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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    ok,i won't....hmmmm now what ep can i vote against now
    *whispers eerily* "The Siege Pt 3"

    What? Who said that?

    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


      Originally posted by maffieg View Post
      I'll help you out there CB

      Its a shame about that ep because I love Weir I just can't stand it when they meet themselves and then the walking and chatting in pairs that follows

      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
        *whispers eerily* "The Siege Pt 3"

        What? Who said that?

        AHA caught you red handed. Influencing the votes...uh hmm.

        night linda.


          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post

          Its a shame about that ep because I love Weir I just can't stand it when they meet themselves and then the walking and chatting in pairs that follows

          Yes, it was not a very good eppy but what crushed it for me was when they said Weir was killed. I hated that! Why kill her ya know! the eppy just went downhill from there.


            Originally posted by maffieg View Post
            Yes, it was not a very good eppy but what crushed it for me was when they said Weir was killed. I hated that! Why kill her ya know! the eppy just went downhill from there.
            They said she was killed! I wouldn't trust a replicator as far as my dad could throw them! (I say my dad cos I can't throw for toffee whereas my dad used to be the captain of the england rounders team so he throw a looonng way!) To quote Shep: She's out there somewhere... to me anyway and she always will be

            What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
              They said she was killed! I wouldn't trust a replicator as far as my dad could throw them! (I say my dad cos I can't throw for toffee whereas my dad used to be the captain of the england rounders team so he throw a looonng way!) To quote Shep: She's out there somewhere... to me anyway and she always will be

              I know... but I would of really liked her back(TH) as the leader of Atlantis now that Carter is going off and not a replicated version and certainly not a another new person. I always liked the old cast of Atlantis and wish that no one has to be killed off for a very looooooong time.


                Originally posted by bluealien View Post

                Just a quick fly by post.. my computer is very poorly and is going to hospital for about 7 days...

                I have some stuff saved to CD's but I will lose everything else.. thank god for photobucket..

                Glad to see everyone is voting in the games... YAY for keeping Submersion in with a fighting chance.. and TRW is GONE!! Sorry but that must have been the most boring ep of the entire 4 seasons...

                I hope all of you are voting for Conversion.. the best JT ep which need I point out contained the single most hottest moment on the show... The Kiss!! and was all round a great ep. I know we had some nice JT moments in The Long Goodbye but other than that I hated that ep.. it had so many stupid plot holes and was way too cliched for my liking... I cant believe that The Defiant One and 38 minutes are not doing well.. they are 2 of my all time fav eps...

                Have to run.. will try and drop by again tomorrow..
                Oh man Blue. I hope you got them all on PB account.

                There were bits and pieces that I didn't mind of TRW, but yeah, it wasn't my favorite and not because of Weir. I don't mind her. IMHO

                I can't promis on voting all the time. This was the first time in days since I got a chance, but I hope all the good eps do good.

                Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                Hey all I've been voting in the JT awards and I have to say...WOW we sure do have lots of talented individuals in this ship. You guys are rockin the house with all those stuff. I am currently burning my eyes through the fics. Jope I can get to all before times up.
                You're doing better then me. I still haven't got to chance to vote yet. Maybe tonight. I'm trying to do a me day today.

                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                ROFL... youare a riot...these pic fics are hilarious

                Great update..

                His people take it very slow...hahah got you there John... and Teyla wasn't all to happy at first that he didn't wanna get married basically right away..although I'm wondering how he will keep himself to that deal since he will have to wait to share everything with her.. *lol*
                Thanks Nina.
                I'm so glad you like it.
                I'm sure he'll have to take alot of cold dips in the pond.

                Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                Oh yes must do something really good for Kate. She's a gem.

                your just hilarious Left a comment.

                Two things

                Teyla cooking...priceless

                John getting shot down at the end....hahaha. I could just see him pout.
                Hee hee. Thanks Maff.
                It was hard to picture a domesticated Teyla.

                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                Don't say things like that!
                My whumpers heart was pounding! I thought he'd been shot!

                If you read the update you'll know what she's referring to.

                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                Well i think it's time i was outta here....I am so tired at work,maybe if i actually got some sleep it'd help

                se y'all tomorrow
                Goodnight Linda.


