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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
    5 Ways John Confesses His Love for Teyla

    #3 (sorry it's a bit long, i couldn't help myself)
    The Atlantis team was off world scouting out a newly discovered wriath outpost. They had spilt up into groups of two: McKay and Ronon, and John and Teyla. The latter of the two were hiding behind a rock on the edge of a clearing, close to one of the hive ships.

    "I see three of 'em comming now," John whispered to Teyla. She nodded in response. They both readied their weapons. But three wriath soon turned into 10, and they were still heading straight for the clearing. "ok, new plan," John murmured, "we're gonna fall back and meet up with Ronona nd McKay." Again, Teyla nodded, and radioed the other two to meet up with them.

    They both began to retreat, quickly, but were spotted. Stunners started to fly over their heads. John saw one comming straight for Teyla and threw himself ontop of her, knocking her out of harm's way. They twisted in the air, and ended up on the ground, hidden momentarily in a bunch of shrubbery. Teyla was on her back, and John ontop of her. John' face was a meer inch or so from her face. Their eyes locked.

    "Are you ok?" he asked, somewhat awkwardly.

    "Yes, John, I am fine..." she trailed off, unable to stop herself from gazing into his eyes.

    It's now or never, John thought, knowing that a swarm of wraith were almost at their locatin. He bent his head down and pressed his lips to hers, and for one gloriois moment, his hands were in her hair, and they were lost in each other's embrace.

    John forced himself to pull back, smiling down at Teyla's smiling face. "I love you, Teyla Emmagan, and I always have," he whispered gently to her.

    At that moment, both the wraith and the other two team members arrived, and the fighting continued. But evey chance he got, John would steal a glance at Teyla and give her one of his gorgeous smiles, and she wouls return it, blushing like crazy.
    Aw that was so cute Loved it!
    *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

    “Because you can.”



      Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
      5 Ways John Confesses His Love for Teyla

      #3 (sorry it's a bit long, i couldn't help myself)
      The Atlantis team was off world scouting out a newly discovered wriath outpost. They had spilt up into groups of two: McKay and Ronon, and John and Teyla. The latter of the two were hiding behind a rock on the edge of a clearing, close to one of the hive ships.

      "I see three of 'em comming now," John whispered to Teyla. She nodded in response. They both readied their weapons. But three wriath soon turned into 10, and they were still heading straight for the clearing. "ok, new plan," John murmured, "we're gonna fall back and meet up with Ronona nd McKay." Again, Teyla nodded, and radioed the other two to meet up with them.

      They both began to retreat, quickly, but were spotted. Stunners started to fly over their heads. John saw one comming straight for Teyla and threw himself ontop of her, knocking her out of harm's way. They twisted in the air, and ended up on the ground, hidden momentarily in a bunch of shrubbery. Teyla was on her back, and John ontop of her. John' face was a meer inch or so from her face. Their eyes locked.

      "Are you ok?" he asked, somewhat awkwardly.

      "Yes, John, I am fine..." she trailed off, unable to stop herself from gazing into his eyes.

      It's now or never, John thought, knowing that a swarm of wraith were almost at their locatin. He bent his head down and pressed his lips to hers, and for one gloriois moment, his hands were in her hair, and they were lost in each other's embrace.

      John forced himself to pull back, smiling down at Teyla's smiling face. "I love you, Teyla Emmagan, and I always have," he whispered gently to her.

      At that moment, both the wraith and the other two team members arrived, and the fighting continued. But evey chance he got, John would steal a glance at Teyla and give her one of his gorgeous smiles, and she wouls return it, blushing like crazy.
      hehe loved it...

      Don't mind the danger,,,make sure to tell the woman that you love her before returning to the fighting *lol*
      Sigs by Scifan


        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        hehe loved it...

        Don't mind the danger,,,make sure to tell the woman that you love her before returning to the fighting *lol*
        What can i say? i'm a sucker for cliches

        Thanks for the feedback Nina and TF!


          Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
          5 Ways John Confesses His Love for Teyla

          #3 (sorry it's a bit long, i couldn't help myself)
          The Atlantis team was off world scouting out a newly discovered wriath outpost. They had spilt up into groups of two: McKay and Ronon, and John and Teyla. The latter of the two were hiding behind a rock on the edge of a clearing, close to one of the hive ships.

