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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by mentalmichael
    Hey everyone, never posted here before as I'm a bit of a Shep/Weir shipper. Just wanted to say i loved all your comments on TLG, and i would like to add something
    As excited as i am by the promo, it really is too brief for anyone to get anything out of (apart from multiple pages of squeeage). For all we know it could happen after the alien entities leave Liz + john, or it could be something done under the entities' control. Ultimately, we'll just have to wait and see (although obviously John and liz will end up together ) Anyway what i really wanted to do was say bravo for not instantly attacking it/ Shep/weir shippers. It's nice to see some relaxed shippers!
    Yeah, we're relaxed, until we get mad and offended... (It hasn't happened once yet ). Glad to know you enjoy the show as much as we do, though in a slightly different light. LORD SHIVA, YOU DARE SHOW THAT SIG HERE! Oh well, but that pic would be so much better with Teyla in it instead of Chaya.

    What are you looking at? I'm a Shep/Teyla shipper. A hardcore one at that.

    Ahh, John and Teyla, making my day better with every look and word.
    Last edited by Cpt. Ritter; 06 December 2005, 10:40 AM.
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      Originally posted by FireCat
      Apparently the script for this episode appeared at a convention a week ago and it is now flooding the net, so the "surprise" was off. Since one of these "clip" commercials can be put together in a matter of hours, SciFi probably figured, "what the heck - put it out there for the fans who already know, and shock those who don't." Anything for ratings.
      That's true, but
      spoilers for the S/T "Conversion" scene were released weeks, maybe months before the episode actually aired, and we got to see pictures of the sparring sequence before. For some reason, though, they were very secretive about footage of the actual kiss itself, which I find odd considering the one from "TLG" has made its way to the promo. I'm trying to figure out why they would treat these two circumstances so differently...or if it's just me looking too closely at nothing.

      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


        Originally posted by FireCat
        Apparently the script for this episode appeared at a convention a week ago and it is now flooding the net, so the "surprise" was off. Since one of these "clip" commercials can be put together in a matter of hours, SciFi probably figured, "what the heck - put it out there for the fans who already know, and shock those who don't." Anything for ratings.

        Thanks for clarifying...too bad...I would have liked that surprise in "TLG" if I was a John/Weir shipper that is!

        Come on January....32 days to go...32 days to go!


          Originally posted by melpomene
          We're very relaxed! *hic* We're the relaxedest shippers I ever met *throws arm over mentalmichaels' shoulders* Why don'tcha stop by from time to time buddy and hang out *hic* we have lots of fun *hic* Not that we'd want to corrupt you or turn you to our side or anything...*giggle, giggle hic*
          Another perfect Mel line that's a keeper!
          Love ya, Mel...

          And as far as the Bossy sister..NAH! I just say it like it is...That doesn't mean I am Bossy...Now, get going on that vid and don't waste precious time, will ya? My shippy sad heart can't take much of this TLG talk!


            Originally posted by Camy
            Another perfect Mel line that's a keeper!
            Love ya, Mel...

            And as far as the Bossy sister..NAH! I just say it like it is...That doesn't mean I am Bossy...Now, get going on that vid and don't waste precious time, will ya? My shippy sad heart can't take much of this TLG talk!
            I'll second that Camy, my shippy heart is broken about this... not to mention they don't just surprise us, they tell us. I will hope for the best, that they're not themselves, maybe we'll get a look from Teyla.... (Keep hoping Captain, keep hoping.)
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              Mel...mel...mel....aren't you going to share?...

              32 DAYS!!!...woohoo....

              And we are a very nice bunch, except on our sugar high days...then we've just too sweet...

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                That's true, but
                spoilers for the S/T "Conversion" scene were released weeks, maybe months before the episode actually aired, and we got to see pictures of the sparring sequence before. For some reason, though, they were very secretive about footage of the actual kiss itself, which I find odd considering the one from "TLG" has made its way to the promo. I'm trying to figure out why they would treat these two circumstances so differently...or if it's just me looking too closely at nothing.
                Well, I think it is interesting....and I think that the kiss in Conversion was kept secret but not so secret....I mean John and Teyla were on the cover of TV Guide and paired up with the others from the other shows...I think it is all part of the promo trying to bring in as many of the viewers as possible...I think certainly that both scenarios are very different..but in the end will bring the same effect for the viewers who ship one or the other...Overall, in most of the promos, they really didn't show any significant scenes, so, maybe this is not as significantly shippy as many think it is....

                *runs fast like Speedy Gonzales... and hides holding on dearly to her life*

                *peeks her head out and yells*

                Um...yeah...some of us Shep/Teyla fans will fight to the death for these two to stay Alien possessed Creep will take that away from us!

                *quickly hides again and will remain there for a long time*


                  Ah Cheer Up to Cpt. Ritter...

                  This has got to be the best screencap I have found of this kiss. better then the other one I posted, anyway.


                    I feel alittle better already AG, thanks for reminding us that he loves her. As in Shep loves Teyla, we just haven't seen it yet.
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                      We'll protect you camy....

                      Isn't that the same shot, AG? looks the same, just the second seems to be much more expanded?...

