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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Whistler84
    Hey guys! SP, I knew you'd cave! You told them! (And, btw, I absolutely loved that you stopped by the S/W thread yesterday. It brought a big ol' huge smile to my face, and some one else even commented that it was such a brave thing to do and they admired your stance. Shipper harmony goes one step closer!)

    Interesting thoughts all around, and many of these thoughts freakishly parallel the S/W thoughts of what the "Conversion"
    would be like, when we first heard rumblings. It's really wierd, but when you get down to the basics, shippers are pretty much all alike!

    What was more nailbiting for us than the actual 'moment,' was the anticipation. We found out about the 'Conversion' bit months in advance, and speculation (from your end as well, I imagine! ) ran rampant. From worst case sceneros to best case sceneros to everything in between. And ultimately, I ended up loving "Conversion" to pieces. It's my second fave, right below Siege III. Maybe "TLG" will manage to surprise you guys the same way "Conversion" suprised me. Keep that optimistic POV! It helps prevent heart-attacks!

    As for how I'm interpreting the
    kiss in "TLG," I am fully aware that it's done under the alien influence.
    I'm trying to think of something intelligent to say, but . . .

    *Hangs head in shame*

    I will admit that my intelligence and IQ dropped into the negative numbers after hearing/seeing it, and all I can do is incoherent squeeing. Seriously, yesterday, I was acting . . . tipsy. I hate acting tipsy, but thus is the sacrifice of a shipper. I literally spammed the S/W thread with "SQUEEEE!!!"

    *sigh* And I prided myself on being a calm individual.

    Anyway, I know a hellava lot about this episode, from spoilers-galore on the web and the promo, but I'm still reserving judgment until I actually see the episode. Until then, I can speculate and ponder all I want, but it's only the opinion after I see the episode that matters. Whatever this episode does for shippiness is actually secondary to me, though. I'm looking forward to it the most for the possibility for Weir. I think several people here are as well. See? We still got similarities!

    P.S. Oh, and Firecat? Can Sci-fi really put a promo together in a couple of hours and get it aired? I didn't know that!
    Whistler...You never ceased to amaze me...You are so mature and so neutral...And you are absolutely right...John and Teyla's kiss is way better! hehehehehe....You are just too awesome and that is why we love you, even though you frat with the other group...hehehehe

    But, my posting here and the purpose is for Cpt. Ritter...promise is a promise..just to warn you, I expect the hubby and oldest any minute and Mom as this may read somewhat please..I am doing this in a rush....

    Rising Part II...

    Little synopse of the episode..but you already saw it so I will skip it...
    Classified info...
    "During the filming of Rising everyone began to regret the decision to only have Robert Patrick as a guest star. The general feeling amongst producers, cast and crew was that he would have been an excellent regular or recurring addition."

    Okay, basically in this chapter the producers stated the importance of leaving the Wraith till the last part before they were seen..."This second part of the pilot was an all out action ride that introduced Sheppard and his team to the....the Wraith."

    For Brad Wright, "We wanted to build up the mystery of the Wraith".

    Martin Wood confided that the scenes with the ghostly Wraith was supposed to be a long one. They shot a scene with Ford in the woods encountering the ghosts and him shooting at it like crazy. But since Teyla explained the meaning and purpose of these ghosts, there was no need to add that scene.

    It is mentioned how the look of the Wraith and the city was constantly evolving...There were several shots in the pilot than ever attempted before...

    The SG-1 pilot got a 2.5 premiere so they got a good feeling about the pilot...The producers were very happy with the pilot and had to wait to see the response...overall they would have been happy with a 2.5 rating, but in the end they got a 3.8 and then a 3.2 rating which broke all kinds of records for the Scifi channel...

    Mission Debrief:

    The Ancients
    "The original sentient species to evolve on Earth, the Ancients were hugely advanced technologically. Having created the Stargates and populated Earth and beyond, they extended thier explorations to the Pegasus Galaxy. Building the city of Atlantis, they began to research other planets of existence. However, at some point they encountered (or perhaps even inadvertently created) the Wraith, a terrible enemy that overran Pegasus and besieged Atlantis. Realizing the battle was lost, the Ancients submerged the city and returned to Earth, hoping to one day return to Pegasus. Back on Earth, they learned hoe to leave their corporal bodies and Ascend into beings of pure energy, leaving Earth free to experience its second evolution of sentient life, human beings in their current state, distant descendants of the Ancients. "


      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
      Ah one of the great things about any shipper thread is that people understand all the "SQUEEEEEING" that goes on!

      Shipper harmony! Yea! I can get along with just about anybody ... and we shippers, regardless of our particular ship, have so much in common!

      We Squee...You squee...We all squee for ship!

      That being said, are you sure you don't want to try on my Shepmagan shippy glasses, their rose pink with little hearts on the frames... (Hehe...just kidding!)
      Oooooo...AG..I'll try 'em on! Can I please?

      *puts on the Shepmagen glasses*

      Wow! I love these...They match my pink and red dress with pinky hearts all around it and one big pink bow in the rear.....

      Um..nope! haven't had any candy today...must be a side effect from yesterday's candies...


        Originally posted by Whistler84
        P.S. Oh, and Firecat? Can Sci-fi really put a promo together in a couple of hours and get it aired? I didn't know that!
        A professional editor, taking preexisting footage can churn out something like that commercial in a matter of hours. In fact, that commercial may have been "in the can" for several weeks and the "tiny scene" could have been inserted as late as Monday after Skiffy realized the spoilers were all over the net.


          Originally posted by Camy
          Oooooo...AG..I'll try 'em on! Can I please?

