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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
    Title: Sentiment
    Summary: In a time filled with quiet moments, he enjoyed these ones the most.
    Characters: John, Teyla
    Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan.
    Rating: K
    Spoilers: Season 4

    There were a lot of things John Sheppard had become used to during his lengthy stay in the city of the Ancients. Before, the thought of machinery that responded to thought would have been absurd; the idea of him controlling a flying city from a chair; the idea that Vampire like creatures were in actual fact very real; the idea that he could lose so many people under his command, so many friends... All of those things he’d come to expect and although it hurt ad although it freaked him out, he was always able to come to terms with it. But seeing Teyla, her petite frame heavy with pregnancy, highlighted against rays from the milky moons as she rested on a balcony of Atlantis was something he didn’t think he’d ever get used to.

    On his silent midnight vigils of the city, he rarely found anything to report. They were quiet and peaceful and the long walk around the many levels of the control tower always had the desired effect of tiring him out so that when he returned to his room, he’d be able to slide in between his covers, close his eyes and drift into slumber. Occasionally, he came across someone who wanted to show him something and a few times he’d come across members of his team sitting by themselves but he’d continue on, knowing that his presence was not what they expected or wanted.

    Yet, he found himself wondering to himself if he should go out to Teyla. The nights were always cool and she had no coat or shawl on like she usually had on her own midnight vigils; he couldn’t help but worry. Her head was tilted up to the sky and although he couldn’t make out her features, he could imagine that her eyes were closed. He took a step towards the doors but halted, taking a step back before they could swish open. She looked content enough without him intruding. Besides, she might be waiting for Kanan. He looked at his watch and saw that it was well past midnight. Maybe she wanted to be alone.

    Resolved, he nodded to himself but before he could make a move away from his position her head lowered and her she turned, looking through the windows into the city. John could see her smile in the diaphanous glow; it was welcoming, yet understanding. She was giving him the choice to walk away.

    As he stepped out onto the balcony, the cool air drifted past his layers of clothing and caressed his warm skin. The shiver was instantaneous. He stood a step or two behind her but gripped the railing with his hands and breathed in the cool salty air. From their vantage point he could see two piers of the city, could hear the water breaking against the edges surrounding him. It was a comforting sound.

    He turned his head in her direction after a few minutes of silence and found that her eyes were once again closed. He took a moment to look over her body. She looked ready to burst any moment and he wasn’t the only one that noticed it; the whole city seemed to be counting the hours until she was whisked into the infirmary to give birth. It was as if the city itself knew as there seemed to be an air of tranquil excitement oozing from the walls, captivating the members of the expedition.

    The past weeks had been uneventful and although John was grateful for some time off, he was beginning to feel restlessness settle in. He wasn’t used to having a moment to think in the Pegasus galaxy – just another one of those things that had become a part of his everyday life – and he was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    Bur still, in a time filled with quiet moments, he enjoyed these ones the most.

    “He has been restless.” John swept his gaze back to her face at her words. She looked tired, he noted, now that her eyes were open. Her hand drifted down to her stomach and John’s eyes followed the unconscious gesture.

    “He?” She nodded and John couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips. “You didn’t tell me.”

    She shook her head and smiled at him sadly.

    “I told no one.” John nodded in comprehension. He understood. “I have not yet named him.” John frowned at that. With Doran, her first child, she’d chosen the name for him almost as soon as she’d told them she was pregnant. “No name I choose feels appropriate.”

    John reached out and touched the back of her hand with his index finger. He found he’d been doing that a lot, lately. Teyla was not a person who craved contact – hell, neither was he – but it seemed that when they were together, touches flowed like nature as though each was assuring themselves that the other was there because when they were together, alone, they felt they were at their most vulnerable. And John didn’t mind that, not really.

    “It’ll come to you when you see him,” he murmured encouragingly, withdrawing his touch. He turned back to the view and watched as the stars twinkled in and out of focus behind thin clouds. He knew he couldn’t push Teyla to talk; he never had.

    “I feel...” She trailed off and John turned towards her slightly but did not intrude on her personal space. He could see the struggle on her face; saw her jaw working around the words that were stuck on a lump in her throat. He resisted the urge to reach out and touch her again; he knew she didn’t need that. Instead, he turned his eyes back to the horizon, lowered his lids and waited on her continuing. “I feel that by being excited about this child... Because it is so soon after Doran...” John closed his eyes and felt her pain wash through him, tingling his every nerve end. He pushed his own pain away. “I feel like I am forgetting him, that I am... belittling what he meant to me and I...”

