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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    WOW!!! Is it snurchable? Or maybe a better question is: are your sig usually snurchable?

    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    Aww.. the good old days.. I think that scene is one of my all time JT scenes..
    Mine too!

    Sci, good to hear you finally have a date for Pete at the hospital!!
    Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
    Save Our Seeker!
    LotS on LJ.


      Originally posted by Snowball View Post
      Thanks cazzand sci and thanks again cazz for all the movie info im to po at jm to go into his blog myself
      I actually haven't been to his blog, so why is people mad at him now? *is curious*


        Originally posted by Snowball View Post
        Thanks cazzand sci and thanks again cazz for all the movie info im to po at jm to go into his blog myself
        Haha! Don't worry, I didn't torture myself by going to his blog Jumper One posted it on GW

        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


          Episode 7:

          What we have so far:
          - The team visit a world that has a similar social structure the that of Sateda, i.e. it has a government and an army
          - When leaving the planet (after unsuccessful talks??) they are accosted by the army
          - Turns out the head of the unit holding the team is Ronon's younger sister
          - She had a falling out with their father when she was younger and ran away from Sateda, Ronon only ever heard the story from his father's point of view so took his side and disowned his sister
          - His sister only knew they were capturing a team from Atlantis she didn't know Ronon was there, she presumed he and the rest of her family had died on Sateda
          - at some point Ronon cuts off his hair

          Stuff still to decide
          - What were the team on the planet for?
          - Why have the army captured them?
          - Ronon's sister's name
          - What was it she fell out with their father over
          - What happens after they realise who each other are? Do she carry on to arrest them and help them escape later? Or does she let them go there and then?
          - What do Ronon and his sister bond over

          What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


            Hi my fellow JTers, I am so sorry I haven't been here all week but i've been pretty ill Well i'm here now for a little while


              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
              Then we'll fit right in

              What is everybody's favourite emotional JT scene? I think mine is the end of Phantoms when Teyla asks Shep about Holland I'm not sure Shep would be so open in his emotions to anyone else, yes he may tell them Holland didn't make it but he'd put a brave face on, whereas he really let Teyla see how much it had affected him

              Spoils of war is my fave emotional scenes Especially the end scene


                Hi everyone !
                Wow it's awesome i love it
                Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                It's a Shakespeare reference - I think. This mortal coil is a reference to life, or maybe existance is a better word for it.
                Thank you so much I understand a little better now HUGS
                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Awesome job Cazz.

                Icons for the last 2 weeks.

                Try to come back in an hour or so to catch up.
                WOW all of these icons are totally awesome
                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                Prince of Hope

                Great story I love the start really interesting
                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                Thanks Sci!

                RL vid: The sound is, well, wierd (You should hear Jason's its creepy )
                Thanks for the link and you're right it's a littl odd lol
                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                Made some icons...No JT, but a couple of Teyla and John icons.

                Awesome one I left you a tiny comment
                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                Very nice...

                It worked on my son's computer...: mine gets very picky as to what it plays at times...

                Very deep voices..... I love how Teyla stresses that the father is not the husband.. it's pretty odd the way Kanaan was just the father of her child, never a mention of any romance or love.. just a friend.... that's why their relationship always seeems so empty and devoid of any feelings I guess..

                No one seems to be able to say what he really meant to Teyla and why he ended up being the father of her child.
                So true
                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                Have I missed some movie spoilers.... where did it say that there would be other special appearances...

                Movie stuff

                It's bad enough that the team seem to be split up again...but now they may get paired up with other characters .. groan !! .... why bother making the movie if they are not going to put the team back together.....and by together I mean acting like a real team and not just standing in the same room......

                I think I missed spoilers too where did you saw this ? You're so right I'm disappointed too
                Originally posted by Rockhound View Post
                ITA BLUE

                I get so mad when they put in other people at the expense of the team. They did the same thing in S5 in episodes such as Whispers, Identity to name a couple. We watch the show to see our regulars, our team in it -
                it's ok to have a guest but not for the entire show. The movie is going to have to cover so much over a short time -what 2 hrs - and how much of that actually will be of the team together and being a TEAM. And of course they will have to spend some of the time getting rid of Kanaan!!!

