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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    You said it so well,it's sad really do ya think...But i really hope they can be together in the end...If anyone deserves it it's them

    Oh do you know how much i love this.....Do ya hmmmm......Ok i'll show you
    Teyla whump and John confessing his love,what more do i need!

    Thanks sci.....
    I don't care if he's hot or not.......But he better not be a Scot,i'd have a hard time hating a fellow Scot!

    Oh yeah,i wonder why there's a bed in the middle of the Forest
    I think the 'bed' may actually be the funeral pyre JM gave us the picture of... so I'm pretty sure that's from a dream sequence.

    Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


      Originally posted by armte View Post
      Did anyone else notice that they added the list of episodes so far for Season 5 and in particular a statement that was made for the first episode "Search & Rescue"

      NEW! February 1 - Samantha Carter (Amanda Tapping), Jennifer Keller (Jewel Staite), Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), and Major Lorne (recurring guest star Kavan Smith) all appear in the episode, as does Michael (Connor Trinneer) and Kanaan, the Athosian who Teyla believes fathered her child ("Missing").

      Believes seems to be a strange word to use for a pregnancy. We know Teyla is a loyal person who would not sleep around. Seems to throw into question if Kanan is really the father. If that is the case, it opens up all kinds of possibilities for JT.

      The new info excited me so much i decided no longer to lurk and actually post.
      I'm so glad that this new brought you in here. I can't wait to see what happens.

      Welcome to the Thread Armte!!!!

      Originally posted by maffieg View Post
      Awww loved this line
      John begins to chuckle like a schoolboy, “That’s easy. I thought you looked Hot.”
      Thanks Maff.

      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Yup talk about we have speculated...and I thought that was a weird wording too... and heck who knows what twist is coming our way

      So glad to see you delurk...most welcome to our,,,should I say fun, supporting, and sightly crazy JT family *kidding* we are a friendly bunch in here who love to talk...

      You will be able to see great artwork, great music videos, reading great fics, and just join in and discuss with us... we love to discuss about JT and speculate and talk about what we like to see and we hope it will be at some point so join in...

      Scifan ,,guys where are the the great Welcome banners... for our new friend
      Sorry I'm late.


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        I totally agree Cabouse.

        Ok. This for Camy's challenge,I hope it's ok..
        It's not five ways, but about 5 times.

