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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
    Season 6 wishlist:

    1. Teyla and Kanaan break up in an organic, believable way (and if you've seen McKeller, you'll know there's no hope of that happening )

    2. Teyla slowly realises that she needs to let John know how she really feels about him.

    3. We see and learn more about the DV aliens

    4. The Genii have a change in the leadership and return to be the dubius allies they were in season one. I.e. assisting atlantis, but always doing it for what they can get in return and try to screw atlantis over. Maybe Laden could work with atlantis against the new regime.

    5. Pad out the coalition, they did Inquision (*tries to forget how bad it was*), the premise was a good idea, so they should try to expand on it. Have Atlantis reluctantly working with them, not just as military brawn, but as a moral compass.

    6. Have the Wraith return to their badassness of season 1, they were sinister and truly terrifying. They can keep Todd as an ambiguous ally, but make him the exception, not the rule.

    7. Forget about the gift of life. Like Todd said in CG, it should be used rarely and only in extreme cases.

    8. Remember that they are supposed to be researching the ancient gene, make some discoveries about it. Also, why is Shep's so strong?

    9. Remember that the ancient gene makes them unique in the galaxy, maybe the coalition asks to spread the gene therapy? Atlantis says no, which you have to question why only them should be privilaged to have, creates a nice moral question. Another member of the coalition could object violently, which could break the coalition apart.

    10. Reduce Keller's role, I don't care how, it just needs to be less.

    11. Break up Keller and McKay, again, I don't care how, it just needs to be done.

    12. Remember about Teyla's Wraith DNA. Is Torren's even stronger?
    Teyla said Kannan had the same Wraith gene as her right? Wouldn't that mean that Torren's is stronger? I think it would.

    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Great job hun!!

    Yeah, I can see John telling Ronon more than him telling Rodney.
    I would like to see Teyla do some "girl talk" stuff. We saw it briefly in Sunday and her talks with Kate doesn't count, it was mostly on the clock... now if was off the clock that would've been cool too.

    I don't mind AU if it's done right too.)

    Hmmm. Maybe we can use this one as a Round Robin fic... I miss doing them.

    Thanks Cazz. Who's writing it?

    I think it's Jo Graham that is co-writing two more stories and the first, I believe, has John and Teyla crashed in the PJ... I think I said that right.... Cazz should have the link.
    I miss the RRs too! I can actually take time to participate now!

    The new book sounds interesting. My local library doesn't have any of the books. I wish they did, I'd love to read some of them. And the SG1 novels. They are supposedly full of SJ ship. Hmmm I wonder if Fandamonium books needs any more writers...I'll have to expand one of my stories or come up with a new one and send it to them.
    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



      Thank you everybody!

      My wish list for S6:

      Atlantis back in Pegasus along with everybody NOT being ok with it being on Earth. Seriously? Ronon's ok with the fact that there are still wraith stinking up the universe? No!

      Death to Kanaan. A breakup will do, but really, tptb dropped any and all balls available to make him even remotely interesting.

      John and Teyla moving closer together. One of them finally getting a clue by the end of the season.

      End to McKeller. Sorry, I'm a Ronon/Jenn shipper. I can't really seeing him (Ronon) getting with her at this point, but McKeller was just awful!

      Ronon gets to be intelligent again. We get to see his more gentle side. He can do more than just grunt and shoot guns, you know.

      Woolsey's gone. Been doing a rewatch and maybe Caldwell can take over. Tptb so revised Woolsey and forced him into that role. There would be some great friction again if someone stronger were leader in Atlantis.

      Pegasus asgaard? Curious to know more.

      DV aliens.

      Scary wraith.

      Find the other runners mentioned in Sateda and Tracker.

      If we must keep Woolsey, appoint Teyla as galactic ambassador. She'd be awesome. Even if we get Caldwell it would be a good fit.

      Are you sure we can't just rewrite S5 and make it interesting?

      Click here daily to give free mammograms

      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Thanks Cazz. Who's writing it?
        It does say in the post But it's me and Laura We wrote the outline in Berlin Seven months ago

        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        I think it's Jo Graham that is co-writing two more stories and the first, I believe, has John and Teyla crashed in the PJ... I think I said that right.... Cazz should have the link.
        Jo has written one book, that is just one of the regular books, thats the PJ crash one. But she's also part of a group of writers (3 I think) who are writing a series of books callend Legacy, these will follow on directly from the end of season 5.

        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
        Ronon gets to be intelligent again. We get to see his more gentle side. He can do more than just grunt and shoot guns, you know.

