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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Doxymom
    Hey, just wondered, when you all read fic on websites or LJ do like having pretty John/Teyla artwork or covers done for them?
    Personally, I like the "dusk covers", but I only use them on my personal archive. And sometimes I don't get around to making one for each story. I feel that if you can make a banner/dusk cover that captures the essense of the fic, that its a great thing.


      Originally posted by vaberella
      Actually I had thought about this know the Athosian that Teyla was training in 'Conversion' I know she's on Lorne's team...did you see her, she was sort of in passing, in 'Lost Boys' when Lorne came back from looking for Shep and the others..

      So I actually wanted to find out about that...mainly I can't expound on it enough...I want more one on one with Lorne's team and Shep's team together on missions...Or just eps on Lorne's team....I really like makes me wish when Ford was around he had his own permanent team..pooh!
      me too... I like Lorne and i also want to see more about him and his team.. maybe a mission with Sheps team...btw Lorne even don't have a name...thats stupid...there is a interesting FF with Teyla and John ship) and Teyla and Lorne (friendship)...really like it...

      As for Teyla in his room..yeah I mentioned that in a post..and she's probably been welcome cause she just opened the door when no would be interesting..I'd just like a oen on one with them and his guitar. It's been something really bothering me, I think I'll write a short fic on it...him playing guitar and she walking in and maybe they make some beautiful music together.......she sings he plays what more could you ask for?!
      I think I read somwhere already a FF about this...i'll tell you when I'll find it...

      think she spars with many people. Just those that ask for the help and practice. I noticed though that the military guys wanted to be trained more by Ronon than Teyla...and it could by why Teyla said what she said about gaining respect in 'The Gift'. Because when Ronon showed up there I remember what ws it? 'Duet'? He had about 5-6 military guys waiting for training and being trained by him...when Weir shows up in the gym. Teyla has taught the Athosian girl and also John...and she's sparred with Ronon..from waht I could gather she can take on Ronon....Ronon is very sloppy in his methodology if you watch 'Lost Boys' and that ep before..he's like all over the place. But Teyla, maybe because she's smaller, seems more deadly and very critical in her methodology and far far from sloppy.
      I say only EGO...

      I'd actually like to see Zalenka or Beckett taking lessons from Teyla..they look like they'd be afraid of Ronon..(I'd take Ronon, Teyla makes it hurt)....

      That would also be a good scene to see. Zalenka taking self-defense..I love it..but I can see him doing that after getting punched in the face by Ford in Siege III.

      that would be funny...


        Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
        OOOHHHH! Excellent idea gatelover, seriously, that was something I never thought of. If that happened, that'd be creepy. Let's say for speculations sake that John and Teyla get closer, so close in fact that they are romantically inclinced to each other and can feel this sort of telepathy building. Suddenly, John get's posessed by a wraith, just like gatelover said. How would this effect their relationship? More importantly, could Shep learn to build up the barriers too.

        On a subject of superpowers, I'm working those into my biggest series right now. We're discovering the Cam in SG-1 has all kinds of abilities, but so does Shep, I just didn't flesh them out too badly in Inner Demons. A Prophecy will take it too the next level, and An Ancient Power will provide the closest blend of SciFi and Fantasy with Shepmagen that you could imagine.

        Sanssong, see what happens when TPTB put out that little amount of information and then let the fans do the thinking for you! All they have to do is get us started and then take anything they want that comes as a result. Wow, we are impressionable.

        I think that's one thing we can bet against CR is that the Wraith cannot take control of John....but then I don't know. I mean I'm saying this based on many episodes before Conversion you see...

        I mean if we look at all the other episodes before 'Conversion' came about it's a definite, 'there' no way the Wraith can control John'. Meaning mentally taking control of his body and what he does. You see that's something that's been proven to not be able to happen. I mean from 'Rising' to about 'Lost Boys' and 'Hive'...that was the established thought. But then remember he had the 'aretus' bug thing that got his body and he still has probably residual side affects that even Beckett doesn't know about. He's probably still having enhanced senses maybe and what not..then I'd be like..good chance that he could be a threat like Teyla if he still carries traces.

        I mean he probably was able to tap into some Wraith qualities we have no idea about and or it could have enhanced his Ancient gene...Now if that's the case we have a whole new story...and what you guys were saying about Teyla pretty much being a liability since they could communicate mentally that would work out.

        I mean we have a man having an enhanced gene because of sharing some blood with a Wraith...and then we have Teyla who we already know can tap into the whole 'Wraith psychic network'....I mean this is crazy storyline we can run with. And then we John doing things either through their control or what not...