        Forced Admission

        A group similar to the Genii captures John and Teyla, while they are scouting a possible planet for Teyla’s people to move too. They are both tired to chairs and facing each other. A man is also in the room with them and playing with some objects on a table across the room. He begins to approach John with a syringe. Both Teyla and John’s open wide.
        “You both do not seem to be people that will be willing to cooperate and give me any information that I wish to acquire. So this will guarantee that I will get what I want,” The man smiles as he waves the needle in front of John.
        John makes a face, “I don’t know about that. Maybe if you ask nicely.”
        John releases a little groan as the man injects him with the solution in the vial.
        “What are you doing to him,” Teyla yells.
        “Nothing that will harm him, but it will make him answer truthfully to anything I ask,” the man smiles and walks out of the room.
        John’s vision starts to blur and squints to try to keep Teyla in focus. She can see his face lose its coloring and sweat begin to form on his forehead. She is now worried that the man was lying and has actually poisoned John.
        “John? John, can you hear me?” Teyla asks with concern.
        A week, small grin crosses his face, “Yes. I can hear you Teyla.”
        Teyla released a sigh of relief, “Good. I am glad. I’m sure once Atlantis doesn’t hear form us that they will come and find us.”
        John giggles slightly, “I have no doubt they will. I’m just not sure if I can resist in telling him anything.”
        Teyla grows concern, “John, what do you mean?”
        “Ask me anything. See if the guy is telling the truth. Something you know I wouldn’t normally tell you,” John says seriously.
        Teyla is surprised by his request and tries to think of something simple. It takes a little while, but she finally thinks of question.
        “Very well. I have question for you,” Teyla says sincerely. “What were you thinking when we first met?”
        John begins to chuckle like a schoolboy, “That’s easy. I thought you looked Hot.”
        Teyla is shocked by his answer, “What? That is what you were really thinking?”
        John nods with a sheepish smile on his face. He fights to keep his eyes open, but they feel heavy and he also struggles to keep his head up. Teyla is even more concern now for she fears that they man will come back and John will say anything.
        “John, you need to do me a favor. Can you do that for me?” Teyla says directly.
        John releases a sigh, “Anything for you Teyla.”
        “Yes, I know John. You would do anything for anyone of us in Atlantis…” Teyla blurts out.
        John interrupts her and his words begin to slur, “Yeah… I would do anything for them, but I don’t love them like I love you.”
        Teyla’s eyes widens and she is speechless of a moment, “Did… did you just say that you… um”
        John tries to hold his head up proudly, “I love you. Yes I did. I’ve always had feelings for you, but during this past year I’ve realized that I loved you.”
        Teyla is about to ask him more about his feelings for her, but she hears sounds outside of the room. The door is kicked in and it’s Ronon, Lorne and Rodney. Teyla is relieved and they quickly begin to untie them. Ronon notices that John doesn’t look well.
        “Is Sheppard ok?” Ronon asks Teyla.
        She shakes her head no and urges them to hurry before anyone returns. John hears Ronon’s questions and smiles at him.
        John takes a slow breath and softly says, “They gave me truth serum.”
        Ronon looks at Teyla with confusion, but before he can ask any questions Rodney jumps in.
        Rodney looks at John with a smile, “You mean I can ask you anything you would answer truthfully?”
        John nods his head slowly, “I already told Teyla that I love her. So, I guess I can…”
        “Rodney! Now is not the time,” Teyla reprimands him.
        Rodney and Lorne are surprised and speechless, but Ronon tries to keep his smirk hidden. Lorne makes a motion for them to move out and Ronon and Rodney quickly carry John out of the room and Teyla follows. They fight any opposition and make it to the jumper safely. Once they get to the jumper Rodney couldn’t resist any longer.
        “You really told Teyla that you loved her? How come you never said anything before now?” Rodney asks.
        John is beginning to get sleepy, “I was afraid that she wouldn’t feel the same.”
        “Huh,” is Rodney responds with a surreal expression.
        John begins to drift to sleep, Rodney sit up front and Teyla remains in the back with John. She leans down so that her mouth is close to his ear.
        “I do feel the same. I love you too,” she whispers.
        A small smile crosses his face and slowly fades as he falls asleep. While he lays on the bench Teyla sits on the floor to be next to him. Ronon turns to look in the back and sees Teyla’s head leaning by John’s. She is fast asleep as well.
        Ronon turns to Rodney with a grin, “I guess you owe me a beer. I told you that one day get together.”
        Rodney just silently nods his head and remains speechless for the rest of the way home.

        The End.
        WOOHOO......we got a fic from sci...we got a fic from sci.....sci done a fi.ic....sci done a fi.ic.......LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT!!!!!

        Um ok i really need to lay of the Irn-bru for a while!


          Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
          thanks, Sci!

          Here is some art work i just posted in the galleria Slow morning, lots of time on my hands! *lol*
          Oh those are really nice!

          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
          Five Ways In Which John Confesses His Feelings For Teyla

          Number 5

          “You’re not leaving,” he announced as he strode through her door.

          “Excuse me?” She asked indignantly as she stood straight, her hands stilling at her sides.

          His eyes took in the many things on her bed with distaste, his lips curling in disapproval. There were a few full bags lying about the floor and he picked one up, unzipped it and began removing the contents.

          “John, what are you doing?” She queried loudly as she tried to usher his hands away. He wouldn’t stop his frantic movements until eventually he tipped the bag up and the contents spilled across her bed. When he stopped and thought, he almost laughed but the murderous look on her face quelled that feeling. “What are you doing?”

          They stood facing one another from across her bed, hands on hips, similar indignant stares on their faces. John was not inclined to back down and it appeared that neither was she.

          “You’re. Not. Leaving.”

          Her eyebrow shot up to her hairline, a disbelieving smirk marring her lips. She shook her head and her hands shot out and grabbed the bag from his fingers, before stuffing the items he’d tipped out back into it without any thought of folding them. He stood back and watched as she continued to toss things inside, arms folded, his face blank. Eventually she stopped and tossed the bag to the bed before resuming her earlier stance.


          “You’re not leaving.”

          “I am.”

          He shook his head and laughed mirthlessly, picked up the bag and held it in his hands by his side.