                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  ok,i won't....hmmmm now what ep can i vote against now

                  Yup,blame Kitty and TF and who else......JT4L i think....They keep hitting me with stuff to send me to sleep

                  What,new eps....I didn't know there was new eps....Oh i gotta catch up ohhhhhhhhhhh do they kiss.......huh do they....Wait,i've still got a couple of eps to watch i had before the writers strike was over....Oh i really gotta catch up!
                  chill Linda these new Eps dont start till next week ive go to catch up as well
                  Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Well i think it's time i was outta here....I am so tired at work,maybe if i actually got some sleep it'd help

                    se y'all tomorrow
                    night night, see you tomrrow Linda...

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Oh man Blue. I hope you got them all on PB account.

                      There were bits and pieces that I didn't mind of TRW, but yeah, it wasn't my favorite and not because of Weir. I don't mind her. IMHO

                      I can't promis on voting all the time. This was the first time in days since I got a chance, but I hope all the good eps do good.

                      You're doing better then me. I still haven't got to chance to vote yet. Maybe tonight. I'm trying to do a me day today.

                      Thanks Nina.
                      I'm so glad you like it.
                      I'm sure he'll have to take alot of cold dips in the pond.

                      Hee hee. Thanks Maff.
                      It was hard to picture a domesticated Teyla.

                      If you read the update you'll know what she's referring to.

                      Goodnight Linda.
                      Hope you get some more days just for you. I know how busy you are these days.


                        Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                        I know... but I would of really liked her back(TH) as the leader of Atlantis now that Carter is going off and not a replicated version and certainly not a another new person. I always liked the old cast of Atlantis and wish that no one has to be killed off for a very looooooong time.
                        Me too!

                        When I told my dad that Woolsey was replacing Carter he was like 'Why can't we just have Weir back!'

                        Originally posted by scifan View Post

                        If you read the update you'll know what she's referring to.
                        I will do! Once its finished My memories not so good can only read one fic at a time or I get confused and have to start all over again!

                        Yet I can still remember the exact time and date of the Kobe earthquake, plus the exact amount of centimeters the earth moved that I learnt in Year 10 (6 years ago) My mind doesn't even make sense to me!

                        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                          See even your dad thinks so... smart man!

                          Now CB you haven't been whumping nearly enough for your brain to remember things like that and in such detail. Go whump some more

                          Anyway I have to finish voting for some of those fics so I'll be gone for now. Later all


                            Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                            Now CB you haven't been whumping nearly enough for your brain to remember things like that and in such detail. Go whump some more

                            What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post

                              Thanks Mayra... as for series five:
                              I don't think you're asking too much; I fully expect Kanaan to die in S&R. Probably in some heroic kind of way. If he survives, I bet he's still captured by Michael and he'll only be seen at the rare times Michael is. As for JT... I don't want them to go back to before the pregnancy, because IMO they're closer now than before it!
                              For season 5
                              True, i agree, with all that has happened with Teyla and what she has gone through, they have definitely gotten closer. For me, Kanaan has to die because if he survives whether it's by Micheal taking him away, i just can't see Teyla moving on knowing the father of her child is still out there and could very well be cured. So i know this sounds mean LOL!...i hope Kanaan dies...hopefully a heroes death saving Teyla or something but yeah, i want him out of the picture hopefully LOL!.

                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              JM BLOG UPDATE

                              Labellementeuse writes: “I’ve heard rumblings that the all-woman gate team will first be met on a survey on a planet accompanied by John (even though there’s already military on the team) and Carson (even though there’s already a doctor on the team.) This can’t be right! Surely John and Carson show up after something particularly in Carson’s field was found, and John tagged along because he was bored? I know you wouldn’t want to imply that the all-girl team needs male supervision, as the rumours I’ve heard imply.

                              Equally, I’m sure you didn’t consider introducing the all-female team in one episode, only to kill a bunch of them (here, have an all girl team - haha, sorry, we killed them!) Or in a horror episode so that you can have lots of screaming women running around to conform to the genre’s worst stereotypes. Right?”

                              Answer: Right. So I assume if John and Carson show up after something, oh, particular in Carson’s field was found, and John simply tagged along, and we actually offer up an explanation for the atypical all-female team, and don’t have them running around to conform to the genre’s worst stereotype but present them as strong, level-headed individuals - then I’m sure that when the episode finally airs and all of the criticism proves unfounded, the production offices will be inundated with letters of apology from the pre-emptive critics out there.

                              Zona writes: “I just realized that in your shots from ‘Ghost in the Machine’ Ronon still has his signature dreadlocks. Did the plan for them to go in ‘Broken Ties’ change or is it simple a case of things still being shot out of sequence?”

