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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
    I wrote you an email yesterday about that. I'm still deciding...I can't do any with SG-1 characters (because I never watched the show)...If the plot is laid out, then maybe...

    Terrible, I know.
    You can always do a couple of the later episodes If its just the SG1 characters putting you off

    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
      You can always do a couple of the later episodes If its just the SG1 characters putting you off

      It's the 5k words that scare me...I'm use to writing 500 words. And y'all know how I put writing off...And I have a bunch of other writing (the four JT 1,000 word post-episode stories, the AU one you know about, and at least one WIP in another fandom.) ...I'm thinking about it. I haven't decided one way or the other yet.
      Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Thanks LJ and I thought of a way for John to tell Teyla.


        SGC's Conferrence room:
        After several days of trying to reason with the IOA and despite the efforts of the SGC to help support Woolsey and John's arguement to find a way to get Atlantis back to the Pegasus Galaxy, the IOA rules that Atlantis will remain on Earth.

        John is about to storm forward and give him his peace of mind before Woolsey motions for him to remain as calm as possible. He had a feeling that the IOA had more to say and he was correct.

        They continue with their insulting demands my telling Woolsey, John and the SGC that they do not want to have the Wraith, known as Todd, Ronon, Teyla and her family to remain her on Earth. As soon as the Daedalus returns from aiding the Apollo, they will send them back to their proper homes.

        "What?" John rages. "Teyla and Ronon are half my team! You can't expect me just let them go and tell them that they are no longer needed."

        "Yes, that's exactly what we expect you to do," one of the officials from the IOA speeks up. "With all due respect, Col. Sheppard, this is not their home and we cannot afford to have the Wraith locked up here on Earth for the resto of his life, however long that may be. It is too much of a security risk. This is our final decision."

        Without further words, the IOA leave the SGC's conference room. Gen. Landry frowns and releases a fustrating sigh, " I'm sorry Richard, we tried our best."

        Woolsey nod his head in defeat. "Gen. Landry. I would like to be the one that tells Ronon and Teyla, and Col. Sheppard to tell Todd, if you don't mind."

        Gen. Landry agrees.

        John walks towards the brig with a scowling look on his face. All he can think of is how much a big mistake the IOA is making. With every thought the rage grows stronger, but he knows he can't let it show in front of Todd. It will not be easy to change his attitude, not until he hears a concern tone from Teyla as she yells out his name. Instantly, his face changes from anger to a more sober look.

        "Teyla? What are you doing here?"

        I had heard that you and Mr. Woolsey returned. I wanted to know what the IOA had decided about Atlantis. Will they not help us return it to the Pegasus Galaxy?"

        She can see his hesitation and remorse. "John?"

        "They have decided to keep Atlantis on Earth, but they.... I really should have Woolsey tell you."

        She places a hand on his shoulder. At the same time, Kanaan is about to round the corner into the same corridor as John and Teyla, but he stop and retreats a bit when he sees Teyla's action.

        John clears his throat and keeps any emotions that try to rise in check, "I am to remain her along with Atlantis, and they want you, your family Ronon and Todd sent back to Pegasus."

        Teyla inhales sharply at the news and remains silent for a moment, "I suppose I should not be surprised. Ronon had a feeling that is what they would say."

        "Trust me, Woolsey, Gen. Landry and I fought as hard as we could to get Atlantis back to Pegasus. I don't trust them with this city. Plus, you and Ronon are important members of my team. I don't trust anyone else more than the both of you."

        Teyla tilts her head slightly and is in awe of his comment. " I believe Ronon would agree when I say that we are truly honored to have had the chance to fight along side with you and we thank you for all you have done."

        Her eyes to begin to water up, "I never got to thank you properly."

        John gives her a curious look, "For what?"

        "For saving me from Michael. If you had not come when you did..."

        She struggles to get the words out.

        "If you did not come for me last year and rescued me from Michael, I do not believe I would be alive today and my son would have been used for Michael's evil schemes."

        She lowers her head, "You have saved me numerous times, John Sheppard and I fear...."

        She moves closer to him and embrases him and remains speachless. John slowly wraps his arms around her to comfort her and closes his eyes.

        "If you ever need me, I will be there for you.... or Ronon. Don't ever doubt that. I will find away somehow."

        She nods her head in compliance. Kanaan observes the whole thing without their knowledge and realizes how great Teyla's bond is with Col. Sheppard.

        I even have an idea of how John tells Todd and that convo, but I went longer witht this than I planned. Sorry.

        Ready for criticism.
        I like this idfea sci

        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
        I like what you've written but I just don't see a reason for the IOA to bannish Teyla and Ronon, I can see them not wanting Todd on earth but they let Tealc and Jonas stay so why wouldn't they let Teyla and Ronon? I can see the IOA not letting John go back to Pegasus and I can see that Teyla has to go back to be with her people But not that the IOA wouldn't let them stay

        I think Teyla would want to return to her people anyway, and didn't Ronon once say he would never leave PG till every last wraith is dead!

