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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by 4prettierships
    I'm already getting addicted!!!! Now I'll never be bored!! I'll always have something to spend my time doing!!!
    Yes we are addictive!

    Hi 4prettierships!!!!

    Welcome to our little corner of the shipping world!

    Come in, sit down, relax, take a complimentary pair of shepmagan shipper glasses...oh and how about a T-Shirt, a few posters, bumber stickers and a coffee cup...all John/Teyla lovely!!!

    Okay...lets see...what do you need to out for wraith, there are macarena lessons on Saturday and do be sure to read the thread disclaimers at the bottom of Ritter's sig?

    Ritter where are you...we need to warn...I mean infrom 4prettierships about certain things...

    No wait..too late...already addicted!

    Oooo...look somebody else to warn..I mean greet!

    Hi Nerual

    Welcome! The wraith don't bite, their human friendly so feel free to come by any ol' time and chat!!


      Originally posted by HyperCaz
      *sneaks on*

      and announcing the next scribble in Caz's WIP where she is trying to get into the groove for sheyla fics which may or may not work...

      translation: I'm playing around with my spoof nature and sheyla

      my dire attempts (that is, 2 scribbles) may be found at:

      Queen of the Carson-Tribble-Furling Clan

      latest installment involves the Oxford Ship Dictionary, safe distribution of spirits and snogging for the sake of snogging....
      *jumps on Caz*.............Where do you get your ideas....

      R.I.P Wraithlord

      Awesome sig by SciFan


        Originally posted by Camy
        Change of Camy....

        sheppard: Okay, this is the spot...
        teyla: I do not see anything John

        mckay: Oh, Gosh! My legs are killing me! I thought you said this wasn't far!
        sheppard: Rodney, stop your whining, or I'll leave you here with the bugs for dinner!
        teyla: John, all I see is rocks and bushes.

        sheppard: Be patient, my love...everything will soon be revealed.

        sheppard: Yes, it's perfect!

        sheppard: This baby is going to make the perfect size swimming pool!

        mckay: SWIMMING POOL?
        ford: I thought we were looking for a vacation spot....

        ford: Let me see this!
        teyla: John, you brought me all this way for what?

        sheppard: What was that?

        teyla: A Hive Ship?
        ford: Don't even say that, Teyla...

        mckay: AH, yes! wonderful, Sheppard..we can share our vacation spot with the Wraith. I wonder if barbecue chicken will be suffice for them?
        ford: Dr. McKay, sarcasm like that will get you first on their list!

        sheppard: Alright, change of plan.
        teyla: John, I believe we should hurry.

        mckay: And let me guess, the nerdy scientist will have to save your asses yet again! Right?
        ford: Sir, can we just leave him here?

        sheppard: McKay, Shut up and let me think!
        teyla: John!

        mckay: Great! Now he's thinking! This could take awhile...
        ford: SHUT UP, McKay! Or I'll flag the Wraith here myself!

        sheppard: Would you two just zip it?
        teyla: *breathes in and out*

        sheppard: Teyla, you head back to the puddle jumper with Rodney. I will be right behind you with Ford.
        teyla: What?

        sheppard: I will be right behind you, I just want to distract the Wraith away from you while Rodney starts the engine.
        teyla: I will not leave without you!

        mckay: GREAT! You had to go and marry Xena the warrior princess.. Rapunzel wasn't good enough for you........Ah, Sheppard?
        ford: Who's Rapunzel?

        Hey Guys I'm back...and Camy had me rollin' with this one. 'Perfect size swimming pool' too cute. So I can't wait to read the next part, more just Teyla and John. Pic-Fics rock!!

        Originally posted by Camy
        HEY, Where is VB..? VB..where in the world are you?

        Oh I had midterms so I had to take private time to study, not that, that meant anything at all. I wasn't impressed at all by the test I took.
        Last edited by vaberella; 09 March 2006, 09:23 AM.
        Click statement above to read article.


