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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
    Something very similar to your reaction to doing art And now look at ya

    Awh, TF's not here to gang up on Linda

    Wasn't as bad as the writing thing

    GOOD...........How come every day it's me that's getting picked on...First at work and now here


      Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
      You're right I didn't even thought of the JTW scene ITA lol.
      As for the romantic yeah absolutely I don't know how to see it in oter way lol.
      Yeah you're right about the candles

      I don't either. They want to justify that he's just worried about her because she's a teammate, and I just say whatever.
      I believe a whumper noticed it when he was talking to Ford, but after watching it, countless times, I saw it happen before that.

      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
      Good point
      If it had been Weir the Sparky shippers would have gone bad and completely dismissed the Sheyla there, saying he was having dinner with Teyla but all he could think about was Weir

      Whereas now they are just complaining that they are having Sheyla shoved down their throats


      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      Oh dear god yes... I never thought of that, having Weir there would have totally screwed up that whole scene and I can just imagine how some would have loved to interpret that. Of course they are saying that it should have been Weir anyway and I guess than the scene would have been perfect and not badly written then.

      I also agree Elflinn about it definitely being romantic. Who dreams of candlelit dinners with wine, and an intimate setting and being alone.. umm with their friends and colleagues..

      So the scene was definitley a confirmation of how John feels about Teyla and it's something we have always known.. so it will be interesting to see if his hidden feelings pop out unexpectantly anytime in season five..


      Originally posted by cc_mac View Post

      Congrats on 900 asgard!!!
      Yep, just like it says on the tags below.

      Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
      Lets hope!

      And did anyone else notice that Teyla said her father's name was Torren this time and introduced herself as daughter of Tegan? So is Tegan her mother's name and Torren her fathers or did someone screw up when they wrote the ep?
      Yeah. JM hasn't responded to and mail lately. I'm hoping that question will be answered soon.

      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
      S&R dinner scene
      A lot of folk are having a go at Teyla in this scene, saying she's very "high schooly" (as if she'd know what that is) but what these folk forget is that this is John's dream. It's in his head. He obviously wants her to say these things to him but even in his subconscious he is holding back - not because he doesn't want her but because he's John and he doesn't get these types of things. She's Teyla and she's special... Lol. To him, she means more and it's something he could ruin and he doesn't want to do that, I don't think.

      Having Ford in it was purely for the shock factor, I think. Like... I get why he was there - they're searching for Teyla blah blah blah but they could easily just have referenced him. People think having Ford in it takes away from the JT-ness and in a way, it does.

      But I love it. I love John and I love that this shows I know how to write this guy
      Alot of good points Laura. Thanks.

      Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
      Wow thank you so much you're too nice and you know what I speak a lot more than what I thought I did lol

      Yeah it creates a lot of debate as to know what happened

      Yeah it's really odd people wants to see what they want lol Another thing which shok me it's the debate over the name. I know I'm a Sheyla but it never crossed my mind that if she names someone after someone of her team it would be John. I agree Ronon and Teyla are great friens too but their friendships is here since the beggining and the goodbye in The Return is a proof too I think that JT are the show I mean the encounter if it wasn't for John a lot of people would be dead but if it wasn't for Teyla a lot of people would be dead too. I can't express myself it unnerves me but you know what I mean they are probably the greatest friends of the show moreover than McKay and Shep and it's too why I think that perhaps they are more

      I did another thing once again I think it's a little special but it's forRising and it's ot too but girls I think you will be happy (I hope ) lol
      You said it perfectly and nice sig.

      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      So i was having this dream.....well it was more like a daydream really...Wouldn't it be cool if
      Teyla's in the infirmary bed unconscious hooked up to montors ans Shep is hurt too but he's awake and somewhat fine but he's to stay in the infirmary for the time being but he won't stay in his bed...He keeps going over to sit by Teyla's bed and after numerous attempts by Keller to keep him in his own bed she finally gives up after seeing Shep sitting next to Teyla's bed his hand in her hand and his head on the side of her bed and he's sleeping..

      So she just gives a little smile and laugh and walks off to her office and leaves them..