    The final words caught in her throat and he heard the sob take hold as her hand rose to cover her face. He covered her shoulder with his hand and she folded into him easily, and he wrapped his arms around her body. Her side was pressed against his torso so that John could feel the little one’s restless moves, and she turned her face into his chest. As his own pain for her took over him, John felt so perfectly in tune with her that it almost scared him. The sigh that escaped his lips was heavier than he’d intended it to be.

    “You are not forgetting him at all. You know you’re not. I know that every time you look at this little guy...” He had only meant it as a fleeting gesture but his hand came to rest against her swollen stomach. “You’ll remember Doran. Having another child won’t diminish your love for him. Sure, it’ll be hard – really hard – for a few months after he’s born but Teyla... you can’t resent your new kid because you want to cling to the memory of your first.”

    Her sniffs paused for second before she tugged him closer to him, bunching his shirt up in her fists. To be honest, he was surprised by his own speech so he could only imagine the impact it would have on anyone else; he only hoped that none of his marines had been around the hear it.

    “But what if I...”

    Clarity came to him then, like the proverbial light bulb in a darkened room and he instantly interrupted her, thrusting her body away from him and gripping her tightly by the two arms, almost shaking her.

    “Teyla, no. We’ve talked about this.” He didn’t want to think so much about when they’d talked about it but they had. “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t kill Doran.” He saw her eyes well up with tears again and she tried to look away. He gripped her chin between his thumb and fore finger, commanding her to look at him. “It wasn’t your fault.”

    “If only I had been more careful,” she whispered with more than a hint of self-accusation in her tone.

    “You what? What would have happened? These things happen. He went to sleep, Teyla, like he’d done for months before. Tell me, what could you have done differently?”

    She ripped herself from his grasp and turned away from him, waddling back and forth as her hands came up to tug at the strands of her hair around her face.

    “I shouldn’t have gone to sleep!” She yelled angrily and spun towards him, anger burning through her eyes.

    John felt incredulous anger build up within his own body and he too lifted his hands to the side of his face and made silent gestures towards her, hoping like he normally did that the words would simply pour out. They didn’t and they were both silent, staring at one another across metres of empty air. He dropped his hands and she relaxed her stance but neither let go of the others eyes.

    “I’m not having this conversation again.” She raised an eyebrow at him and he tilted his head, daring her to respond. She didn’t. “One day, you’re going to realise that I’m right.”

    She only stared at him and John began to feel uncomfortable. He shifted from one foot to the other until she turned away from him, gathering herself together near the railing. He didn’t move towards her, or speak, or even dare breathe for fear that she may turn around and unleash her hormones upon him. It wasn’t until he heard her sigh that he allowed himself to relax. He ran a hand across his face and peered at her through his fingers as she raised a hand to the small of her back.

    “Sore back?”

    He saw her nod and he moved closer to her, instinct taking over. He hovered behind her, his hands lingering by his sides and he watched the horizon melt into the ocean.

    “Like I said, he has been very restless tonight.”

    As his next words passed his lips, his fingers reached out and replaced her own, rubbing in soothing circles around the dimples that he knew were there at the base of her spine.

    “I think he’s getting ready to pop out.”

    He heard her small laugh and he raised his hands to her shoulders, urging her to sit down. After she’d slid her legs through the gap in the rails (he had to laugh, she was still about a foot away from the edge because of how big she was), he slid down behind her, legs on either side of her, his hands returned to their position. He saw her head lull forward and he smiled. His eyes trained on the horizon, his fingers working from instinct, and he let his mind wander. The sea beneath them swished against itself, the city seeped tranquillity and John could feel restfulness settle into his shoulders.

    He sat there long after his fingers had stopped soothing her back, with his arms around her torso, resting on either side of her pregnant body. His palms were flat against the swollen mound and he rubbed it occasionally, his fingers strumming a quiet tune of reassurance to the little guy, his thoughts echoing the same sentiments. It hadn’t been long before both mother and child had drifted off.