          "I see three of 'em comming now," John whispered to Teyla. She nodded in response. They both readied their weapons. But three wriath soon turned into 10, and they were still heading straight for the clearing. "ok, new plan," John murmured, "we're gonna fall back and meet up with Ronona nd McKay." Again, Teyla nodded, and radioed the other two to meet up with them.

          They both began to retreat, quickly, but were spotted. Stunners started to fly over their heads. John saw one comming straight for Teyla and threw himself ontop of her, knocking her out of harm's way. They twisted in the air, and ended up on the ground, hidden momentarily in a bunch of shrubbery. Teyla was on her back, and John ontop of her. John' face was a meer inch or so from her face. Their eyes locked.

          "Are you ok?" he asked, somewhat awkwardly.

          "Yes, John, I am fine..." she trailed off, unable to stop herself from gazing into his eyes.

          It's now or never, John thought, knowing that a swarm of wraith were almost at their locatin. He bent his head down and pressed his lips to hers, and for one gloriois moment, his hands were in her hair, and they were lost in each other's embrace.

          John forced himself to pull back, smiling down at Teyla's smiling face. "I love you, Teyla Emmagan, and I always have," he whispered gently to her.

          At that moment, both the wraith and the other two team members arrived, and the fighting continued. But evey chance he got, John would steal a glance at Teyla and give her one of his gorgeous smiles, and she wouls return it, blushing like crazy.
          Little action mixed with some lovin'....can't ask for more

          Oh, hey Teylafan love you literally kicks some ass!!
          Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
          &=AWESOME &Forever
          No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


            Five Ways John Confesses His Feelings For Teyla

            Number Three

            The cold had long since seeped into his bones. His head throbbed with exhaustion; a sharp pain behind his eyes reminded him that the pain medicine had worn off. He shifted and adjusted his neck on his forearms behind his head, ignoring the burning across his brain.

            He tried to see her from the corner of his eye but she was farther away than he had thought. There were so many things he wanted to say to her before it was too late but the words, nor the inclination to say them, never came.

            If there was ever a time for him to have that conversation that they’d put off for almost a decade, right there and then would be it. The stars above sparkled brightly in the obsidian sky, the water below reflected with startling accuracy all that was above it. A warm breeze swept across them, momentarily warming his cool skin.

            “I love you, you know that, right?”

            She didn’t hesitate in her answer.


            “You love me.”

            “I do.”

            “We could have been good together.”


            “It’s too late now.”

            “It is.”

            He turned his head to her, feeling the painful pull in his chest. She looked beautiful lying beside him, the stars glittering in her dark eyes.

            “We could make it work.”

            She turned to him and smiled sadly, shaking her head slowly.

            “No.” He nodded sadly in acknowledgement. He heard her shuffling, could see her turning to lie on her side facing him, her arms tucked under head. “You have a home on Earth now. And I have a son to another man.”

            John’s lips slid up in something akin to a smile and he turned away from her, facing the sky. He sighed and closed his eyes. He felt her lips on his, a mere brush before she pulled back. He opened his eyes and peered at her as she hovered over him.

            “Why did we wait so long to say these things?” She shrugged and John smiled, his eyes sliding to her lips. “It’s so easy to say it now.”

            “I know.”

            “You haven’t said it yet.”

            She smiled, her eyes sparkling and his hand rose of its own accord and tucked the curtain of hair behind her ear.

            “I love you.”

            “You do.”

            “You love me.”

            “I do.”

            “You’ll be gone tomorrow.”

            “I will.”

            “I will miss you.”

            “I’ll miss you.”

            They stared at one another for a few moments longer before she lowered herself on top of him, resting her head on his shoulder, a hand on his chest while both his arms circled her waist, tucking her closer to him.

            “I love you.”

            “I love you.”
            don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

            facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
              Five Ways John Confesses His Feelings For Teyla

              Number Three

              The cold had long since seeped into his bones. His head throbbed with exhaustion; a sharp pain behind his eyes reminded him that the pain medicine had worn off. He shifted and adjusted his neck on his forearms behind his head, ignoring the burning across his brain.

              He tried to see her from the corner of his eye but she was farther away than he had thought. There were so many things he wanted to say to her before it was too late but the words, nor the inclination to say them, never came.