        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
        I have (yet another) idea for an ep later in the season?

        We know that the Wraith use Runners, to study/train for the hunt. What if the Ancients had an idea like that, too? My idea is that Team Shepp go to a planet that used to be a Wraith base hoping to find some info on the Wraith - a way to defeat them etc. But what they find is a hidden Ancient lab?

        In the Ancient Lab, the Ancients trapped Wraith into a Virtual Reality, so they could study the way the reacted, how they acted, battle techniques etc. There's some banter between the team

        John: "let me guess, another failed experiment?"
        Rodney: "no actually, it looks like this one worked. I guess they just got all the information they needed."
        John: *looking around* "All the load of good it did them".

        Anyway... Teyla touches something and the VR pulls her in... She is in the VR, doesn't realise but after a while she does... but the VR is giving her all these situations and stuff to respond to... blah blah... Then she is trying to find a way to get a message to John and Rodney and Ronon on the outside, trying to finda way out while dealing with the situations.

        Meanwhile, outside, the team are in a panic... Rodney makes the suggestion of gettin someone else with the Wraith gene (maybe Kanaan?) to go in and help her/tell her that she's in a VR but they aren't sure they'd be put in the same reality, or even if the other person who remember they were in a VR. John also shoots it down saying "They can't risk another person". At the end of the ep, he and Teyla hae a moment where she goes to him and tells him Rodney told her he wouldn't send anyone else in... She asks why, even though she understands why he didn't. He said he couldn't risk sending Kanaan in because then Torren might grow up without parents... *something like that anyway*

        Anyway, she gets out with a mixture of her and Rodney's help? She manages to get a message out to them somehow and they realise that she is receptive to their input so they write some thins into the program and that's how they figure out how to get her out?

        Just a thought. Reminds me a bit of Avatar, though.
        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
        I don't know about it translating into the RL but... I hadn't thought about that..

        Maybe the VR is treating her like a Queen, because she's female. She has to command the other Wraith... she's got to cull a planet and stuff, or risk the other Wraith finding out that she's not really... real. But this is before she realises it's a VR and it's pure angsty for her, because she thinks that she is really culling a planet?
        mmmm, i'm lking this idea very mcuh yep yep, me likey


          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
          I wrote you an email yesterday about that. I'm still deciding...I can't do any with SG-1 characters (because I never watched the show)...If the plot is laid out, then maybe...

          Terrible, I know.
          I'm so bad with checking my mail lately. I'll have to look.

          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
          You can always do a couple of the later episodes If its just the SG1 characters putting you off
          That would be good

          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
          It's the 5k words that scare me...I'm use to writing 500 words. And y'all know how I put writing off...And I have a bunch of other writing (the four JT 1,000 word post-episode stories, the AU one you know about, and at least one WIP in another fandom.) ...I'm thinking about it. I haven't decided one way or the other yet.
          Oh don't be afraid. I bet you would do great We can help you too

          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          I like this idfea sci

          I think Teyla would want to return to her people anyway, and didn't Ronon once say he would never leave PG till every last wraith is dead!

          mmmm, i'm lking this idea very mcuh yep yep, me likey
          Thanks hun.


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            I'm so bad with checking my mail lately. I'll have to look.

            Oh don't be afraid. I bet you would do great We can help you too
            Thanks...Laura's idea of the VR machine sounds awesome.

            I think if I could get through this AU I'm doing then I'll feel a little better about writing of the VS.
            Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
              Thanks...Laura's idea of the VR machine sounds awesome.

              I think if I could get through this AU I'm doing then I'll feel a little better about writing of the VS.

              Woohoo!! Cool.

              So, who is actually going to be writing then???

              If I'm lucky, I'll try to work on the JT tag for CM this week.


                Cazz luv, would you mind reminding me the eps i picked for the 1,000 word challenge?
                sig by Cazzblade


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Thanks Laura. If I do two, then I'm sure to need help.

                  Can we say that the IOA want Ronon and Teyla to escort Todd on Daedy, back to Earth... before they find out about the Wraith coming and Kanaan has been the one that wants Teyla to find away to get back to their people. Ronon is thinking of going with them to continue killing Wraith.... etc?

                  Kanaan is more determine to make sure Teyla stays with him in PG, after seeing JT together.

                  Then we can still get a good angst scene.

                  I agree too. It sounded good at first, but you guys are right.

                  Oh I love it!! Maybe we can have a Ancient over ride program and John is the only one with the strong enough ATA gene to get in .

                  If she is forced to be the Queen in VR, them maybe it tries to give her the urge to feed and she has to fight against it. Maybe in one point of it, the test puts her in pain to test her healing abilities, thinking she has the same as reg. wraith and John and Rodney need to get her out before it kills her. ????

                  I was thinking of a VR story too, but I like yours soooo much better.

                  LOVE IT some more.