                              Answer: After much discussion it was decided that while Jason could lose his dreads, the character of Ronon would be keeping his.

                              Thornyrose writes: “If you’re reached the prep stage for Whispers, does that mean filming starts next week?”

                              Answer: Yep. Next Tuesday.
                              Thanks MrsB!!!

                              Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                              i made a wallie but its terrible

                              Great Wallie Donna!

                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              Another day, another pic fic.

                              The Power of Whump

                              LOL! are sooo good at these Pic Fics YC!

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Ok guys. I hope it's ok.

                              Our Time: Chapter 12


                              John wakes up early in the morning, even before Charise, and goes for a small, quiet walk. It has been ages since he could remember waking up and feeling alive… feeling happy. He walks over to the tree that he and Teyla sat under the night before, and though their conversation was mostly sad, he still feels happy thinking of the memory.

                              He strolls over to the courtyard and begins to straighten out any messes left behind from the festival. He places the folded blanket they borrowed on the bench that Teera and Tomis were sitting on last night.
                              He releases a happy sigh as he looks around and recalls the night’s event. A part of him knows that he should be screaming for being stuck there and not being back at Atlantis, but the other part is glad that he has Teyla and they finally admit that they love each other.

                              He walks back to the house and both Charise and Teyla are awake. Charise is trying to each Teyla to cooks. John jokingly gives her a nervous look and Teyla simply smiles at him.

                              The way they look at each other is different now. The look is still playful, but not cautious. No more secret longing looks to each other, no more turning away when one got caught staring at one another. They were free to gaze upon each other and they didn’t have to worry about hiding their feelings any more.

                              Teyla serves John and Charise breakfast. John sits there hesitant in trying it even though it looked delicious. He remembers some of the teasing she got from her fellow Athosians about her cooking. Charise gives him a smile and an encouraging nod of the head. He slowly brings the fork to his mouth, closes his eyes and takes a bit.

                              His eyes flew open with surprise and a large grin forms on his face, “Wow, Teyla. This is really good. You can make this anytime.” Charise nods with agreement to Teyla.

                              Teyla smiles with delight, “I am so pleased that you like it. Charise helped a lot I must say.”

                              “Do not be modest my child,” Charise says as she motions her to sit and try her own food. “You did very well for your first time.”

                              After a well satisfying meal, Teyla goes to the room where their gear was stored, after the villagers retrieved it when John was sick. She walks out with the journal they found when they first arrived.

                              John gives her a puzzled look, “What are you planning on doing with that?”

                              Teyla looks down at the book, “Tomis has a similar journal and I think this was his great father’s. I thought they might like to have it.”

                              John’s eyes widens, “There’s another journal?”

                              “Yeeess, but it’s not what you think. Come and I will show you, “she says as she leads him by the hand.


                              When they get to Tomis’s house, they can hear a lot of laughter and cheering. They knock on the door and Tomis’s father greats them with a joyous smile.

                              “Come in! Come in!” he chuckles.

                              John and Teyla couldn’t resist but to smile too, event though they didn’t know what they happy occasion was about.

                              “What is going on?” John asks.

                              Tomis puts his arm around Teera, “We just announce that we are planning on getting married.”

                              John looks shocked, “Boy, that’s quick. You two just got together last night.”

                              Teera giggles, “Yes, but we see no reason for waiting. We both know we love each other and we don’t see that changing. Is it different from where you come from?”

                              Teyla gentle and lovingly places her hands on John’s upper arm, “His people does thing much slowly.”

                              John turns to her, slightly bemused and she simply winks at him, “Ouch, that hurt.”

                              Everyone starts to laugh and John dawns a small smile.

                              “Well, congratulation to you all,” Teyla says. She pulls out the journal and hands it to Tomis. “I believe this belongs to you and your family.”

                              Tomis and his parent’s eyes widen. “Where did you find this?” Tomis asks.

                              “We found it when we first arrived here and when you showed me your book, I figured it must be one of your great grandfather’s. I forgot all about it yesterday. I am sorry to not to have brought it sooner.”

                              Tomis takes it gently from Teyla and hands it to his father. Tears begin to flow down their faces.

                              “We thank you greatly Teyla and John. This is something we never knew existed,” Tomis’s father says sincerely. He excuses himself to show the rest of the family.

                              “Um, Tomis. Teyla mentioned you had a journal like it. May I see it?” John asks.