              If there was ever a time for him to have that conversation that they’d put off for almost a decade, right there and then would be it. The stars above sparkled brightly in the obsidian sky, the water below reflected with startling accuracy all that was above it. A warm breeze swept across them, momentarily warming his cool skin.

              “I love you, you know that, right?”

              She didn’t hesitate in her answer.


              “You love me.”

              “I do.”

              “We could have been good together.”


              “It’s too late now.”

              “It is.”

              He turned his head to her, feeling the painful pull in his chest. She looked beautiful lying beside him, the stars glittering in her dark eyes.

              “We could make it work.”

              She turned to him and smiled sadly, shaking her head slowly.

              “No.” He nodded sadly in acknowledgement. He heard her shuffling, could see her turning to lie on her side facing him, her arms tucked under head. “You have a home on Earth now. And I have a son to another man.”

              John’s lips slid up in something akin to a smile and he turned away from her, facing the sky. He sighed and closed his eyes. He felt her lips on his, a mere brush before she pulled back. He opened his eyes and peered at her as she hovered over him.

              “Why did we wait so long to say these things?” She shrugged and John smiled, his eyes sliding to her lips. “It’s so easy to say it now.”

              “I know.”

              “You haven’t said it yet.”

              She smiled, her eyes sparkling and his hand rose of its own accord and tucked the curtain of hair behind her ear.

              “I love you.”

              “You do.”

              “You love me.”

              “I do.”

              “You’ll be gone tomorrow.”

              “I will.”

              “I will miss you.”

              “I’ll miss you.”

              They stared at one another for a few moments longer before she lowered herself on top of him, resting her head on his shoulder, a hand on his chest while both his arms circled her waist, tucking her closer to him.

              “I love you.”

              “I love you.”
              hrmm...well kinda sweet...but yet sad... *that made I guess no sense LOL *
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                5 Ways John Confesses His Love for Teyla

                #3 (sorry it's a bit long, i couldn't help myself)
                The Atlantis team was off world scouting out a newly discovered wriath outpost. They had spilt up into groups of two: McKay and Ronon, and John and Teyla. The latter of the two were hiding behind a rock on the edge of a clearing, close to one of the hive ships.

                "I see three of 'em comming now," John whispered to Teyla. She nodded in response. They both readied their weapons. But three wriath soon turned into 10, and they were still heading straight for the clearing. "ok, new plan," John murmured, "we're gonna fall back and meet up with Ronona nd McKay." Again, Teyla nodded, and radioed the other two to meet up with them.

                They both began to retreat, quickly, but were spotted. Stunners started to fly over their heads. John saw one comming straight for Teyla and threw himself ontop of her, knocking her out of harm's way. They twisted in the air, and ended up on the ground, hidden momentarily in a bunch of shrubbery. Teyla was on her back, and John ontop of her. John' face was a meer inch or so from her face. Their eyes locked.

                "Are you ok?" he asked, somewhat awkwardly.

                "Yes, John, I am fine..." she trailed off, unable to stop herself from gazing into his eyes.

                It's now or never, John thought, knowing that a swarm of wraith were almost at their locatin. He bent his head down and pressed his lips to hers, and for one gloriois moment, his hands were in her hair, and they were lost in each other's embrace.

                John forced himself to pull back, smiling down at Teyla's smiling face. "I love you, Teyla Emmagan, and I always have," he whispered gently to her.

                At that moment, both the wraith and the other two team members arrived, and the fighting continued. But evey chance he got, John would steal a glance at Teyla and give her one of his gorgeous smiles, and she wouls return it, blushing like crazy.
                gotta tell her how he feels before they fight half the Wraith army!!!

                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                Five Ways John Confesses His Feelings For Teyla

                Number Three

                The cold had long since seeped into his bones. His head throbbed with exhaustion; a sharp pain behind his eyes reminded him that the pain medicine had worn off. He shifted and adjusted his neck on his forearms behind his head, ignoring the burning across his brain.

                He tried to see her from the corner of his eye but she was farther away than he had thought. There were so many things he wanted to say to her before it was too late but the words, nor the inclination to say them, never came.

                If there was ever a time for him to have that conversation that they’d put off for almost a decade, right there and then would be it. The stars above sparkled brightly in the obsidian sky, the water below reflected with startling accuracy all that was above it. A warm breeze swept across them, momentarily warming his cool skin.

                “I love you, you know that, right?”