          “You’re not. You can’t just up and leave. We need you here!”

          “My place is with my people.”

          “You’re place is here with us.” He could see the retort in her eyes and he shook his head. “For four years, you’ve told your people that you can do better here than you ever could there. Why the sudden change?”

          “I do not think that is any of your concern, Colonel.”

          He twitched at the use of his title but didn’t let it show to her.

          “Au contraire, I think it is my concern when a member of my team decides to leave without telling me!”

          “That is what this is about? Because I didn’t tell you I was leaving?”

          She scoffed and shook his head, though he couldn’t bring himself to look at her. There were other factors but that was certainly one of them. He frowned in her direction when she picked up another bag but before she could even put anything in it, he snatched it from her grasp and dropped it at his feet.

          “I just don’t understand.”

          “You would not.”

          “What is that supposed to mean?” He was irked he would admit and her blatant disrespect for their friendship was irking him even more. He moved around the bed and stood beside her, as she faced the direction John had come from. He could see her jaw working overtime and he could only imagine the grinding noise that her teeth would be making as she crushed them together. She didn’t respond and he reached out to her, grabbing onto her arm. She jerked and pulled away, narrowing her eyes at him in a way that he was sure was supposed to be menacing. “What is going on?”

          “Nothing is going on.”

          He cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow.

          “I don’t believe you.” She glared at him and he wanted to smile but knew it wasn’t worth his life.

          “Why do you have such a desire for me to stay?”

          Her question knocked him for six and he only realised how close he’d moved to her when he took a step back. He shifted his eyes to the wall behind her head and shuffled his feet.

          “I just... you’re... well, you’re my friend and I... you’re an asset to this base and... We need you here.”

          He caught her eye and the smile she gave him reminded him of the one when they’d first met on Athos when he’d felt as though she was seeing through him and actually seeing him.

          “I see.” She nodded and turned away and John could have sworn he heard a hint of dejectedness from her. “My people need me.”

          John inched closer to her again after a moment of indecision and his hand reached out to touch her bare arm again. She turned to him a fraction and he lowered his eyes to where the tingle in his fingers tips was.

          “I need you.”

          He gulped as the words left his mouth in a quiet whisper and he felt every nerve ending in his body tingling with anticipation. He could see her hesitation in her face as she glanced sideways at him.

          “You do not.”

          She stepped out of his grip and resumed packing, her hands shaking as she did so. John stood still for a moment trying to comprehend what the hell had just happened. Then he lost it. He ripped the new bag from her hands and threw it to the other side of the rooms, grabbing onto her shoulders and pulling her towards him.

          “Dammit, Teyla, what do you want from me?” He yelled as she gripped her, almost shaking her. He could see the apprehension in her eyes before it melted to cold resolve and loosened his grip.

          “I require nothing from you, Colonel Sheppard.” He dropped his hands. “Nothing you are willing to give.” She turned away from him and he ran his hand through his hair, rubbing the back of his suddenly tense neck.

          Then it came to him.

          “I love you,” he murmured without thinking and he saw her stop, her hands stilling like cast iron over some clothing and she turned to him.


          He swallowed, his eyes finding hers, hoping that the fear he was feeling inside wasn’t showing through his eyes.

          “I... I love you. Is that what you want? Is that what you from me?” He couldn’t keep the irritation from his voice and he saw her eyes narrow slightly.

          He resisted the urge to take a step back when she stepped towards him. She eyed him again and he suddenly felt very, very exposed.

          “No,” she murmured quietly and she shook her head. “No,” she continued more assuredly, “I want you to mean it.”

          “I...” He frowned as he trailed off. “I do mean it... I...”

          She smiled sadly at him and jerked her head in a way he knew she had picked up from him.

          “Yet you cannot bring yourself to say it again.” He tried to say it again, he really, really did but the words stuck in his throat and all that happened was his mouth moved without any sound escaping. “Please, leave.”

          He lowered his eyes, closed his lids against the sudden pain that erupted in his chest, the deep ache in his belly and nodded.


          He turned and left, pausing only for a second at the door before he stepped through. He waited until the door closed behind him and then thumped back against his, cradling his head in his hands, kicking himself in the backside.

          He waited there for a few minutes longer and then raised his teary eyes to the ceiling.

          He did love her.

