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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    I feel like I'm the only one in here that doesn't read Gator's story... BUT I have to say you spit out chapters faster then a bat in hell
    Truth be told, I thought I'd already posted this one Does that count? Lol.

    Originally posted by sillyscipia View Post
    Gater, dangit! Stop depressin me! Now! Please? *breaks down it tears again* Aw, man... *grabs a tissue from the big box next to her monitor*
    Hee hee hee. I forgot to put the Cardio/Tissue warning at the top. My bad

    Thanks for reading, Silly
    don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

    facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


      Excellent quick fic Gator...


        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
        Truth be told, I thought I'd already posted this one Does that count? Lol.

        Hee hee hee. I forgot to put the Cardio/Tissue warning at the top. My bad

        Thanks for reading, Silly
        I've got to wait to read your new one. I'm still dealing with Assurance that you posted last night.

        I need break up the angsty fics with just fluffy, non-realistic fics that have a happpy ending for our JT. Sometimes, it is nice to dream. Who needs Disney movies when you've got JT fluff!!
        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Originally posted by sillyscipia View Post
          I use Windows Movie Maker. Dunno what the others here use
          Hm, well I was trying that just now, but the stupid program just keeps saying what there's some sort of mistake and it has to close itself off...
          Do you know any other ones?
          *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

          “Because you can.”



            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Excellent quick fic Gator...
            Thanks, MrsB

            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
            I've got to wait to read your new one. I'm still dealing with Assurance that you posted last night.

            I need break up the angsty fics with just fluffy, non-realistic fics that have a happpy ending for our JT. Sometimes, it is nice to dream. Who needs Disney movies when you've got JT fluff!!
            LOL! I actually chuckled at this one Elfie It's not that bad... or do I just have a heart of stone? *ponders*... that could be it, yeah.

            Absolute OT
            My dog is expelling smelly, gaseous air and it is so bad that I've had to toss him outside Tis not pleasant at all...
            don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

            facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Did we know this for sure already, I forget - Kindred Spoilers:

              Episode 4.19 - The Kindred - Part 2
              Conclusion. Beckett's return surprises the Atlantis crew. Elsewhere, Teyla, now a prisoner, finds missing Athosians held captive at one of Michael's secret facilities. Paul McGillion.

              Airs: 1st March 2008
              I don't think I saw that. I forget.
              But it does sound cool.

              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              I love that sig

              Love that wallie
              Thanks Nina and thanks for links.

              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
              Title: Recurrence
              Summary: For her, he’d be good at that type of thing. Because they needed him to be.
              Characters: John
              Pairing: John/Teyla, John/Nancy, Teyla/Kanan
              Rating: K
              Spoilers: Season 4

              Lying in his bed, John Sheppard couldn’t breathe.

              The first time, it had been bad; he wasn’t sure how he was meant to cope with it this time. He actually believed that, despite What Had Happened (round two), he’d gotten over her. He grunted into the covers under his mouth and shook his head incredulously. He’d resigned himself to the fact that he – cared for her but he’d wanted to believe that it wasn’t like that.

              Rolling onto his back, John breathed in deeply and threw an arm over his sweaty forehead, shielding his eyes from the piercing sunlight. He shook his head again and rolled his eyes, wondering just how stupid he really was.

              He guessed he shouldn’t really have been surprised, despite what she’d gone through with Doran. It stood to reason – and his understanding of Teyla – that she’d try again to try and get over what had happened, first time around.

              When she’d approached him as he’d returned from a mundane mission to some even more mundane planet and ushered him behind a curtain in the infirmary, his heart had constricted with fear. Then she’d broken down in tears, muttering words that he had difficulty understanding and he’d tried to be the friend he’d promised them both he would be.

              He’d even managed to wait a few minutes before he ran. He didn’t know long he’d been running for but he’d found himself outside the gym, sweat dripping from his hair. Then he’d found himself sparring – okay, being beaten up – by Ronon, Lorne, Keter (the new member of the Athos team stationed on Atlantis) and then running again for close on two hours. If his plan had been to exhaust his body to a point where he couldn’t physically think of anything else besides the pain in his muscles, then he’d succeeded.

              But when he’d tumbled into bed, still wearing the same clothes from the mission, the run, the spar and then the final run, the adrenaline had left him pumped up so much that sleep was not a viable option. And that left him with more than enough time to think about Teyla and her pregnancy, round two.

              He felt it like a two tonne truck when she had collapsed onto the bed beside him, tears wreaking havoc on her beautiful features. He could only imagine what she had to be going through, especially so soon after losing Doran. The anguish on her features as she had hidden her face behind her hands and tried to control the earth-shuddering sobs had been enough for him to reach out and rub his hand soothingly across her shoulders. She hadn’t responded to the touch and John wondered if she even remembered that he was there.

              But then her eyes had turned up to look into his and he’d felt it all over again. The unadulterated fear there was so plain for him to see that he took a step back as the force of it sent something lurching in his stomach.