      After a while Shep feels Teyla start to stir and shouts on Keller,Teyla regains consciousness and after a few seconds regains some coherence and tries to ask what happened but her throat is too dry so Shep releases her hand and gets a glass of water and holds her head up so she can take a drink....

      She then askd what happened and Shep tells her she fought Michael..She tries to sit up quickly at this news but Shep tells her he won't be bothering any of them anymore and she relaxes..

      Keller and Shep hold Teyla up to put more pillows behind Teyla so she's sitting up more...Teyla apologises about putting them all in danger and looks away from him....Shep grabs her chin to face her towards him and tells her none of this is her fault,if anyone's to blame it was him for making Michael in the first place..Teyla does the same that Shep done previously...Keller noticing the change between them excuses herself to give them more privacy...

      He sits on the edge of the bed....He leans forward..Teyla's just staring at him wondering wat's going on....Then he kisses her,a short sweet kiss and he leans back again and Teyla sits there with her mouth kinda open then a little cheeky smile appears..She leans forward a little and he goes in for another kiss...This one a little more passionate....

      Meanwhile Keller is walking towards the infirmary door when Ronon,Rodney and Woolsey enter...They ask her how Teyla is and she tells them she'll be fine....They make to go over to Teyla but Keller stops them and asks them to wait a few minutes and when they ask why she just points over to the bed Teyla occupies....

      Well that's all i got

      Now wouldn't this be great if something like this happened at the end of prodigal or some other ep further down the line...Teyla kills Michael...I mean it's kinda poetic that she'd be the one to eventually kill him after what he's put her through...

      Ok i think my crazy little ramble is finished...I really need to stop drinking irn-bru
      WOW!!! Awesome daydream


        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        I can only agree...

        He did care very much in that scene... and as you say,,,she didn't call out I'm in here or something else..she called specifically after John..she knew he was the one to lead any team in there after her,,,I think in a way maybe even for the fact that she knew it would be him is maybe also in some sense she knows that him, he will risk doing that,, sure he could very well order someone to do it for him but I think she knows him well enough to know he wont make anyone do anything he isn't ready to do himself.. and she knows also that she can count on him to come for her..

        When they get into the room he goes straight for her.. it's not just Ronon that goes to her ,,John crouch down right infront of her in her line of vision...he is completely focused on her just as much as she is focusing on him.. Ronon doesn't do the scooping up of her on his own.. if you know what I mean... I'm shaking my head at those who says,,,look who carried her,,, and I mean ,,yeah so what of it.. I'm feeling it's like are we watching the same show.. did they see the injury John had.. did they hear Keller tell him he needed surgery,, didn't they see the blood on John's hand when he touched his side,,didn't they hear him he would carry her but he wasn't going to be able to considering his condition... then again.. igonring facts so it suits people seems to be popular these days.. oh well...

        John's focus was all on Teyla... if he would have even attempted to try and carry her,,,I think he would have maybe not even gotten her up in his arms,,since he wasn't able to lift his arm high enough as we get to see moments later... he would have never been able to lift her into his arms and even if he had been able I'm sure he would have fallen to the floor with her in his arms.. I think he knew how much strenght he had in his body,,and he was smart enough not to try and carry her,, as Ronon told him later on when he was stubborn about the C4.." you don't have to do everything"
        Everyone trusts him to get them out of there,,and he isn't going to be any help lying on the floor bleeding out.. I think he knew in that scene he wasn't able to carry her due to his injury and get them all of the ship in one piece.. finding her was half the battle,, the next was to get of the ship in one piece.. his focus was as much on the rescue mission as it was on Teyla and making sure her safety...
        Nicely put Nina...

        Do you notice as well that Ronon always stands back for John.. he went to Teyla's side to give John acess directly in front of her. I loved also how Teyla called for John as soon as she heard the noise.. she didnt call Ronon or Rodney even though it would be pretty much a certainty that they would also be with John... but like in Submersion she calls for John..

        I agree Nina that its total nonsense saying it was a Ronon/Teyla shippy moment because Ronon carried Teyla, when it was obvious that John couldnt carry her because of his injury, and had asked Ronon to carry anyway.. its the same nonsense when some start blaming Teyla for her actions in Johns dream... oh well !!



