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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    Yes thank you TF...So that means you'll be off in what...about half an hour
    LLOL Actually - I left pretty quickly Now - did you?

    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Thank TF. I hadn't seen the first 2 before, but I have with the quadruplets(sp)
    Yeah- that one's the funniest!

    How have you been?
    *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

    “Because you can.”



      Originally posted by mrs.Jackson982 View Post
      HEY EVERYONE!!! sorry I havnt been arou in, like, a month. I just never really had the time. But, lucky for you, im gonna be on ALLLLLL night =] and because I havnt been on in a while, here you go:
      Hey MrsJ!!!!

      I love your MP

      Originally posted by LandJrule View Post

      J/T fic soon! Promise!!!!!!
      Well, I know you'll enjoy it. I know I did.
      Love the art too.

      Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
      Cool painting!

      Fly by post.....

      I've got a new sig and made a few manips. They can be seen here.
      Awesome Manips and sig!!!!

      Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
      LLOL Actually - I left pretty quickly Now - did you?

      Yeah- that one's the funniest!

      How have you been?
      I agree. I'm still Alive!!!
      I doing good, thanks for asking TF

      Has anyone seen Cabouse???????


        Hi everybody ! How are you ?
        I know that the surgery dates aren't far so I wish you good luck
        Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
        Thanks That voice in the wind is so kind...

        Thank you
        Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
        Np sci
        I enjoyed the storm it only lasted a little while but it was fun especially when all the doors and windows started see we don't get many storms like that here so i love it whenever we get one.

        Your welcome TF and
        i hope you enjoyed the storm oh and i can't read your part of the RR fic yet as I've only started reading the first part but i hope to read your part soon.

        Thanks Linda and Mayra.

        DONNA those aren't lame they're awesome great job.

        Sorry to hear that WP i hope your toe gets better soon.

        Great to hear JT4L glad it went ok and I'm sure today's performance will go even better.

        Those are lovely asgard.
        Thank you a lot
        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
        Got another pic fic

        Indecent Proposal

        On a side note, can any post the four parts of the RR or the links to them? I'll try to put up the page today.
        lol it was so fun poor Halling
        Thanks a lot for the link
        I'm not too fan of the cover art

        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Oh cool. I can't wait to see what she writes.
        Thanks. I'm all done already.
        And NP hun. Glad you like it.

        Oh Cool Kate that is so awesome. I'm glad for you and the rest of the cast.

        I totally agree with you.

        Thanks Asgard.

        Nice job.

        Thanks Laura.

        I do too
        But, when I was living in Fla briefly and I had a bad experience. We were renting a very small camper, Pete was working 3rd shift( but was gone to one of our friends house all day) and we had a lightening storm come threw. I was like, "Oh, Cool." And started to watch it out the window. (We were by an open field.) It was like having tons of flashing cameras outside. It was non-stop lightening strikes. I was like day time.
        I lost power, I jumped on my bed and the trailer shook for a long time.
        Later, we found out that Ocala is know for having an average 60-80 strike per min. Something to do with what's in the soil.

        That was over 10 yrs ago. So, I'm all better now.

        Hey Pandora!!! How are you?
        I think your Calvin sig is funny.

        Awesome job... as usual Jess.
        Give me a couple of mins to update the Fic link
        and thank you so much
        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        uh oh...they are so screwed

        Very nice,you're on a roll with these!
        lol yeah I know sorry perhaps I should try to be less lol
        Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
        Ok guys, this is a quick post. I am just dropping off Part 6 of RR. I had to rush. Work is bad today. I hope you like it.
        Always interesting and go Teyla
        Originally posted by Padme18 View Post

        Thank you so much once again for taking time to make this
        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        I really need to get a life

        I suck at grammar but i've always been very good a spelling

        oh okayyyyyyyyyyyy......I'm all on my lonesome again....

        i'm lonely lonely lonely...i'm lonely lonely looooooooooooooonleyyyyyyyyyyyy
        I am under the impression that you told of my life
        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
        Man you guys are so fast this month with the Round Robin im going to need a few days to catch up with my part as im still not confident enough to do it straight away whilst im her ill post these as im not staying

