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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by sanssong
    Awesome! I didn't know you had started one of these! I love it Annie!
    thanks sanssong...i started it previous weekend when i had a flu and i think i took too many tablets...hehehe...and the result is this little story...


      Originally posted by Camy
      Um...did you guys read the spoilers for Sateda! YOU HAVE TO GO READ THEM...cause I think John and Teyla are going to be tied up AGAIN! YIPEE!
      at least they are going to share a cell together...WHIPEE!
      spoiler, spolier!!!...noooo...i shouldn't read this......too late i did it and...John and Teyla sharing a cell...sounds interesting......but i pleased as well that...LORNE will be in the 3 season...yupiiii....hehehe... i know OT...


        Originally posted by Camy
        I think this is a wallpaper..couldn't make it into a sig...let me know what you think...simple..but made with love!
        wonderful Camy wonderful.... me guys cos who have this fantastic Rachel Luttrell sig?? she has short *not sure* hair and it's brown...i saw it and then it who had this BEAUTIFUL sig heh??


          I have a few short John/Teyal fics in my sadly neglected LJ. All of the entries and stories come up on the only page. :-) I do plan to add more fics in all the fandoms I've written in over the years. But most are novellas/short novels and will take a loooonnngg time to upload so I'm procrastinating. LOL.

          I do plan to consolidate all the JT icons/banners/fics I've done there.

          Right now, there's my first JT wallpaper and some of the short stories I've done for JT.



            Originally posted by Doxymom
            I have a few short John/Teyal fics in my sadly neglected LJ. All of the entries and stories come up on the only page. :-) I do plan to add more fics in all the fandoms I've written in over the years. But most are novellas/short novels and will take a loooonnngg time to upload so I'm procrastinating. LOL.

            I do plan to consolidate all the JT icons/banners/fics I've done there.

            Right now, there's my first JT wallpaper and some of the short stories I've done for JT.


            thanks Doxy...i see a few fanfics to read...


              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
              Ok let's see...

              Annie, you have definitely got to continue that pic fic, very cute.
              ok now i'm off to do the next chapter...see ya later...


                Sorry, this is from last week. I only now got a chance to read responses to my stuff.

                Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                Anything to get us talking about these two is welcomed...

                So for the scenes, that are best Sheppard and Teyla, As BP and Ceekay said, this is really all in the eye of the beholder.
                And the scene that got most of us hooked...
                'Rising'- The Cave Scene, when Sheppard puts on the necklace for Teyla that's really a favorite of ours.
                It's what most of us saw and thought they were great together.

                'Hide and Seek'- The amused smile on Teyla's face while Sheppard is telling the Athosian kids the story, there's also the scene right after where he follows her and asks her not to tell Mckay what he said about football being a man's sport. He didn't have to do that, because she didn't really know what that was. So we see it as him trying to get to know her.

                '38-Minutes'- There's a scene when they're running up the hill, he reaches back and holds her hand to help her up. We also see her concern for him, when he's in pain.

                'Suspicion'- Is one of our absolute favorites, We see right from the beginning that he trusts Teyla, when they're at the conference and he says 'she should be here, since she's part of the team'. It's also the first time Bates says something about Sheppard 'personal feelings' for Teyla maybe clouding his judgement, to which Shepaprd never says anything, only get's in Bates face. In one instance he outright tells him he's dismissed. Also when they wouldn't open the gate to let Teyla back through he looks very ticked off and yells 'Open the damn gate'...Really through

                'Home'- This is a confusing episode since it's really all in their minds, there's been theories galore for why Teyla shared Sheppards' world, and as shipper we naturally see it in the shippy sense. But we just find it important that she didn't share anyone else's world but Sheppard's.

                'Hot Zone'- As BP, said in the Companion Book, it says that the stick fighting scene was placed in there for sexual tension. And it can be viewed that way, since they had these slight/flirtatious smiles on their faces.

                'Letters From Pegasus'- Another great episode, we see Sheppard and Teyla actually have a conflict, and the all important question from sheppard 'what more do you want from me?'...and teyla's 'too much i fear'...the argument just made some of us think of a married couple. There was so much emotion/tension in that scene. Also later after Sheppard leaves the puddle jumper, leaving behind a very worried looking Teyla, we see the biggest smile on Teyla's face. He also caves, and agrees to wait after she says she'll stay and search in the day.