          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Nicely put Nina...

          Do you notice as well that Ronon always stands back for John.. he went to Teyla's side to give John acess directly in front of her. I loved also how Teyla called for John as soon as she heard the noise.. she didnt call Ronon or Rodney even though it would be pretty much a certainty that they would also be with John... but like in Submersion she calls for John..

          I agree Nina that its total nonsense saying it was a Ronon/Teyla shippy moment because Ronon carried Teyla, when it was obvious that John couldnt carry her because of his injury, and had asked Ronon to carry anyway.. its the same nonsense when some start blaming Teyla for her actions in Johns dream... oh well !!

          About the bolded part...I believe it was Vengeance
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Nicely put Nina...

            Do you notice as well that Ronon always stands back for John.. he went to Teyla's side to give John acess directly in front of her. I loved also how Teyla called for John as soon as she heard the noise.. she didnt call Ronon or Rodney even though it would be pretty much a certainty that they would also be with John... but like in Submersion she calls for John..

            I agree Nina that its total nonsense saying it was a Ronon/Teyla shippy moment because Ronon carried Teyla, when it was obvious that John couldnt carry her because of his injury, and had asked Ronon to carry anyway.. its the same nonsense when some start blaming Teyla for her actions in Johns dream... oh well !!

            I got a question...
            I don't get where the Ronon/Teyla ship comes from....I mean there's never been any shippy moments between them......TPTB has never put any shippy moments in the show with these two......They've had scenes together and they've got great chemistry but i've always thought it was more like brother/sister thing so where does the ship come into it

            Oh and did anyone notice the lingering look they gave each other in the dream before John cleared his throat to start talking again.........awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Congrats to milestones!!!!
              Thank you
              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              Yeah i noticed that Can't argue with that....After S & R it's pretty obvious what the writers think

              Well that's what i do them for....I do them for you guys for yer great artwork

              It's dead quiet in here!

              S & R
              Well like Alipeeps (i think it was) said Teyla can't be held responsible what someone else's dreaming...Then she starts going on about her dreaming of Arnie robbing her and stuff to explain the point

              And the whole dinnere thing.......Well i would never have an intimate candlelit dinner with red wine with one of my male friends...Maybe it's different for others or maybe it's the Scottish in me but it's rather too romantic looking to do with just a friend...

              Well did anyone see after they were talking and then stoipped talking and there was like a pause and they just kinda stared at one another before Shep kinda cleared his throat and started talking again.........I was like SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE........It was sooooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,....heehee.....So sweet....
              Yeah you said it so well ITA it's what I saw and i couldn't consider it another way than shippy lol I mean did you saw this look it was even better than Rising it was quite clear and Shep reaction made it even more clear lol

              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              So i was having this dream.....well it was more like a daydream really...Wouldn't it be cool if
              Teyla's in the infirmary bed unconscious hooked up to montors ans Shep is hurt too but he's awake and somewhat fine but he's to stay in the infirmary for the time being but he won't stay in his bed...He keeps going over to sit by Teyla's bed and after numerous attempts by Keller to keep him in his own bed she finally gives up after seeing Shep sitting next to Teyla's bed his hand in her hand and his head on the side of her bed and he's sleeping..

              So she just gives a little smile and laugh and walks off to her office and leaves them..

              After a while Shep feels Teyla start to stir and shouts on Keller,Teyla regains consciousness and after a few seconds regains some coherence and tries to ask what happened but her throat is too dry so Shep releases her hand and gets a glass of water and holds her head up so she can take a drink....

              She then askd what happened and Shep tells her she fought Michael..She tries to sit up quickly at this news but Shep tells her he won't be bothering any of them anymore and she relaxes..

              Keller and Shep hold Teyla up to put more pillows behind Teyla so she's sitting up more...Teyla apologises about putting them all in danger and looks away from him....Shep grabs her chin to face her towards him and tells her none of this is her fault,if anyone's to blame it was him for making Michael in the first place..Teyla does the same that Shep done previously...Keller noticing the change between them excuses herself to give them more privacy...