          Hmmmm..I notice there's a few newbies VB has to give love too..I was on hiatus due to finals...bugger them--let me tell you.

          Anyway---back on topic. I want to give a big shout out to the newbies..I believe it is actually 4prettierships--it is a bit overwhelming. But we're a nice bunch of people and fairly laid back. And we tend to chat about anything and everything to the point of Shep/Teyla...I guess I'm the resident truthseeker (my shippy glasses had to be special ordered and they haven't arrived yet, so I depend on Black Panther (BP) and Annie Sheppard (AS) to keep me on track---you'll come to love and depend on them). Oh and I award the shipper of the month.

          Nerual I think you post on other threads but first time on ours..greatness. Happy to you have you and you'll love our goofy cookiness (but we're far from delusional) when it comes to Shep/Teyla talk. Which reminds me....WB(Witchblade---oh so now I know where her nickname comes from (one of my fave comic books )) and AG(Athosian Girl)---when do we start our discussions on season 2? After the final ep this Friday? It's gonna be a crazy topic to discuss that's for sure.

          Oh and our final sorta newbie should post more often and come back and have some fun. You can join in our discussions.

          Okay well that's my welcome to everyone new..and howdie to everyone who's been there before...I'm back guys..not for long though I have another final next week..but you know me--have to give some love where it's due. I might be back on later tonight..but of course saw about 3 newbies and a few newbie lurkers on our thread I decided I had to give a shout out.

          If your lurker don't be shy...we don't bite All are welcome and I can't wait to read the posts from you guys....long live John/Teyla.

          Do any of you write John/Teyla fanfic? Or know of any that have just come out and you don't think we know should post them here..any of you avatar or video makers..start producing some..we need more art stuff.

          J/T shipper for as long as I watch the show....
          Click statement above to read article.


            Originally posted by vaberella
            Hmmmm..I notice there's a few newbies VB has to give love too..I was on hiatus due to finals...bugger them--let me tell you.
            Awww..Poor VB, here's a J/T shippy pillow and blankie...have a nap...

            Which reminds me....WB(Witchblade---oh so now I know where her nickname comes from (one of my fave comic books )) and AG(Athosian Girl)---when do we start our discussions on season 2? After the final ep this Friday? It's gonna be a crazy topic to discuss that's for sure.
            You've never realized that's where i got my nickname from?.......If AG, agrees, I think we'll discuss 'Allies' until next week and then start Season 2, I know i did bad by going awol after doing the schedule but AG, will keep me in line.......

            R.I.P Wraithlord

            Awesome sig by SciFan


              Originally posted by Nerual
              You know what? I totally agree with you there, 4prettierships. I think that Teyla should start getting together with some alien males or some other male Atlantis personnel. If Sheppard is jealous then we'll know if there really is love there.

              Jealousy is a wonderful thing! Definately something Teyla should use to make John a little antsy! I mean seriously, why does he get to have all the fun!?


                Welcome back, VB! And yes, tests are certainly a bugger. I personally hate them like you would not believe. Good to see that you survived (even if it was by the skin of your teeth!) and back in shippy mode!

                Shout-out, hugs, and noogies to all the new posters here. Great to see some new faces in the threads!

                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                  You know me Witchy....I'm a bit nutty, I'm that idiot who gets the joke a week after it's been this case a whole 2! I had J/T and SGA on the brain so my mind wasn't taking it all in. I'm back on track now.

                  And it's good that we're gonna start to discuss...I was talking over with one of my mates who used to post here and she'll be back. Yippee...anyway she had me going and then my sister another watcher who is planning on posting (when she figures a ship---she's so far thinking Caldwell has a thing for Weir and Weir has a thing for Shep...and she's against any shipper pairings). So far I think she's feeling Caldwell with anyone...Hahhaha!!