          He just needed to prove it.
          Oh that is it.....John come here a a little closer...that's it,now just stand there
          Now when are ya gonna come tae yer senses and just tell her how you feel already....Do i need to keep whacking you over the Head till you come to yer senses

          Originally posted by armte View Post
          Did anyone else notice that they added the list of episodes so far for Season 5 and in particular a statement that was made for the first episode "Search & Rescue"

          NEW! February 1 - Samantha Carter (Amanda Tapping), Jennifer Keller (Jewel Staite), Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), and Major Lorne (recurring guest star Kavan Smith) all appear in the episode, as does Michael (Connor Trinneer) and Kanaan, the Athosian who Teyla believes fathered her child ("Missing").

          Believes seems to be a strange word to use for a pregnancy. We know Teyla is a loyal person who would not sleep around. Seems to throw into question if Kanan is really the father. If that is the case, it opens up all kinds of possibilities for JT.

          The new info excited me so much i decided no longer to lurk and actually post.
          Welcome to the crazy world which is JT....Yes we've seen it and i'm getting even more confused if that's even possible!

          Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
          Welcome armte i am also looking forward to the rest of the season i just came in to post this its my first try at Freestyle crop im not liking it all

          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
          I think the 'bed' may actually be the funeral pyre JM gave us the picture of... so I'm pretty sure that's from a dream sequence.
          Oh right....DUH....That makes more sense,i mean why would they have a Bed in the middle of a Forest...I feel like a right Numpty!


            Originally posted by scifan View Post

            Sorry I'm late.
            Well Sci...better late than never
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              I totally agree Cabouse.

              Ok. This for Camy's challenge,I hope it's ok..
              It's not five ways, but about 5 times.

              Forced Admission

              A group similar to the Genii captures John and Teyla, while they are scouting a possible planet for Teyla’s people to move too. They are both tired to chairs and facing each other. A man is also in the room with them and playing with some objects on a table across the room. He begins to approach John with a syringe. Both Teyla and John’s open wide.
              “You both do not seem to be people that will be willing to cooperate and give me any information that I wish to acquire. So this will guarantee that I will get what I want,” The man smiles as he waves the needle in front of John.
              John makes a face, “I don’t know about that. Maybe if you ask nicely.”
              John releases a little groan as the man injects him with the solution in the vial.
              “What are you doing to him,” Teyla yells.
              “Nothing that will harm him, but it will make him answer truthfully to anything I ask,” the man smiles and walks out of the room.
              John’s vision starts to blur and squints to try to keep Teyla in focus. She can see his face lose its coloring and sweat begin to form on his forehead. She is now worried that the man was lying and has actually poisoned John.
              “John? John, can you hear me?” Teyla asks with concern.
              A week, small grin crosses his face, “Yes. I can hear you Teyla.”
              Teyla released a sigh of relief, “Good. I am glad. I’m sure once Atlantis doesn’t hear form us that they will come and find us.”
              John giggles slightly, “I have no doubt they will. I’m just not sure if I can resist in telling him anything.”
              Teyla grows concern, “John, what do you mean?”
              “Ask me anything. See if the guy is telling the truth. Something you know I wouldn’t normally tell you,” John says seriously.
              Teyla is surprised by his request and tries to think of something simple. It takes a little while, but she finally thinks of question.
              “Very well. I have question for you,” Teyla says sincerely. “What were you thinking when we first met?”
              John begins to chuckle like a schoolboy, “That’s easy. I thought you looked Hot.”
              Teyla is shocked by his answer, “What? That is what you were really thinking?”
              John nods with a sheepish smile on his face. He fights to keep his eyes open, but they feel heavy and he also struggles to keep his head up. Teyla is even more concern now for she fears that they man will come back and John will say anything.
              “John, you need to do me a favor. Can you do that for me?” Teyla says directly.
              John releases a sigh, “Anything for you Teyla.”
              “Yes, I know John. You would do anything for anyone of us in Atlantis…” Teyla blurts out.
              John interrupts her and his words begin to slur, “Yeah… I would do anything for them, but I don’t love them like I love you.”
              Teyla’s eyes widens and she is speechless of a moment, “Did… did you just say that you… um”
              John tries to hold his head up proudly, “I love you. Yes I did. I’ve always had feelings for you, but during this past year I’ve realized that I loved you.”
              Teyla is about to ask him more about his feelings for her, but she hears sounds outside of the room. The door is kicked in and it’s Ronon, Lorne and Rodney. Teyla is relieved and they quickly begin to untie them. Ronon notices that John doesn’t look well.
              “Is Sheppard ok?” Ronon asks Teyla.
              She shakes her head no and urges them to hurry before anyone returns. John hears Ronon’s questions and smiles at him.
              John takes a slow breath and softly says, “They gave me truth serum.”
              Ronon looks at Teyla with confusion, but before he can ask any questions Rodney jumps in.
              Rodney looks at John with a smile, “You mean I can ask you anything you would answer truthfully?”
              John nods his head slowly, “I already told Teyla that I love her. So, I guess I can…”
              “Rodney! Now is not the time,” Teyla reprimands him.
              Rodney and Lorne are surprised and speechless, but Ronon tries to keep his smirk hidden. Lorne makes a motion for them to move out and Ronon and Rodney quickly carry John out of the room and Teyla follows. They fight any opposition and make it to the jumper safely. Once they get to the jumper Rodney couldn’t resist any longer.
              “You really told Teyla that you loved her? How come you never said anything before now?” Rodney asks.
              John is beginning to get sleepy, “I was afraid that she wouldn’t feel the same.”
              “Huh,” is Rodney responds with a surreal expression.
              John begins to drift to sleep, Rodney sit up front and Teyla remains in the back with John. She leans down so that her mouth is close to his ear.
              “I do feel the same. I love you too,” she whispers.
              A small smile crosses his face and slowly fades as he falls asleep. While he lays on the bench Teyla sits on the floor to be next to him. Ronon turns to look in the back and sees Teyla’s head leaning by John’s. She is fast asleep as well.
              Ronon turns to Rodney with a grin, “I guess you owe me a beer. I told you that one day get together.”
              Rodney just silently nods his head and remains speechless for the rest of the way home.

