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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    This is really, really large so pardon that. But here's a tv guide article with a little scoop recap:
    Ah can't see anything MrsB.... is it a pic or an article..


      OT~ Remnants Script leak:

      All fixed Blue!


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        OT~ Remnants Script leak:

        All fixed Blue!
        Thanks for links MrsB
        But I don't see anything on the second one.



          I was hoping that Remnants was going to be a Sheppard centric episode and showcase JF a bit, so I'm not at all happy to hear that we will have three stories running in this episode and one of them will be Woolsey having a love interest... dear God what is up with these writers giving every friggin character a love story, who has just stepped onto the show... and we can't get something decent between Shep and Teyla whose relationship has been building up for 4 years...
          So to add insult to injury season five will bring love interests for Ronon, Rodney (AGAIN !!) Keller, Carson and now Woolsey....


            I still can't see anything MrsB... but it's probably because I am at work and it's restricting what I can see.... I'll have to have a look when I get home..
            Unless you would like to give me a little synopsis as to what the article is about...


              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              I still can't see anything MrsB... but it's probably because I am at work and it's restricting what I can see.... I'll have to have a look when I get home..
              Unless you would like to give me a little synopsis as to what the article is about...
              No, it's not just you. I see the site it's on, but not the text for Remnant.


                Well the Tv guide one I can see fine and I'm at work ( which is really saying something as far as seeing images! lol) but the Remnants link I cant get from here because of the filters, though I saw it fine from home...I'll recheck everything again once I get back home.....And Blue, I didnt even read through the script yet! That was dumb of me huh


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Looking forward to reading it later

                  What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    Well the Tv guide one I can see fine and I'm at work ( which is really saying something as far as seeing images! lol) but the Remnants link I cant get from here because of the filters, though I saw it fine from home...I'll recheck everything again once I get back home.....And Blue, I didnt even read through the script yet! That was dumb of me huh

                    Well, we'll just have to wait until you get home.


                      Remnants script...

                      Not much for my eyes though *lol* ran through the whole was like 99% Woolsey...and a tiny speck of John in there...
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                        Remnants script...

                        Not much for my eyes though *lol* ran through the whole was like 99% Woolsey...and a tiny speck of John in there...
                        Thanks Nina! I'm just glad someone can see it!


                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          Remnants script...

                          Not much for my eyes though *lol* ran through the whole was like 99% Woolsey...and a tiny speck of John in there...
                          Who is John?
                          Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                            I think it might be the guy that leads the know the attractive guy that reacts to the name of Sheppard
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Hi everybody How are you ?
                              After a long and useless rant that i hide in the John Teyla lounge I feel a little better even if I'm a little skeptical.
                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post

                              We've got another birthday coming, y'all!!

                              Linda's birthday is on July 21st!

                              Her favorite episodes are Submersion, Missing and SOW.

                              Her favorite scene is in submersion where Teyla is trying to see if there's a wraith and Ronon and John won't shut up so she gives them the look. Also the kiss scene in Conversion and the hug scene in SOW.

                              Her favorite characters are Teyla, Carson and Lorne.

                              Her fav kind of fic is Teyla whump but with JT in the end.

                              NOTE: She really, REALLY loves fics with weddings and children. In fact, she confessed, her dream story is for John and Teyla to get married while their set of twins are in the wedding! (One is the flower girl, the other is the ring barrer!) Oh, did I mention that Teyla is pregnant again?

                              ROFL, I am sooooo kidding. No kids or weddings.
                              this is so fun and thank you
                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              A gift, for my dear friend Linda:

                              Please, I hope no one took that seriously...
                              I didn't know what was the funniest part until I see this part which terrified me '-triplets' *faint* lol so fun really well done
                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              Oh yeah....The reason i came in here in the first place.....GoSpikey posted this link in the Rachel thread....Rachel interview
                              Thank you so much she's so nice and seems really great. Ok it's time for me that I enjoy again the show that I like and with gereat characters and even greater actors. She made my day and you too thank you so much for the link
                              I find this interview really interesting because i knew that the problem will be adressed in the 2nd or 3rd ep but what is the 7th I hoped they will be an answer before this or this is for another thing I'm really intrigued

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Thanks. I'm trying.

                              I know. Yesterday was aweful
                              Oh Coool! Thanks Mayra for letting me know. I love Steph's POVs.
                              And Miss her.

                              Ahhhh. That would so suck!!

                              Thanks Jess

                              *Looks shocked*
                              What! I didn't say anything. I'm completely innocent on this one.

                              I was in tears.
                              I so needed that today.
                              LOL! About the comforter and them not being illegitiment The whole thing was a riot!!!

                              Thanks hun. I'll try to read soon.

                              Love your Will and Deana sig.

                              Instinct is on Scifi right now!!!!
                              HUGS I hope things are better today
                              Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                              Missing Quotes Part 1
                              This is awesome thank you so much for taking time
                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              B better not shrink these! I made these as part of the JT thingathon Challenge. Created for Cel. The quote was the challenge. I tried to write a fic, but no can do.