              He sits on the edge of the bed....He leans forward..Teyla's just staring at him wondering wat's going on....Then he kisses her,a short sweet kiss and he leans back again and Teyla sits there with her mouth kinda open then a little cheeky smile appears..She leans forward a little and he goes in for another kiss...This one a little more passionate....

              Meanwhile Keller is walking towards the infirmary door when Ronon,Rodney and Woolsey enter...They ask her how Teyla is and she tells them she'll be fine....They make to go over to Teyla but Keller stops them and asks them to wait a few minutes and when they ask why she just points over to the bed Teyla occupies....

              Well that's all i got

              Now wouldn't this be great if something like this happened at the end of prodigal or some other ep further down the line...Teyla kills Michael...I mean it's kinda poetic that she'd be the one to eventually kill him after what he's put her through...

              Ok i think my crazy little ramble is finished...I really need to stop drinking irn-bru
              Interesting dream but what is the end now you have to write it I want to know lol
              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
              Great work

              On to the next shippy scene
              I'd say it was the one where they reach Teyla. She hears P90 fire and shouts 'John', not 'I'm in here' or 'help' she shouts 'John' because like she says on two occasions, she knew he would come for her not they but him I love Ronon brotherly concern, its so sweet! And then Shep pulls his hand out with blood () and says he can't carrier her You can tell he is hurting and not cos of the blood. Some people have said that Shep isn't to bothered about her in this scene and its more of a Teyla/Ronon scene but I'd argue that Shep is completely focused on getting her out, he knows she's okay and that he's not good at the emotional stuff, his job is to get her out, finding her is only half the job done, there isn't much point in finding her if they can't get off the cruiser

              Edit: Fantastic dream Linda!
              You know what I loved the Ronon Teyla scene I find it really sweet but I have to agree that I din't consider it shippy. I knowI know ship glasses lol but i agree that Shep was al for teyla and wanted to make Teyla go out. This and the fact that he had to be really tired and ITA. Awesome scene I squee alone when she screams John lol I was all 'hey it's john she calls' What can I say few JT moments can make my day it's great what do you think? lol

              Originally posted by Hannanora View Post
              Aww.... all the squee-y love in this thread is making me all happy and causing me to grin inanely! Must refrain from squealing out loud, though... I think someone at work might notice! And Linda - you've got the plot... write it as a story!
              Hey you're not the only one lol
              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              I can only agree...

              He did care very much in that scene... and as you say,,,she didn't call out I'm in here or something else..she called specifically after John..she knew he was the one to lead any team in there after her,,,I think in a way maybe even for the fact that she knew it would be him is maybe also in some sense she knows that him, he will risk doing that,, sure he could very well order someone to do it for him but I think she knows him well enough to know he wont make anyone do anything he isn't ready to do himself.. and she knows also that she can count on him to come for her..

              When they get into the room he goes straight for her.. it's not just Ronon that goes to her ,,John crouch down right infront of her in her line of vision...he is completely focused on her just as much as she is focusing on him.. Ronon doesn't do the scooping up of her on his own.. if you know what I mean... I'm shaking my head at those who says,,,look who carried her,,, and I mean ,,yeah so what of it.. I'm feeling it's like are we watching the same show.. did they see the injury John had.. did they hear Keller tell him he needed surgery,, didn't they see the blood on John's hand when he touched his side,,didn't they hear him he would carry her but he wasn't going to be able to considering his condition... then again.. igonring facts so it suits people seems to be popular these days.. oh well...

              John's focus was all on Teyla... if he would have even attempted to try and carry her,,,I think he would have maybe not even gotten her up in his arms,,since he wasn't able to lift his arm high enough as we get to see moments later... he would have never been able to lift her into his arms and even if he had been able I'm sure he would have fallen to the floor with her in his arms.. I think he knew how much strenght he had in his body,,and he was smart enough not to try and carry her,, as Ronon told him later on when he was stubborn about the C4.." you don't have to do everything"
              Everyone trusts him to get them out of there,,and he isn't going to be any help lying on the floor bleeding out.. I think he knew in that scene he wasn't able to carry her due to his injury and get them all of the ship in one piece.. finding her was half the battle,, the next was to get of the ship in one piece.. his focus was as much on the rescue mission as it was on Teyla and making sure her safety...
              ITA once again great point and you're right aout Shep and Ronon in this scene ITA and you know what than you all for reminding me what Shep said I didn't even remember he asked Ronon to carry her
              Sig by the Great Linda06


                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                Ohhh, I love it!