    And still he sat, as night turned to twilight, his own head heavy, letting the peacefulness seep into his soul.
    Beautiful scene between John and Teyla Gater!. Totally could picture it in my head!.

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by maffieg View Post
      A quick thanks to you guys who love my art, you warm my heart and make me want to do more....

      And my fave moment in SOW...thanking elephant girl for the awesome caps
      Originally posted by maffieg View Post
      Hey silly,
      Elephant girl has a pretty cool SOW collection.
      Glad to be of service.


        Originally posted by maffieg View Post
        A quick thanks to you guys who love my art, you warm my heart and make me want to do more....
        Welcome to all newbies and Happiest Milestones to those who know how to

        And my fave moment in SOW...thanking elephant girl for the awesome caps



        What can I say I just love Rodney...I'm not sure if he's clueless or just plain nosy...

        LOL!!!! Rodney's face in the back ground is priceless! awesome job!.

        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Major SQUEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

        It's a clip from Quaratine from TV Yahoo.

        It looks like Teyla is stuck with John.
        Thank you for posting this Scifan!..i hadn't see this one before!. Loved the interacton between
        John and Rondey! and love how we just got time to see Teyla going in!. I love that John and Her will be stuck together...AH!!! i hope we get some great scenes between them!.

        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Thank you hun.

        Just recovering from a long weekend last week; death in the family. But I'll slowly catch up. Don't feel bad. I haven't caught on everyone else's fics either.
        I'm sooo sorry for your loss Scifan, you and your family are in my prayers.

        Sig by Camy


          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
          Thanks Mrs. B! It is just so frustrating!

          And HMMM, I was so mad before, I didn't even notice the user name until now. That name looks REALLY familiar! Is that someone who posts here?! OOPS! It's possible this person is just posting videos they like, but they still need to ask for permission. The "Keep Holding On" video is also not theirs as I know the author of that one as well. The vidding community is not that large. So if this person is here, then I apologize for being so blunt, but I would still like it removed. And for future reference, permission should be asked first and appropriate credit should be given as well.

          Tey, I do not post my videos on youtube on purpose. I know you get a lot more hits that way, but I care more about my work not being stolen. I used to post on youtube, but had trouble with people constantly stealing my work. So now I just post on my site only and on JTC. It makes me more obscure, but at least I rarely have to deal with plagiarism anymore. I spent way too much time on my videos for someone else to swipe them and slap their name on them for credit. It's a huge problem and a huge insult in the vidding community when it happens. Luckily, this person didn't do that at least!
          Ok- this is gonna take a HELL of a lot of courage to post this (too damn scared others will give me a bashing afterwards.....)
          I'm the one LC's vid was posted by.

          Officially saying IT HAS BEEN DELETED OFF YOUTUBE.
          Everything has been done between me & LC- through PMing each other on here ("everything" being apologies, ect).

          Also, LC- you mentioned the 'Keep Holding On' vid you know who made that. Is it possible for me to get in contact with that person? Or at least, you could give me details so I can credit them on utube?

          Also, I was simply posting them there to share- I like them, & had NO intention WHATSOEVER to plagiarize LC's or any of the other vids. (I was also putting them there so I could get a copy of them to put on my ipod nano, cos they're soooo cool!!)

          This vid:
          Is one I created.
          Take a look- I hope I didn't steal any bits from people's vids. I avioded using bits with watermarks just to make sure that no one would claim them as their shots.

          And I apologise once again to LC!!!

          I recieved a chain letter in my email today (well, technically, a friends email, but he lets me check his emails for him.....), & SOMEHOW J/T jumped into my head.
          Here's some excerpts:
          The Kiss
          1. Kiss on the hand = I adore you
          2. Kiss on the cheek = I just want to be friends
          3. Kiss on the neck = I want you
          4. Kiss on the lips = I love you
          5. Kiss on the ears = I am just playing
          6. Kiss anywhere else = lets not get carried away
          7. Look in your eyes = kiss me
          8. Playing with your hair = I can't live without you
          9. Hand on your waist = I love you to much to let you go

          The Commandments
          1. Thou shall not squeeze too hard.
          2. Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one.
          3. Thou shall kiss at every opportunity.

