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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Alaskhah
    First of all, welcome to GW, Camy!

    Thank you! Alaskhah....
    It's nice to see someone around this thread...There has not been too many posting the past couple of days...

    Second... the Teyla/Dex alliance. [spoil]Well, it could be bad for Sheyla, if their "secret" became a bonding point. However, I think it could go either way.

    I am hoping it will cause some more interactions and conflicts that will bring Sheyla closer in the end....I can't imagine why would Teyla jeopardize her relationship with Sheppard over Ronan...But, I think she did this because she did understand his actions, and she believes that Ronan will be kicked off from Atlantis if they ever found out what he did. I think she feels some sort of friendship and connection with him because she was all alone before he came along...Yet, I think that when Sheppard finds out, he will be more upset with Ronan for putting Teyla in that situation instead of loosing his trust in her....Just my thought!

    I really need to learn how to do these spoiler tags and quotes....
    Learning as I go along...
    OH, Trippy! Your right, I was a dork! look I couldn't even post spoiler tags correctly...this was like my first attempt...YIKES

    Oh, well..i still don't always do it right!


      Originally posted by Whistler84
      Hey Camy! Fancy meeting you here! If I may respond to this, I agree with Oenone. The person who came up with that battered theory was just seeing evidence in such a skewed manner, that I had difficulty even grasping the logic (and I am a fairly open-minded person here). The theory was based on a lot of faulty thinking, and I think, a really deep dislike for Teyla and especially Ronon.

      I'm sure a lot of you are aware of the possibility in 'Conversation,' that
      a kiss may happen between John and Teyla. My understanding is that it happens after they stick-fight, and John's augmentation due to the Wraith-bite effects him and makes him aggressive. I'm sure everybody here is just squeeing their hearts silly at the idea of a kiss (that's what defines a shipper, after all - the squeeing! ) . . . but if aggression is not your thing, then hold onto your hats. This display is the same type (possibly worse, because we see that John gets waaaaay out of control in this episode, simply from watching the teasers) of aggression/sexual tension/what-have-you-type-bonding that plays up between Ronon and Teyla. This is mainly the reason I don't ship Ronon/Teyla (or perhaps more accurately, go back and forth like crazy toying with the idea. Although I do like their interactions, shipping 'em is a big murky area for me right now.) Like you, aggression is not my kink. I much prefer caring and understanding and words, etc . . . That's what defines love for me. Not "choking" 'em until you have some type of primal urge to ripe each others clothes off.

      Oh, and Camy, you can never go too deep and think about it too much. Especially as a shipper. We have tendency to over-analyze everything. In fact, I'm pretty sure most shippers don't have the word 'over-analyze' in their vocabulary. As far as they're concerned, there is no such thing.

      Again, just my .02 cents.

      Oh, and P.S., I'm going out of town in like, two hours. So I might not get to respond to you. Leave your thoughts anyway, and I'll get back to them in a couple of days.
      I found what I was looking for...


        Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
        Ummm...I don't know. I was wondering myself, but their body types don't even seem to match any of the characters. Random security guy #1 maybe?
        SP..I think you came in here before me..cause this is the first posting that i found here after finding my first one..and you don't introduce yourself here so I 'm thinking you must go a bit back before me!


          Originally posted by Whistler84
          Hey, I'm back from my weekend trip, and here's my belated response! I'm going to put in the spoiler format for your writing, Camy. FYI, if you want to do any spoilers, just write [ spoiler ] text [/ spoiler ] . . . (Without the spaces in between the brackets.)

          You know, it's really strange, but I never picked up on that before. They ARE targeting Teyla for this type of treatment, which is annoying, to say the least. I might join you in that angry letter to tptb. I could see a lot of people getting the wrong impression of her through these types of actions. But I'm fairly sure tptb will give us some type of closure to the episode regarding the
          kiss. Some type of talk or conversation at the end of the episode between Teyla and Shep. I doubt tptb would do something like a kiss, and then forget about it and continue onto the next episode like nothing ever happened . . . Although, I've heard they have done that for S/J in SG-1! Uh-oh.

          Oh, and um, gotta admit - all the talk about Joe/Rachel stuff a couple of posts back kinda has me freaked. He's a married man, for pete's sakes! I very much back away from this type of talk because, I'll admit, I'm a little touchy on this subject because I recently stumbled onto a tasteless fanfic that was based on Joe/Rachel (in RL) and not Shep/Teyla, and it seriously scarred me for life. Write as many fanfic as you want, but to imply that real life people are having an affair is just derespectful to all the actors involved. I use to ship M/S for the X files like a mad women (using the word 'obsession' in this context would not be out of line ), but I always knew the line between reality and fiction. Characters are fair game - the actors are not. I know most of you guys were just messing around, so this is not directed at you. This is directed towards those bewildered individuals that *actually* hope for something to happen between the RL actors involved in their favorite ship . . . Plus, could you imagine if Rachel were to stumble onto that type of talk about her and Joe?


            Originally posted by WitchBlade007
            Camy i would gladly be wrong, and sometimes i am. I like VB's analysis better.
            No, hon...i am not saying your assumption is wrong..I agree with what you've does seem sometimes like this is the case...I'm just saying that I hope we are both wrong about this...

            VB..has a way with words, doesn't she..?

            And you do too...Witchy!


