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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I have to say I don't believe it.
    don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

    facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
      I have to say I don't believe it.
      TBH me neither but one bit did warm my heart:
      This bit: "She said a lot of people were ready to give up on the franchise!". I know thats weird of me But when I read that I could just picture the employees of MGM wondering WTF is going on just as we are *shrugs*

      The bit about S6 just sounded like a fob off to me

      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
        TBH me neither but one bit did warm my heart:
        This bit: "She said a lot of people were ready to give up on the franchise!". I know thats weird of me But when I read that I could just picture the employees of MGM wondering WTF is going on just as we are *shrugs*

        The bit about S6 just sounded like a fob off to me

        I know. Maybe if it had come from someone who had more posts but... you know?

        Hah, I can't wait til they get phonecalls from their 'new demographic'. "Duuuuude, that show totally ROCKS! Wicked!" or "I oosed ta watch da Tweenies but now I watch Stawgate Oonuverse instead. Yayyy!"

        EDIT: Love your icons. The one of Teyla is lovely Though it took me a wee while to figure out that it was a Wraith dart in the one of Atlantis... It is, isn't it? :s
        don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

        facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


          Originally posted by Snowball View Post
          My bf sent me this bumper sticker by mail. im so totally getting it
          Hee heee. That's funny.
          My hubby found one that says: Don't steal. The government hates competition.

          Oh! I remember this. Great vid hun.

          Originally posted by Mayra View Post
          Great vid Cazz! love the song as well!.

          I agree with everyone one else, not sure if he will answer it but it's what you feel and you have all the right in the world to express it and let him know.

          Hopefully he answers it!....the first one i think he would, the second one...who knows LOL!.

          Nice!!! i love Fringe!...thanks to someone named *cough* MrsB!!! LOL!

          Great vid Asgard!!!.
          Very touching that scene between Sam and Jack!.
          I hope it does too, but doubt it. *sigh*
          Thanks hun. MrsB got me hooked too.

          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
          Another partially started fic I found amidst my collection. Labelled "Athos, JohnTeyla, Gen"

          The return trip to Athos was supposed to be an easy affair. They were supposed to go in, check the ruins of the old city, see if there was anything of particular interest that the gazillion previous science teams had missed before heading back to the comfort of Atlantis.

          It was not to be so.

          When Teyla had detailed her dream, Rodney had been sceptical. Hell, so had John at first but she was adamant and Elizabeth had sealed the deal with a quirk of her eyebrow and a ‘what harm could there be’ in checking it out. As previously noted, numerous science teams had gone to the planet and returned safely.

          Teyla had warned them that it was the wet season on Athos. The cycle around the Sun leant four whole weeks to constant torrential downpour but she’d assured them that the worst would have passed. When they’d stepped through the ‘Gate, thick grey clouds and damp clay like mud greeted them but, as Ronon noted, at least it wasn’t raining.

          The walk was hard, the thick mud sucking their boots into the ground and John had known then that his thighs were going to be in pain later in the evening when he’d had time to stop and relax. He hated mud. It got everywhere and caused far too many problems. Wet, sticky, soppy mud was even worse. The clouds were so low in the sky that when they reached the brim of a small incline, John was sure he could feel the clouds around him, the thick fog surrounding them more than a little eerie.

          When they’d approached the old village, he’d sent a cursory glance in Teyla’s direction, noting how she paused for a moment as memories caught up with her. The clean up teams had done a good job of removing the charred remains and if it wasn’t for the few small lots of plants dotted around the area weeks before during the Mourning Ceremony, John would have been sure it was just another field.

          “Teyla,” he’d said as he drew close to her side, wincing as she jumped at his voice, so obviously lost in her memories. “You want to stop for a while? Rest?”

          But she’d shaken her head and insisted they press on. He couldn’t blame her. John had since returned to the spot in Afghanistan where the chopper had been downed and there was no words to describe the emptiness that enveloped him. He couldn’t even begin to imagine how she must be feeling.

          They managed a few steps before she stalled again, one knee buckling under her. She waved off his attempts at support and he turned to Ronon who in turned pulled Rodney away to the tree line. He hadn’t said anything as he’d watched her, her hand resting lightly on his forearm, her eyes scanning the horizon.