          Here are a few reasons why guys like girls:
          1. They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
          2. The way they call you after you just had a big fight.
          3. The way she says 'lets not fight anymore' even though you know that an hour later....
          4. The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
          5. The way they kiss you when you say 'I love you'
          6. Actually ... just the way they kiss you...
          7. The way they fall into your arms when they cry
          8. Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
          9. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
          10. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt. (even though we don't admit it)!
          11. The way they say 'I miss you'
          12. The way you miss them
          13. The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore.....
          Any suggestions as to WHY I thought of J/T?????? Cos I don't know!


          All Sigs Made By Me.


            Originally posted by LandJrule View Post
            Ok- this is gonna take a HELL of a lot of courage to post this (too damn scared others will give me a bashing afterwards.....)
            I'm the one LC's vid was posted by.

            Officially saying IT HAS BEEN DELETED OFF YOUTUBE.
            Everything has been done between me & LC- through PMing each other on here ("everything" being apologies, ect).

            Also, LC- you mentioned the 'Keep Holding On' vid you know who made that. Is it possible for me to get in contact with that person? Or at least, you could give me details so I can credit them on utube?

            Also, I was simply posting them there to share- I like them, & had NO intention WHATSOEVER to plagiarize LC's or any of the other vids. (I was also putting them there so I could get a copy of them to put on my ipod nano, cos they're soooo cool!!)

            This vid:
            Is one I created.
            Take a look- I hope I didn't steal any bits from people's vids. I avioded using bits with watermarks just to make sure that no one would claim them as their shots.

            And I apologise once again to LC!!!
            Thank you!!!! And we did figure out it was you, and I apologized to everyone else here too. But thank you for removing it.

            Long explanation behind spoilers, LOL!
            I know most people won't understand my aversion to youtube, LOL, but it's from very bad personal experiences there with my videos constantly being stolen with someone chopping off my name and slapping theirs on instead. I even had someone go so far as to claim that I was the one plagiarizing their vid, not the other way around in a vid contest they dared to enter my video in with their name on. I had friends doubt me, I was called every name in the book, and I had to fight hard to prove that I was the true author. Luckily, I had the proof and she did not. And that was not an isolated incident, it happened several times to me to the point where I am EXTREMELY sensitive on it now. Several vidders in fact now refuse to post their videos online at all and only share them with a few trusted friends, it is so bad. Whole vidding sites have been shut down because of this as well. On my dog forum, one of my friends even had a guy take all her pics and vids of her dog and post tribute videos saying it was his dog. Then she had people accusing her of stealing "his" dog! Luckily, he was registered to her. It's just absolutely insane sometimes. There are some crazy people on youtube, LOL! I laugh, but my experiences were extremely painful. People can be utterly cruel.

            So now, I avoid it at all cost. And like I said before to the thread and to LandJrule, I jumped too fast to conclusions and assumed it was happening again, and I apologized for it. But I do want to say that before anyone posts someone else's work, whether a fic, a vid, or artwork, permission should always be asked first and appropriate credit given if at all possible. It is expected etiquette in any fandom, and I would hate for anyone to be bashed for not realizing that.

            The Keep Holding On video belongs to Nina
            . She is here everyday, so I'm sure she can tell you if she wants her video on youtube or not. It's a gorgeous vid!

            And congratulations on making your first video!!!!! That's awesome! I would suggest being very cautious about borrowing clips from other videos. It's probably a good idea to ask each vidder about that as well. This thread in Kawoosh does an excellent job of explaining the controversies and thoughts behind clip borrowing. And just so you know, I have absolutely no problem with clip borrowing if asked. It's just nice to be asked to make sure it's not a scene that was changed or re-edited. I very often will cut up a scene and re-arrange it, as well as change coloring, crop, zoom, etc. None of us owns the scenes of course, but we do "own" the editing done to the clip and if done well, you won't see that editing so you might not always know. But the author is very aware of the hours spent on that tiny clip and will recognize it immediately. I have spent up to four hours re-editing a 10 second clip that I put in a 3 minute video. You blink and you miss it, and unless you've watched the ep in the last few days, you wouldn't recognize the changes. But they are most definitely there and are done to fit the music and to make the video more effective. I didn't notice anything like that in this video, so I think you're good for this one! But just something to be cautious about for future reference. You really did a nice job on it! And thank you again for being so understanding of my initial misjudgment. I'm so sorry again.
            Last edited by LoveConquers; 13 January 2008, 10:44 PM.
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
              Thank you! You have missed a few - I thought you hadn't liked them so didn't reply! Here is the link to my fan page... they're all there. Start with any one you want! So long as you review
              Sci thank you for reviewing also! I'm glad you liked it. Teyilia... there be some Teyla whump in there, go read at your pleasure!
              Okay, as promised, I am all caught up now and left you reviews for all of the ones I missed! You were busy! Wow! But I love it! This week will again be very busy for me, but I have you listed under my author alerts now so if I miss an update here, I'll get the email.