        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
        Are you sure we can't just rewrite S5 and make it interesting?
        Hehe! It's like the X-Men movies, when they talk of a forth, I'm just like, can't we pretend they never did the third and take it from there
        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


          Great Ideas Everyone for S6!!!

          My wish list:

          1. I really don't care if Kanaan is killed or not - only that Teyla acknowledge that she is not in love with him preferably to John.

          2. John and Teyla grow closer again -having them being so distant with each other as happened in S4 & 5 really ruined their characters. John did become extremely withdrawn and sad and Teyla was just plain not happy except for when she was with Torren.

          3. I really did not mind Rodney and Keller just make them not the focus of the show. Let John and Teyla grow together too.

          4. Give Ronan a life besides beating people up That is not all he is good for.
          I would give him and Amelia a go at it.

          5. Let Teyla do something other than decorating the wall. She is a leader and a warrior. Let her handle some of the diplomatic relations of Atlantis.

          6. Return the Wraith to evil. Nice wraith or only seeing the wraiths in those masks is boring. Explore the DV aliens.

          7. Return Atlantis to Pegasus.

          8. Find out why Michael wanted Torren so much. What is really so special about him?

          9. Finally, have John or Teyla admit how they feel about each other. I would love John to finally tell Ronan that he loves Teyla and Ronan finally convincing him to do something about it before he loses her again. I think he would have to tell Teyla first and then she would admit how she feels about him.

          10. More focus on the wonders of Atlantis. We saw way too little of the city.

          11. A good episode with John and Teyla trapped somewhere alone where they completely needed to depend on each other to survive. I think then their true feelings will come through. They need something really dramatic to light a fire underneath them to move forward with telling each other how they feel.

          Not asking too much!!
          Sig made by Cazzblade! Thanks!


            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
            Made this while watching Sateda yesterday!

            Beautiful!!! Love it!! Now why couldn't John have really said that???
            Sig made by Cazzblade! Thanks!


              ANNOUNCEMENT; Chapter 17 & chapter 18 of Ascension War Trilogy part two new Birth are online, it took me SIX MONTHS to write chapter 17 and only three hours to write chapter 18, its joined up a bit with SGU and BSG, please take note it is all AU, enjoy

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                Made this while watching Sateda yesterday!

                Great sig! Mind if I snurch? I'm kidding. Don't pay any attention to me.

                I need a Beta for a JT fic I wrote. It's not all the way done, but a few chaps are.
                1. You need to be able to stand some McKeller. (For it to stay in canon)
                2. I don't really know s5 that well, so you need to be able to point out mistakes when it comes to canon. (I think I got it, but there's only so much you can learn from spoilers right?)
                3. I also haven't see that much of the other seasons, just what my sis has watched with me and what I've wanted to watch.
                That's all!, Anyone interested?



                  No, I haven’t. Sounds good. Thanks. The only thing that will make me sad is I’ll never get to actually see Shep and Teyla together. At least Daniel and Vala got their moment in Unending, even if they did undo it. That was awesome.

                  “I'm half under the impression that Ronon nudged John repeatedly. And for some reason, John didn't.”

                  Forgive me, this website isn’t letting me use the multiple quote option, so this is the best I can do until I figure it out. But, I have a thought. Remember in Sunday when John tells Ronon that he’s not good at marriage? We see him talking to his ex-wife later in Outcast, and it’s clear that he was the main reason why the marriage didn’t work. I think that’s it. I think he’s afraid of “messing it up” so to speak. I think he loves Teyla so much, he’s afraid of getting it wrong with her. Like new fathers, you know. Some of them are afraid to hold their newborn babies (at first) because they’re afraid they’ll drop them. Doppelganger was my confirmation of this (or at least I took it as confirmation) when it showed that John’s greatest fear is himself; he fears failure, and what that would mean for the people that depend on him, namely his team.

                  And speaking of fathers, I’m not as kind as bluealien. I’d always hoped that maybe Kanaan would get picked off, that way John could fill in as father-figure once he and Teyla got together. Hey, maybe that could have been the way they got together, through John being there for “Torren John“. Doesn’t it already seem like he’s supposed to be the father anyway?

                  The sad and frustrating thing is that John would get it right with Teyla because he loves her so much, and they truly are meant for each other. He just can’t see that. They both know how to give the other person space, but at the same time always be right there for each other. And they work together, so he doesn’t have to worry about keeping secrets about his job like he did with his ex-wife. Oh, I so wanted to see them together.

                  Okay, I’m writing this as I’m catching up on reading this thread. So, more to say. Great wish list. Yes, I want Kanaan gone. Why? Because I don’t want the writers tempted to do a love triangle thing with him John and Teyla - ever. I also agree that he’s not interesting at all, and I want John to be the dad. I think Teyla does (secretly) too.