                'The Gift'- His concern shows by the look on his face, when she says she hasn't been sleeping well. Also when she disappears through the mountain's wall into the wraith ship, and Sheppard yells 'Teyla!'

                'Siege 1'- Bates makes another appearance, (he's so good for our ship.. )....Again he voices his concern about Sheppard's 'personal feeling', and again Sheppard doesn't say anything about it to him.

                There are more moments but those are the ones I can remember. All from season 1.
                Ah, thank you. see, that's why I never saw S/T before. i haven't watched much of season one at all. The only ones I've really seen are Letters From Pegasus, and Before I sleep, (specifically for my sci-fi class). anyway, while I didn't even realize that "Letters" could be shippy, i get what you guys are saying totally. every relationship has fights, especially the romantic kind. it's called passion! if I watch this ep. again, i'll be sure to look out for it with some "shipper glasses." I'm sure i'll see that sexual tension that i failed to see the first time!

                anyway, excellent shipper summery of season one. I had no idea that there was sooo much! But i have a question . . . is there this much in season two? because i feel like i'm totally dense when it comes to ship otherwise. I did watch "Conversion," which, yeah, pretty much is a shipper episode, through and through. (however which ship, apparently, depends on who you ask! ) whistler claimed that one as a S/W episode, and you guys say it's S/T. Honestly, I see both. I haven't seen The Long Goodbye yet, but apparently the same can be said in that episode too.

                onto the next one:

                We look at what relatively few moments we get and interpret them how we will. That's the way I see it, anyway – before I finally declared an Atlantis 'ship, I leaned a bit toward Shep/Weir for a while (but shh, don't tell), and my "conversion" (pun intended ) is what gave me this perspective. It's all in what you choose to see. I believe this has been referred to as "shipper glasses" (or was it goggles?).

                And then, of course, we write J/T fan fiction. I've read some really good stuff here (VB, Ritter, Witchy, I think AG has written some... sorry if I forgot anyone), and written a couple myself. We also did a Round Robin fic a while back that was tons of fun, and those of us who are talented in the picture deparment (not me) sometimes do picfics (strings of pictures with captions that make a story – these can be surprisingly long!).

                So we read stuff into brief scenes (or not-so-brief scenes – have you seen "Rising" yet? There's some really good shippy moments in there), write some of our own, and bask in the romance that is John and Teyla.

                Off the top of my head, here's a list of eps with really good, fairly obvious shippy moments (if anyone has any more, feel free to add on):
                "Rising" (pilot)
                "Thirty Eight Minutes"
                "Hot Zone" (thanks, BP)
                "The Gift," IIRC
                "Conversion" (not the very beginning – if you haven't seen it, you'll know what I'm talking about when you do)
                "The Long Goodbye"

                These are the ones I remember specific scenes from, but if you go back and read through the thread, you'll find lots of in-depth discussion on shippy moments in episodes. Look especially for Black Panther's posts – she catches just about everything.
                Ceekay, great list! unfortunately, AGAIN, i haven't seen most of those episodes! ahh!! but, like I already said, I saw Conversion. Saw the kiss. NIIIICCCEEEE! i wonder how many shipper fans died while watching that kiss! 'cause damn. the hormone level in that room was off the charts! *fans self to cool off*

                moving on, didn't see the long goodbye. however, i did see "Michael." i LIKED that episode a lot. but clue in the clueless person. what was shippy about that episode between sheppard and . . . anyone, for that matter? the only shippy stuff i saw there was between teyla and ronon(or :cough:Michael:cough.
                Sig by Whistler84, RIP.
                You believed in me when it seemed only I could. You stood by me when no one else would.
                Even though we are two friends who did tragically part, I know your loving memory will forever survive in my heart

                Poem by Rachel Cooper.


                  *tackles Terry with a running leap* It's sooooo good to see you again!

                  As far as all of this shippy stuff goes, it really is all open to interpretation. You see what you want to see, and any shipper worth their squees can manipulate an ep to make it seem like the greatest romantic plot of all time. I think that every thread is able to do that on a routine basis. Here we're prone to everything S/T, but everything that we see is just as quickly and easily interpreted as support for another pairing. The best thing of all is to be a multi-shipper (like your's truly!) and see about a half-dozen ships in any given episode. As soon as one cute moment ends the next begins -- loads of fun. Like in "Michael", I saw Beckett/Weir, Weir/Ronon, Sheppard/Teyla, Sheppard/Weir, and Teyla/Ronon. Very, very disturbing, I know.