        But what I'm thinking is that Teyla will in fact be able to master the Wraith abilities she may have..and that would be crazy...cause if she can say control one Wraith...a powerful one, I'm speaking about. And then take down two other's...and see what the other drones are thinking..we've got a deadly weapon and even deadlier if she is able to relay those messages back to John where ever he is!!! Then we have a whole other story.....I mean that would be some crazy footage...not to make it into a Teyla/JOhn show....but that would be really crazy.

        If we look at it the negative way...could happen..because that would make John more susceptible and he would have master the gene as well for it to really take affect.

        But then we haven't seen an ep where John is like really one on one with a Wraith....where the Wraith are controlling his limbs after 'The Hive' to know if the Wraith could take him over mentally..and if 'Conversion' did leave any stray anomolies to change his Ancient gene....

        This could be really really interesting!!!



        Guys how many pages do we go through a day? Like 5 or somtehing..shoot!! And I love this topic..there's some crazy scenarios we're coming up with....hmmmm...
        Last edited by vaberella; 01 February 2006, 02:51 PM.
        Click statement above to read article.


          Originally posted by vaberella
          But what I'm thinking is that Teyla will in fact be able to master the Wraith abilities she may have..and that would be crazy...cause if she can say control one Wraith...a powerful one, I'm speaking about. And then take down two other's...and see what the other drones are thinking..we've got a deadly weapon and even deadlier if she is able to relay those messages back to John where ever he is!!! Then we have a whole other story.....I mean that would be some crazy footage...not to make it into a Teyla/JOhn show....but that would be really crazy.
          Now, that's what I would call good Sci-Fi TV. I've always seen them as a team. The ability to communicate like that would be the icing on the cake!


            Originally posted by maxbo
            I used the word "relationship" as a euphemism for sex in that post.

            Her role as leader doesn't have to have anything to do with her love life, but I can see why some would believe that her leadership role could leave her too cautious to get involved (beyond sex). As leader, if she makes the wrong choice in her long-term partner, it could adversely affect her people as well as her personal life. That's why as unpopular as it may be to some, I can see Teyla as having had short-term sexual relationships in the past (probably off-world) where she didn't have to consider whether the men would mesh with her people.
            So did I. As for her choice of a life partner...I guess I give Teyla alot of sense. As a leader, I believe her choice would be carefully chosen.....and perhaps even discussed among her people. So far, we don't know how a "partner" for a leader is chosen, do we?
            On fighting:
            Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
            Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


              Originally posted by Doxymom
              Good grief, is my new banner too big? I can switch back. This one is so...POW! And so much pink. I work on making it smaller and change it.

              Hey, just wondered, when you all read fic on websites or LJ do like having pretty John/Teyla artwork or covers done for them?
              i like sooo much pink ...

              a FF with John and his guitar..



                Originally posted by Lida
                As for her choice of a life partner...I guess I give Teyla alot of sense. As a leader, I believe her choice would be carefully chosen.....and perhaps even discussed among her people. So far, we don't know how a "partner" for a leader is chosen, do we?

                Which is why I think she's already chosen John, he just doesn't know it yet! lol!

                If her people were given any say in who she choses- which I personally don't think they would be- I think they like and respect John and wouldn't say no to him as a choice.


                  Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
                  i like sooo much pink ...

                  thanks! I decided to change back. It was a bit too bright for me to look at every post I make. LOL.

                  Thanks for the story link. I love JT fic.


                    Originally posted by vaberella
                    I think that's one thing we can bet against CR is that the Wraith cannot take control of John....but then I don't know. I mean I'm saying this based on many episodes before Conversion you see...

                    I mean if we look at all the other episodes before 'Conversion' came about it's a definite, 'there' no way the Wraith can control John'. Meaning mentally taking control of his body and what he does. You see that's something that's been proven to not be able to happen. I mean from 'Rising' to about 'Lost Boys' and 'Hive'...that was the established thought. But then remember he had the 'aretus' bug thing that got his body and he still has probably residual side affects that even Beckett doesn't know about. He's probably still having enhanced senses maybe and what not..then I'd be like..good chance that he could be a threat like Teyla if he still carries traces.

                    I mean he probably was able to tap into some Wraith qualities we have no idea about and or it could have enhanced his Ancient gene...Now if that's the case we have a whole new story...and what you guys were saying about Teyla pretty much being a liability since they could communicate mentally that would work out.

                    I mean we have a man having an enhanced gene because of sharing some blood with a Wraith...and then we have Teyla who we already know can tap into the whole 'Wraith psychic network'....I mean this is crazy storyline we can run with. And then we John doing things either through their control or what not...
                    I'd be willing to bet Wraith can take control of John, at least as much as other humans - an interesting reason for it they couldn't though, would be because of his ATA. It'd be interesting, IMO, if Wraith could only use their powers against the average human and those wih Wraith DNA - gives an advantage to the Ancients, and to Atlantians now. Hard to tell given Sumner didn't appear to have ATA, but then in The Hive
                    the Queen seemed to exercise some amount of control over John, very little, nothing more than against Sumner - perhaps less though it's hard to judge

                    Though in theory we haven't really seen them exercise their mental powers much, something I'm a bit sad about. So far it seems like in Michael
                    Michaels control of Teyla was because of her mind being more open due to her Wraith DNA, but he didn't appear to try it on any others, so either his ability didn't stretch that far while in Human form or it's so limited anyway it's not much use to him then.