                  And Carson for herself. Anyway she's gonna start posting soon, but she had me talking and she's been seeing the convos so she's got a few things to say..and I'm tired of hearing it myself.

                  Originally posted by 4prettierships
                  Jealousy is a wonderful thing! Definately something Teyla should use to make John a little antsy! I mean seriously, why does he get to have all the fun!?
                  I'm not about jealousy. Again I feel most of the time when a woman has an interest in a man and two men show an interest in her it moves from jealousy for the woman into the battle of machismo for the man. But I have no problems of Bates' type of situation where he brings out protective tendencies..that I love. And especially on both parties.

                  Anyway it could be fun to watch Teyla and actually any woman on SGA getting some fun of their own. It seems prevalent that women are the 'virginal' types and the men are very 'hedonistic'. So I'm thinking they should both have fun before they end the show and get together. Remember again both Mulder and Scully (although it's debateable for Scully) had a bit of fun on the side before they got together and I thought it was very necessary...healthy people remember. Personally I'd think there was something wrong wth them if they didn't hook up with anyone.

                  This could be the other reason I loved JAG so much...cause both main characters had other people until they both finally or sorta admitted their love for one another and were ready for that final step. I hope to see the same with J/T but on a smaller level as the show is far from about romance or their primary roles but of the whole SGA team and running from being Wraith din-din.

                  Thanks for the love SP it's been a while and I missed you guys here.

                  Click statement above to read article.


                    Originally posted by vaberella
                    I'm not about jealousy. Again I feel most of the time when a woman has an interest in a man and two men show an interest in her it moves from jealousy for the woman into the battle of machismo for the man. But I have no problems of Bates' type of situation where he brings out protective tendencies..that I love. And especially on both parties.

                    Sometimes it takes a relationship for a person to realize they have feelings for the person. The person doesn't realize they want them until there is someone else in the picture. Therefore creating jealousy! Maybe John doesn't feel like he needs to worry about Teyla because he has no other man threatining his chances... yet


                      John, yesterday was AG's birthday.
                      It was?...

                      Yes, I believe it was and we did not say happy birthday.
                      We didn't?...
                      *mumbles* men!...



                      Hope you had a wonderful day, AG...

                      R.I.P Wraithlord

                      Awesome sig by SciFan


                        Originally posted by 4prettierships
                        Sometimes it takes a relationship for a person to realize they have feelings for the person. The person doesn't realize they want them until there is someone else in the picture. Therefore creating jealousy! Maybe John doesn't feel like he needs to worry about Teyla because he has no other man threatining his chances... yet

                        YET!!! Oh and attention all newbies, please read this disclaimer and about Bob and Stever, who are both very nice wraith, provided you keep the pizza coming.

                        I'm sick and saddled with so much homework I can't breath so I probably won't be on again today, you'll know if I am. Keep the threads going, visit the links on my sig, all that good stuff.

                        HAPPY BIRTHDAY AG!!!
                        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                          Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                          I'm sick and saddled with so much homework I can't breath so I probably won't be on again today, you'll know if I am.
                          (((Ritter))) I hope you feel better soon!

                          Happy birthday, AG!

                          Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                            Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                            Join the fun, don't worry about Camy, she's our resident macarena skirt wearing, coffee addict, who keeps us all sane...
                            If Camy is the one responsible for keeping us sane, we don't stand a chance!

                            Luv ya, Camy!

                            Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                              *jumps on Caz*.............Where do you get your ideas....
                              I'm just the messenger no seriously...the characters attack me. i take this to mean it's the natural state of the characters. that is, sheyla is a natural state and therefore should be channelled!!

                              and : Natural state???
                              Caz: Yes...natural in snogging...
                              : I'm cool with that.
                              : As am I.
                              Caz: So yes - go forth to your natural state!

                              : Going forth!


                                Happy Birthday, AG!!

                                Geez, I can't believe we missed that! *kicks self* Well, to make up for it, here are some pretties. Enjoy!

                                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???