        Wow really good I like them
        Originally posted by Silvius View Post
        To start i would like to say hello to everyone! And about John Teyla relation relationship. I wounder why the writers haven´t started it in full?
        I once, have imagined that, one day while the team Teyla, John, Ronon and Mckay are held prisioner of a Michael in a ship, suddently droping of hiperspace and strange new spaceship appears, the ship its a little less small then a Ancient Warship, something like this:
        Then Michael Hiveshipe starts shooting over it, but they seem have no effect over this ship, then the new ship attacks, using a laser lbean like the ones of ancients satelites, damaging completly the hive hiperdrive. Michael sends his all is Darts to attack, they do, but the other ship doesnt seems to care that a few thousands of darts are attacking her, then the right and left side of the opens some windows where a strange half sphers, then they turn on, and from then allot of small white energies balls are shoots, and in a few seconds all the darts are destroyed. Then Michael runs to the prisioners cells, and when he reaches it, the team still there. He looks at then, and rodney starts a question, but doesnt have time to finish it, because they are beam out, leaving a anger Michael looking to a empty space, a guards runs to him and stops, to warn him that all the humans on the food ground are gone, leaving him even more anger.
        The teams finds they himselfs in a control room of a strange ship, it a big chair like the one in Atlantis, in the middle of the room, right in front of then they see from the window(sorry i forgot the english term for it) the Michael Hive. Rodney is amased it the fact that the ships control room is full it ancient tecnology, then the ship shoots from they principal weapons two laser beams, that cuts the hive in 2, and explosion from inside finish the job.
        The team even ask who is they savior, then the chair turn around showing a young man using the same uniform of then. the ship jumps in hiperspace.
        The young man greets then and introduce himself, as Adam, he says to be from the future, and came back to past to change it, he came back because Teyla son, turned Evil on the future, caused allot of destruction, and now is the ruler of pegasus galaxy, And Adam says that he came back to stop Teyla son from turning evil this time and save the future. He takes then to the infirmary, the team realizes that Adam pocess telekinetics powers, since he just wave is hands to open the doors. On the infirmary he use a ancient tecnology to heal the team injuries. And after that he takes then to the cargo zone, on the way the team gets freak out when they see a stranges robotic insects walking around, Adam explains that they replicators, but have been configured only to serve the ship tripulation, and repair the ship if damaged, and they have a programa that destroys any other programs that are input on then, so others replicators can´t try to take control over then. On the cargo room he shops to then five huge box, from one of then he takes out a ZPM and shows it. The Mackay almost has a heart stop of happiness, but then he notice onething, this ones are of a diferent color, bluelight. Adam explains that in the future they found a ancient information about a experiment to create most powerful ZPMs, this ones have the energy of a young sun, they found a way to absorve a star white dwarf energy, each one of this ZPMs contains a energy of a star white dwarf, cacthed on the galaxy center. And the better part, they can be use like they were normal ZPMs, it just a small diference, they have must more power, very must more. He tells then that just one of this ZPM is enought to create a shield to protect a entire planet, and stay active for at least 12 years, and can stay on or 2 if under fire of a fleet of 200 hive ships continous. He also tells then that his ship is named Ragnarok, and uses 5 of this bluelight ZPMs, called S-ZMPs, and she 100% ancient tecnology(i forgot to mentioned that the ship also recipient like the wraith darts, so she can transport thousands of passengers), was found hidden base on ancient laboratory planet very well hidden from the Wraith, she was build but a Ancient named Janus, but he never used it because he received order to evacute to Atlantis. The Wraith never found this planet because he had a especial portal that only allowed Atlantis portal to link to him, and 95% of the planet surface is ocean, so the wraith would never espect to find anything living there, so they ignored the planet and the existence o a huge ancient laboratory on it.
        He also tells then that he is 50% ancient, because a ascended ancient banned by the Others, saw the love that existed between Adam parents, so during the conception he his intervention, Adam would be born it allot of powers to help Atlantis defeat the wraith once for all from the pegasus galaxy, and this way the ascened ancient would get his redemption for the mistake they made that allowed the appearence of the wraith.
        After 30 mins they reach Atlantis, and it Adam help they install 3 S-ZPMs on Atlantis, and Adam also sends the replicators on his ship to go and concert Atlantis damage zones, the city shield changes for a blue very alive, and the city starts working a 100%. (A very new things are found out to exist one the city, new Ancients devices etc.)
        Now i am going to move fast.
        Time pass, and in one mission the team learns that Teyla is Adam mom on the future, while episodes go on, allot of amasing and emotioned scenes between Adam and Teyla go on, love mother son grows up. And in half of the season we learn why John and Adam have became so friends easily, thats because John is the father. Rodney notice one day, while the team is getting ready for mission, that Adam and John have the same mark on their back, and both make the same move when they are playing it their guns. so Rodney it Beckett help, use a hair they got from Adam and compare it John DNA, and the test confirms John alelos on Adam DNA. It this proofs Adam doesnt have any why to escape to the true, and confirms that John is really is father. This will change Teyla a John relationship, and we see then getting close, and the flame between then grows larger. Of course, in the end of the season Adam dies saving Teyla first baby(i dont know the name of her first son yet) from Michael(He is stabed from behind, and when he dies, baby Adam is born. Angered John finish Michael onced for all, using Adam especial sword and cuts Michael in two. Adult Adam disapear, because future had be changed. In the end we see Teyla it young Adam on her arms on the infirmary, then John, arrive and sits on the chair close to her, and cries of hapiness, the rest of the team and friends joins them on this happy day. Anda Adam becames oficial the first child being born on Atlantis in 10.000 years.