                    Anyway, I'd doubt that John has any side effects that Beckett can't tell about, since it'd be a matter of his DNA and Beckett having studied both the Wraith and ATA DNA is the most qualified to tell what they look like and if John is back to normal. And thinking about it, why would Wraith DNA enhance ATA; if anything it sounds like it could obstruct potentially, the thing about protein markers and touch response of some Ancient tech.

                    The point at which it'd be most likely John and Teyla could have a mental link would be Conversion, I seriously doubt it could happen after or before that - except maybe one-way with Teyla having some vague empathic sense (but that'd be with everyone, not just John) - in fact I was hopnig to write fic exploring that possibility. But a link otherwise, two way, doesn't make much sense based on logic of just the fact both have non-human or enhanced DNA. Wraith DNA has humans parts in but as Beckett said the deviation of Wraith from human is the same as ATA, so what people with any of either have in common is the human DNA pretty much.

                    Besides, if they had a link (Allies spoiler)
                    John would have known or been able to sense that Teyla hadn't agreed to the experimention on Michael - yet he seems rather clueless about why she appears to have 'changed' her mind on the idea in relation to the deal with the Wraith.


                      Originally posted by sanssong
                      Which is why I think she's already chosen John, he just doesn't know it yet! lol!

                      If her people were given any say in who she choses- which I personally don't think they would be- I think they like and respect John and wouldn't say no to him as a choice.
                      Yep she's chosen Shep alright

                      And if technically if the Athosians had an imput in Teyla's potential mate/husband/chosen one I can't see them finding anything wrong with sanssong posted...they respect him, Shep enjoys spending time with them (he told the Athosian children bedtime stories), Halling even when to Shep when his son went misssing in 'Hide and Seek' no problem on the front in my opinion...

                      But while Teyla cares what her people think about her and her desicions as showcased in 'Suspicion' when she chose to stay behind in Atlantis when her people left for the mainland in the end she is going to do what she believes is right...and choosing Lt. Col. John Sheppard as her other half is soooo right!


                        Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
                        i like sooo much pink ...

                        a FF with John and his guitar..


                        Thanks came rock!
                        Click statement above to read article.


                          Originally posted by Purpleyin
                          I'd be willing to bet Wraith can take control of John, at least as much as other humans - an interesting reason for it they couldn't though, would be because of his ATA. It'd be interesting, IMO, if Wraith could only use their powers against the average human and those wih Wraith DNA - gives an advantage to the Ancients, and to Atlantians now. Hard to tell given Sumner didn't appear to have ATA, but then in The Hive
                          the Queen seemed to exercise some amount of control over John, very little, nothing more than against Sumner - perhaps less though it's hard to judge

                          Though in theory we haven't really seen them exercise their mental powers much, something I'm a bit sad about. So far it seems like in Michael
                          Michaels control of Teyla was because of her mind being more open due to her Wraith DNA, but he didn't appear to try it on any others, so either his ability didn't stretch that far while in Human form or it's so limited anyway it's not much use to him then.

                          Anyway, I'd doubt that John has any side effects that Beckett can't tell about, since it'd be a matter of his DNA and Beckett having studied both the Wraith and ATA DNA is the most qualified to tell what they look like and if John is back to normal. And thinking about it, why would Wraith DNA enhance ATA; if anything it sounds like it could obstruct potentially, the thing about protein markers and touch response of some Ancient tech.

                          The point at which it'd be most likely John and Teyla could have a mental link would be Conversion, I seriously doubt it could happen after or before that - except maybe one-way with Teyla having some vague empathic sense (but that'd be with everyone, not just John) - in fact I was hopnig to write fic exploring that possibility. But a link otherwise, two way, doesn't make much sense based on logic of just the fact both have non-human or enhanced DNA. Wraith DNA has humans parts in but as Beckett said the deviation of Wraith from human is the same as ATA, so what people with any of either have in common is the human DNA pretty much.

                          Besides, if they had a link (Allies spoiler)
                          John would have known or been able to sense that Teyla hadn't agreed to the experimention on Michael - yet he seems rather clueless about why she appears to have 'changed' her mind on the idea in relation to the deal with the Wraith.

