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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Sorry to do a hit and run. I'm gonna post this fic and then crash. I'll try to catch up tomorrow. Sorry guys.

    It's a Shep whump, JT story. The beginning is based on the pic from JM's blog and it has S&R possible spoilers. I'm just fore warning.

    I was getting punchy at the end, but I hope you like it.

    Their Darkest Time

    John slowly opens his eyes and beyond a dusty haze he can see large pieces of concrete and twisted metal surrounding him. He tries to move, but the blinding sharp pain from his abdomen prevents him. He eyelids grow heavy, but he fights against the fatigue that is trying to over come him.
    “Sheppard. Sheppard!! Come in!” Rodney calls over the comm. in a demanding tone.
    John feels so tired, but he slowly brings up his free hand to click his earpiece to respond.
    “I’m here,” John answers weakly.
    “Oh, good. Are you hurt and is Ronon with you?” Rodney inquiries.
    “Yes. I’m hurt…” He groans and pauses to try to lift his head up enough to look for Ronon, but he can’t see anything past the debris around him. “…and I can’t move enough to see where Ronon is.”
    “I’m here,” a deep voice bellows. “I think I can get out and try to find Sheppard. I’ll get you out in no time.”
    While they are talking a strange noise starts buzzing from outside.
    “What is that noise?” Ronon asks.
    “Oh, no. It sounds like darts,” whimpers Rodney.
    “Do you think its Mich…” John begins, but it follows an instant silence.
    “Sheppard? What’s wrong? Are you there?” Rodney asks. “Ronon, I think he might have pasted out. He must have serious injuries.”
    “Or was taken by one of the dart,” interjects Ronon.
    Rodney sighs, “Let’s hope that is not it.”
    Teyla sits uncomfortably in one of Michael’s cells. She hears a noise outside and it’s a couple of Michael’s men. She sees them dragging someone and as they come into the light she can see its John. Fear fills her eyes as she observes his distressed body. The men place him in the cell and Michael walks in behind them.
    Tears threaten to flow from her eyes. “What have you done to him Michael!” she says angrily.
    He smiles, “I did not do anything. They must have stumbled upon on of my traps. I knew Dr. McKay couldn’t resist in being curious. He probably thought he was being so cleaver and stumbling into my research. I only wish I could have seen the looks on their faces when the explosions began.”
    Michael walks closer to John and looks down on him, “And as for Colonel Sheppard, it was just a fortunate surprise. I ordered my men to pick up their dead and injured and bring them back to the ship. For research purposes.”
    He looks up at Teyla and dawns a sadistic grin, “If Colonel Sheppard survives I think with his unique genetics he would make an excellent new member of to my team. Don’t you think?” He leaves the cell with a very satisfied look on his face.
    After Michael leaves, Teyla awkwardly gets down to be with John. She can see that some of his wounds have been tended to, but the one his stomach was the worse out of all of them and his complexion is pale.
    “John, can you hear me?” she speaks shakily.
    She takes off her thin jacket and covers him to keep him slightly warm. Carefully she picks up his head and places it on what little lap she has left. She can hear his breathing become slow and shallow. Her tears begin to flow onto his dirtied face.
    In the shadows, Kannan watches her. He remembers her saying that they were just teammates and close friends, but he can tell that there is much more there.
    John slowly opens his eyes half way and sees Teyla staring down at him.
    “I know you are not real,” he quips with a weak smile. “Hey McKay! You need to get me out of here. I’m beginning to hallucinate that Teyla is here with me,” John says.
    Teyla gently smiles at him, “No, John, you are not seeing things. I am actually here. Michael captured too.”
    He contorts his face, “So, this is worse then I thought. There goes the idea of me rescuing you and fixing the time line.” He sees Teyla’s puzzled look, “It’s hard to explain.”
    “Why don’t you try. I could use a good conversation,” she coasts him.
    His eyes begins to slowly close slightly and his breathing decreases, “Been to future… Michael takes baby… builds army and kills you.”
    He body goes limp and Teyla fears the worse, but she does hind a weak pulse. She releases a small sigh of relief.
    “Tey…la,” a voice struggles to say her name.
    Teyla turns around and sees Kannan. She gives way to a small frail smile, “Yes. I am here Kannan.”
    “Is it true? Will he kill you?” he asks.
    “I do not know if it is true, but it is most likely that once our baby is born, Michael will kill me as well as for our child, once he is done using him as well. You need to help Colonel Sheppard and me out of here. Once I get you back to Atlantis I am certain they will find away to you,” Teyla pleads.
    Kannan looks at John with questionable eyes and Teyla notices, “Please, Kannan. Michael will do to him what he has done to you if not worse.”