              Sorry I haven't been able to be around much lately. This is my life right now. Ugggghhh. It's 3am and I just got a call from a co-worker that another co-worker's Dad passed away tonight. Now I'm supposed to be firing this guy tomorrow for a really bad attitude and continued poor performance over the past year. I cannot fire a guy who just lost his father! AH! I have to figure out how to delay with HR for at least a few weeks for this guy. He's been lazy lately, but he does deserve that much at least. But they aren't going to want to keep on paying his salary and benefits for much longer, not after I've already submitted his termination date. Ugh. This week is not going to be fun with writing annual reviews on top of it. Is it Friday yet?! *whimper*

              I also found out my 17 year old cat that has cancer also is now in kidney failure. So I've been taking him in for tests. And I'm still struggling with my own health too. I'm still waiting for the test results back from my own MRI and catscan. Hopefully that will come this week at least. I'm SOOO glad we got SOW last Friday. I know it's just a TV show, but it gives me a nice escape right now that is really appreciated. Not to mention all the wonderful fics and artwork here!!! Thanks guys!!!!
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Originally posted by scifan View Post

                Sci-fi's clip of Quarantine.
                Can someone tell me what happens in this one, I can't watch it.

                my ships


                  I made These i was trying to Blend them Together Properly but they turned out Wrong

                  Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                    Morning peeps............

                    LC & LandJRule - Glad you got all that straigtened out then

                    Donna - Great artwork!


                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Morning peeps............

                      LC & LandJRule - Glad you got all that straigtened out then

                      Donna - Great artwork!
                      Mornin, MrsB. You gonna write any angst today? Please? I feel in the mood to read something depressing.
                      Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
                      "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
                      dA | tumblr | twitter


                        Originally posted by sillyscipia View Post
                        Mornin, MrsB. You gonna write any angst today? Please? I feel in the mood to read something depressing.
                        Hey silly.

                        OT~ I'll try man, but I have to actually do some work today and then I have the dentist to top it off (*puke*). How 'bout you?


                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          Hey silly.

                          OT~ I'll try man, but I have to actually do some work today and then I have the dentist to top it off (*puke*). How 'bout you?
                          I just have my usual Monday stuff. Ew. I hate dentists...
                          Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
                          "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
                          dA | tumblr | twitter


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Morning peeps............

                            LC & LandJRule - Glad you got all that straigtened out then

                            Donna - Great artwork!
                            Good morning Mrs. B!

                            Ditto that regarding LC and LandJRule.

                            Donna, lovely!


                              Mornig all! Just popping in for a sec. Schoolwork awaits!

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              How are you hun?
                              Meant to say that I saw the clip for the robotics and I'm very impressed. Proud of you kiddo. I'll have to show B. I think he'll like it too.
                              Aw, thanks Auntie! I'm doin' fine. How're you?

                              Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                              loved this scene also


                              Teyla is like "Oy...someone please give this chick some breath mints"

                              Ok I'll stop now....
                              Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                              ahem... in MP format


                              ok that's enough tomfoolery from me. Must get to bed now to beat traffic in the morning.

                              Up next... Quarantine

                              Night all...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
                              Never enough tomfoolery, Maff! That's hilarious!!

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Major SQUEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

                              It's a clip from Quaratine from TV Yahoo.

                              It looks like Teyla is stuck with John.
                              Yay, thanks! I'll check that out a little later.

                              Originally posted by sillyscipia View Post
                              I made this cause I have a little bit of time left before bed. Took me 5 minutes, so... If it sucks, sorry.

                              Spoilers for SOW and BAMSR:
                              That's awsome Silly! Great job!
                              || twitter || tumblr ||


                                Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                                Good morning Mrs. B!
                                Morning Hope

                                OT~ Can we expect s'more fic from you this week?