        This is how i imagined a entire season all bout John and Teyla relationship.
        Forgiven my bad english i should have allot of written errors, i am Portuguese, so you guys understand.
        Hi and welcome. Hey we aren't far from my window I could see you
        lol I'm in the south of France

        Your idea is really interesting it would be a cool idea
        Sig by the Great Linda06


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          First thing first.

          Welcome to the JT Thread Silvius!!!!!

          I don't know why they haven't done more with John and Teyla. It's a mystery to me too.
          I loved your idea for a season. Is it in story form too?? It would be an awesome fanfic.
          The whole idea with the hybrid ship that Janus made, Adam and it was so cool with the replicator that repairs. Awesome idea. All of it!!!

          Last art for the night. Will post on Beya some time tomorrow.

          Wow it's really awesome and yeah I don't understand why we have little hints and nothing and again hints while nothing is official or could be interpreted diferently. Really I would like something official I don't ask for the moon lol but something real that we can't deny
          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          Gorgeous as always Donna!

          First off,welcome ....I'm Scottish and there's a few from different countries here so don't worry about writing in here....We understand what you're saying

          GUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........I lurvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve this *faints with the shear awesomeness of it* *slowly comes too* mmmmmmmmm yup still love it *resumes to faint again*

          Yup i really need to get a life.....But i like spending all my time in here too much!

          Well i thought grammar was like using certain words in the right context...Isn't it???

          Well i work all day and it's not fair to leave a Cat or any animal alone the whole day and well my mum's not able to look after a cat now....We've got a flight of stairs on the inside and a flight of stairs on the outside of our house and she's not able to traipse up and down the stairs all the time I miss having a cat so much

          Yup this place is like too addictive.....It usually takes me about an hour to finally leave

          OT footie
          WOOHOO.....Come on Utd......3-1 up
          you were right we are psychically connected I so miss an animal but I can't
          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          JM BLOG UPDATE

          SusantheTartanTurtle writes: “Is there any particular reason that you have been lurking whilst “Whispers” is being filmed. Apart from all the pretty ladies that is.”

          Answer: Most of the time, I’m simply too busy to spend time on set. In the case of Whispers (as was the case with Harmony late last season), I have a window before I start my next script (episode #16). Also, this episode is a little more complex than most, requiring a substantial amount of fog FX, and I wanted to be on hand to deal with any potential problems. Fortunately, things went swimmingly.