          She took a deep breath before turning back to him, the strength resting warily at the corner of her eyes.

          “This was my home, once. To see it so destroyed...” She trailed off as she lowered herself to the ground, her fingers skimming the long stems of grass gracefully. She paused for a moment, glancing around. “It still seems like here is the end of all things for my people.” She sighed loudly and John could see her purse her lips. She took a moment to touch the blades of grass again before pulling herself up and brushing her hands across her thighs to rid them of the moisture. He caught her eyes for a moment and smiled lightly, the corners of his mouth tilting only slightly. “The city is not much farther from here.”

          And with that, she’d pulled herself together and they were on their way once more. He’d stolen a glance at her once or twice as they moved to meet up with Rodney and Ronon, but her demure mask was in place once more and the words he knew he should be saying never came.

          Nice start hun.


            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
            I know. Maybe if it had come from someone who had more posts but... you know?

            Hah, I can't wait til they get phonecalls from their 'new demographic'. "Duuuuude, that show totally ROCKS! Wicked!" or "I oosed ta watch da Tweenies but now I watch Stawgate Oonuverse instead. Yayyy!"

            EDIT: Love your icons. The one of Teyla is lovely Though it took me a wee while to figure out that it was a Wraith dart in the one of Atlantis... It is, isn't it? :s
            I know what you mean, I think thats the problem with quite a few of them on the Save SGA thread, they're new to the forum and don't post on any other threads so they don't have any clout amoung the other posters

            "But its like sooo totally amaaazing! I luuve that main duuude, he is sooo hip and cooool!" "And that seexy young guy, he is my dream duuude! And he's only 22 and I'm 14, that only a 7 year age gap! We could soooo get together!"

            Thanx Yeah, its a dart I like my Weir one But nobody voted for it *pouts*

            What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
              I know what you mean, I think thats the problem with quite a few of them on the Save SGA thread, they're new to the forum and don't post on any other threads so they don't have any clout amoung the other posters

              "But its like sooo totally amaaazing! I luuve that main duuude, he is sooo hip and cooool!" "And that seexy young guy, he is my dream duuude! And he's only 22 and I'm 14, that only a 7 year age gap! We could soooo get together!"

              Thanx Yeah, its a dart I like my Weir one But nobody voted for it *pouts*


              "And that other main guy - the cute science student who got taken out of college... WOAW"

              I like the Weir one to obut... it's Weir.
              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                Chances Missed, part two and thus far unfinished.
                “Are you all right, John?”

                He focussed his gaze back to the room around him and smiled down at the woman in front of him. The room was filled with people, some he hadn’t seen in years, the buzz of their conversation washing past his ears. He leaned in and kissed his soon-to-be-wife chastely on the edge of her lips before drawing back and taking a sip from his bottle of beer.

                “I’m fine,” he told her with a smile. He batted her hands away when she reached up and tucked his shirt collar back into his suit jacket, finding her small endearing gestures out of place in the hall they’d hired for their pre-wedding party – Ronon’s idea, not John’s. Since Ronon had moved to Earth, he’d come to enjoy the occasional party, often finding himself in homes of people he met on a night out; it was a constant source of amusement for John and Rodney. “Are you all right?” He asked her, his mind drifting back to the shores of Atlantis.

                It was something he found himself doing a lot, recently. When he’d first returned, he’d thought about it all the time – about the people there, the sense of wonderment he’d lost but as he’d settled back into Earth culture and those he missed came back to Earth, he’d thought of it less and less, only really thinking about it when talking with Rodney, or Ronon, or Lorne or any of the other people he’d kept in contact with. But since he’d gone to New New Athos, his thoughts had been drawn back to the place where he’d spent six years fighting for his life; his heart had withdrawn from Earth and buried itself back in the City of the Ancients and he wanted nothing more than to return to it.

                “Yes, I’m fine.” There was a pregnant pause, almost tangible between them and John forced his arm around Pamela’s waist, drawing her into his side. It wasn’t fair for her to suffer because of his sense of home sickness. He felt guilty keeping secrets from her, batting off her attempts to discuss what was wrong with him.
                Was this the fic where Teyla is dead???? Or am I confusing it with something else.

