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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
    Okay i made these
    under Spoiler Tags season 5 Spoilers

    Nice work Donna!

    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Ooooo. Very nice.

    Here's a new Welcome banner I made.

    Thanks Lea - and I love the new banner!!

    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    Now this is something the whumpers would like great one :
    Thanks Nina.

    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
    LINDA!!!! I gotta present for you!!!!



    Originally posted by Mayra View Post
    Loved it! TeylaFan!. I thought you did great with the Angst!...had me on my toes towards the end!.
    Thanks Mayra! Glad you found it angsty enough.

    Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
    Forgot to post this yesterday when I got back..but better late than never right?...

    Awesome sig!
    *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

    “Because you can.”




      Just a quick post to see if anyone's read my ficcy???
      Link to it: Family Love & Strength, No Matter What

      IF YOU THOUGHT S&R WAS A "SQUEEEE" MOMENT, READ MY FIC!!!!!!! (I'm serious, it's surely in the same Squee field as S& it & you'll understand!)

      Update on my vid: Gonna work on it Friday at the earliest (and that's Fri Australian time!). I'm off from Tafe for 2 weeks starting at exactly 9:30pm (Aus time) on Thursday yay!!!!!! So I'll have loads of time to work on it.

      And since we've been chatting over B'days, would someone take note that MY birthday is OCTOBER 1st. Thanks.

      Chat later.


      All Sigs Made By Me.


        Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
        Forgot to post this yesterday when I got back..but better late than never right?...

        BTW...I think Donna posted the Promo pics earlier....thanx for them, they turned out to be less than what I was hoping for.... so, am i the only one or are they in serious need of our help......the gang looks okay but whoever photoshop'd them is scaring me...
        Great bday banner!
        Yeah, less than spectacular promo pics...looks like wax figures.
        I wish they would just take a "real" group pic, these are all beautiful people they don't need the touch-ups.

        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
        I have a feeling that they weren't going to release them cos they weren't happy with them (after what was said when the Woolsey pics came out) but someone got their hands on them so they had to release them before they got leaked and it looked like they were ashamed of them.

        Did you see what JM said about them on his blog?
        Morjana writes: “ New NBCU Stargate Atlantis 5 promotional photos are out.”

        Answer: Yes, and they contain a major spoiler. In season 5, everyone on Atlantis will have the ability to levitate!

        Stunning sig!

        I don't like the pics either And if you look at the comments on the main page, there isn't one thats good

        Originally posted by LandJrule View Post

        Just a quick post to see if anyone's read my ficcy???
        Link to it: Family Love & Strength, No Matter What

        IF YOU THOUGHT S&R WAS A "SQUEEEE" MOMENT, READ MY FIC!!!!!!! (I'm serious, it's surely in the same Squee field as S& it & you'll understand!)

        Update on my vid: Gonna work on it Friday at the earliest (and that's Fri Australian time!). I'm off from Tafe for 2 weeks starting at exactly 9:30pm (Aus time) on Thursday yay!!!!!! So I'll have loads of time to work on it.

        And since we've been chatting over B'days, would someone take note that MY birthday is OCTOBER 1st. Thanks.

        Chat later.
        Wonderful, will save for later thanks!


          Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
          First off let me say that I absolutely loved this entire ep

          The only part that bothered me a little was when Teyla showed the baby to Kanaan and said that this is their chance. ????? Did I hear that right?

          And since I haven't seen season 4 yet, I didn't realize that John had not yet met Kanaan...that was some meeting, you could tell after Teyla told Kanaan that these were the friends she had told him about that Kanaan just stared at John. LOL He knew which one was the threat.

          I think I better go watch again.

          Linda, my friend...may I look?
          I just took that to mean
          it was their (baby & hers) chance to escape. Notice how not once in the plan to escape did she say "Lets find Kanaan." If it hadn't been for the Jumper being missing (where'd it go btw?) they'd never have gone to Kanaan.

          Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
          *runs around singing "I confused Elfie"*....

          I know I just spout things out there and hope one of you guys can explain my own thoughts to me...

          I finally rewatched it just now...

          That is so it...
          Rachel's facial expression changed alot in those few seconds...the expression seems like a cross between surprise,wonder, and maybe a bet of a serious was the surprise that wasn't clicking for me.

          I rewatched Shep's expression and he seemed to be really conflicted, now this is me being my shippiest, but he looked REALLY sad in those moments that the camera goes back to him while Ronon's talking. Sure you're got Rodney looking all worried but that's normally.

          I liked how he finally moved forward right after Teyla said Kanaan tried to help her before, as if he thought it was only after hearing that...that it was worth his time to listen to Kanaan.

          you've got to excuse me...I'm recovering from finals if i don't make sense don't worry....I confuse myself sometimes...
          I know what you mean, and I totally agree

          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post

          I took that as 'this is our chance to escape'

          Sweet TJ dreams!
          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          Hey this was on JM BLOG last night....Do you guys think
          its Michael? And whats up with that pleather looking suit? Looks like he's getting some sort of 'mindmeld'.....
          I would say it was dude from Reunion love

          Thanks everyone for my wonderful gifts yesterday I loved them all!
          don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

          facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
            I just took that to mean
            it was their (baby & hers) chance to escape. Notice how not once in the plan to escape did she say "Lets find Kanaan." If it hadn't been for the Jumper being missing (where'd it go btw?) they'd never have gone to Kanaan.