          LostCityGuardian writes: “Is the Shrine of Talus still going to be called that, or is it now just The Shrine?”

          Answer: It’s now called The Shrine.

          "Brush with death or brain injury aside, it was an excellent day and marked the end of the Whispers shoot (outstanding inserts and pick-ups aside). Christina Cox wrapped yesterday and, today, it was everyone else’s turn: Nicole de Boer, Janina Gavankar, Leela Savasta, and, last but not least, the lovely Paul McGillion. A great time was had by all and I was genuinely kind of sad to see the episode wrap. Will declared it the most difficult episode he has ever shot. But also the most fun. I can’t wait to see a cut.

          I stayed late yet again, wandering over to Stage 2 where The Queen was being shot to take a few snaps of that creepy new wraith, check out the amazing sets, and grab one of the complimentary smokies being served."
          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
          Hiya Elf!Hope you recoup as fast as possible!


          Here's the link to some BTS pics of my short film

          Thanks for your pics they are cool
          Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
          LOL! It's fine, thanks. Apparently I just sprained it. Don't ask me how one sprains one's toe . . .

          However, the trip to the doctor's office was quite entertaining.

          Setting: The x-ray room. I'm sitting on the table with a tongue depressor in between my toes so that the one they're gettting a picture of will be separated, the radiologist is setting up the x-ray machine, and this other guy who works there decides to pop in to give the radiologist a hard time. He sort of struck me as a displaced stand-up comedian. After a little kidding around, this scene ensues.

          GUY: (Fidgeting with something on the table) What's this? An aerodynamic boomerang?

          RADIOLOGIST: (A little annoyed with him) Sure, and if I throw it at your head, it'll just whip around and come right back.

          ME: Or it could go into orbit around your ego.

          (Short pause where I wonder if I should have said that, even though the radiologist is laughing)

          GUY: (Not offended, fortunately) Did I just get busted by a girl with a tongue depressor in between her toes?

          RADIOLOGIST: (Still laughing) Yes, I believe you did.

          Afterward the radiologist kept thanking me, because apparently she'd been wanting to say something like that to him for a long time but didn't want to get in trouble. It was very amusing. I gloated a good portion of the way home.

          But anyway, how are you doing?
          Yeah it happens and lol it was so fun well said
          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
          Heehee Totally OT - but if anybody needs cheering up...

          Thank you so much
          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          FINALLY.....GW is back up....This is getting rather annoying...It's been happening alot lately!

          Yeah i know but i don't know if i could go through that pain again.......It was so hard to take the cat and get her put to sleep,i know it was the right thing to do because she was suffering and i always said i wouldn't let her suffer but i was so heartbroken when i had to do it

          I just don't know if i could go through that again!

          awwww poor you

          Alloa got beat in the playoffs semi....They were 3-1 up at one point but the game finished 4-3 to Clyde after 90 minutes so it went into extra time and Clyde scored again so Alloa don't get promoted this season!

          Well us Scots are consuming large amounts of Irn-bru..Red bull ain't got a look in to Irn-bru

          And good luck on yer surgery!

          Cool piccies!

          I could just imagine!

          Yes i'm ok now sci after my little fainting episode
          For my cat it was more than ten years ago and I fear again to have another

          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
          Title: Shock
          Summary: He took a tentative step towards her but stopped, hand resting mid-air as it reached for her.
          Characters: Teyla, John
          Pairing: John/Teyla
          Rating: K

          Great story I LOVED it
          Originally posted by mrs.Jackson982 View Post
          HEY EVERYONE!!! sorry I havnt been arou in, like, a month. I just never really had the time. But, lucky for you, im gonna be on ALLLLLL night =] and because I havnt been on in a while, here you go:
          SQUEEEEEEEEEE and hi
          Originally posted by LandJrule View Post
          "The Return 1"
          1. Rodney's "Do you really have pizzas? Cos it's a shame to see them go to waste? No- uh........ *runs off*"- got to love that guy. And the look John gave him- wow!
          2. They really liked the graphic for going through the wormhole- I swear I saw it about 4 times in just 1 ep. That's got to ba a record.
          3. The Athosian forehead-2-forehead thing Tey & John did. And then him saying "Take Care" to her- so quietly, & with that smile! *faints*
          Talking of which, I made this last year from a cap of that moment (them touching foreheads):