                              I saw them and i have to say I'm stunned this is awesome the sig is even better than the rest if it's possible. It's extraordinary I love it
                              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                              Thank you for the link
                              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                              Title: The Kindling, part three
                              Summary: He had to concentrate on being Carson because he’d forgotten who that was.
                              Characters: Carson, Teyla & Torren
                              Rating: K

                              Part 3

                              [part 1 & part 2]
                              I started to read it and I started to cry lol as always so well written beautiful
                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              Laura, you are writing this one...I thought it was someone else...I haven't read this one, I don't think.

                              Anywho, I found this on LJ and I"m really not sure how to take this in...I"m really getting very saddened if the writers go in this direction but I"m hoping it was Picardo's mistake or something....oh, whatever...I'm just going to have to sit back and watch this roller coaster ride for the second time around.

                              Beware interview with Mallozzi and Picardo regarding Season 5 of Atlantis
                              Ok now that I read this part I feel a little better
                              I was at work and didn't read all only what you said and I was really unnerved. I hope this is a mistake I mean he corrects himself after and Kanaan is on a camp ? I really hope because I really don't need what marry her to Kanaan bring to the show moreover with the scene that we had in S&R. There is 2 things and one is too much I really hope it's the Kanaan thing. Ok i won't start again I did yet a really long post in the John and Teyla Lounge and I din't even said all of what I wanted. But I don't want a married Teyla and all others ships (Ronon Keller Rodney, Carson, Woolsey, I really hope it won't be Larrin for Shep) if it's the case I don't see anymore the point of JT. (I explain myself lol I'm all for this ship but I want that they clarify things f they make something like this to us I will be really disappointed but it's not anymore needed to try to catch JT shipper)
                              I really hope it won't be this.

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Ugh!!! I hope...
                              That he doesn't know that characters enough and he messed up. Like when inFanity interviewed Jewel last year and she thought Atlantis was still under water.

                              Maybe someone can ask him because he doesn't usually answer mine.

                              I see you Tey!!
                              Here's your Rising sig for your Bday. Haven't had time to do TFK ones(besides the 2 I already gave you.

                              Yeah but I'm almost certain that he won't answer this.
                              This year spoilers were really avare we had really little news remember what we knew about S&R there will be a new recrue, they speak so much of her (and with experience that we have) we believed she would front and center and not at all never they did a so well balanced ep in Antlantis before I think lol

                              This is awesome really beautiful

                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              Thank you for the news
                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              I think it might be the guy that leads the know the attractive guy that reacts to the name of Sheppard
                              No you think ?
                              I thought to something it's really really bad so I will hide it a little
                              but I remember the whumpers saying that JM dislike JF I don't if it's true but stupid as I am I believed it, it's true that we haven't a lot of news about him and now see he seems the only one to have no love interest. I know it's af irst but I mean they forgot Teyla a lot and now they dislike Shep this is not odd that we have nothing.
                              lol I advert (?) you that it was really bad lol
                              Sig by the Great Linda06


                                Originally posted by asgard30 View Post

                                No you think ?
                                I thought to something it's really really bad so I will hide it a little
                                but I remember the whumpers saying that JM dislike JF I don't if it's true but stupid as I am I believed it, it's true that we haven't a lot of news about him and now see he seems the only one to have no love interest. I know it's af irst but I mean they forgot Teyla a lot and now they dislike Shep this is not odd that we have nothing.
                                lol I advert (?) you that it was really bad lol
                                Yes I think he might be that guy

                                I can't even say what JM thinks about JF or wise versa... I think they are both strong minded people,, and I know JF speaks his mind,,he doesn't suger coat things,,if he doesn't like something he will say it.. I don't think JM dislikes JF because we haven't heard that much about John in spoilers... I can't really say I have heard much spoilers about Ronon, Teyla.. heard some on McKay.. and I think JM says he talks more about the epi he is in on and the characters that are within those epis.. neither JM or JF strike me as people who would be able to hide anything if they wasn't able to work together... yes Atlantis is a steady job,,it brings in the paychecks.. but I don't know somehow JF strikes me as the kind of a guy that wants to like and enjoy the enviroment he is working on,,especially since he has to travel so much and be away from his family... so if he wasn't happy and get along with the people within the show.. who is to say if he would still be there.. we have heard from JF,,he enjoys the show, he enjoys working with the people he is working with, so I'm sure it's fine...
                                JF and JM may not see eye to eye on every single thing,, since JF seems very protective and involved when it comes to the show but especially his own character.. but I do think they respect eachother...

                                I don't take the lack of spoilers on John's part to be that JM dislikes JF.. since wouldn't he also dislike Rachel and Jason too since there are hardly spoilers for them either... if I can get scenes from John the way I got from S&R without hardly knowing a single thing about him in spoilers for this epi..then heck I don't mind there isn't any spoilers around for his character...I rather be surprised then know every single thing that will happen with him... and maybe they are going for more shock affect with his character due to some talk about his character for this season...and if so then I rather not know about it to much before hand...

                                sorry it got a little long
                                Sigs by Scifan