                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                Title: Enchantment
                Summary: And still they sat and stared.
                Characters: John and Teyla
                Pairing: John-Atlantis, John-Teyla
                Rating: K
                I left a review.

                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                Another unfinished. Labelled "Full Beds, SheppardTeyla, season 3"

                “You okay?”

                They hadn’t been resting for long in the quiet, darkened quarters and, despite the deep exhaustion seeping into his bones, he’d lain awake listening to his two team mates’ deep easy breathing. He didn’t blame them really; Ronon hadn’t been sleeping well at all and they’d been on edge ever since they’d come to the drilling platform and Teyla... well, she deserved all the sleep she could get after being inside the Wraith Queen’s head. John himself had been on the verge of descent into slumber when he’d heard her breathing alter followed by a jolt of her body.

                In the darkness, he’d turned to see her half-raised from the bed, one hand on her heart and the other pressing against the side of her head. She’d lain back down, staring up at the ceiling and John could almost feel the tension in her muscles, feel the strain of her lungs as they tried to regulate her breathing. He’d even managed to sit up and lean towards her before she’d realised he was there.

                When she’d turned to him and smiled in response to his question, John could see the sheen of sweat on her forehead; saw wisps of hair matted at her temples, her neck. Even her chest was doused with sweat. He frowned at her and glanced to Ronon when he heard the man grunt and toss in his bed before settling again, facing the wall.

                “I am fine.”

                Her tone didn’t convince him. He raised the bed lamp above him and squinted. He noticed she did too and he hoped that his action wouldn’t disturb Ronon. A quick glance in his direction told him the Satedan had not even stirred. Teyla too sat up and rubbed her hands down her legs, and John followed the movement with his eyes. He could see her squint, saw the way her eye twitched and he pursed his lips.

                “Sore head?” She nodded, albeit minutely and then tried to smile in his direction. “Yeah, me too.”

                “It has been a trying day.”

                “I’ll say,” he whispered back and lowered his head. He heard her shuffling and when he looked up, he was surprised to see her standing in front of him.

                “May I?” John nodded and shifted slightly when she sat down on the bed beside him. He fidgeted with his hands but kept his eyes fixed on Ronon. He knew what she was trying to do; she’d been trying to get him to talk since he’d come back from Earth but he just wasn’t able to. He saw her raise a hand to massage her temple and he winced in acknowledgement of her pain. Slowly, she leaned back against the wall and John angled his body towards her. She’d closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wall. He could see the tired lines around her eyes, the dark circles and he wondered just what it was that she had gone through while attached to the mind of a Wraith Queen; he couldn’t – nor did he want to, really – imagine having someone else inside his head again. Not like that. “I am fine.” John realised he was staring when he saw the tolerant smile flit across her lips and he glanced away, dimming the light once more.

                He could hear her sigh of appreciation.

                He pushed himself back against the wall and closed his eyes too but all he could see were the eyes of the Queen and he popped his lids open again, staring at his hands.

                “I...” he cleared his throat lightly and cast a glance in Ronon’s direction. “I know... I know that today was completely different and... I know what it’s like, having someone take over your body...” He trailed off and flicked his gaze in her direction and saw that she was looking at him once more, a tiny, understanding smile tugging at the corner of her lips. He half smiled and looked away. “So, you know...” He could feel the awkwardness gnawing at his side and he wanted to toss it away but he knew it was immoveable. It was ridiculous, really, because Teyla was one – if not the – closest friend he had and he shouldn’t feel
                Nice tag.

                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                Wrote this for MrsB's Bday last year.. thought I'd repost and see if you think I could do something with it.
                She caught him watching her from across the briefing room table, his eyes taking in the marks on her face; scratches that would turn to scars, eyes that would soon be vacant as she withdrew from him.

                He was not so much better off, the blood seeping through the make-shift bandage on his forearm, his eye swollen and bruised.

                She remembered the arguments before she left, the bantos fighting that caused too much harm, the words that broke barriers five years thick. She remembered him not being there when she left Atlantis for what she thought was the last time.

                She met his eyes, piercing, dark, dangerous.