                          Okay first off..thanks for givign me chance to rescind a few things that I said. The Wraith are not able to control John. Becasue 'Lost Boys' and 'The Hive' came after 'Instinct'...which means that the Wraith cannot in anyway control John's that's one important point I want to make. Because if they could..then the Queen Wraith would have gotten her information out of John that she wanted, without using one of her seen in 'The Hive'. So far the only thing the Wraith can do to humans is capture them with a beam, or control their limbs and make them see things. But there is no way the Wraith can control their minds or read their thoughts. Which I had mentioned in previous posts.

                          The Allies spoiler...I haven't read it yet..but in my fic I address the issue of 'Michael' and how I feel he knew she didn't like..but she agreed to it..through his coercion, and possibly he thought that she had come to some sort of terms about it...Who knows..again i have to see Allies to define what I see based on the feelings that I felt were off in 'Michael'.

                          I agree to your post about Teyla's mental control....because in my past posts I had said that I feel she had allowed her mind to be vulnerable. If you notice..Teyla has tight reighn on anything except when she shows emotion..and when she was with 'Michael' you can tell she was going through some war inside herself..if not more. So it gave 'Michael' a chance t make his move...I think he was even surprised by that...but what I wanted to know was how he knew that she had 'Wraith' DNA-- to even test that out and be correct. Now I'm starting to think he gathered a lot of intel while he was in there..or maybe he felt something..who knows. But I strongly believe she was vulnerable mentally when that happened....and I think the Wraith have to know she has the ability or feel something because their looking. Like Bob--The Wraith...he called her human and then attacked her and he seemed a bit surprised that she was able to do what she there's a bit more behind that than we probably know.

                          As for the gene....I felt that there could have been an enhancement because we really dont' know anything much about the Aretus bugs direct affects, we only know that Teyla has the gene----but what would happen if there was a mix up in Wraith and Ancient. Yes Wraith are pretty much human except for certain factors...but I'm looking in the way of see she's human, but she has a certain level of Wraith DNA, which means that she has certain abilities. Now I wanted to know based on my statement if that specific gene could infact influence the Ancient gene in some way, since we again don't know much about the gene and the faculties people have except for lighting things up like bulbs..and crap.

                          So until we get a better definition besides the ancient gene allowing people to turn to the Midas of electricity for special Atlantean things, then I'd like to see if there's any change. we already saw what the aretus bug in pure form can do the human.....almost as bad as 'Metamorphosis'....

                          Now as for the mental link..that's just a scenario we were throwing out there through our discussion a few pages back... I believe it was Doxymom who was wondering about what would happen if there was a link ability from John...that's about it..don't read too much into or psychoanalyze it as fact that happened in season 2. Just a scenario...but a good one, I thought!



                          Edited a few reread if your interested!
                          Last edited by vaberella; 01 February 2006, 03:40 PM.
                          Click statement above to read article.


                            Originally posted by Purpleyin
                            And thinking about it, why would Wraith DNA enhance ATA; if anything it sounds like it could obstruct potentially, the thing about protein markers and touch response of some Ancient tech.
                            True enough, but I think based on their current abilites that it might someday be possible.

                            Originally posted by Purpleyin
                            The point at which it'd be most likely John and Teyla could have a mental link would be Conversion, I seriously doubt it could happen after or before that - except maybe one-way with Teyla having some vague empathic sense (but that'd be with everyone, not just John) - in fact I was hopnig to write fic exploring that possibility. But a link otherwise, two way, doesn't make much sense based on logic of just the fact both have non-human or enhanced DNA. Wraith DNA has humans parts in but as Beckett said the deviation of Wraith from human is the same as ATA, so what people with any of either have in common is the human DNA pretty much.

                            Besides, if they had a link (Allies spoiler)
                            John would have known or been able to sense that Teyla hadn't agreed to the experimention on Michael - yet he seems rather clueless about why she appears to have 'changed' her mind on the idea in relation to the deal with the Wraith.
                            Ah, but see, I still think you can make the case for an empathic connection. I don't think at this point it is profound enough to relay exact imformation or even work on command, but I do think that John and Teyla share a stronger empathic connection than any other two on Atlantis. And I would still argue that due to the inherit abilites of both Ancient and Wriath to communicate telepathicly, that it's possible in time they could read each other to a degree.


                              Originally posted by vaberella
                              Now as for the mental link..that's just a scenario we were throwing out there through our discussion a few pages back... I believe it was Doxymom who was wondering about what would happen if there was a link ability from John...that's about it..don't read too much into or psychoanalyze it as fact that happened in season 2. Just a scenario...but a good one, I thought!

                              I also wrote a story last year that explored the premise that they could communicate with each other. It was a 'connect the dots' sort of story based the eps- LFP, The Gift and Siege I&II. It's called Perspective, if you're interested.


                                Shall do's on right? I'll be there to get your point of view!

                                I like the premise quite a bit!
                                Click statement above to read article.