            Thanks everyone for my wonderful gifts yesterday I loved them all!

            I like your interpretation. I'll stick with that.
            The PJ? Was Michael ever given the gene therapy when he was in Atlantis? Cause when he figured out that someone was aboard he rushed off and I just figured he found it and moved it. This sets up trouble for later...a cloaked jumper in Michaels hands....hmmm

            Glad you had a great day gater!
            Last edited by cc_mac; 25 June 2008, 03:11 AM.


              JM BLOG UPDATE

              Mackenzie’s Momma writes: “ So after much research and debate several of us are curious as to when we might see Lorne’s character promoted.”

              Answer: As someone already pointed out, promoting Lorne to Lieutenant Colonel would make him equal in rank to Sheppard, something we’re not prepared to do.

              Morjana writes: “ New NBCU Stargate Atlantis 5 promotional photos are out.”

              Answer: Yes, and they contain a major spoiler. In season 5, everyone on Atlantis will have the ability to levitate!

              PG15 writes: “1. Are you currently accepting pitches from freelance writers?

              2. Will the Wraith be involved in Episode 100? Will Episode 100 end on a cliffhanger?”

              Answer: 1. The end of the season is the least likely time we would be looking to freelance pitches. There is only one more episode to break - #20 - and Paul will be writing it. 2. My lips are sealed.

              "I swung by post today to approve the seamless version of Broken Ties. The seamless version is, of course, the uninterrupted version that will eventually find its way onto DVD. Many shows (The Shield come to mind) simply go to black at the end of each act but Stargate’s episodes run uninterrupted, segueing smoothly from the last scene of one act into the first scene of the next. Usually. Sometimes, because of the way an episode has been shot, the transition can be a little jarring. If the last shot of Act Two is a close up of a pensive McKay and the first shot of Act Three is a medium shot of McKay coming up with an idea, then running them back to back becomes problematic. I was faced with just such a challenge today. The final shot of the act is a static close up of Ronon, but the first shot of the next act is moving and jumps the axis (we were on Ronon’s left side and, suddenly, we’re on his right).

              “Yeah,”chimed in Jen who was standing in the doorway, reading my face. “That is a bit iffy.” At times like these, it’s sometimes advisable to cut to an insert. This (sort of) worked when we did the seamless version of SG-1’s Shadow Play. Act Four ends with a shot of the team searching the warehouse while Act Five begins with…a shot of the team searching the warehouse. Well, since Carter is holding a PFD taking naquada readings, we simply borrowed an insert of a PFD in Carter’s hand and used it to bridge the two scenes. ON a MEDIUM SHOT of the team searching the warehouse. CUT TO: AN INSERT of Carter’s PFD taking readings. CUT BACK TO: A MEDIUM SHOT of the team searching the warehouse. Sure, it’s a completely different device being held in a completely different manner, but only if you play close attention.

              Unfortunately, cutting to an insert wouldn’t work in this case. So, rather than add a shot, I cut one. I lose the final shot of the act so that instead of ending on Ronon, we end on Tyre then pick up the first shot of the next act - FINDING RONON. Let me know if it bugs you when you watch the episode on 5 DVD."


                Results are in for challenge 4 in the Icons of SGA Group

                Linkage: Icons of SGA

                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                  Title: Belonging
                  Summary: He's not sure any of them would understand, anyway. 'Sunday' Tag
                  Characters: Ronon, Sheppard & Teyla
                  Rating: K+

                  Notes: This is a sequel of sorts to my story, Orchestra and in that sense, it can be seen as John/Teyla pairing.

                  Beloning, Ronon/Sheppard/Teyla, 'Gen, Season 3'
                  don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                  facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                    Im trying to improve on my Artwork heres what i did so far
                    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                      Title: Search & Rescue
                      Summary: They would find her, as a team. They had to.
                      Characters: Sheppard, Ronon, Rodney, Woolsey & Teyla
                      Pairing: John/Teyla
                      Rating: K+
                      Notes: Tag fic with Wedjatqi, in response to "Daddy." Lines I used are in BOLD.

                      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                        Some more icons....

                        Hey TF told me yesterday but I forget...whats the average size of a sig?


                          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                          Results are in for challenge 4 in the Icons of SGA Group

                          Linkage: Icons of SGA
                          Third place again! Cool!

                          I entered these icons for the challenge....

                          Came in third with this one:

                          Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                          Im trying to improve on my Artwork heres what i did so far
                          Last edited by TeylaFan; 25 June 2008, 05:03 AM.
                          *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                          “Because you can.”



                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Some more icons....

                            Hey TF told me yesterday but I forget...whats the average size of a sig?
                            Great icons!! Maximum is 200x700.
                            *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                            “Because you can.”



                              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                              Third place again! Cool!

                              I entered these icons for the challenge....

                              [IM][/IMG] [IM][/IMG] [IG][/IMG] [IM][/IMG] Came in third with this one: [IG][/IMG]

                              These are all gorgeous! I love the second one... Can I have??
                              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                                TF - Congrats on your win dude!!! And thanks again for the info!!