                She looked away, sighed and closed her eyes.

                She was still in love with him.
                Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Another short one.
                And it has whump in it.

                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                And this... I'll not tell you the label
                “Do you mind if I sit?”

                John Sheppard looked up startled but smiled as he motioned to the seat across from him. Jennifer Keller sat delicately on the edge of the seat, her hands shaking slightly as she set her tray of food down on the table.

                “You all right?” John asked around a mouthful of chewy steak, looking away when her eyes rose to meet his.

                She smiled at him slightly, fingering strands of hair for a moment before pushing them behind her ear.

                “Yeah,” she said uncertainly and Sheppard narrowed his eyes at her, sitting back in his seat. “I’m just a little freaked out, I guess,” she said as she slid her fork into her mashed potato.

                John pursed his lips at her as he closed the file on the tablet in front of him, giving her his full attention.

                Now I know why you didn't put a label on it.

                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                The Adventures of Emo Haired Boy and Serenely Kick Ass Girl
                “What’s that?”

                Sheppard looked up from his drawings and frowned at Rodney and Ronon as they flopped onto the seats next to his infirmary bed. Quickly – and discretely covering the drawings on the make shift table, he shook his head and smiled to his two friends.

                “Nothing,” he lied calmly but he knew from the way that Ronon raised his eyebrow that they didn’t believe him. “It’s just... I’m bored, so I’m doodling. If you guys would visit me more,” he said by way of laying blame to them, “I wouldn’t need to do silly things like this.”

                Rodney quirked a smile at him, frowning – as usual – in the usual inane way that he did whenever he knew Sheppard was talking through a hole in his backside.

                “They any good?”

                John shifted his arms and looked at the cartoon drawing of a young woman, her face half shaded in with the tawny coloured pencils in his kit. Yes they were good, probably the best ones he’d ever drawn.

                “Not really,” he said instead, trying to shuffle the pages so that the blank sheets hid the set up of the sketches.

                “Hey,” Rodney said as he half stood, hovering over the edge of Sheppard’s bed. Sheppard twitched slightly, grimacing at the knowing look on Rodney’s face. “Is that a comic book?”

                John frowned at him, shaking his head.


                “Yes it is!”

                Ronon looked between the two of them and frowned.

                “What’s a comic book?”

                Rodney looked to him startled, the bemused expression on his face quickly turning to one of shock.

                “Batman, Spider-Man – they’re all comic books.”

                Ronon frowned and John used the distraction to slide the sheets of paper onto his bed, somewhere beneath the table out of the duo’s sight.

                “I thought they were movies?”

                “They started off as comic books,” Rodney told him quickly, gesturing to Sheppard as he did so.

                “I’m not drawing comic books Rodney,” Sheppard protest vehemently.

                “Really?” Sheppard nodded. “Let me see them then.”

                “No, Rodney.”

                “Why not?”


                “Because what?” Rodney asked as he roughly shoved the table aside, the rolls squeaking as they rolled. He reached for the papers on Sheppard’s lap but Sheppard yanked them
                I remember this one. You so need to finish it.

                I'm slowly getting there

                But I'm gonna have to stop for a bit and get some stuff around the house done.


                  Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                  Title: Tainted Survival, part 9
                  Summary: When she looked up at the name, he wondered what the hell was going on.
                  Characters: Teyla, John & Michael
                  Pairing: John-Teyla, Michael-Teyla
                  Rating: T

                  I'll have to wait for little one to have to nap to read this one. I have to refresh myself from 1-4 and then go from there.

                  Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                  Hahaha srry Sci Just like to keep you on your toes


                  Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                  you Should Continue this one as its Turning out to be really interesting JT tWIST in it well done

                  Np Nina I just had to post them when i saw them im really Glad Teyla is in another Episode

                  Hey lea i have one song that Fits JT perfectly Ill Stand you
                  Hmmmm. Who sings that? I don't think I know that.



                  Icons from Challenge

                  Last week:

                  This week:

                  Last edited by scifan; 08 October 2008, 05:30 AM.


                    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                    Not sure how much truth there is in this or what to make of it really It's from the Save SGA Thread


                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    Those are Awesome Cazz
                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! I so hope that is true. I would so squeeeeee!!!!!