    He nods his head to agree, “Must help keep him from controlling my thoughts.”
    Teyla looks nervous, “I will do my best.”
    As she tries to concentrate Kannan opens the door and carries John out. He motions her to follow him. It is harder for her to help him while he is moving, but she still manages some how. They end up in the dart bay and he lays John next to her on the ground. He gets in a dart and picks them up.
    He struggles to keep Michael out, but soon Michael knows what Kannan is doing he sends a few darts to intercept him.
    Kannan races to the gate and unloads John and Teyla as close as he can. He quickly turns around to engage the enemy. A Marine in a cloak jumper near by sees Teyla and the Colonel and the land close to them.
    Teyla is startled to see a young Marine step out of nowhere. He Colonel Sheppard in, but before she goes inside the puddle jumper she sees one of the two darts destroy the lonely one and they then take off.
    She wants to scream, but she knows that John’s life is hanging by a thread and they need to leave immediately. The back hatch closes and she waits for the pilot to take off, but he doesn’t.
    “Are you not going to bring Colonel Sheppard back to Atlantis?” Teyla says crossly.
    “I’m sorry Teyla, I would, but I have orders that we need to rescue the others first,” he answers with an apologetic tone.
    “What do you mean? What others,” she says with concern.
    We were trying to rescue Major Lorne, Dr. McKay, Ronon, Colonel Sheppard and a few others trapped in the building, but we got ambushed be the darts. We had to go into stealth mode and wait to recover everyone. Colonel Carter is getting them now. Once the gate is clear we will be heading home,” he explains.
    She was the crumbles building and was amazed that they even survived. She looks at the soldier, “Is anyone else severely injured?”
    “No,” he smiles. “Everyone is doing fine. I just contacted Colonel Carter to let her know that you and Colonel Sheppard are here. She is surprised and happy.”
    Another soldier in the back was tending to Sheppard. She yells to the pilot, “We need to let Colonel Carter that we need to leave as soon as possible or we are going to lose him! He’s failing fast!”
    Teyla could barely breath at the thought of not only losing the father of her child, but the man that she deeply cares for and loves. She couldn’t lose both in one day.
    In the infirmary, John wakes up with the sounds of the monitors around him. He could see he was back in Atlantis. The first thought that comes to him is Teyla. Was he really just dreaming of her? Was he buried in the rumble the whole time? He pans to his right to call a nurse or Dr. Keller, but he sees a figure sitting next to him and their head lying on his bedside.
    He reaches out to make sure she’s real. Her soft brown hair felt so good between his fingers. She begins to move at the feel of his touch and she looks up to him. She smiles and smiles back.
    “Welcome back,” she says softly.
    His eyes twinkle, “Shouldn’t that be mine line?”
    She giggles slightly and sits up to stretch. John notices that she is no longer pregnant. She sees his eye lightly water up as he a weak finger point to her stomach. She looks down and rubs the area that once was hug.
    “Does Michael..” John shakily tries to say.
    “No,” Teyla interjects. “I had him the same night we got back, two weeks ago. He’s still in infirmary to see if the injections that Michael gave me is going to harm him.”
    John nodded speechlessly as he fought back the tears, “Did you say I was in here for two weeks?”
    Teyla’s face saddens, “We almost lost you a few times. They had to put you in an induced coma.”
    Before her eyes tear up with the thought she changes the subject,” Ronon and Rodney should return shortly. They’ve been her everyday too. They are getting something to eat.”
    “Teyla, I don’t remember what happened after the being trapped in the building. What happened?” John asks.
    Teyla sighs at the thought of repeating the painfully memories, “Michael used his darts to pick up any dead are nearly dead victims of the trap. You and I were in the same cell and Kannan saved us. There was a brief moment that he was free and he took a dart and dropped us near the gate. A jumper that was in the area came and brought us in.”
    “And Kannan?” he asks almost knowing that something bad happened.
    She begins to cry, “Two other darts shot him down.”
    John reaches his hand out to comfort her.
    She wipes away the tears on her face, “As much as it pained me to see that I know that he died a hero to me, but the one thing I come to realize that I could not bare more. It was the thought of losing you. You were the only thing that kept my hopes up. I knew that you would never stop coming for me and I was right.
    She lies back down next to him and nuzzles as close as she could without hurting him. They both know that things may never be the same, but for now it didn’t matter. They were together and neither one of them were going anywhere.
    The End.