              The End.
              Awesome Sci

              *lol* what a way for John to blurt that out...heheh yep he sure coldn't lie there...
              Glad though that they found them before the enemies could get answers from him...
              And way to go JT,,,and Ronon,,finally made Rodney THAT doesn't happen very often ,,unless John bites his head off then he usually shuts up
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                You said it so well,it's sad really do ya think...But i really hope they can be together in the end...If anyone deserves it it's them

                Oh do you know how much i love this.....Do ya hmmmm......Ok i'll show you
                Teyla whump and John confessing his love,what more do i need!

                Thanks sci.....
                I don't care if he's hot or not.......But he better not be a Scot,i'd have a hard time hating a fellow Scot!

                Oh yeah,i wonder why there's a bed in the middle of the Forest
                You're welcome Linda.
                How are you? I didn't get a chance to say hi yesterday.

                Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                Welcome armte i am also looking forward to the rest of the season i just came in to post this its my first try at Freestyle crop im not liking it all
                Great job Donna. Sorry, I forgot to do walkthrough for you this morning, but you didn't need it.

                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                WOOHOO......we got a fic from sci...we got a fic from sci.....sci done a fi.ic....sci done a fi.ic.......LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT!!!!!

                Um ok i really need to lay of the Irn-bru for a while!
                Has it really been that long?

                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Well Sci...better late than never

                That's right. Thanks Nina.


                  Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                  Loved them!
                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Great job JT4L
                  Why, thank you TF and Sci

                  Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                  Five Ways In Which John Confesses His Feelings For Teyla

                  Number 5

                  “You’re not leaving,” he announced as he strode through her door.

                  “Excuse me?” She asked indignantly as she stood straight, her hands stilling at her sides.

                  His eyes took in the many things on her bed with distaste, his lips curling in disapproval. There were a few full bags lying about the floor and he picked one up, unzipped it and began removing the contents.

                  “John, what are you doing?” She queried loudly as she tried to usher his hands away. He wouldn’t stop his frantic movements until eventually he tipped the bag up and the contents spilled across her bed. When he stopped and thought, he almost laughed but the murderous look on her face quelled that feeling. “What are you doing?”

                  They stood facing one another from across her bed, hands on hips, similar indignant stares on their faces. John was not inclined to back down and it appeared that neither was she.