                    Go power of the FANS!!!!!

                    Awesome Icons hun.
                    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                    TBH me neither but one bit did warm my heart:
                    This bit: "She said a lot of people were ready to give up on the franchise!". I know thats weird of me But when I read that I could just picture the employees of MGM wondering WTF is going on just as we are *shrugs*

                    The bit about S6 just sounded like a fob off to me

                    I would have to pass out with squeee excess myself if it were true. But, I did like what was said and how it was worded about the franchise part. Makes you wonder that when and if they get the monosyllabic responses from the 'newborn' demographic if it will even be able to stay afloat.
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                      I would have to pass out with squeee excess myself if it were true. But, I did like what was said and how it was worded about the franchise part. Makes you wonder that when and if they get the monosyllabic responses from the 'newborn' demographic if it will even be able to stay afloat.
                      Oh I would too.
                      I thinking about calling when I have some quiet time around here.


                        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                        *waves to Lordy*
                        *Waves back at Cazz* how have you been? and love the icons you did especially the 2nd one it's so beautiful.
                        Originally posted by scifan View Post

                        We've missed you. Sorry to here that you're sick.

                        You are so going to LOVE The Queen!!!!!
                        That's all I'm going to say. We'll talk more about it after you see it.

                        I've missed you to all of you in fact *hugs* and some good news my cold is gone!!!

                        Your right i did love The Queen
                        The whole episode was awesome and it had lots of Teyla.

                        My favorite parts of the ep were Todd told Teyla to take her throne and she wiggled to get comfortable i just at that bit another favorite of mine was when Teyla ordered to fire on the other hive-ship i thought she looked really evil in that part and i also loved all the scene's between Teyla & Todd i think I'm becoming a shipper of these two.*ducks*

                        There was some great JT scenes to i loved the scene where they were talking in John's room is it just me or did Teyla seem very comfortable in his room? and the infirmary scene at the end i loved that part too.

                        Overall it was a awesome Ep and it showed how good an actress Rachel is i just wish we got more Eps like this.

                        Oh and love the icons you posted they're beautiful too.
                        Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                        Hey Chris we so miss you yeah S5 is great and I'm sorry you're sick I hope you feel better soon
                        Hi asgard i miss you to and I'm feeling much better now thank you.
                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Dang i mised you
                        and it looks like your gonna miss me again Linda but don't worry I'll be on again soon with hopefully some nice Teyla artwork.

                        Bye everyone!


                          Ooo, just seen your Tony and Zive sig Sci! Its fab!

                          Hi Lordy I'm very good at the moment See you soon! Like the new avi

                          What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!



                            Author's Links

                            Anlaria Onyx aka Agrabah's Princess

                            Camy aka Cielito



                            Doxymom's page

                            Second site

                            Hope24 aka Fox66








                            Ruby Caspar

                            Ryan C. Charles




                            Seldear aka Tielan

                            SheylaFreak aka Camerine

                            Teal'c206 aka Jack O'Neal2006

                            Teyilia aka Autumnstarr



                            Winged Pegasus


                            Find More JT Fanfics On These Sites:


                            JT Convergence

                            Unique Bond

                            Fanfic Central (Teal'c is looking for Aurthors to help a new site and post fics.)

                            Author's Fanfics Daily/Weekly Post Links

                            Roun Robin Fics (Jan-May)

                            Round Robin June: Parts 1-10, part 11, part 12

                            JT Fire Prompt fics:
                            MrsB's Burn
                            YappiChick's Burned

                            Spectrum JT Rarepairing fic

                            Kissing is Better

                            Surrender Sequel
                            Trust (repost)

                            No Easy Decisions

                            A Promise

                            The Cupboard of Love
                            Covered In Mud

                            A Stargate Halloween(Reprised)

                            Side by Side, The Both Get Bright

                            The Astonishing Persistence Of Memory

                            Silly Sally:
                            In Atlantis

                            Snowball: Silly Drabble (Mature Readers Only)
                            Another Silly Drabble(Mature Readers)