                I will be happy to beta it. Now get writing!
                Glad you like it thank you
                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Wow it's really good I love it
                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
       know me too well....Remember what happened when they were trying to get me to do the RR......I was kicking and screaming and biting the whole way!
                lol yeah and I'm glad they did it and I hope they will do it again I want the end lol
                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                If you don't write it, I'll bring out...

                the babies.

                run Linda run because you can hide nowhere lol
                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Placing out the newest links that are up on my official link post..

                05x02 The Seed

                Watch a preview on the new episode called The Seed airing July 18.
                MGM Promo
                SciFi promo

                Joe Flanigan on E!

                Joe Flanigan was a guest at E!'s Chelsea Lately for like 5 min. Little talk about scifi acting, his other jobs before he became an actor, and a little about Stargate Atlantis fans.
                Thanks to Wraithfodder for taping it and putting it up for the rest of us to check it out.
                Thank you so much for the links. It seems really great
                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                Wasn't as bad as the writing thing

                GOOD...........How come every day it's me that's getting picked on...First at work and now here
                Linda you know we love you
                Originally posted by scifan View Post

                I don't either. They want to justify that he's just worried about her because she's a teammate, and I just say whatever.
                I believe a whumper noticed it when he was talking to Ford, but after watching it, countless times, I saw it happen before that.



                Yep, just like it says on the tags below.

                Yeah. JM hasn't responded to and mail lately. I'm hoping that question will be answered soon.

                Alot of good points Laura. Thanks.

                You said it perfectly and nice sig.

                WOW!!! Awesome daydream
                Thank you so much and yeah you're right they try to see what they want after all we all do this lol
                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                Nicely put Nina...

                Do you notice as well that Ronon always stands back for John.. he went to Teyla's side to give John acess directly in front of her. I loved also how Teyla called for John as soon as she heard the noise.. she didnt call Ronon or Rodney even though it would be pretty much a certainty that they would also be with John... but like in Submersion she calls for John..

                I agree Nina that its total nonsense saying it was a Ronon/Teyla shippy moment because Ronon carried Teyla, when it was obvious that John couldnt carry her because of his injury, and had asked Ronon to carry anyway.. its the same nonsense when some start blaming Teyla for her actions in Johns dream... oh well !!

                I love your thoughts
                Sig by the Great Linda06


                  Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                  I did another thing once again I think it's a little special but it's forRising and it's ot too but girls I think you will be happy (I hope ) lol
                  Very cool sig!
                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  Great work

                  On to the next shippy scene
                  I'd say it was the one where they reach Teyla. She hears P90 fire and shouts 'John', not 'I'm in here' or 'help' she shouts 'John' because like she says on two occasions, she knew he would come for her not they but him I love Ronon brotherly concern, its so sweet! And then Shep pulls his hand out with blood () and says he can't carrier her You can tell he is hurting and not cos of the blood. Some people have said that Shep isn't to bothered about her in this scene and its more of a Teyla/Ronon scene but I'd argue that Shep is completely focused on getting her out, he knows she's okay and that he's not good at the emotional stuff, his job is to get her out, finding her is only half the job done, there isn't much point in finding her if they can't get off the cruiser

                  Edit: Fantastic dream Linda!

                  Just like the dream at the beginning and the scene at the end acknowledges....Teyla knew exactly who would be on the other side of that door.
                  And,oh please! What are they thinking? The man had a serious, bleeding injury. There's no way he could have carried her, but I like that they gave him the line admitting it.
                  Ronon is a big teddy bear with a big heart when it comes to his team, his family. He was just as worried as the rest about her. He would do anything for any of them, but he's not moving in on Teyla. He's acknowledged in the past that he has noticed the "thing" between John & Teyla, and I think he is a JT shipper too.


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    About the bolded part...I believe it was Vengeance
                    opps.. yes it was...


