing...oh poor Steve...let Teyla have a look at the nock on your head...Really is only Steve, our mascot..

                        Steve sensing things might be looking up for him starts to moan and clutch his head...'Ohhhh, head'

                        Now Teyla being the caring person she is decides to look after Steve...'Here STeve come with me...would some pizza make you feel better?

                        And with that Teyla takes the offered pizza, helps STeve stand up, throws his arm around her shoulder to help him stand and starts to walk off...

                        Steve still moaning, throws a grin over his shoulder at Shep before leaning more heavily into Teyla...

                        Shep was none to happy...


                        Watching Teyla move to the dining room table with Steve, Shep didn't want to think about what he'd just done.

                        He knew Steve had an unhealthy, for Teyla, obsession with wanting to be with his one true love.

                        But that would not do at all, Shep knew that Teyla was his, through and through, after all their trials together he could not lose her.

                        Moving over to the sofa he slumped into the seat, and started watching the television.

                        Just then the movie Teyla had been watching came back on.

                        Smiling slyly he got an idea....



                        Gatelover why'd you remove your post.... ???...Teyla is none to happy with you...

                        R.I.P Wraithlord

                        Awesome sig by SciFan


                          (because yours was oh so much better)


                            guys homwork sucks!! So how is everyone today?

                            whats new with our couple? any new fics? any spoiler news?

                            What would you like to see happen with our couple in the next season?


                              Originally posted by gatelover12
                              (because yours was oh so much better)
                              Ah but I like yours...I read it and then when I refreshed the page it was gone...I thought I was going loopy...

                              And I'm stuck on what movie to choose...GL...repost yours...we need Bob too and I could see Shep's course of action to be would try to get Teyla jealous...hasn't he learned that those things always backfire...

                              SP...I'll post an answer to your questions soon...promise...


                                Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                                *bounces into thread* Hiya guys! Okay, I posed this question over during my weekly visit to the S/W thread, and I thought I'd do the same here to see what you have to say. As far as this season goes, what do all of you think was the biggest action/moment/piece of dialogue that progressed the S/T relationship. And what would you like to see the characters tackle next as far as their interaction goes? Okay, enjoy! I'm off to do my "rounds" back soon!

                                ETA: Witchy and AG...sometimes you guys make me a mite scared. In a good way, though!
                                *jumps on SP*...How are you????....School?...

                                I really liked two moments in the whole season, there may be others that i'll say i enjoyed but when you say Sheppard and Teyla season 2???...I really would say that:

                                The ending conversation was great in my book....I liked their uncertainty and how they almost tried to avoid the issue, but knew they couldn't, they didn't nitpick every detail and hash over what it would mean, but they each did things (ie. Teyla's shifting and moving her hear, and walking to the window...John's picking up the sticks and twirling then, talking about the scar) as not to be the first to talk about it. It definitely showed that the consequences laid heavily on their mind. And after Teyla says 'don't worry about it' Shep has this let down look, but that soon changes when she turns and says 'John', then he looks confused.

                                And finally


                                It was like 'LFP' but way more telling, as was perfect for the second season. The whole fact that you know that they had a conversation and Teyla puts her trust in him, definitely shows that they have a profound relationship.

                                Ok that's unclear even to me...but really I liked those scenes....

                                R.I.P Wraithlord

                                Awesome sig by SciFan