                  “You’re. Not. Leaving.”

                  Her eyebrow shot up to her hairline, a disbelieving smirk marring her lips. She shook her head and her hands shot out and grabbed the bag from his fingers, before stuffing the items he’d tipped out back into it without any thought of folding them. He stood back and watched as she continued to toss things inside, arms folded, his face blank. Eventually she stopped and tossed the bag to the bed before resuming her earlier stance.


                  “You’re not leaving.”

                  “I am.”

                  He shook his head and laughed mirthlessly, picked up the bag and held it in his hands by his side.

                  “You’re not. You can’t just up and leave. We need you here!”

                  “My place is with my people.”

                  “You’re place is here with us.” He could see the retort in her eyes and he shook his head. “For four years, you’ve told your people that you can do better here than you ever could there. Why the sudden change?”

                  “I do not think that is any of your concern, Colonel.”

                  He twitched at the use of his title but didn’t let it show to her.

                  “Au contraire, I think it is my concern when a member of my team decides to leave without telling me!”

                  “That is what this is about? Because I didn’t tell you I was leaving?”

                  She scoffed and shook his head, though he couldn’t bring himself to look at her. There were other factors but that was certainly one of them. He frowned in her direction when she picked up another bag but before she could even put anything in it, he snatched it from her grasp and dropped it at his feet.

                  “I just don’t understand.”

                  “You would not.”

                  “What is that supposed to mean?” He was irked he would admit and her blatant disrespect for their friendship was irking him even more. He moved around the bed and stood beside her, as she faced the direction John had come from. He could see her jaw working overtime and he could only imagine the grinding noise that her teeth would be making as she crushed them together. She didn’t respond and he reached out to her, grabbing onto her arm. She jerked and pulled away, narrowing her eyes at him in a way that he was sure was supposed to be menacing. “What is going on?”

                  “Nothing is going on.”

                  He cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow.

                  “I don’t believe you.” She glared at him and he wanted to smile but knew it wasn’t worth his life.

                  “Why do you have such a desire for me to stay?”

                  Her question knocked him for six and he only realised how close he’d moved to her when he took a step back. He shifted his eyes to the wall behind her head and shuffled his feet.

                  “I just... you’re... well, you’re my friend and I... you’re an asset to this base and... We need you here.”

                  He caught her eye and the smile she gave him reminded him of the one when they’d first met on Athos when he’d felt as though she was seeing through him and actually seeing him.

                  “I see.” She nodded and turned away and John could have sworn he heard a hint of dejectedness from her. “My people need me.”

                  John inched closer to her again after a moment of indecision and his hand reached out to touch her bare arm again. She turned to him a fraction and he lowered his eyes to where the tingle in his fingers tips was.

                  “I need you.”

                  He gulped as the words left his mouth in a quiet whisper and he felt every nerve ending in his body tingling with anticipation. He could see her hesitation in her face as she glanced sideways at him.

                  “You do not.”

                  She stepped out of his grip and resumed packing, her hands shaking as she did so. John stood still for a moment trying to comprehend what the hell had just happened. Then he lost it. He ripped the new bag from her hands and threw it to the other side of the rooms, grabbing onto her shoulders and pulling her towards him.

                  “Dammit, Teyla, what do you want from me?” He yelled as she gripped her, almost shaking her. He could see the apprehension in her eyes before it melted to cold resolve and loosened his grip.

                  “I require nothing from you, Colonel Sheppard.” He dropped his hands. “Nothing you are willing to give.” She turned away from him and he ran his hand through his hair, rubbing the back of his suddenly tense neck.

                  Then it came to him.

                  “I love you,” he murmured without thinking and he saw her stop, her hands stilling like cast iron over some clothing and she turned to him.


                  He swallowed, his eyes finding hers, hoping that the fear he was feeling inside wasn’t showing through his eyes.

                  “I... I love you. Is that what you want? Is that what you from me?” He couldn’t keep the irritation from his voice and he saw her eyes narrow slightly.

                  He resisted the urge to take a step back when she stepped towards him. She eyed him again and he suddenly felt very, very exposed.

                  “No,” she murmured quietly and she shook her head. “No,” she continued more assuredly, “I want you to mean it.”

                  “I...” He frowned as he trailed off. “I do mean it... I...”