                      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                      Great work

                      On to the next shippy scene
                      I'd say it was the one where they reach Teyla. She hears P90 fire and shouts 'John', not 'I'm in here' or 'help' she shouts 'John' because like she says on two occasions, she knew he would come for her not they but him I love Ronon brotherly concern, its so sweet! And then Shep pulls his hand out with blood () and says he can't carrier her You can tell he is hurting and not cos of the blood. Some people have said that Shep isn't to bothered about her in this scene and its more of a Teyla/Ronon scene but I'd argue that Shep is completely focused on getting her out, he knows she's okay and that he's not good at the emotional stuff, his job is to get her out, finding her is only half the job done, there isn't much point in finding her if they can't get off the cruiser

                      Edit: Fantastic dream Linda!
                      Yes. It was like Missing all over again.
                      She knew it was him. She hears those familar gun shots and know that he is coming for her. She never calls out for Ronon or anyone else.
                      The same in Vengeance. When she was captured by Michael. She called out for him.

                      And I loved how he said that he would carry her, but after he pulls out his hand and sees the blood, he suggests Ronon to do it.

                      I too love Ronon's brotherly concern for both of them.
                      And I also love how John is so into the baby. I mean he said, Wow! twice in this ep. It's hard to put in words how I think he feels about Teyla and the baby. I'm sure in the back of his mind he kinda remembers Kanaan, but it's Teyla. She's seen her during a part of her pregnancy and he got to feel the baby kick. I wasn't like he was trying to run away and she forced him to feel it. He walked fairly quickly across that room, in Quarantine, to feel it.
                      I love John's eyes expression too. You could almost feel his pain when he was worried about her baby and her going into labor.

                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Ronon is a great brother to have...He's very protective of his sister Teyla and he knows how Shep feels about her....Shep knows himself that he can't carry her hence why he tells Ronon....It's not that he doesn't care,it's because he knows they haven't got much time and he knows how badly injured he is and the only thing he's concerned about is getting Teyla off the ship as quick as possible...And if he tried carrying her in his condition it would just exacerbate the situation and that's the last thing they needed!
                      Well said.

                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Ninja - I think you should write a solo fic dude

                      Originally posted by Hannanora View Post
                      Aww.... all the squee-y love in this thread is making me all happy and causing me to grin inanely! Must refrain from squealing out loud, though... I think someone at work might notice! And Linda - you've got the plot... write it as a story!
                      LOL!!!! I bet it's hard when you're at work.

                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Have you seen my writing Not pretty......I'm ok writing a little bit of the RR but i couldn't write a whole fic myself
                      Don't sell yourself short. You rock at RR.

                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      I can only agree...

                      He did care very much in that scene... and as you say,,,she didn't call out I'm in here or something else..she called specifically after John..she knew he was the one to lead any team in there after her,,,I think in a way maybe even for the fact that she knew it would be him is maybe also in some sense she knows that him, he will risk doing that,, sure he could very well order someone to do it for him but I think she knows him well enough to know he wont make anyone do anything he isn't ready to do himself.. and she knows also that she can count on him to come for her..

                      When they get into the room he goes straight for her.. it's not just Ronon that goes to her ,,John crouch down right infront of her in her line of vision...he is completely focused on her just as much as she is focusing on him.. Ronon doesn't do the scooping up of her on his own.. if you know what I mean... I'm shaking my head at those who says,,,look who carried her,,, and I mean ,,yeah so what of it.. I'm feeling it's like are we watching the same show.. did they see the injury John had.. did they hear Keller tell him he needed surgery,, didn't they see the blood on John's hand when he touched his side,,didn't they hear him he would carry her but he wasn't going to be able to considering his condition... then again.. igonring facts so it suits people seems to be popular these days.. oh well...