                  Sounds good to me.
                  I'm still iffy about Nancy, but I know we can do it.

                  Ok then. I guess it's a go then.

                  We'll make sure you don't write her in.

                  Here are some art I did today:




                  Snow!!! I love your Ziva sig. Would you be willing to make a Tony and Ziva one for me??
                  These are awesome hun
                  Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                    Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                    Cazz luv, would you mind reminding me the eps i picked for the 1,000 word challenge?
                    Rising P1
                    The Long Goodbye
                    The Prodigal

                    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                      More Suggestions/Ideas

                      What if the IOA’s search of the city unwittingly released the ATA gene virus, but the effects aren’t felt until episode 3. People on Atlantis and Earth could fall ill. Keller would be overwhelmed. Carson could only have a few symptoms due to Michael's genetic manipulations and be the one to find the cure.

                      Season Arc: Uncovering a horrible Ancient secret. As the team explores the city, they begin to see just how flawed and dangerous the Ancients search for ascension really was.

                      Possible secrets:
                      - The Wraith were created in an experiment and abandoned on a remote planet.
                      - The DV bad guys were the result of an experiment, which caused serious damage to a whole planet; attempting to create a power source greater than the Z.P.M.
                      - Z.P.M. technology was created by another race.


                        Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                        Hello!! *hugs back*
                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Hullo...Don't be a stranger
                        Originally posted by scifan View Post

                        Lauren!! **HUGGLES**
                        Originally posted by Snowball View Post

                        Hiya Cherish
                        Awwww I feel so loved!
                        Banner By Orangelusik!


                          Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                          More Suggestions/Ideas

                          What if the IOA’s search of the city unwittingly released the ATA gene virus, but the effects aren’t felt until episode 3. People on Atlantis and Earth could fall ill. Keller would be overwhelmed. Carson could only have a few symptoms due to Michael's genetic manipulations and be the one to find the cure.

                          Season Arc: Uncovering a horrible Ancient secret. As the team explores the city, they begin to see just how flawed and dangerous the Ancients search for ascension really was.

                          Possible secrets:
                          - The Wraith were created in an experiment and abandoned on a remote planet.
                          - The DV bad guys were the result of an experiment, which caused serious damage to a whole planet; attempting to create a power source greater than the Z.P.M.
                          - Z.P.M. technology was created by another race.
                          Great ideas...


                            Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                            More Suggestions/Ideas

                            What if the IOA’s search of the city unwittingly released the ATA gene virus, but the effects aren’t felt until episode 3. People on Atlantis and Earth could fall ill. Keller would be overwhelmed. Carson could only have a few symptoms due to Michael's genetic manipulations and be the one to find the cure.

                            Season Arc: Uncovering a horrible Ancient secret. As the team explores the city, they begin to see just how flawed and dangerous the Ancients search for ascension really was.

                            Possible secrets:
                            - The Wraith were created in an experiment and abandoned on a remote planet.
                            - The DV bad guys were the result of an experiment, which caused serious damage to a whole planet; attempting to create a power source greater than the Z.P.M.
                            - Z.P.M. technology was created by another race.
                            Oh I like that idea of them unknowingly releasing the virus But i'll let the actual writers of VS6 decide

                            Originally posted by Cherish4 View Post
                            Awwww I feel so loved!
                            Well it's good to be loved by our JT family


                              Awesome Suggestions for the season 6 stories im enjoying reading them all sadly im no good at writing or else i would join in
                              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                                Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                                These are awesome hun
                                Thanks hun.

                                Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                                More Suggestions/Ideas

                                What if the IOA’s search of the city unwittingly released the ATA gene virus, but the effects aren’t felt until episode 3. People on Atlantis and Earth could fall ill. Keller would be overwhelmed. Carson could only have a few symptoms due to Michael's genetic manipulations and be the one to find the cure.

                                Season Arc: Uncovering a horrible Ancient secret. As the team explores the city, they begin to see just how flawed and dangerous the Ancients search for ascension really was.

                                Possible secrets:
                                - The Wraith were created in an experiment and abandoned on a remote planet.
                                - The DV bad guys were the result of an experiment, which caused serious damage to a whole planet; attempting to create a power source greater than the Z.P.M.
                                - Z.P.M. technology was created by another race.
                                I love the ideas. Especially the virus one.

                                Originally posted by Cherish4 View Post
                                Awwww I feel so loved!
                                You should. **HUGS**

                                Ok. I'm not trying to be a bother, but I'm still working on the JT angst angle.

                                How about this....

                                He gets news he's staying on Earth, but IOA, still wants Todd returned to PG. John wants to go(cause he doesn't trust Todd), but the answer is no.

                                Teyla goes up to John and is about to tell him about Kanann wanting them to go home on Daedy. But he misunderstands and thinks she's going just to bring Todd home. She think he's coming, but he say he has to say and she also tells him that she won't be coming back. They have an emo moment and K sees it.