                Beautiful artwork everyone!
                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                Prince of Hope cont...

                It's so coool. Ok I'm bad I thought Teykla was Lorne's girlfriend but you know my english. Great continuation
                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                Just a snippet about the movie, not much really
                JM mentioned reading over a Beckett-Teyla scene

                At least it's good LOL
                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Just a quick post to drop these off.
                Will have to come back and catch up.


                Wow I love them beautiful
                Sig by the Great Linda06


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Awesome job as usual Jess.
                  Love the Peter and Olivia ones too.

                  Oh ok. I'll have to go back and look. Do you know anyone that does know German?

                  Yeah for son's PC.

                  I loved that too. That means that she's still a free woman.

                  Like she said, "It is something that just happened." Meaning....... "OOOOPS!!!"

                  SGA Movie:
                  I'm wondering if they will kill off a main character, hence JM him saying what our reaction would be. But it could be Torren and maybe along with Kanaan.

                  I personally don't care if Nancy comes in, but just as long as it's brief.

                  Thanks hun.

                  ITA Blue. I just hope that other guest actors play minor rolls and nothing big.

                  I'm not too bad. Just feel that I can't keep up with anything.
                  Just as we finally get everyone well again, Alex has an allergic reaction to some new laudry detergent. I washed tons of clothes and have to rewash them all. And since I put most of the clothes away, I wasn't sure which didn't get washed in the new stuff so I emptied out his drawer and washed everything, plus all the towels too. Oh and the pastor and his wife wash coming on Wed and this all started Tues.
                  I had to keep him from school cause at the time I didn't know what it was and I couldn't get in the doctor's in that day. So, with all the cleaning I had to do, I took him on Wed and got him off to school to clean like a mad woman.

                  Oh and Pete has an appointment to go in the hospital May 6th-8th.

                  Thanks Donna.


                  And thanks.

                  Oh Cazz!! Read the second part of your story. Awesome job.
                  But what's up with the rare pairing? You've been hanging out with Laura too much.
                  ITA with all of what you said and thanks for the clarification for the video I haven't understood all
                  Sorry about Alex i hope he feels better now and good luck for Pete and you with all the tasks you need to assume. You're wonder woman

                  Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                  Havent done a jt sig in a while so here

                  This is stunning
                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  Prince of Hope cont...


                  where is the next part I want to know
                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  Wow! I can tell that I haven't been at home alot!

                  After having to replace pc card, getting rid of a seriously nasty virus: I feel lonely in here all by myself!

                  Hello, my fam! Are ya here?

                  HELLLOOOOOO ! How are you ?
                  Originally posted by SerenaSerenity View Post
                  Thanks for the good luck. I'm not feeling sick anymore. Just my back is out of commission which is why I haven't been around. *nod nod* Been to hard to really sit for to long. But it's doing better to so yeah. Hopefully I can keep up. *nod nod*
                  I hope to see you soon too but take care and I hope it will pass soon it can be so hurtful HUGS
                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  Hi Elfie

                  Movie news:


                  Yeah thanks for the update
                  Wow once again it's awesome
                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  More movie info
                  Major D. Davis write: “Oh and for the Atlantis movie release I think what I really meant was how long will you think post will be?”

                  Answer: Unable to say at this point. It’s all dependent on when the movie is shot and how VFX-heavy it is. In its present incarnation, the script boasts a lot of visual effects.