                  Finding the runners is a great idea. I’ve thought about it too. Wouldn’t it be great if the Atlantis people were in a race with the Wraith to get the runners because the Wraith wanted to bring them in for genetic testing/painful experiments to come up with a way of detecting and reversing the hoffan drugs effects on the users that didn’t die from it. Remember in Runner, Ronon was turned into a runner because they couldn’t feed on him (TPTB forgot this in the Broken Ties ep - Oh S5!). So, instead of just killing him then and there, they made use of him as a runner in their game. The hoffan drug changes people to where they can’t be fed on, and I think that the Wraith, in addition to wanting to detect and reverse the effects of the drug, could want to just come up with something that works on people they can’t feed on naturally (like Ronon) and from the hoffan drug too. Just a thought.

                  btw, beautiful signature from Sateda.


                  Thanks. It’s nice to meet you too. I’ll be sure to check out the galleria for your work.


                  Thanks for the link and advice. Looks like it’s time to start reading. You know, I just started watching SGA from the first episode and the pilot is still as good as ever. Can’t wait to read what season 6 could have been like. Cheers.


                  Oh gosh - I bow down to your greatness. That is exactly how I feel about John and Teyla. Thank you - Thank you - Thank you!! Bravo.


                  Wow, you must have read my mind. I wrote what I did above to Everlovin before I read your post. Yes, I think John wanted to be a dad secretly, but wouldn’t admit it. And, Shep would be a cool dad, wouldn’t he? Teaching Torren how to skateboard and fly planes. Who wouldn’t want that? I can just picture it now.

                  I love your ancient machine/non-coma idea. That would work nicely as a way for one of them to get confirmation that the other is in love with them so that the other could finally break the ice on the subject. But, I think (personally) that it should be John seeing how Teyla reacts to him being in a coma. I think he should be the one that makes the first move. I don’t know, it just seems like that’s how it should happen to me. I also think that’s how he and she would want it to happen. I remember in Sunday when Teyla was talking to that lady that blew up and she said that she couldn’t make the first move because that’s not how it worked with her people. Someone said that Martin Gero admitted that he wrote that thinking of Teyla and John - not Kanaan.


                  Great wish list. I’m glad I’m not the only one here that thinks Inquisition was terrible, and unbelievable. I’ve actually had long discussions and/or correspondence with people over the faults in that episode. Oh, and I’d love to see the Wraith the way they were in season 1. There was so much from season 1 about the Wraith that just got dropped. Their ability to make you see what’s not there, their ability to control your movements and make you respond to them if you don’t know how to resist, the smoky mist stuff that used to float around when they came. By season 5, they were practically just like humans - no fun. I liked it better when they were super-villains. Another thing about the ancient gene, I always wondered why they never tried the gene therapy on Teyla and Ronon to see if they could fly the puddlejumper if something happened to McKay and Shep at the same time. I’d love to see Beckett doing more research and discovery. I want him to be the CMO!!! *stamps foot*


                  Yes, I missed the John and Teyla closeness as well. I think they’re the center of the show, and when that center is broken apart everything else seems fragmented. But, I really did mind McKeller, though. I think that Keller should be reassigned to something somewhere far away where the SGA team never encounters her again. I agree about Ronon and Teyla. They should have more to do and not be dummy wallpaper, that’s not who they are. And yes, we should have seen Teyla visiting the SGC at some point as a liaison or ambassador for Pegasus or something. It would be nice to see her character used a bit more. I agree completely with #9 & 10, and 11. Oh heck - the whole list is good.

                  + = Forever


                    Originally posted by Atlantis4Life View Post

                    Thanks for the link and advice. Looks like it’s time to start reading. You know, I just started watching SGA from the first episode and the pilot is still as good as ever. Can’t wait to read what season 6 could have been like. Cheers.
                    Your very welcome.

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                      The Final Masterlist for the Secret Elf Beya Exchange is UP!!!! WOHOOOO! Some great works in there...ALL OF THEM! and by our own JT Thread Artist and Authors. There are still 4 presents missing, but they are coming and I will add them to the masterlist once they are up. Check the link below.

                      More to come on Beya, so stay in tuned.

                      And I must catch up on some great things happening here, too!



                        Just popping to ask a quick question: How long to you think John and Teyla's sparring sections lasted? I'm thinking about a half an hour or an hour but I'm not sure because I need it for A Wish Yet to Come where
                        I have bit where Teyla and Sheppard are sparring during the part where Sheppard has to stay awake for 24 hours.
                        Last edited by planet_tv; 11 January 2010, 12:31 AM.