          3. This episode in a whole would've been much better if they'd simply NOT had the re-cap of 'Progeny'- it is practically screaming "THEY"RE REPLICATORS NOT ANCIENTS!" at us. Duh- all you have to do is look at their clothes, & bam! You've got it.
          4. The team's return to the Athos settlement- John smiling at Tey, Teyla calling him "John" instead of "Colonel"!!!!! Squeeeeeeee!!!!!!
          5. I honestly missed realising that at 50 min on the player, the ep was going to end before the story was resolved. Although I liked the fact the "To Be Continued" got it's own screen rather than hidden in the bottom of a shot like normally.
          Can't wait to see Pt 2- despite the midnight timeslot it's now in due to 'Trinny & Susannah Undress The Nation', which also bumps 'Lost' back an hour too. *sigh* (at least Atlantis is only half an hour later than normal- they've scrapped "American Dad")

          J/T fic soon! Promise!!!!!!
          Really cool
          Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
          Cool painting!

          Fly by post.....

          I've got a new sig and made a few manips. They can be seen here.
          Wow I loved them they are great
          Sig by the Great Linda06


            Hey Asgard, NP.

            I'm experimenting with more textures.


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Hey Asgard, NP.

              I'm experimenting with more textures.

              Wow I'm loving it and your textures are amazing
              Sig by the Great Linda06


                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                I agree. I'm still Alive!!!
                I doing good, thanks for asking TF

                Has anyone seen Cabouse???????
                Well good!

                Nope. Not in a while..

                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Hey Asgard, NP.

                I'm experimenting with more textures.

                Very cool!! How do you do that anyway??
                *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                “Because you can.”



                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  NP Cazz. I'm glad it's all straightened out.

                  Oh and I was wondering about that. I'm sure you're not going to tell us which one is you, are you?
                  I'm in one without a title that has quite a few people in it

                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Has anyone seen Cabouse???????
                  Not for a while

                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  I'm experimenting with more textures.


                  Footie! Woohoo!
                  As things stand we're in the Play Offs! COME ON YOU RED AND WHITE WIZAAARDS!

                  What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                    Afternoon Y'all!

                    Just wanted to let all of you know that I will not be able to have internet access while I am recouping in the hospital. So, hopefully, I will call Sci and give her updates for all of you.

                    Now, right now, I am so trying to catch up on all the pages. And, all the parts to the RR for May already! Y'all must be consuming massive amounts of Red Bull or something. The last part I think that was posted was part 6 already! I have not even been to read parts 1-5 yet!

                    Welcome to all of the newbies I missed! Seriously! It Rocks to see JT is getting stronger!!

                    Congrats to all the milestones!!
                    And Happy Birthday to anyone who has had one and I didn't get to get you a piece of cake!!!
                    Good luck with everything Elf.
                    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post

                    Here's the link to some BTS pics of my short film

                    Great pics Cazz i hope you had a fun time.
                    Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                    LOL! It's fine, thanks. Apparently I just sprained it. Don't ask me how one sprains one's toe . . .

                    However, the trip to the doctor's office was quite entertaining.

                    Setting: The x-ray room. I'm sitting on the table with a tongue depressor in between my toes so that the one they're gettting a picture of will be separated, the radiologist is setting up the x-ray machine, and this other guy who works there decides to pop in to give the radiologist a hard time. He sort of struck me as a displaced stand-up comedian. After a little kidding around, this scene ensues.

                    GUY: (Fidgeting with something on the table) What's this? An aerodynamic boomerang?

                    RADIOLOGIST: (A little annoyed with him) Sure, and if I throw it at your head, it'll just whip around and come right back.

                    ME: Or it could go into orbit around your ego.

                    (Short pause where I wonder if I should have said that, even though the radiologist is laughing)

                    GUY: (Not offended, fortunately) Did I just get busted by a girl with a tongue depressor in between her toes?