                      R.I.P Wraithlord

                      Awesome sig by SciFan


                        Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                        I'll second that Camy, my shippy heart is broken about this... not to mention they don't just surprise us, they tell us. I will hope for the best, that they're not themselves, maybe we'll get a look from Teyla.... (Keep hoping Captain, keep hoping.)
                        Yay! It seems like the gang is here...Well, Cpt...I am not worried one bit! I was earlier when I first heard the news..but I have a feeling that we are going to be surprised tremendously and that in the end, nothing will be finalized and we will still be getting little bits of things here and there...I am looking forward to this episode...Shep does need to get his ass whupped by some one in Atlantis...and who better than Weir...I mean it wouldn't be the same between Shep and Teyla if she got to beat him up...? right? so I do like the idea and better yet, that it is really not them doing it....I really think that Teyla will play a big role in here otherwise why show, again this is going to be as close a threesome as we are going to get for awhile and I would advice my Shep/Teyla fans, to read what SP wrote earlier in response to my concerns...Don't worry...I know that the
                        kiss will be when they are possesed...I can almost see it! and it will mean absolutely nothing to both of them..and I will even predict that these two are going to joke and laugh about it in the end...which will just verify what we have said all along, these two are just very good and close friends...who respect and admire each others role....yeah they care for each other...but that doesn't translate into love...and if I am right, and this scene takes won't be like the Teyla/John scene where both of them were in between embarrased and shy to feeling comfortable again...
                        Can't wait!


                          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                          Ah Cheer Up to Cpt. Ritter...

                          This has got to be the best screencap I have found of this kiss. better then the other one I posted, anyway.
                          Nope! not the same this one you can see his face clearly and look, are his eyes open? Oh, my just another proof that he knew what he was doing..he wanted to see what her response was before he laid it more deeply on her which my guess would be the first pic you can see there he is deepening the kiss...AHHHHHH! you made me feel all shippy inside again, AG...thanks..

                          Cpt. I promise that before the end of this week I will post the Rising from the Companion book..Mommy is on her way driving three hours by herself to come see me and I am just a little worried about her driving..she is a 65 year old nut on the streets........hopefully I will do it today....promise...I haven't forgotten...


                            Camy if i wasn't calm already after reading that i would be.

                            And Teyla already kicks his butt, so she can't over abuse him.......
                            from what i've seen the kiss is right after Thalan enters Shep's body, so really it's maybe Phoebus, in Weir's body supporting what she already told them that he was her husband.
                            .....and remember nobody witnessed Shep and Teyla's kiss, there's mystery there...and i think
                            Caldwell, and Beckett witness this kiss...
                            ....but anyway....January needs to get here soon, i'll forgo Christmas just to see the last few episodes....

                            R.I.P Wraithlord

                            Awesome sig by SciFan


                              Hey guys! SP, I knew you'd cave! You told them! (And, btw, I absolutely loved that you stopped by the S/W thread yesterday. It brought a big ol' huge smile to my face, and some one else even commented that it was such a brave thing to do and they admired your stance. Shipper harmony goes one step closer!)

                              Interesting thoughts all around, and many of these thoughts freakishly parallel the S/W thoughts of what the "Conversion"
                              would be like, when we first heard rumblings. It's really wierd, but when you get down to the basics, shippers are pretty much all alike!

                              What was more nailbiting for us than the actual 'moment,' was the anticipation. We found out about the 'Conversion' bit months in advance, and speculation (from your end as well, I imagine! ) ran rampant. From worst case sceneros to best case sceneros to everything in between. And ultimately, I ended up loving "Conversion" to pieces. It's my second fave, right below Siege III. Maybe "TLG" will manage to surprise you guys the same way "Conversion" suprised me. Keep that optimistic POV! It helps prevent heart-attacks!

                              As for how I'm interpreting the
                              kiss in "TLG," I am fully aware that it's done under the alien influence.
                              I'm trying to think of something intelligent to say, but . . .

                              *Hangs head in shame*

                              I will admit that my intelligence and IQ dropped into the negative numbers after hearing/seeing it, and all I can do is incoherent squeeing. Seriously, yesterday, I was acting . . . tipsy. I hate acting tipsy, but thus is the sacrifice of a shipper. I literally spammed the S/W thread with "SQUEEEE!!!"

                              *sigh* And I prided myself on being a calm individual.

                              Anyway, I know a hellava lot about this episode, from spoilers-galore on the web and the promo, but I'm still reserving judgment until I actually see the episode. Until then, I can speculate and ponder all I want, but it's only the opinion after I see the episode that matters. Whatever this episode does for shippiness is actually secondary to me, though. I'm looking forward to it the most for the possibility for Weir. I think several people here are as well. See? We still got similarities!

                              P.S. Oh, and Firecat? Can Sci-fi really put a promo together in a couple of hours and get it aired? I didn't know that!

                              Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                              I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                              Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                                Originally posted by Whistler84
                                Hey guys! SP, I knew you'd cave! You told them! (And, btw, I absolutely loved that you stopped by the S/W thread yesterday. It brought a big ol' huge smile to my face, and some one else even commented that it was such a brave thing to do and they admired your stance. Shipper harmony goes one step closer!)

                                As for how I'm interpreting the
                                kiss in "TLG," I am fully aware that it's done under the alien influence.
                                I'm trying to think of something intelligent to say, but . . .

                                *Hangs head in shame*

                                I will admit that my intelligence and IQ dropped into the negative numbers after hearing/seeing it, and all I can do is incoherent squeeing. Seriously, yesterday, I was acting . . . tipsy. I hate acting tipsy, but thus is the sacrifice of a shipper. I literally spammed the S/W thread with "SQUEEEE!!!"

                                *sigh* And I prided myself on being a calm individual.

                                Ah one of the great things about any shipper thread is that people understand all the "SQUEEEEEING" that goes on!

                                Shipper harmony! Yea! I can get along with just about anybody ... and we shippers, regardless of our particular ship, have so much in common!

                                We Squee...You squee...We all squee for ship!

                                That being said, are you sure you don't want to try on my Shepmagan shippy glasses, their rose pink with little hearts on the frames... (Hehe...just kidding!)