                  "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                  HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                    *tackles Terry with a running leap* It's sooooo good to see you again!

                    As far as all of this shippy stuff goes, it really is all open to interpretation. You see what you want to see, and any shipper worth their squees can manipulate an ep to make it seem like the greatest romantic plot of all time. I think that every thread is able to do that on a routine basis. Here we're prone to everything S/T, but everything that we see is just as quickly and easily interpreted as support for another pairing. The best thing of all is to be a multi-shipper (like your's truly!) and see about a half-dozen ships in any given episode. As soon as one cute moment ends the next begins -- loads of fun. Like in "Michael", I saw Beckett/Weir, Weir/Ronon, Sheppard/Teyla, Sheppard/Weir, and Teyla/Ronon. Very, very disturbing, I know.
                    yeah, you know what I'm noticing more and more. this show is so chalk full of ship! i mean, dear god, it's all over the place, isn't it? I feel sorta confused about which ship to root for!
                    Sig by Whistler84, RIP.
                    You believed in me when it seemed only I could. You stood by me when no one else would.
                    Even though we are two friends who did tragically part, I know your loving memory will forever survive in my heart

                    Poem by Rachel Cooper.


                      Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                      That was a great vid, Ritter, and I'm really looking forward to your newest fic. Dark, whumping, torture fics are definitely the best kind in my book -- I'm twisted like that -- so it'll be awesome to see what you've come up with! Can't wait to read it!
                      Thanks SP, and the fic will be dark on the scale of having to be M rated. I'm serious, I didn't think I could write that and... uhhh... it's not your normal torture fic either, I've added my own twists to it. Just waiting on the Beta.

                      Terry... Season 2 was very subtle and can be interpretted either way, like you said about Conversion and The Long Goodbye. It all depends on which set of shipper glasses you're wearing. Of course we recommend Shepmagen shipper glasses, I think AG has some for you.

                      But hold it for a second, did you say you've got a SCIFI CLASS!!! THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!!!
                      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                        Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
                        yeah, you know what I'm noticing more and more. this show is so chalk full of ship! i mean, dear god, it's all over the place, isn't it? I feel sorta confused about which ship to root for!
                        Seriously, it's much more fun to enjoy them all. Don't feel the need to "settle" with a ship if you don't want to -- little sister is completely A-OK with being a multi-shipper and has no preferred leanings at all. I think her siggie listed about twenty ships at one point. But like Ritter said, the Shepmagen Shipper Glasses are very, very comfortable once you break them in.

                        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          sanssong..who's gwen?
                          Ah! I'm so glad you asked! I love Ronon, but couldn't for the life of me match him up with anyone in the show- I know there are a lot of Ronon/Weir folks out there, but I couldn't see that past a one night stand. They're just too different. And putting him with Teyla was not even an issue!

                          Soooooo, I created my own character for him to be with and her name is Dr. Gwen Madison who works on the medical team with Carson. She's English and hasn't had much luck with men because she's so smart and has studdied all her life to be a doctor. (ie no life!)

                          I've written one story for them called The First Time and it's definitely a smut a thon- (these two start out with a bang!) and I'm working on the sequel now. I imagine her as looking and sounding like the lovely Kate Beckinsale- that's who you see in the pic and trust me she's perfect for Ronon! If you're interested just click the link to my site and look uner the Ronon/Gwen category. She may also make an appearence in Ties That Bind toward the end, if I can work it in right.

                          Thanks for asking!


                            LOL SP, they are... I think mine are blue... but I need to order new lenses from AG.
                            Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                              Nicely said Sanssong, when in doubt, create a ship and have at it, though I am terrible at OC ship, I know CKO's really good at it. She's a multi-shipper.
                              Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                                Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                                Thanks SP, and the fic will be dark on the scale of having to be M rated. I'm serious, I didn't think I could write that and... uhhh... it's not your normal torture fic either, I've added my own twists to it. Just waiting on the Beta.
                                *evil whumper cackle* Oh, that sounds like so much fun to read! I can't wait to see it!

                                Terry. Sci-fi class?? Are you serious? *is very very very jealous* Not that I'd have been able to fit one in, what with majoring in music education and all, but... *is still jealous*

                                Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!