                    RADIOLOGIST: (Still laughing) Yes, I believe you did.

                    Afterward the radiologist kept thanking me, because apparently she'd been wanting to say something like that to him for a long time but didn't want to get in trouble. It was very amusing. I gloated a good portion of the way home.

                    But anyway, how are you doing?
                    It's great to hear you only sprained it.
                    Originally posted by mrs.Jackson982 View Post
                    HEY EVERYONE!!! sorry I havnt been arou in, like, a month. I just never really had the time. But, lucky for you, im gonna be on ALLLLLL night =] and because I havnt been on in a while, here you go:
                    Love the MP mrs.Jackson it's great.
                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Thank you WL
                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    Thanx Guys
                    Your welcome sci and DONNA.
                    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                    Hey y'all!!

                    I'd just like to say a huge THANK YOU to you guys for all your support with the play!! it was more fun than i've had in a while (in terms of non-stargate related things, of course) and it's all over now..... but i'm so glad I did it and that you guys were so supportive!!! *hugs all around*

                    gotta run now, be back later
                    Great to hear you had fun and as sci said we'll always support you.
                    Originally posted by LandJrule View Post
                    Talking of which, I made this last year from a cap of that moment (them touching foreheads):
                    The painting is fantastic LandJrule.
                    Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                    Cool painting!

                    Fly by post.....

                    I've got a new sig and made a few manips. They can be seen here.
                    Awesome sig and manips Devine great job.
                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Hey Asgard, NP.

                    I'm experimenting with more textures.

                    Love it sci it's great.

                    Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                    Thank you a lot
                    Your welcome asgard. *runs off*


                      Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                      Great pics Cazz i hope you had a fun time.
                      I did thanx Lordy!

                      Its all going wrong! We're losing

                      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                        The goals are flying in! We've equalised but so have Watford! Even though they're down to ten men *head hits laptop*

                        Its the last game of season btw! Thats why you're all being subjected to a running commentary

                        Losing again
                        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                          Well good!

                          Nope. Not in a while..

                          Very cool!! How do you do that anyway??
                          Thanks TF.

                          On my old version of Gimp I have an icon that lets me blend two colors. I haven't figured out how to do it on the update version on my PC.
                          Anyways: In the tool bar for GIMP is two squares. One is black the other white. I usually keep one black and then choose another color from the texture that I'll be using. Blend tool aka gradient tool(on mine it's a square icon that has black fading to white)I click and drag my cursor til I like the blend I get. (I hope this make sense )
                          After that, I pick the cap. Freestyle edit anything I don't want. Use smudge and blur to feather out the edges, then layer the texture on top.(I have to make sure it's in a new layer.) After it's anchored, I use opaciaty to opague it. Then I use blur or smudge around the faces and or skin to take out the pattern.

                          I hope that helps. Sorry if I confused you more.

                          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                          I'm in one without a title that has quite a few people in it

                          Not for a while


                          Footie! Woohoo!
                          As things stand we're in the Play Offs! COME ON YOU RED AND WHITE WIZAAARDS!

                          I'll see if I can figure it out. lol!
                          I hope she's ok.
                          Thanks Cazz.

                          Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                          Good luck with everything Elf.

                          Great pics Cazz i hope you had a fun time.

                          It's great to hear you only sprained it.

                          Love the MP mrs.Jackson it's great.

                          Your welcome sci and DONNA.

                          Great to hear you had fun and as sci said we'll always support you.

                          The painting is fantastic LandJrule.

                          Awesome sig and manips Devine great job.

                          Love it sci it's great.

                          Your welcome asgard. *runs off*
                          Thanks WL!!!
                          Sig and icon to go with the wallie

                          I'll try to be on later. Busy day today.


                            Sci those are great. Keep up the good work.
                            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              I'll see if I can figure it out. lol!

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Sig and icon to go with the wallie

                              I'll try to be on later. Busy day today.
                              LOVE those

                              Southampton have had one sent off Wednesday have scored 4

                              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                                Wolves have scored! *head in hands* We're going to finish 8th

                                We've lost!!!
                                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!