                  She smiled sadly at him and jerked her head in a way he knew she had picked up from him.

                  “Yet you cannot bring yourself to say it again.” He tried to say it again, he really, really did but the words stuck in his throat and all that happened was his mouth moved without any sound escaping. “Please, leave.”

                  He lowered his eyes, closed his lids against the sudden pain that erupted in his chest, the deep ache in his belly and nodded.


                  He turned and left, pausing only for a second at the door before he stepped through. He waited until the door closed behind him and then thumped back against his, cradling his head in his hands, kicking himself in the backside.

                  He waited there for a few minutes longer and then raised his teary eyes to the ceiling.

                  He did love her.

                  He just needed to prove it.
                  woah, angst-city! LOVIN' IT gater!

                  Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                  Ooooohhh I love them.
                  Originally posted by armte View Post
                  Did anyone else notice that they added the list of episodes so far for Season 5 and in particular a statement that was made for the first episode "Search & Rescue"

                  NEW! February 1 - Samantha Carter (Amanda Tapping), Jennifer Keller (Jewel Staite), Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), and Major Lorne (recurring guest star Kavan Smith) all appear in the episode, as does Michael (Connor Trinneer) and Kanaan, the Athosian who Teyla believes fathered her child ("Missing").

                  Believes seems to be a strange word to use for a pregnancy. We know Teyla is a loyal person who would not sleep around. Seems to throw into question if Kanan is really the father. If that is the case, it opens up all kinds of possibilities for JT.

                  The new info excited me so much i decided no longer to lurk and actually post.
                  A big welcome to ya, armte!!

                  Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                  Welcome armte i am also looking forward to the rest of the season i just came in to post this its my first try at Freestyle crop im not liking it all
                  oh, wow Donna! that is lovely!

                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  Oh those are really nice!
                  teehee... thanks


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    Awesome Sci

                    *lol* what a way for John to blurt that out...heheh yep he sure coldn't lie there...
                    Glad though that they found them before the enemies could get answers from him...
                    And way to go JT,,,and Ronon,,finally made Rodney THAT doesn't happen very often ,,unless John bites his head off then he usually shuts up
                    Thanks Nina.
                    I'm glad you liked it and silent Rodney is always a good thing.


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      You're welcome Linda.
                      How are you? I didn't get a chance to say hi yesterday.

                      Great job Donna. Sorry, I forgot to do walkthrough for you this morning, but you didn't need it.

                      Has it really been that long?

                      That's right. Thanks Nina.
                      sci..... I'm doing ok i guess and yup it's been too long since you done a fic and no the RR doesn't count

                      How's hubby and Daddy?


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Oh those are really nice!

                        Oh that is it.....John come here a a little closer...that's it,now just stand there
                        Now when are ya gonna come tae yer senses and just tell her how you feel already....Do i need to keep whacking you over the Head till you come to yer senses

                        Welcome to the crazy world which is JT....Yes we've seen it and i'm getting even more confused if that's even possible!


                        Oh right....DUH....That makes more sense,i mean why would they have a Bed in the middle of a Forest...I feel like a right Numpty!
                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        You're welcome Linda.
                        How are you? I didn't get a chance to say hi yesterday.

                        Great job Donna. Sorry, I forgot to do walkthrough for you this morning, but you didn't need it.

                        Has it really been that long?

                        That's right. Thanks Nina.
                        Thanks Everyone and Lea np it took me ages to do that one its not perfect and Linda sorry but thats what i tend to think of some of the Artwork i do
                        Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                          Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                          Welcome armte i am also looking forward to the rest of the season i just came in to post this its my first try at Freestyle crop im not liking it all
                          Well, I like it.........


                            Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                            Thanks Everyone and Lea np it took me ages to do that one its not perfect and Linda sorry but thats what i tend to think of some of the Artwork i do
                            Well guess they haven't found a cure yet for own worst critic syndrome

                            Oh i just noticed my post was all freaky...Must have hit the caps lock by accident!


                              Ok got to go but you all know where I will be.
                              I'll try to pop on when I can.

                              Go support JT in H&H


                                Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                                Ok got to go but you all know where I will be.
                                I'll try to pop on when I can.

                                Go support JT in H&H
                                That's such a cool little smiley...So cute....Already voted.....Man i wish Valentines day was over already,i hate it!!!