    Awesome Sci Love the angst and to be honest....

    I would like to see Kanan go out as a hero. I may not like the guy, but at this point, I think the best way to get rid of him is to have him go out sacrificing himself for Teyla and the others. Ya know have him go out as the man she remembers him to be, not the zombie he has become.
    Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
    &=AWESOME &Forever
    No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Great addition Padme!!!

      So now its me right? Am I ending this one here or are we going another round?
      It depends where you want to take it! I am willing to go another round with it! It is getting really good. And, I know that you will be awesome! So, like I said, if want to keep it going, I will go another round with. I think that would be great! Anyone else want to join in?

      Woohoo! Great update Padme!

      Teyla collapsed! They have parasites in their heads made up of Wraith DNA! Teyla's pregnant with John's child! How did this all happen in the first place? How is all going to come front and center? SQUEEEEEEE! I can't wait to find out!!!
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by mrs.Jackson982 View Post
        Thank you such friendly neighbors... maybe i should bake a cake or something...
        Hee hee. Sounds good.

        Originally posted by mrs.Jackson982 View Post
        I thought this was better then cake

        That is so much better than cake.
        Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
        Ok everyone I made my first sig tonight!!!!
        Tell me what you think, ok?

        Many many thanks to Sci for all her help!!!
        I walked you through, but it was all you baby.

        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
        Hello, all! I come bearing cookies!

        How are you all this fine evening?


        JT4L: I think youtube is down, so I couldn't watch the vid.
        Miss ya WP. How are you?

        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
        I have to agree with ya Cabouse, Sci is great!

        *Snags a cookie to dunk in my milk and proud!*

        Thanks for mannin' the Munchie Patrol WP!!
        No. All I did was walk her throught Gimp, but thanks Elf.

        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
        What i did when i had no internet......

        I'm gonna go watch an ep of SG1 now... probably be back on later i guess....
        Beautiful sig. We''ll have to keep you off the net more often.

        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
        Very nice! Oh, the angst, the angst...G'night!
        Thanks JT4L. I'm glad you liked it.

        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
        sighhhhhhhh great story! nitey nite for me too!
        Thanks Rac.

        Originally posted by seldear View Post
        Four ficlets and a prompt battle.

        TITLE: Participant
        RATING: PG-13
        SUMMARY: There are two ways of passing unnoticed during the Bahali Festival of Lips...

        TITLE: No Fairytale
        RATING: PG-13
        SUMMARY: Waking the handsome prince with a kiss...

        TITLE: Focus
        RATING: NC-17
        SUMMARY: John could be focused when he chose...

        TITLE: Reaving
        RATING: PG-13
        SUMMARY: Some bindings are never felt until they are gone.

        There's also a prompt battle with the following John/Teyla prompts:
        John and Teyla (friendship)
        alien landscapes and danger
        apples and oranges
        'Bring her home'
        campfires, smores, and stories
        craving Girl Scout Cookies
        delayed conversation
        First times
        hard to say goodbye
        horseback riding
        'I should have been there'
        overcoming fear and doubt
        regrets finally spoken

        John/Teyla (romance)
        alien landscapes and danger
        alone in a Jumper skimming the oceans, sunset.
        ancient texts
        'And all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put humpety dumpety together again'.
        AU--what if this never happened
        baby talk
        beyond rules and customs
        birthday boy
        by the river
        campfires, smores, and stories
        city of angels
        craving Girl Scout Cookies
        Death & Taxes
        deep love without sex
        easy like Sunday morning
        excursions on old Atlantis
        favourite season
        First times
        flirting, carefree times.
        good times
        half pint
        hot summer rain, plastered clothes, and kisses
        'I hadn't noticed.'
        If we...
        lost on an unrecognisable world
        missing you
        moving on
        My way or no way!
        never enough
        over their heads
        overcoming fear and doubt
        overcoming the past
        Persephone in the underworld
        pieces of you
        regrets finally spoken
        rescue and romance
        rush together
        Season 1 or 2, banked passion/fervent possibilities
        Season 3--dreams for the future
        serenity between the stars, smoldering ust in space.
        She, the hero.
        sight unseen
        Springing forward/moving back
        'suddenly I'm up on top of the world, it should have been somebody else'
        sun will shine
        teaching her to fly
        the family you choose
        the REAL reasons why or why not.
        too much
        tough deal
        treading carefully
        what we do to survive
        where will you go when you're lonely?
        'Without you I'm not okay'
        You deserve better than me.
        Your love makes me see who I really am

        If you decide to participate, then please post your ficlet here at the Fic Battle and only post the link back here at Gateworld.