                              “Of course,” Tomis says happily.

                              Teyla leans over to whisper in John’s ear, “John, this is nothing to do with his great grandfather. It is…”

                              Teyla is interrupted by Tomis returning with his book. John is amazed by what he sees in the journal, from the simple drawings done by a little boy to the detailed drawings of the villagers in the recent entries.

                              John pauses when he sees the drawing of Teyla and the beautiful dress she had worn last night. A beaming smile begins to show his satisfaction of how well Tomis captured her beauty.

                              “This is amazing Tomis. I thought maybe you had more writings from your great grandfather, but now I know what Teyla was trying to tell me.” John hands back the book. “Where was that drawing of Teyla from?”

                              Teera proudly speaks up, “It was all in his head. I told him my idea of the dress that I wanted to do for Teyla and he did it for me.”

                              John slowly shakes his head in bewilderment, “It’s perfect, Tomis”

                              Tomis blushes, “Thank you very much, John.”


                              Later in the day, John and Teyla go for a walk towards where they first entered this world. They both agreed to try to come back at least once a week to see if there were any signs of a portal for them to return.

                              John leads Teyla to a shady spot under a tree and they sit down. He gives her a smile and stares into her eyes. They lean in towards each other for a kiss. It starts off to being slow and gentle, but then John becomes a little more passionate. One of his hands begins to roam around to explore the form of Teyla’s body.

                              Teyla pulls away, “John, we need to stop.”

                              John gives her his pouting eyes, “Why? No one is here.”

                              “No, that is what I mean. I want us to wait until our special night,” she insists lovingly.

                              John’s eyes shifts, trying to figure out what she means, “Ooooh!” John begins to act nervous. “That special night.” Teyla nods slowly. “That long huh?”

                              Teyla looks at him with confusion, “I do not understand. How long do you plan to wait before we get married?”

                              “Well, um… I… I honestly thought it would be at least a little while,” he stammers.

                              Teyla’s eyebrow rises and she looks upset, “How long is a little while?”

                              “I… I don’t know. Maybe a year?” he answers cautiously.

                              “I do not understand. Do you not want to be with me?” she says, trying to keep her calm.

                              “No, that is not what I meant,” he quickly responds. “It’s just I was married before and it didn’t go so well.”

                              “Are you comparing me to your previous wife?” she questions.

                              “No.” he answers.

                              “Do you think that our marriage will fail like your first one?” she continues to drill him.

                              He sighs, “No.”

                              “Then why don’t you want to marry me?” she says as a tear falls down her cheek.

                              He embraces her and holds her tightly. He whispers into her ear, “I just want to make sure that you want to marry me and that you won’t want to change your mind.”

                              They pull back and the look on her face shows that she finally understands where he’s coming from.

                              Teyla places the palm of her hand on his side of his face, “Very well, John. We will take things slow.”

                              John smiles mischievously, “Does this mean we still have to wait until…”

                              Teyla raises her eyebrow, “Yes, John. It does.”

                              Very nice!!!....
                              LOL! poor John having to wait! LOL!....lets see if he can handle it!

                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                                Hope you get some more days just for you. I know how busy you are these days.
                                Awww. Thanks Maff. I'm hoping so too.

                                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                                Me too!

                                When I told my dad that Woolsey was replacing Carter he was like 'Why can't we just have Weir back!'

                                I will do! Once its finished My memories not so good can only read one fic at a time or I get confused and have to start all over again!

                                Yet I can still remember the exact time and date of the Kobe earthquake, plus the exact amount of centimeters the earth moved that I learnt in Year 10 (6 years ago) My mind doesn't even make sense to me!

                                That sounds like me.

                                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                                For season 5
                                True, i agree, with all that has happened with Teyla and what she has gone through, they have definitely gotten closer. For me, Kanaan has to die because if he survives whether it's by Micheal taking him away, i just can't see Teyla moving on knowing the father of her child is still out there and could very well be cured. So i know this sounds mean LOL!...i hope Kanaan dies...hopefully a heroes death saving Teyla or something but yeah, i want him out of the picture hopefully LOL!.

                                Thanks MrsB!!!

                                Great Wallie Donna!

                                LOL! are sooo good at these Pic Fics YC!

                                Very nice!!!....
                                LOL! poor John having to wait! LOL!....lets see if he can handle it!
                                Thank Mayra.
                                He's lasted this long and if he can't maybe some jumps in the cold pond