              Camy, I was teasing you.

              This one makes me giggle.

              And those early posts are sweet.

              I'm positive my first posts on GW were totally dorky. (And if anyone thinks they still are, please keep that to yourself.)
              Sig by Camy


                Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                Hey...Kind of new here so i'm just going to jump in....if u don't mind....

                ^^^^...definitely agree with the whole bug thing

                I thought the vid had some great scenes in it.....definitely the 'Kiss' part....
                OMGosh!!!!.....Camy, I think my first post beats yours for the dorky award.....

                Amazing my first post was all about a Vid....

                Originally posted by Camy
                No, hon...i am not saying your assumption is wrong..I agree with what you've does seem sometimes like this is the case...I'm just saying that I hope we are both wrong about this...

                VB..has a way with words, doesn't she..?

                And you do too...Witchy!
                Hey np.

                VB, is great!...Smart girl...

                R.I.P Wraithlord

                Awesome sig by SciFan


                  Originally posted by majortrip
                  Camy, I was teasing you.


                  This one makes me giggle.

                  And those early posts are sweet.

                  I'm positive my first posts on GW were totally dorky. (And if anyone thinks they still are, please keep that to yourself.)
                  Oh I love that pic, I say he's checking out her legs...

                  R.I.P Wraithlord

                  Awesome sig by SciFan


                    Originally posted by majortrip
                    Camy, I was teasing you.

                    This one makes me giggle.

                    And those early posts are sweet.

                    I'm positive my first posts on GW were totally dorky. (And if anyone thinks they still are, please keep that to yourself.)
                    I know you were teasing, and I are good at that with each other and we can understand each other very well...

                    Um, you dorky? Never!...

                    someone's in denial!


                      Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                      Oh I love that pic, I say he's checking out her legs...
                      I love his expression in that entire episode with her...

                      You know I always found it interesting how he chose her to go with him and how Weir and Rodney chose each other...that episode was so confusing for me guys know me...I get lost very easily...hey, I still use a map to get to work!

                      Anyways, John's expressions from the very beginning and even Teyla's was clearly one that they were both thinking of almost the same thing..clearly Teyla wanted to see Earth and clearly on top of John's list was to show Teyla earth...that has to count for something..right?


                        You have a PM, Camy.

                        Sig by Camy


                          : So this is how the song goes..."take my breath away".
                          : *starts wheezing*
                          : I knew it - I take your breath away!
                          : What is that smell?
                          : My cologne - Don't you like it?
                          : If your hair doesn't take someone's breath away, your cologne will.

                          : Don't worry, Colonel, you don't have to groom yourself to take my breath away.


                            Oh look what you started Camy...

                            Okay my first post...way back was post number 3,600 something...

                            Ah such a newbie...

                            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                            Hi, everyone! I am new to the whole forum deal but I just have to support my favorite pair, John and Teyla. I have been lurking on this thread for a while and I thought it was about time I showed my support along with the other fantastic fans of this perfect couple. Teyla was my favorite character from the very beginning of the series and I have always seen her and Shep as a great match. I also like the character of Weir but never even thought of putting her together with Sheppard until I decided one day to see how the show was doing on the internet and the word Shweir (is that how you spell it?) popped up.

                            I am a huge sci-fi fan, right along side Rachel Luttrell. Two factors are needed, though, for me to become a devoted fan to a sci-fi show; 1.) There needs to be a strong female character and 2.) There needs to be some romance. (What can I say I am a romantic.)
                            I was thrilled when I watched the pilot for “Atlantis” because I got both. Yeah!!! I was hooked on the whole John/Teyla relationship from the moment he said, “He liked a good cup of tea.” And as season one progressed I became an even hugger fan because there were so many moments that to me just proved that there was a connection between these two. They trusted one another and you could see an easy rhythm between them. I’m not sure if that made sense. Let’s try that again. John and Teyla just seem to….fit. Ok, that wasn’t much better. I’ll try to articulate myself better in future posts. I just really wanted to say , “Hi.”

                            Some of my favorite episodes from season one are “38 minutes”, “Letters from Pegasus” and “The Gift.” (all filled with great John/Teyla moments)

                            Would you look at that...I wrote in complete sentences, my spelling is correct and I actually was somewhat coherent in my typed speech...what the heck has happened to me now?!?

                            Brooms, wraith, Shepmagan Shipper Girl, Pizza, J/T merchandise shop... I think I might have spiraled out of control but comon...Bob and Steve are soooo cute!


                              Originally posted by majortrip
                              Camy, I was teasing you.


                              This one makes me giggle.

                              And those early posts are sweet.

                              I'm positive my first posts on GW were totally dorky. (And if anyone thinks they still are, please keep that to yourself.)
                              When I watched this ep, I was like, OMG, he's totally checking her out!lol And of course Teyla is completly oblivious lol. But I always wondered what he meant when he said "Thought that was you" at the end. hmmm


                       I started two things here..not bad for a troublemaker...hehehe

                                alright, I was wondering..what else can we do here...

                                Oh, we must chat tomorrow night about Michael..Pretty please....

                                I can't wait to see all of the emotions and struggles that Teyla is going to go through in this one..and I can't wait to see Sheppie's response to all the things that are going to happen in this episode...I hope I see at least one or two or three or four..oh, you know what I mean..shippy squee moments...