        There are already three John/Teyla ficlets - at least one by someone that I've never seen post fic before. Hopefully, there'll be others during the week.


        Thanks Sel for the prompts. I put it in the link. I can't promise any new stories though.

        Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
        Wow. I think my vocabulary is limited to say how I love what you all do. The angst is beautiful.
        Thanks Asgard.

        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        Morning peeps...

        Welcome new folks and congrats milestones.........

        Sci - Great angsty ficlet!
        Thanks MrsB

        Originally posted by NinaM View Post

        My My great work on that...

        Gosh do I hope that scene where the artwork is from gets to be in the epi..not for fun reason but it would be more realistic to gt hurt in a explosion like that and a whole building falling on top of you...and JF does the waking up scenes so darn well

        Ouch Michael got to him too... even though I'm no fan what so ever of Kanaan,,I could handle that kind of scenerio...him in the end helping Teyla..but that he doesn't get away with it..Michael finds out and Kanaan gets killed...I do not want him there in season 5 beyond episode 1... *lol*

        I'm glad John made it,, and it really struck him when he saw she wasn't pregnant anymore,,and thouht he had failed her.. I'm sure he was happy they had gotten to her in time.. and that the baby wasn't in Michael's hands..

        I can see Teyla getting over Kanaan since even though they might have known eachother since childhood,,I just don't think she has ever gotten as close to him emotionally as she has done with losing John would be way worse for her and I'm glad she didn't have to go through that..the man that means the most to him is going to be okay and continue to be there with her and for her and her child...

        So great work...
        Awwww. Thank you so much Nina.
        I agree with you about the pic too. Whump Shep good.


          Round Robin Finale (And just so you know, I cracked up while writing this, sorry it wasn't more romantic but the way this story went I didn't see a what route to take it....)

          The decision to operate soon became obvious one and in no time at all the procedure began. The choking silence of the infirmary would have been unbearable for Sheppard and the others if not for the random clinking of surgical instruments as Carson and his team constantly moved and murmured instructions between them.

          Teyla’s motionless form lay on the cold sheeted stretcher in the center of the room as the others looked on from a safe distance away, none of them exactly sure what to expect.

          The uneasy quiet lasted for some time as Carson probed and prodded into a deep incision he'd made directly into Teyla’s skull in search of the deadly evasive parasite.

          Taking the scalpel laser he had modified himself, he began to burn through some unusual looking tissue wrapped around the left hemisphere of the brain, which focuses mostly on memory and recollection. Just as the first layer was starting to scorch, the monitors connected to Teyla went berserk causing all of the medical staff including Carson to stop what they were doing and look up.

          “Impossible,” Carson whispered.

          The stretcher began to shake and quiver first quietly and then uncontrollably as Teyla’s body shook violently with convulsions, causing Sheppard and the other to step forward in immediate panic. Attempting to hold her down and cover her incision, it was all Carson could do as he watched Teyla’s mouth foam and her eyes open and roll back into her head as she continued to writhe and tremble until finally she let out a bloodcurdling scream.

          Bending over the side of the stretcher, Teyla leaned down and opened her mouth wide, almost involuntarily so, as a large pink slug emerged from her mouth covered in a strange thick white foam. Everyone watched incredulously as it made a slurping noise when it hit the hard infirmary floor and Ronon even pulled him weapon and pointed it at the immobile white mess.

          Teyla collapsed back onto the stretcher in pure exhaustion and the monitors returned to normal, an obvious indication that Teyla was all right.

          Sheppard stepped closer, staring hard at the floor, a sickening feeling overcoming him that soon he would have to endure the same.

          He turned to the one they called Ronon who was still aiming his gun and said, “Please……Just shoot me now….”