              He’d lowered his eyes, not knowing what to say. His hand involuntarily reached out to touch her but he snapped it back to his side and he ordered it to stay there. He’d known it was neither appropriate nor what she had needed but he murmured his congratulations, touched her arm before he’d fled.

              As the moon’s rays splintered his room, guilt weighed heavily down on him. She’d needed him and he’d been too much of a coward to be there for her. But when she’d looked at him... He still didn’t understand the rush of emotions that had surged through him and he was really not good at that type of thing. But she’d needed him. He kicked, idiotically, at the empty air around his bed before laughing incredulously at himself.

              “What are you doing?” He admonished himself and pushed himself up from the bed, tugging his stale, smelly shirt over his head and tossed it to the other side of the room. He wandered into the bathroom and flipped the shower on. Stopping in front his mirror, he took in his soaked hair that was sticking to his forehead in a manner most unusual for his trademark cow’s licked hair. He watched his reflection slowly disappear as the mist covered the room, condensing on the cool glass.

              He dropped his head onto the mirror and closed his eyes. After What Had Happened, he’d promised he’d be her friend – the friend he’d promised her years ago that he would always be. He hadn’t been there for her when she had needed him the most, when her son had died; when she’d cried around the cremated remains of the tiny casket. He’d been too selfish and ignorant and on Earth. He let out an agonised laugh at that. He’d been on Earth with Nancy when her son had died and she’d been in pain.

              Part of him knew his guilt was ill-founded and misplaced but it didn’t mean the rest of him listened to it. He was her friend, her family – he should be there for her. And he’d failed her.

              Resolved, he stripped the rest of his clothes off and stepped under the scalding water, burning off his coat of distance.

              For her, he’d be good at that type of thing. Because they needed him to be.
              Awww. It's too early to start crying. Good story though.

              OT: OK. It's today...
              That hubby's boss will be on Martha Sewart. I think he said his boss is bringing a Papaya tree. and I'm sure other stuff too.

              Can someone post the pic of Teyla for Quarantine? I can't save it from MGM.


                Sci - OT~ I tried man, but MGM was rude to me as well. Sorry dude.


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  You're link didn't work.
                  Yeah, didn't work for me either This one should though..
                  JT4L's fic!
                  *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                  “Because you can.”



                    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                    Thanks, MrsB

                    LOL! I actually chuckled at this one Elfie It's not that bad... or do I just have a heart of stone? *ponders*... that could be it, yeah.

                    No, this one you posted was better! But, I still needed to read a really fluffy thing, so I tortured myself and went to The Last Man pre-airing discussion thread!! I so wished I did drink sometimes....

                    Absolute OT
                    My dog is expelling smelly, gaseous air and it is so bad that I've had to toss him outside Tis not pleasant at all...
                    As far as your tidbit in the spoiler....Lots of jar scents by Glade...They work!!
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                      As far as your tidbit in the spoiler....Lots of jar scents by Glade...They work!!
                      Lol! Thanks! I did the whole scented candle thing so hopefully that'll be us sorted.

                      Sci, thanks. Martha Stewart, eh? Just makes me think if SG-1's "Maternal Instinct", lol. That's quite cool.
                      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Can someone post the pic of Teyla for Quarantine? I can't save it from MGM.
                        Sure Sci
                        Hopefully you mean these..

                        *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                        “Because you can.”



                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          Sci - OT~ I tried man, but MGM was rude to me as well. Sorry dude.
                          Awwww. Thanks for trying MrsB.
                          Are you home today?

                          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                          Yeah, didn't work for me either This one should though..
                          JT4L's fic!
                          Thanks TF.

                          And thanks for the caps.

                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          As far as your tidbit in the spoiler....Lots of jar scents by Glade...They work!!

                          Yeah Laura! That was too much INFO.

                          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                          Lol! Thanks! I did the whole scented candle thing so hopefully that'll be us sorted.

                          Sci, thanks. Martha Stewart, eh? Just makes me think if SG-1's "Maternal Instinct", lol. That's quite cool.
                          I forget which one that's about.



                            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                            Lol! Thanks! I did the whole scented candle thing so hopefully that'll be us sorted.

                            Sci, thanks. Martha Stewart, eh? Just makes me think if SG-1's "Maternal Instinct", lol. That's quite cool.
                            The good thing about the jar thingy is that you don't have to burn the candles all the time so, the smoke is not all in the room. And, they are potent! I thought I was going to have to use 2 for my living room but, only had to use one. They are easy to hide also.
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Awwww. Thanks for trying MrsB.
                              Are you home today?

                              Thanks TF.

                              And thanks for the caps.


                              Yeah Laura! That was too much INFO.

                              I forget which one that's about.

                              At least, I think it's Maternal Instinct... the one where they find Keb and Jack goes "Well, someone's been reading Martha Stewart..."
                              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                Awwww. Thanks for trying MrsB.
                                Are you home today?
                                OT -
                                Nope, I'm at work but I see why you asked that lol. I can see some pics like avatars and some sigs here and there, webpages etc. But for the most part no forum or lj pics and def no videos. Hey another storm on Thursday/Friday I heard!