                  This is really interesting thanks
                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  Episode 7:

                  What we have so far:
                  - The team visit a world that has a similar social structure the that of Sateda, i.e. it has a government and an army
                  - When leaving the planet (after unsuccessful talks??) they are accosted by the army
                  - Turns out the head of the unit holding the team is Ronon's younger sister
                  - She had a falling out with their father when she was younger and ran away from Sateda, Ronon only ever heard the story from his father's point of view so took his side and disowned his sister
                  - His sister only knew they were capturing a team from Atlantis she didn't know Ronon was there, she presumed he and the rest of her family had died on Sateda
                  - at some point Ronon cuts off his hair

                  Stuff still to decide
                  - What were the team on the planet for?
                  - Why have the army captured them?
                  - Ronon's sister's name
                  - What was it she fell out with their father over
                  - What happens after they realise who each other are? Do she carry on to arrest them and help them escape later? Or does she let them go there and then?
                  - What do Ronon and his sister bond over
                  Ok I have some ideas (it's really incredible and I warn you I'm really bad so it won't be too good but if it can help )
                  They could be on the planet because Ronon keep contact with his friend from sateda (I don't remember his name at all sorry) who warn him of a warrior culture which prove to be interesting and like Sateda or something like that.

                  The army capture them because they discovered tactical plans and teh army fear that they divulgue them ????? Ok I haven't idea for this.

                  They bond over when his sister need to play the same role than Ronon in the ep Sateda and she could go to him for advice or Ronon decide to stay (because knowing there was a threat they don't keep prisonner and let go the team) to help his sister in her choices

                  Ok I had imaginations for month now it's finished LOL
                  Sig by the Great Linda06


                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Hi my fellow JTers, I am so sorry I haven't been here all week but i've been pretty ill Well i'm here now for a little while
                    Oh no did it have something to do with your lung infection? I hope you feel better now HUGS
                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Spoils of war is my fave emotional scenes Especially the end scene
                    Yeah great moment
                    Sig by the Great Linda06


                      Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                      WOW!!! Is it snurchable? Or maybe a better question is: are your sig usually snurchable?

                      Mine too!

                      Sci, good to hear you finally have a date for Pete at the hospital!!
                      Awww. Thanks hun.

                      Originally posted by SerenaSerenity View Post
                      I actually haven't been to his blog, so why is people mad at him now? *is curious*
                      For me, it was a combo of him ignoring my questions, not always telling the truth or says one thing to get our hopes up and it doesn't come out that way, doesn't seem to be too nice to JF/JS IMO and so on.

                      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                      Episode 7:

                      What we have so far:
                      - The team visit a world that has a similar social structure the that of Sateda, i.e. it has a government and an army
                      - When leaving the planet (after unsuccessful talks??) they are accosted by the army
                      - Turns out the head of the unit holding the team is Ronon's younger sister
                      - She had a falling out with their father when she was younger and ran away from Sateda, Ronon only ever heard the story from his father's point of view so took his side and disowned his sister
                      - His sister only knew they were capturing a team from Atlantis she didn't know Ronon was there, she presumed he and the rest of her family had died on Sateda
                      - at some point Ronon cuts off his hair

                      Stuff still to decide
                      - What were the team on the planet for?
                      - Why have the army captured them?
                      - Ronon's sister's name
                      - What was it she fell out with their father over
                      - What happens after they realise who each other are? Do she carry on to arrest them and help them escape later? Or does she let them go there and then?
                      - What do Ronon and his sister bond over
                      1). Maybe they get a message from one of Ronon's sister's soldiers that they have some of their men, Lorne's team or something. Lorne's team was sent there to check out gate address and was taken because of trespassing. They say they want to talk peacefully for their release. ????

                      2). They unknowingly work with a secret order of Geniis that want John and team dead because of the death of Kolya or something like that.

                      3). MYRINA (??????): Greek name possibly meaning "swiftly bounding." In mythology, this is the name of a warrior queen of the Amazons who defeated the people of Atlantis.

                      4). I would say over a man that wasn't a warrior, maybe a doctor. ???

                      5). I think the first one would be better.

                      6). Maybe he tells her how much their father regretted what happened. They remember times with their mother and he tells her about the war and the death of Melena.