                      John's focus was all on Teyla... if he would have even attempted to try and carry her,,,I think he would have maybe not even gotten her up in his arms,,since he wasn't able to lift his arm high enough as we get to see moments later... he would have never been able to lift her into his arms and even if he had been able I'm sure he would have fallen to the floor with her in his arms.. I think he knew how much strenght he had in his body,,and he was smart enough not to try and carry her,, as Ronon told him later on when he was stubborn about the C4.." you don't have to do everything"
                      Everyone trusts him to get them out of there,,and he isn't going to be any help lying on the floor bleeding out.. I think he knew in that scene he wasn't able to carry her due to his injury and get them all of the ship in one piece.. finding her was half the battle,, the next was to get of the ship in one piece.. his focus was as much on the rescue mission as it was on Teyla and making sure her safety...
                      ITA and say that too when I see the odd comments from those that don't want to see the true picture.

                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Great job MrsB!!

                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      It's still take forever to do........And i'm not very good at writing!

                      I'm trying to do i vid just now and i'm getting no where fast!
                      Yes you are and it takes us writer forever to. Just look at Nightmares by MrsB and the Secret Society story that Ruby wanted to started, and me and etc.

                      You would'nt be the first or last to be slow on a fic.

                      Ooo. Can't wait to see. Ok it you're going nowhere with it I guess I'll have to be patient.

                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
             know me too well....Remember what happened when they were trying to get me to do the RR......I was kicking and screaming and biting the whole way!
                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Yeah,i'm like a nervous wreck every month
                      And they came out awesome and you rock at it. What's your point again? LOL

                      Originally posted by Hannanora View Post
                      Poor you... I suppose you could always recruit someone else to write your dream fic up for you... but on the downside it'd never be quite how you'd imagine it
                      Ooooo. Hanna's got you there Linda.

                      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                      If you don't write it, I'll bring out...

                      the babies.


                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Placing out the newest links that are up on my official link post..

                      05x02 The Seed

                      Watch a preview on the new episode called The Seed airing July 18.
                      MGM Promo
                      SciFi promo

                      Joe Flanigan on E!

                      Joe Flanigan was a guest at E!'s Chelsea Lately for like 5 min. Little talk about scifi acting, his other jobs before he became an actor, and a little about Stargate Atlantis fans.
                      Thanks to Wraithfodder for taping it and putting it up for the rest of us to check it out.
                      Thanks Nina. The girl is CRAZY I never seen him squirm so much. Hee hee.
                      Thanks for all the links Nina.
                      Last edited by scifan; 15 July 2008, 12:10 PM.


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        So i was having this dream.....well it was more like a daydream really...Wouldn't it be cool if
                        Teyla's in the infirmary bed unconscious hooked up to montors ans Shep is hurt too but he's awake and somewhat fine but he's to stay in the infirmary for the time being but he won't stay in his bed...He keeps going over to sit by Teyla's bed and after numerous attempts by Keller to keep him in his own bed she finally gives up after seeing Shep sitting next to Teyla's bed his hand in her hand and his head on the side of her bed and he's sleeping..

                        So she just gives a little smile and laugh and walks off to her office and leaves them..

                        After a while Shep feels Teyla start to stir and shouts on Keller,Teyla regains consciousness and after a few seconds regains some coherence and tries to ask what happened but her throat is too dry so Shep releases her hand and gets a glass of water and holds her head up so she can take a drink....

                        She then askd what happened and Shep tells her she fought Michael..She tries to sit up quickly at this news but Shep tells her he won't be bothering any of them anymore and she relaxes..

                        Keller and Shep hold Teyla up to put more pillows behind Teyla so she's sitting up more...Teyla apologises about putting them all in danger and looks away from him....Shep grabs her chin to face her towards him and tells her none of this is her fault,if anyone's to blame it was him for making Michael in the first place..Teyla does the same that Shep done previously...Keller noticing the change between them excuses herself to give them more privacy...

                        He sits on the edge of the bed....He leans forward..Teyla's just staring at him wondering wat's going on....Then he kisses her,a short sweet kiss and he leans back again and Teyla sits there with her mouth kinda open then a little cheeky smile appears..She leans forward a little and he goes in for another kiss...This one a little more passionate....

                        Meanwhile Keller is walking towards the infirmary door when Ronon,Rodney and Woolsey enter...They ask her how Teyla is and she tells them she'll be fine....They make to go over to Teyla but Keller stops them and asks them to wait a few minutes and when they ask why she just points over to the bed Teyla occupies....