                She didn’t hesitate in her answer.


                “You love me.”

                “I do.”

                “We could have been good together.”


                “It’s too late now.”

                “It is.”

                He turned his head to her, feeling the painful pull in his chest. She looked beautiful lying beside him, the stars glittering in her dark eyes.

                “We could make it work.”

                She turned to him and smiled sadly, shaking her head slowly.

                “No.” He nodded sadly in acknowledgement. He heard her shuffling, could see her turning to lie on her side facing him, her arms tucked under head. “You have a home on Earth now. And I have a son to another man.”

                John’s lips slid up in something akin to a smile and he turned away from her, facing the sky. He sighed and closed his eyes. He felt her lips on his, a mere brush before she pulled back. He opened his eyes and peered at her as she hovered over him.

                “Why did we wait so long to say these things?” She shrugged and John smiled, his eyes sliding to her lips. “It’s so easy to say it now.”

                “I know.”

                “You haven’t said it yet.”

                She smiled, her eyes sparkling and his hand rose of its own accord and tucked the curtain of hair behind her ear.

                “I love you.”

                “You do.”

                “You love me.”

                “I do.”

                “You’ll be gone tomorrow.”

                “I will.”

                “I will miss you.”

                “I’ll miss you.”

                They stared at one another for a few moments longer before she lowered herself on top of him, resting her head on his shoulder, a hand on his chest while both his arms circled her waist, tucking her closer to him.

                “I love you.”

                “I love you.”
                Again i don't know if i'm supposed to be happy or sad....So very confused and i'm very easily confused!


                  Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                  Little action mixed with some lovin'....can't ask for more

                  Oh, hey Teylafan love you literally kicks some ass!!
                  Thanks! I'm glad that you like it!

                  And gater: Loved number three!!
                  *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                  “Because you can.”



                    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                    Five Ways John Confesses His Feelings For Teyla

                    Number Three

                    The cold had long since seeped into his bones. His head throbbed with exhaustion; a sharp pain behind his eyes reminded him that the pain medicine had worn off. He shifted and adjusted his neck on his forearms behind his head, ignoring the burning across his brain.

                    He tried to see her from the corner of his eye but she was farther away than he had thought. There were so many things he wanted to say to her before it was too late but the words, nor the inclination to say them, never came.

                    If there was ever a time for him to have that conversation that they’d put off for almost a decade, right there and then would be it. The stars above sparkled brightly in the obsidian sky, the water below reflected with startling accuracy all that was above it. A warm breeze swept across them, momentarily warming his cool skin.

                    “I love you, you know that, right?”

                    She didn’t hesitate in her answer.


                    “You love me.”

                    “I do.”

                    “We could have been good together.”


                    “It’s too late now.”

                    “It is.”

                    He turned his head to her, feeling the painful pull in his chest. She looked beautiful lying beside him, the stars glittering in her dark eyes.

                    “We could make it work.”

                    She turned to him and smiled sadly, shaking her head slowly.

                    “No.” He nodded sadly in acknowledgement. He heard her shuffling, could see her turning to lie on her side facing him, her arms tucked under head. “You have a home on Earth now. And I have a son to another man.”

                    John’s lips slid up in something akin to a smile and he turned away from her, facing the sky. He sighed and closed his eyes. He felt her lips on his, a mere brush before she pulled back. He opened his eyes and peered at her as she hovered over him.

                    “Why did we wait so long to say these things?” She shrugged and John smiled, his eyes sliding to her lips. “It’s so easy to say it now.”

                    “I know.”

                    “You haven’t said it yet.”

                    She smiled, her eyes sparkling and his hand rose of its own accord and tucked the curtain of hair behind her ear.

                    “I love you.”

                    “You do.”

                    “You love me.”

                    “I do.”

                    “You’ll be gone tomorrow.”

                    “I will.”

                    “I will miss you.”

                    “I’ll miss you.”

                    They stared at one another for a few moments longer before she lowered herself on top of him, resting her head on his shoulder, a hand on his chest while both his arms circled her waist, tucking her closer to him.

                    “I love you.”

                    “I love you.”
                    That was so sweet, but at the same time sooooo sad! Dam*, you write good angst fics gater!