          *puts on the Shepmagen glasses*

          Wow! I love these...They match my pink and red dress with pinky hearts all around it and one big pink bow in the rear.....

          Um..nope! haven't had any candy today...must be a side effect from yesterday's candies...

          So ya like my glasses huh....

          They act just like 3-D glasses, everything John/Teyla just leaps off the screen at ya...

          I'm expanding my selection...I've got some nifty blue ones now.


            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
            Ack Lord Shiva...What's with the sig?
            Sig? What sig? *looks around innocently*


              Originally posted by Lord Shiva
              Sig? What sig? *looks around innocently*

              Ya, Traitor...

              Here, try this glasses on....AthosianGirl made 'em...forget that they are pink...actually, wait a minute, I think she has some blue ones...hang on!

              Got 'em...

              Here put em on! Tell me what you see? Anything on Shep/Teyla?


                Originally posted by Camy
                Nope! not the same this one you can see his face clearly and look, are his eyes open? Oh, my just another proof that he knew what he was doing...
                He was thinking of Chaya while he was kissing her

                lol sorry, I hadda!


                  Originally posted by Lord Shiva
                  Sig? What sig? *looks around innocently*
                  What sig? LOOK DOWN LORD SHIVA!!! Your Sig!!!

                  *Shakes fists* That's it! It's official...You have been booted from the top position until you come around...

                  Camy, ya need to take over...we can't have a John/Chaya fan as lord over this thread...

                  Perhaps you need to slip on a pair of my special glasses...

                  I have several other styles as you prefer blue and black...


                    Originally posted by Lord Shiva
                    He was thinking of Chaya while he was kissing her

                    lol sorry, I hadda!

                    Okay, that's it!

                    CAMY POWER! ACTIVATE!

           put on my suit!

                    *goes off to put on her spandex wonder power ultra bright neon tight suit*

                    JOHN TEYLA POWER ZAPPER ON!
                    AIM! FIRE!!!!!!

                    *Lord Shiva will now change that horrendous siggy and go back to a John and Teyla siggy..*

                    Okay...I'm calling it a night...I have no more strength left in me!

                    any good discussions?


                      Originally posted by Camy

                      Okay, that's it!

                      CAMY POWER! ACTIVATE!

             put on my suit!

                      *goes off to put on her spandex wonder power ultra bright neon tight suit*

                      JOHN TEYLA POWER ZAPPER ON!
                      AIM! FIRE!!!!!!

                      *Dives for cover as Camy Power explodes around him*

                      One day I shall... be happy in the knowledge I still love the Sheppard/Teyla ship. But, hey, I saw the episode with Chaya again and... wow. They need to bring her back

                      But, Teyla is definetely Sheppard's love interest in Atlantis


                        Originally posted by Camy

                        Okay, that's it!

                        CAMY POWER! ACTIVATE!

               put on my suit!

                        *goes off to put on her spandex wonder power ultra bright neon tight suit*

                        JOHN TEYLA POWER ZAPPER ON!
                        AIM! FIRE!!!!!!

                        *Lord Shiva will now change that horrendous siggy and go back to a John and Teyla siggy..*

                        Okay...I'm calling it a night...I have no more strength left in me!

                        any good discussions?
                        Shepmagan ShipperGirl has come to back up Camy...

                        He does'nt stand a chance!

                        Hold 'em down...slip these on *hands Camy special shipper glasses*

                        Now Lord Shiva, "Do you feel any better?"


                          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                          What sig? LOOK DOWN LORD SHIVA!!! Your Sig!!!

                          *Shakes fists* That's it! It's official...You have been booted from the top position until you come around...

                          Camy, ya need to take over...we can't have a John/Chaya fan as lord over this thread...

                          Perhaps you need to slip on a pair of my special glasses...

                          I have several other styles as you prefer blue and black...

                          You know AG..with your glasses and my power ultra bright neon tight spandex suit, we can CONVERT EVERYONE! We would be unstoppable! Uncontrollable...Very powerful team...Batman and Robin, Starsky and Hutch, Thelma and Louise, Camy and AthosianGirl...I love it!

                          But, right now, I can't! I went on overload for Lord Shiva...he's a tough one!
                          But, whatcha think.....would we dare go to the other thread and try it?


                            Originally posted by Lord Shiva

                            *Dives for cover as Camy Power explodes around him*

                            One day I shall... be happy in the knowledge I still love the Sheppard/Teyla ship. But, hey, I saw the episode with Chaya again and... wow. They need to bring her back

                            But, Teyla is definetely Sheppard's love interest in Atlantis
                            AHhhhh...WE DID IT!

                            Camy, Wonder Power works everytiime!

                            AG..WE DID IT! He's back! That was scary there, for a minute I thought we lost him for good!

                            Hi, Lord Shiva....nice to have you back...

                            *goes to take off her wonder suit*

                            I'll be back...


                              Originally posted by Camy
                              You know AG..with your glasses and my power ultra bright neon tight spandex suit, we can CONVERT EVERYONE! We would be unstoppable! Uncontrollable...Very powerful team...Batman and Robin, Starsky and Hutch, Thelma and Louise, Camy and AthosianGirl...I love it!

                              But, right now, I can't! I went on overload for Lord Shiva...he's a tough one!
                              But, whatcha think.....would we dare go to the other thread and try it?
                              I'm not that brave...yet...

                              I think we would need to call in back-up!

                              Witchy...where are you...we need your spell casting abilites to conquer other threads...


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                But, right now, I can't! I went on overload for Lord Shiva...he's a tough one!
                                But, whatcha think.....would we dare go to the other thread and try it?