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Round Robin Finale (And just so you know, I cracked up while writing this, sorry it wasn't more romantic but the way this story went I didn't see a what route to take it....)

            The decision to operate soon became obvious one and in no time at all the procedure began. The choking silence of the infirmary would have been unbearable for Sheppard and the others if not for the random clinking of surgical instruments as Carson and his team constantly moved and murmured instructions between them.

            Teyla’s motionless form lay on the cold sheeted stretcher in the center of the room as the others looked on from a safe distance away, none of them exactly sure what to expect.

            The uneasy quiet lasted for some time as Carson probed and prodded into a deep incision he'd made directly into Teyla’s skull in search of the deadly evasive parasite.

            Taking the scalpel laser he had modified himself, he began to burn through some unusual looking tissue wrapped around the left hemisphere of the brain, which focuses mostly on memory and recollection. Just as the first layer was starting to scorch, the monitors connected to Teyla went berserk causing all of the medical staff including Carson to stop what they were doing and look up.

            “Impossible,” Carson whispered.

            The stretcher began to shake and quiver first quietly and then uncontrollably as Teyla’s body shook violently with convulsions, causing Sheppard and the other to step forward in immediate panic. Attempting to hold her down and cover her incision, it was all Carson could do as he watched Teyla’s mouth foam and her eyes open and roll back into her head as she continued to writhe and tremble until finally she let out a bloodcurdling scream.

            Bending over the side of the stretcher, Teyla leaned down and opened her mouth wide, almost involuntarily so, as a large pink slug emerged from her mouth covered in a strange thick white foam. Everyone watched incredulously as it made a slurping noise when it hit the hard infirmary floor and Ronon even pulled him weapon and pointed it at the immobile white mess.

            Teyla collapsed back onto the stretcher in pure exhaustion and the monitors returned to normal, an obvious indication that Teyla was all right.

            Sheppard stepped closer, staring hard at the floor, a sickening feeling overcoming him that soon he would have to endure the same.

            He turned to the one they called Ronon who was still aiming his gun and said, “Please……Just shoot me now….”
            Ok that was disgusting but at the same time frickin awesome!! I love gore!!

            How you gonna go and end it there though???
            Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
            &=AWESOME &Forever
            No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              It depends where you want to take it! I am willing to go another round with it! It is getting really good. And, I know that you will be awesome! So, like I said, if want to keep it going, I will go another round with. I think that would be great! Anyone else want to join in?
              Sorry man! I saw this too late! I'll do a whole 'nother one for March if you want, I think its sooooo awesome your liking writing this much Elf!!!

              Cabouse - Thanks dude! I just kinda left it in the air, with the overture that things would be allright. But we can totally continue it if you guys want. I didn't mention the pregnancy so that leaves the door open.....


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                It depends where you want to take it! I am willing to go another round with it! It is getting really good. And, I know that you will be awesome! So, like I said, if want to keep it going, I will go another round with. I think that would be great! Anyone else want to join in?

                Woohoo! Great update Padme!

                Teyla collapsed! They have parasites in their heads made up of Wraith DNA! Teyla's pregnant with John's child! How did this all happen in the first place? How is all going to come front and center? SQUEEEEEEE! I can't wait to find out!!!
                The pregnacy was a good idea, whose ever it was, and the Wraith DNA. Makes it more interesting. I thought maybe emergency brain surgery to fix it, but I know nothing about that so I thought I'd leave that to Mrs. B.

                I could go another round. Ok Now I really must get to my sociology reading.
                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                  Lea...loved your fic!

                  Ruby--excellent start, as always!

                  Padme and MrsB...great parts to the RR fic! I'll have it updated later today or tomorrow on the site (It's errand day in the Yappi household )
                  Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                    If you guys want to go another round, let me know. If not we can end it there--April is only a couple of weeks away.

                    Laura would be next if we decide to go on...
                    Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Round Robin Finale (And just so you know, I cracked up while writing this, sorry it wasn't more romantic but the way this story went I didn't see a what route to take it....)

                      The decision to operate soon became obvious one and in no time at all the procedure began. The choking silence of the infirmary would have been unbearable for Sheppard and the others if not for the random clinking of surgical instruments as Carson and his team constantly moved and murmured instructions between them.

                      Teyla’s motionless form lay on the cold sheeted stretcher in the center of the room as the others looked on from a safe distance away, none of them exactly sure what to expect.

