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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Tracy Jane Welcome to the thread! Come in and make yourself at home! We tend to get a little wacky, but we are warm and friendly and tend to grow on people.

    Luz come in and chat anytime. We are always happy to hear other opinions even when they don't agree with ours. We are always here to chat or just listen when you need us. What are fellow fans for?

    Whistler84 come in whenever you can make the time. We are always glad to hear from you. You will always be welcome.


      Originally posted by Black Panther
      Tracy Jane Welcome to the thread! Come in and make yourself at home! We tend to get a little wacky, but we are warm and friendly and tend to grow on people.

      Luz come in and chat anytime. We are always happy to hear other opinions even when they don't agree with ours. We are always here to chat or just listen when you need us. What are fellow fans for?

      Whistler84 come in whenever you can make the time. We are always glad to hear from you. You will always be welcome.
      So did ya happen to give out a few cute, cuddly animals to our guest to take home and spy...errrr...I mean keep our differing shipper buddies company....


        Don't worry, (I bugged their mints!) *in-joke alert*


          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
          So did ya happen to give out a few cute, cuddly animals to our guest to take home and spy...errrr...I mean keep our differing shipper buddies company....
          Yes. My first was given to a Shweir who is close to me. I would tell who and what I gave that person but you never know who is lurking around... shifty eyes.... But that person is well established in their kingdom. Will report when I learn something of use. I will continue to use every opportunity to send others to other threads.


            Alright, I think I'll run around for awhile and then maybe come back, In case I don't Goodnight.


              Originally posted by Whistler84
              Oh, this topic seems familiar. We had this Teyla-as-Luke-Skywalker discussion already in the Teyla Thread, right? I recall me being high (on sugar, I assure you) one day and comparing all the characters of Star Wars to Stargate (i.e. Shep - Han, Ronon - Chewie, McKay - C3PO, Weir - Leia, Radek - R2D2, etc . . .) and Teyla using her Wraith abilities similar to how Luke uses the Force to take down the Empire. I truly do believe that Teyla will play a significant part in taking down the Wraith - me likes the idea of a destiny!
              I love that idea! That would be great! It would help to further establish her as an invaluable asset to the team. Not to mention as she learns to use he abilities more it would further flesh out her character. The different positions she could find herself in, and the way she handles being so closely connected to the wraith would be interesting and beneficial for her character development.

              In the name of shipper peace and friendship I offer you any virtual pet your heart desires. Just name any animal you want, you can get a specific as you want, and I will give it to you. It might take me some time to find an exact match but I won't stop until I find the perfect one. After all the customer is always right.


                Hi I'm a Weir/Sheppard Shipper. I'm here to talk to BP. How could you do this to your own sister?! To do that to my wolf buddy is low.

                Icon Made By LadyBozi


                  Originally posted by Ebony Wolf
                  Hi I'm a Weir/Sheppard Shipper. I'm here to talk to BP. How could you do this to your own sister?! To do that to my wolf buddy is low.
                  Now what makes you think that I would do that to you........ looks innocent..... Shoot, she found me out. Everyone say hi to my sister! Ducks out while everyone else distracts her.....


                    Originally posted by Black Panther
                    Now what makes you think that I would do that to you........ looks innocent..... Shoot, she found me out. Everyone say hi to my sister! Ducks out while everyone else distracts her.....

                    Well Hi there Ebony about I show you around *puts arm around EW and leads her away* Grand of the left of us we have our resident muses' free vidding the right we have Spirit's potion storage room... *walks farther away and with free hand waves to Black Panther to make her escape*

                    Now here Ebony Wolf is my store of John/Teyla merchandise..lets go inside.......


                      Originally posted by Black Panther
                      Now what makes you think that I would do that to you........ looks innocent..... Shoot, she found me out. Everyone say hi to my sister! Ducks out while everyone else distracts her.....
                      I know it! Your try to spy on my shipper buddies. Your try to make me in to a Teyla/Sheppard shipper!..... Runs to protection of the fellow shipper friends! Oh, it's on!

                      Icon Made By LadyBozi


                        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                        Well Hi there Ebony about I show you around *puts arm around EW and leads her away* Grand of the left of us we have our resident muses' free vidding the right we have Spirit's potion storage room... *walks farther away and with free hand waves to Black Panther to make her escape*

                        Now here Ebony Wolf is my store of John/Teyla merchandise..lets go inside.......
                        Looks inside..... Sees glasses.... The glasses! Those are the glasses! Keep those glasses away from me! I know about the glasses...... Gives AG suspicious look. I shall not touch anything in this room! You hear me! I shall not become a Teyla/Sheppard shipper! Protests.....

                        Icon Made By LadyBozi


                          Originally posted by Ebony Wolf
                          Looks inside..... Sees glasses.... The glasses! Those are the glasses! Keep those glasses away from me! I know about the glasses...... Gives AG suspicious look. I shall not touch anything in this room! You hear me! I shall not become a Teyla/Sheppard shipper! Protests.....
                          Now who said anything about you becoming a Shep/Teyla shipper...I wouldn't do that *pats EW on the back and slips in a pair of glasses into her back pocket*

                          We're all shippers here


                            Originally posted by Ebony Wolf

                            I know it! Your try to spy on my shipper buddies. Your try to make me in to a Teyla/Sheppard shipper!..... Runs to protection of the fellow shipper friends! Oh, it's on!
                            Locks all the doors while AG distracts EW...... Turns and gives evil look.... You know you can't be allowed to leave now..... Grabs EW..... Cpt. Ritter guard the door! Camy! WitchBlade! Mel! Use your powers on her! AG get (pauses dramatically).... turns to look at her.... the glasses....... Smiles evilly.

                            Now back on topic. What do you think Teyla meant when she said, "Too much, I fear." When John asks what it is she wants from him? In LFP.


                              Originally posted by Black Panther
                              Locks all the doors while AG distracts EW...... Turns and gives evil look.... You know you can't be allowed to leave now..... Grabs EW..... Cpt. Ritter guard the door! Camy! WitchBlade! Mel! Use your powers on her! AG get (pauses dramatically).... turns to look at her.... the glasses....... Smiles evilly.

                              Now back on topic. What do you think Teyla meant when she said, "Too much, I fear." When John asks what it is she wants from him? In LFP.
                              Tries to run to the the nearest exit...Give it up, I will always be a Sheppard/Weir Shipper!

                              Icon Made By LadyBozi


                                Calm down EW i'll take care of you........hi i'm GeataRealt and i promise i won't do anything to try and convert you aganist your will *smiles big friendly smile* let me get you a drink.........*gets glass of water and while EW isn't looking pours some sort of powder in it* you go....this'll make you feel much better.........
                                ...*grines evily*

                                I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours.

                                A positive attitude may not solve everything, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