                        Well that's all i got

                        Now wouldn't this be great if something like this happened at the end of prodigal or some other ep further down the line...Teyla kills Michael...I mean it's kinda poetic that she'd be the one to eventually kill him after what he's put her through...

                        Ok i think my crazy little ramble is finished...I really need to stop drinking irn-bru
                        Wow, sounds like a great beginning for a fic.

                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                        Very nice!

                        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                        If you don't write it, I'll bring out...

                        the babies.



                          Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                          Very cool sig!


                          Just like the dream at the beginning and the scene at the end acknowledges....Teyla knew exactly who would be on the other side of that door.
                          And,oh please! What are they thinking? The man had a serious, bleeding injury. There's no way he could have carried her, but I like that they gave him the line admitting it.
                          Ronon is a big teddy bear with a big heart when it comes to his team, his family. He was just as worried as the rest about her. He would do anything for any of them, but he's not moving in on Teyla. He's acknowledged in the past that he has noticed the "thing" between John & Teyla, and I think he is a JT shipper too.
                          Yes indeed... and Ronon is most definitely one of our biggest JT shippers...


                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            I got a question...
                            I don't get where the Ronon/Teyla ship comes from....I mean there's never been any shippy moments between them......TPTB has never put any shippy moments in the show with these two......They've had scenes together and they've got great chemistry but i've always thought it was more like brother/sister thing so where does the ship come into it

                            Oh and did anyone notice the lingering look they gave each other in the dream before John cleared his throat to start talking again.........awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
                            Yeah I saw it and I SOOOOOOOOOO LOVE it
                            I don't know I think it was convenient the writers tried to go the SW road with certain ambiguous scenes and I think the Ronon Teyla was a great solution. Its why I have less problems with the SW than the Ronon Teyla and at frst I find it forced. Yet in Runner I was really happy I said for once that she has someone interested for me it was really clear in Runner ut I didn't know that Ronon will stay and after we had Trinity that I find really forced with the Ronon Teyla on one part and The Shep McKay on the other (I didn't know yet it would be like this lol). After I agree their relationship became really brother sister relationship but a lot of people were in favor. I remember Rachel said in one interview that she thought that her mother was for the Roon Teyla lol so I wasn't too happy. But for me and I think for people it was the solution, the Pete that will make Teyla run away and have SW I think this is only my opinion.
                            Sig by the Great Linda06


                              Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                              Very cool sig!


                              Just like the dream at the beginning and the scene at the end acknowledges....Teyla knew exactly who would be on the other side of that door.
                              And,oh please! What are they thinking? The man had a serious, bleeding injury. There's no way he could have carried her, but I like that they gave him the line admitting it.
                              Ronon is a big teddy bear with a big heart when it comes to his team, his family. He was just as worried as the rest about her. He would do anything for any of them, but he's not moving in on Teyla. He's acknowledged in the past that he has noticed the "thing" between John & Teyla, and I think he is a JT shipper too.
                              Thank you so much
                              Yeah great points I so love this and you're right I believe it too lol
                              Sig by the Great Linda06


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post

                                LOL!!!! I bet it's hard when you're at work.

                                Yes you are and it takes us writer forever to. Just look at Nightmares by MrsB and the Secret Society story that Ruby wanted to started, and me and etc.

                                You would'nt be the first or last to be slow on a fic.

                                Ooo. Can't wait to see. Ok it you're going nowhere with it I guess I'll have to be patient.

                                Thanks, Sci, it is.... and imagine how hard it is when I was watching S&R here! My home comp would probably explode if I asked it do that much, so I can only watch during lunch break or something... it was SO HARD not to jump up and down in my seat, especially during the beginning!

                                Yeah, that's true. I've had complete writers block on two of my stories over on Fanfiction (not SGA, though - I started writing them pre-SGA, they're HP) and I haven't updated the most recent one for about 2 years. And that one's over 113,000 words.... you're just going to write a one shot, Linda. No need to rush - it'll be great! Not sure if that made any sense, but I think the meaning behind it was go for it! (And this is encouraging, not picking on, )


                                Both sigs made by the lovely Scifan