                            Stargate Atlantis: An Old Enemy Returns, Part 1

                            He Is Mine


                            Hot Stuff

                            Fanfic Chapter Updates

                            The Bones in the City Chapter 5

                            Anlaria Onyx aka Agrabah's Princess:
                            Ancient Baby Maker Chapter 20

                            The Naked Truth Chapter 6 (Mature Readers Only Cold Shower Alert )

                            Carter O'Neill aka Sillyscipia:
                            Paintball War Chapter 4

                            Primary Target Chapter 4

                            The Journal Chapter 5

                            Tainted Survival Part 9


                            Dark Planet Chapter 8

                            Padme:Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue Chapter 2

                            Planet tv:
                            Teyla Snatchers(updated 8.19.08)

                            Aftermath: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

                            You're Just What I Need Chapter 3

                            SGA- A Rip In Time Chapter 3
                            Mature Readers Only

                            Another World Chapter2

                            Thayne M:
                            The Journal Chapter 8(Not to be confused with Devine's story with same title.)
                            Stupid Cupid and Other Rhyming Words

                            Chapter 6

                            A Walk in the Woods Eplilogue

                            YappiChick: Out of the Loop Chapter 2
                            Perceptions Chapter 2

                            Non-JT stories and sites:

                            Cabouse Fics:
                            Find SGA and SG-1 fics @ Heliopolis
                            I didn't see any JT, but it might have other good stories.


                            I'm In The Way

                            Are We There Yet

                            Severed Ties

                            Doctor Who- The Discovery

                            SGA Lightsaber Story

                            Beauty Secrets

                            Shep Whump Round Robin

                            September Birthdays

                            To All Bdays:
                            From Camy: Without A Queen

                            October Birthdays

                            LandJrule's Gift:
                            From YappiChick: Movie Night

                            To all bdays:
                            From Scifan: Not Just an Ordinary Birthday Part 1, Part 2

                            Fic Rec

                            From Elflinn: Author-Pdljmpr6 The Lost Children of Atlantis
                            Author- Casus17 Cross Jurisdiction

                            From Linda: Autheor Wedjatqi In The Light of Day

                            Gator's WIPS
                            Some are Non- JT:

                            Chances Missed, Part 2
                            Fulled Beds
                            MrsB's Bday fic: last year's
                            The Adventures of Emo Haired Boy and Serenely Kick Ass Girl

                            If I missed anyone Please PM me.


                              Hahahahahahahahahahaha. He heheeheeeheheee

                              I just read the fic links post. Love that bit at the bottom
                              Last edited by gater101; 08 October 2008, 07:47 AM.
                              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                                Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                                *Waves back at Cazz* how have you been? and love the icons you did especially the 2nd one it's so beautiful.


                                I've missed you to all of you in fact *hugs* and some good news my cold is gone!!!

                                Your right i did love The Queen
                                The whole episode was awesome and it had lots of Teyla.

                                My favorite parts of the ep were Todd told Teyla to take her throne and she wiggled to get comfortable i just at that bit another favorite of mine was when Teyla ordered to fire on the other hive-ship i thought she looked really evil in that part and i also loved all the scene's between Teyla & Todd i think I'm becoming a shipper of these two.*ducks*

                                There was some great JT scenes to i loved the scene where they were talking in John's room is it just me or did Teyla seem very comfortable in his room? and the infirmary scene at the end i loved that part too.

                                Overall it was a awesome Ep and it showed how good an actress Rachel is i just wish we got more Eps like this.

                                Oh and love the icons you posted they're beautiful too.

                                Hi asgard i miss you to and I'm feeling much better now thank you.

                                and it looks like your gonna miss me again Linda but don't worry I'll be on again soon with hopefully some nice Teyla artwork.

                                Bye everyone!
                                Hey Chris!!!!

                                I'm so glad you got to see it. It was definately her best ep. IMO.
                                So much squeeeing.

                                We miss you too and I'm glad you're doing better.

                                Thanks hun.

                                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                                Ooo, just seen your Tony and Zive sig Sci! Its fab!

                                Hi Lordy I'm very good at the moment See you soon! Like the new avi

                                Oh thanks hun. I love seeing Tony and Ziva together.
                                I know he's a big flirt, but they still look cute. I sometimes wonder about Tim and Abby too.

                                Did you see last night's ep?