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                          Originally posted by Atlantis4Life View Post
                          Remember in Runner, Ronon was turned into a runner because they couldn’t feed on him.
                          That's not canon, he was turned into a runner because of his strength, if they couldn't feed on him, they'd just kill him.
                          What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                            Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
                            Great sig! Mind if I snurch? I'm kidding. Don't pay any attention to me.

                            I need a Beta for a JT fic I wrote. It's not all the way done, but a few chaps are.
                            1. You need to be able to stand some McKeller. (For it to stay in canon)
                            2. I don't really know s5 that well, so you need to be able to point out mistakes when it comes to canon. (I think I got it, but there's only so much you can learn from spoilers right?)
                            3. I also haven't see that much of the other seasons, just what my sis has watched with me and what I've wanted to watch.
                            That's all!, Anyone interested?
                            Anybody can snurch sigs I make anytime you want.

                            Originally posted by Atlantis4Life View Post

                            No, I haven’t. Sounds good. Thanks. The only thing that will make me sad is I’ll never get to actually see Shep and Teyla together. At least Daniel and Vala got their moment in Unending, even if they did undo it. That was awesome.

                            Remember in Sunday when John tells Ronon that he’s not good at marriage? We see him talking to his ex-wife later in Outcast, and it’s clear that he was the main reason why the marriage didn’t work. I think that’s it. I think he’s afraid of “messing it up” so to speak. I think he loves Teyla so much, he’s afraid of getting it wrong with her. Like new fathers, you know. Some of them are afraid to hold their newborn babies (at first) because they’re afraid they’ll drop them. Doppelganger was my confirmation of this (or at least I took it as confirmation) when it showed that John’s greatest fear is himself; he fears failure, and what that would mean for the people that depend on him, namely his team.

                            Finding the runners is a great idea. I’ve thought about it too.

                            btw, beautiful signature from Sateda.


                            Great wish list. I’m glad I’m not the only one here that thinks Inquisition was terrible, and unbelievable. I’ve actually had long discussions and/or correspondence with people over the faults in that episode.
                            Think about it (for the runners) In Sateda, Rodney says he picked up on signals of 6?7? runners. That's 6 or 7 teams (because you know they'd love to both stop running and help kill wraith) with a super expert/survivalist on their team. They'd have such a better chance of survival.

                            And, I might be the only one, but I think that there was/is a certain paternal pride in John's smile when he's talkiing about TJ with Fran!Weir in Ghost in the Machine. I do think he takes a huge amout of interest.

                            And I hated Inquisition so much, I rewrote it. Or added some stuff in it anyways. I figure the 2 Pegasus natives might have something to say to the councils charges.

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Originally posted by Atlantis4Life View Post

                              And speaking of fathers, I’m not as kind as bluealien. I’d always hoped that maybe Kanaan would get picked off, that way John could fill in as father-figure once he and Teyla got together. Hey, maybe that could have been the way they got together, through John being there for “Torren John“. Doesn’t it already seem like he’s supposed to be the father anyway?
                              I agree that John seems more of a father to Torren than Kanaan ever did... it was always John who was there to protect him.. where was his father ??

                              I have no objections to Kanaan being killed off .. but I don't want this to be the reason why Teyla and John end up together...I want Teyla to come to the conclusion that Kanaan is not who she wants to be with and they go their separate ways .. and then he gets killed.....
                              I always thought it would make so much more sense for Torren to be John's child anyway... and I think this could have been a great twist and revealed later in season 5... wouldnt it make so much more sense that Michael would be so interested in getting Torren because he had both Wraith and Ancient genes.. Michael just used Kanaan as a smoke screen.. so when Teyla said it just happened maybe she was surprised she ended up pregnant because she had been taking precaution against pregnancy... Kanaan could have been in cohoots with Michael all along and once this is discovered it gives Ronon the prefect reason to shoot the guy...


                              Oh gosh - I bow down to your greatness. That is exactly how I feel about John and Teyla. Thank you - Thank you - Thank you!! Bravo.
                              Ah... thank you..

                              I remember in Sunday when Teyla was talking to that lady that blew up and she said that she couldn’t make the first move because that’s not how it worked with her people. Someone said that Martin Gero admitted that he wrote that thinking of Teyla and John - not Kanaan.
                              Yes, Martin Gero confirmed that Teyla was talking about John.. if you go back and watch the ep you can actually hear Teyla say that she was not talking about an Athosian .. but yet later on they tried to say she had been seeing Kanaan for ages, which would mean that Teyla was in fact crushing on John whilst already in a relationship with Kanaan.... sigh !!... just shows how much thought they actually put into the whole relationship ...

                              + = Forever


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