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Hi my fellow JTers, I am so sorry I haven't been here all week but i've been pretty ill Well i'm here now for a little while
                        Oh Linda!! I'm sorry to hear that you're not well again.

                        Get better soon hun.

                        Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                        Hi everyone !

                        Wow it's awesome i love it

                        Thank you so much I understand a little better now HUGS

                        WOW all of these icons are totally awesome

                        Great story I love the start really interesting

                        Thanks for the link and you're right it's a littl odd lol

                        Awesome one I left you a tiny comment

                        So true

                        I think I missed spoilers too where did you saw this ? You're so right I'm disappointed too

                        ITA :

                        It's so coool. Ok I'm bad I thought Teyla was Lorne's girlfriend but you know my english. Great continuation

                        At least it's good LOL

                        Wow I love them beautiful
                        Thanks hun.

                        Don't feel bad. I thought Cazz was saying the same thing and I do know English.

                        Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                        ITA with all of what you said and thanks for the clarification for the video I haven't understood all
                        Sorry about Alex i hope he feels better now and good luck for Pete and you with all the tasks you need to assume. You're wonder woman :

                        This is stunning

                        where is the next part I want to know

                        HELLLOOOOOO ! How are you ?

                        I hope to see you soon too but take care and I hope it will pass soon it can be so hurtful HUGS

                        Yeah thanks for the update

                        Wow once again it's awesome

                        This is really interesting thanks

                        Ok I have some ideas (it's really incredible and I warn you I'm really bad so it won't be too good but if it can help )
                        They could be on the planet because Ronon keep contact with his friend from sateda (I don't remember his name at all sorry) who warn him of a warrior culture which prove to be interesting and like Sateda or something like that.

                        The army capture them because they discovered tactical plans and teh army fear that they divulgue them ????? Ok I haven't idea for this.

                        They bond over when his sister need to play the same role than Ronon in the ep Sateda and she could go to him for advice or Ronon decide to stay (because knowing there was a threat they don't keep prisonner and let go the team) to help his sister in her choices

                        Ok I had imaginations for month now it's finished LOL
                        NP hun.

                        Oh trust me I'm far from Wonder woman.
                        I was totally stressed out. And thanks hun. He is much better now and thanks for Pete too.

                        Oh I love that idea for the ep.


                          Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                          Oh no did it have something to do with your lung infection? I hope you feel better now HUGS
                          wELL NO, i DON'T THINK SO ANYWAYS. oops forgot to take caps lock off I had a middle ear infection which caused vertigo and flu like symptoms and hot and cold flushes. One minute I was so cold and shivery the next I was sweating buckets, and everytime I tried to get up I was so dizzy, and I felt nauseous So I pretty much couldn't do anything exceot lie in my bed for about a week. I was so tired, and so bored lying there doing nothing but watch TV...Hopefully i'm on the mend now, I still feel a little wobbly but not as bad as I did


                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Hi my fellow JTers, I am so sorry I haven't been here all week but i've been pretty ill Well i'm here now for a little while
                            I was wondering where you were! Are you feeling any better?

                            Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                            Wow it's awesome i love it

                            It's so coool. Ok I'm bad I thought Teykla was Lorne's girlfriend but you know my english. Great continuation
                            Thanks asgard

                            Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                            The army capture them because they discovered tactical plans and teh army fear that they divulgue them ????? Ok I haven't idea for this.
                            I like that idea! They could have asked Rodney to take a look at something and he accidentally stumbles on classified information

                            What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Oh Linda!! I'm sorry to hear that you're not well again.

                              Get better soon hun.
                              Thanks sci. I just can't seem to get outta the bit just now huh


                                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                                I was wondering where you were! Are you feeling any better?
                                I'm feeling a lot better than I was a few days ago I tell ya, if anyone ever wants to lose weight just get an infection I had to change my PJ's twice in one night cause the were soaking with sweat And I mean wringing