                      The uneasy quiet lasted for some time as Carson probed and prodded into a deep incision he'd made directly into Teyla’s skull in search of the deadly evasive parasite.

                      Taking the scalpel laser he had modified himself, he began to burn through some unusual looking tissue wrapped around the left hemisphere of the brain, which focuses mostly on memory and recollection. Just as the first layer was starting to scorch, the monitors connected to Teyla went berserk causing all of the medical staff including Carson to stop what they were doing and look up.

                      “Impossible,” Carson whispered.

                      The stretcher began to shake and quiver first quietly and then uncontrollably as Teyla’s body shook violently with convulsions, causing Sheppard and the other to step forward in immediate panic. Attempting to hold her down and cover her incision, it was all Carson could do as he watched Teyla’s mouth foam and her eyes open and roll back into her head as she continued to writhe and tremble until finally she let out a bloodcurdling scream.

                      Bending over the side of the stretcher, Teyla leaned down and opened her mouth wide, almost involuntarily so, as a large pink slug emerged from her mouth covered in a strange thick white foam. Everyone watched incredulously as it made a slurping noise when it hit the hard infirmary floor and Ronon even pulled him weapon and pointed it at the immobile white mess.

                      Teyla collapsed back onto the stretcher in pure exhaustion and the monitors returned to normal, an obvious indication that Teyla was all right.

                      Sheppard stepped closer, staring hard at the floor, a sickening feeling overcoming him that soon he would have to endure the same.

                      He turned to the one they called Ronon who was still aiming his gun and said, “Please……Just shoot me now….”
                      LOL, Great ending. I was trying to lead towards brain surgery as the only solution. Best last line ever.
                      Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                        Round Robin Finale (And just so you know, I cracked up while writing this, sorry it wasn't more romantic but the way this story went I didn't see a what route to take it....)

                        The decision to operate soon became obvious one and in no time at all the procedure began. The choking silence of the infirmary would have been unbearable for Sheppard and the others if not for the random clinking of surgical instruments as Carson and his team constantly moved and murmured instructions between them.

                        Teyla’s motionless form lay on the cold sheeted stretcher in the center of the room as the others looked on from a safe distance away, none of them exactly sure what to expect.

                        The uneasy quiet lasted for some time as Carson probed and prodded into a deep incision he'd made directly into Teyla’s skull in search of the deadly evasive parasite.

                        Taking the scalpel laser he had modified himself, he began to burn through some unusual looking tissue wrapped around the left hemisphere of the brain, which focuses mostly on memory and recollection. Just as the first layer was starting to scorch, the monitors connected to Teyla went berserk causing all of the medical staff including Carson to stop what they were doing and look up.

                        “Impossible,” Carson whispered.

                        The stretcher began to shake and quiver first quietly and then uncontrollably as Teyla’s body shook violently with convulsions, causing Sheppard and the other to step forward in immediate panic. Attempting to hold her down and cover her incision, it was all Carson could do as he watched Teyla’s mouth foam and her eyes open and roll back into her head as she continued to writhe and tremble until finally she let out a bloodcurdling scream.

                        Bending over the side of the stretcher, Teyla leaned down and opened her mouth wide, almost involuntarily so, as a large pink slug emerged from her mouth covered in a strange thick white foam. Everyone watched incredulously as it made a slurping noise when it hit the hard infirmary floor and Ronon even pulled him weapon and pointed it at the immobile white mess.

                        Teyla collapsed back onto the stretcher in pure exhaustion and the monitors returned to normal, an obvious indication that Teyla was all right.

                        Sheppard stepped closer, staring hard at the floor, a sickening feeling overcoming him that soon he would have to endure the same.

                        He turned to the one they called Ronon who was still aiming his gun and said, “Please……Just shoot me now….”
                        Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                        Ok that was disgusting but at the same time frickin awesome!! I love gore!!

                        How you gonna go and end it there though???
                        ^What she said

                        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                          If you guys want to go another round, let me know. If not we can end it there--April is only a couple of weeks away.

                          Laura would be next if we decide to go on...

                          We can't end it like that. It's got to go on. C'mon....Please...with sugar and chocolate on top!....
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                            We can't end it like that. It's got to go on. C'mon....Please...with sugar and chocolate on top!....
                            DITTO!!! Don't forget the whipped cream
                            Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                            &=AWESOME &Forever
                            No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                              Aw Sci I'm sorry... my new story is totally dedicated to you. (see below)
                              Aww. Thanks Ruby.