                      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                      Five Ways John Confesses His Feelings For Teyla

                      Number Three

                      The cold had long since seeped into his bones. His head throbbed with exhaustion; a sharp pain behind his eyes reminded him that the pain medicine had worn off. He shifted and adjusted his neck on his forearms behind his head, ignoring the burning across his brain.

                      He tried to see her from the corner of his eye but she was farther away than he had thought. There were so many things he wanted to say to her before it was too late but the words, nor the inclination to say them, never came.

                      If there was ever a time for him to have that conversation that they’d put off for almost a decade, right there and then would be it. The stars above sparkled brightly in the obsidian sky, the water below reflected with startling accuracy all that was above it. A warm breeze swept across them, momentarily warming his cool skin.

                      “I love you, you know that, right?”

                      She didn’t hesitate in her answer.


                      “You love me.”

                      “I do.”

                      “We could have been good together.”


                      “It’s too late now.”

                      “It is.”

                      He turned his head to her, feeling the painful pull in his chest. She looked beautiful lying beside him, the stars glittering in her dark eyes.

                      “We could make it work.”

                      She turned to him and smiled sadly, shaking her head slowly.

                      “No.” He nodded sadly in acknowledgement. He heard her shuffling, could see her turning to lie on her side facing him, her arms tucked under head. “You have a home on Earth now. And I have a son to another man.”

                      John’s lips slid up in something akin to a smile and he turned away from her, facing the sky. He sighed and closed his eyes. He felt her lips on his, a mere brush before she pulled back. He opened his eyes and peered at her as she hovered over him.

                      “Why did we wait so long to say these things?” She shrugged and John smiled, his eyes sliding to her lips. “It’s so easy to say it now.”

                      “I know.”

                      “You haven’t said it yet.”

                      She smiled, her eyes sparkling and his hand rose of its own accord and tucked the curtain of hair behind her ear.

                      “I love you.”

                      “You do.”

                      “You love me.”

                      “I do.”

                      “You’ll be gone tomorrow.”

                      “I will.”

                      “I will miss you.”

                      “I’ll miss you.”

                      They stared at one another for a few moments longer before she lowered herself on top of him, resting her head on his shoulder, a hand on his chest while both his arms circled her waist, tucking her closer to him.

                      “I love you.”

                      “I love you.”
                      Sad, yet very enjoyable....kudos
                      Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                      &=AWESOME &Forever
                      No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                        Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                        Thanks! I'm glad that you like it!

                        And gater: Loved number three!!
                        Thanks dearie

                        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                        hrmm...well kinda sweet...but yet sad... *that made I guess no sense LOL *
                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                        Again i don't know if i'm supposed to be happy or sad....So very confused and i'm very easily confused!
                        Apparently, I'm getting good at eliciting that feeling... something about it being bittersweet, or something? lol.
                        don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                        facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                          Thanks dearie

                          Apparently, I'm getting good at eliciting that feeling... something about it being bittersweet, or something? lol.
                          Yeah, something like that


                            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                            Thanks dearie

                            Apparently, I'm getting good at eliciting that feeling... something about it being bittersweet, or something? lol.
                            Yeah something like one can do bittersweet like you!!

                            I've still not seen Outcast yet...I can't seem to bring myself to watch it....2 weeks in a row without Teyla,if she ain';t in next weeks ep i am in serious danger of going into meltdown!


                              NEW JT FIC!

                              Hello. After a very long break, I have written a John/Teyla fic. It's PG and located on the Characters of Color choc_fic LJ here:


                              If you visit the LJ's main page there were at least two other JT fics posted in response to the ficathon so far. I have another one due on about the 15th. Guess I'd better start writing, hmm? LOL.



                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                Yeah something like one can do bittersweet like you!!

                                I've still not seen Outcast yet...I can't seem to bring myself to watch it....2 weeks in a row without Teyla,if she ain';t in next weeks ep i am in serious danger of going into meltdown!
                                No worries....b/c we will get TWO eps of Teyla when Kindered I & II air!! I doubt she will be in next week's ep, although from the spoilers I read she might be in Midway and I stress might. But I hear ya, lack of Teyla is driving me nuts!!

                                Happy for RL but seriously, it making it hard to watch this show especially since it is like the only show with new eps here in the states b/c of the strike; whcih thankfully will hopefully come to an end by the end of this coming week!!
                                Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                                &=AWESOME &Forever
                                No SGA fics yet....but ya never know