                              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                              Hey Y'all!

                              I am here! Gateworld world is being wonky for me this morning. That is why I am doing the quick reply! It is not letting me do a normal reply. So, no breakfast or munchies for y'all today. That so bites! Anyway, I'm going to try to stay on but,I may end up being off and on because of this.
                              It's ok over here. Sorry to hear that Elf.

                              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                              Great Fic Sci! whump whump whump

                              Thanx Donna!

                              Thanx Nina

                              Uh, thats awful Sci! Similar thing hapened to me just after Christmas but it was the connector on the laptop that broke I had three assignments to write for uni so had to run out and buy a new laptop

                              Hope you get it sorted soon

                              Thanks Cazz. Love whump.

                              Oh, that definately sucked more. I don't have to worry about school work.

                              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                              Thanks Nina... hopefully you won't have to wait too long to find out lol!

                              LLOL! Brilliant!


                              Thanks Sci, I'm glad you liked it - and yes more is coming soon. Ish. Chin up sweetie ((HUG))

                              Thanks Elf!
                              I really did and thanks for the hug.

                              Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                              Sci, Nina, Cabouse, and Cazz glad you liked it. No it's back to reading my sociology book.
                              NP and boy does that sound fun.

                              Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                              Awesome Sci Love the angst and to be honest....

                              I would like to see Kanan go out as a hero. I may not like the guy, but at this point, I think the best way to get rid of him is to have him go out sacrificing himself for Teyla and the others. Ya know have him go out as the man she remembers him to be, not the zombie he has become.
                              I totally agree.
                              I so want him gone,but also be some thing not too bad for Teyla.

                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              Round Robin Finale (And just so you know, I cracked up while writing this, sorry it wasn't more romantic but the way this story went I didn't see a what route to take it....)

                              The decision to operate soon became obvious one and in no time at all the procedure began. The choking silence of the infirmary would have been unbearable for Sheppard and the others if not for the random clinking of surgical instruments as Carson and his team constantly moved and murmured instructions between them.

                              Teyla’s motionless form lay on the cold sheeted stretcher in the center of the room as the others looked on from a safe distance away, none of them exactly sure what to expect.

                              The uneasy quiet lasted for some time as Carson probed and prodded into a deep incision he'd made directly into Teyla’s skull in search of the deadly evasive parasite.

                              Taking the scalpel laser he had modified himself, he began to burn through some unusual looking tissue wrapped around the left hemisphere of the brain, which focuses mostly on memory and recollection. Just as the first layer was starting to scorch, the monitors connected to Teyla went berserk causing all of the medical staff including Carson to stop what they were doing and look up.

                              “Impossible,” Carson whispered.

                              The stretcher began to shake and quiver first quietly and then uncontrollably as Teyla’s body shook violently with convulsions, causing Sheppard and the other to step forward in immediate panic. Attempting to hold her down and cover her incision, it was all Carson could do as he watched Teyla’s mouth foam and her eyes open and roll back into her head as she continued to writhe and tremble until finally she let out a bloodcurdling scream.

                              Bending over the side of the stretcher, Teyla leaned down and opened her mouth wide, almost involuntarily so, as a large pink slug emerged from her mouth covered in a strange thick white foam. Everyone watched incredulously as it made a slurping noise when it hit the hard infirmary floor and Ronon even pulled him weapon and pointed it at the immobile white mess.

                              Teyla collapsed back onto the stretcher in pure exhaustion and the monitors returned to normal, an obvious indication that Teyla was all right.

                              Sheppard stepped closer, staring hard at the floor, a sickening feeling overcoming him that soon he would have to endure the same.

                              He turned to the one they called Ronon who was still aiming his gun and said, “Please……Just shoot me now….”
                              You so rock MrsB!!!!

                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              Lea...loved your fic!

                              Ruby--excellent start, as always!

                              Padme and MrsB...great parts to the RR fic! I'll have it updated later today or tomorrow on the site (It's errand day in the Yappi household
                              Thanks Jess.

                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              If you guys want to go another round, let me know. If not we can end it there--April is only a couple of weeks away.

                              Laura would be next if we decide to go on...
                              I'm game.


                                Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                                DITTO!!! Don't forget the whipped cream

                                And Oreos!!
                                sig by Sci!

                                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..

