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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Trio Spoiler:

    "Trio"[1] is an episode of the science fiction television series Stargate Atlantis. This episode will be part of the fourth season.

    McKay, Sam and Dr. Keller are trapped underground during an offworld mission. With no hope of escaping, to pass the long hours they make the best of it and get to know each other a little better.[2]

    They start by telling each other what they were like at school. McKay says he was smart but anoying, Keller says she was smart and kind, Sam says she was smart, tough and in 6th grade a bit of a bad ass. Keller and Rodney say me too together. Next they ask the worst thing theyve ever done, Rodney says: "I agreed with a Wraith" (everyone laughs), Keller says: "I shot Sheppard", Sam says: "I shot General Hammond" (SG1 episode Foothold).

    Did you see what I highlighted in bold?
    I wonder what ep that will be in or if that is gonna be an off the camera thing.

    Kindred 1 & 2 Spoiler:

    Part 1
    As a mysterious new illness spreads throughout the Pegasus Galaxy, Teyla is convinced that the father of her child is trying to communicate with her through telepathic visions about what this plague is... but it turns out to be another face that Atlantis is familiar with.

    [edit] Part 2
    The team is stunned when Carson Beckett ends up in Michael's clutches. In order for him to return to Atlantis, the team must perform a daring rescue mission that could play right into Michael's plans. Teyla discovers important information about her people.
    Thank you Scifan!!!!. Kindred looks very promising especially for Teyla!.
    I'm also guessing the familiar face is Micheal but Carson could well be a very good possibility. Either way, i'm excited to see how much of a roll Micheal will play with Teyla's pregnancy (hopefully that scifi twist we are all hoping for!), Kanan and her people.

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
      I posted a recap up to chapter seven last night. I'll try to find it...

      ETA: Here's everything from yesterday...
      Ah that's very kind of you Yappi.... of to read them.


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        Welcome LiveLongAndProsper....

        Why not join in .. lots of nice discussions going on...

        The link won't work for me... not sure whether i'ts just my computer.


        You're all on the second round robin.. I am really far behind.. How many pages do I have to wade through to find all the chapters. I'd better get started..

        Oh you don't wanna know....It doesn't work for me either!

        Welcome LiveLongAndProsper

        Come and join us....We won't bite........Much!!!


          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
          You know Sci, you are very talented! I love it, as I love mostly everything you make, or write! Gotta give you some more green...!
          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          Very very nice
          Awww. Thanks TF and Nina. *blush*

          Originally posted by LiveLongAndProsper View Post
          Hello, peeps!

          Usually, I'm just a lurker here, but my wife passed this on to me in an e-mail and I thought I'd post it here. It's a favorite Atlantis couple survey. Just for kicks, given the last episode and, from what I've read, what may be coming.

          LL&P, like Blue said. It won't let me go to link.
          Never mind I fixed it.


          Blue. Do you want me find the whole Round Robin story for you?


            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
            Oh you don't wanna know....It doesn't work for me either!

            Welcome LiveLongAndProsper

            Come and join us....We won't bite........Much!!!

            Try this one. Sorry 'bout that.

            I should be working.


              Originally posted by LiveLongAndProsper View Post

              Try this one. Sorry 'bout that.

              I should be working.
              Thanks LL&P.
              I voted.


                Yes,me voted too...and JT are just in front of JW!


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

                  The cell was small and cramped and the thick shadows seemed to constantly play tricks on Teyla’s weary brown eyes. The harsh stench of rot and sewage swarmed through Teyla’s head and she held back her gag by placing the palm of her hand over her dry mouth.

                  Small shafts of light shone through cracks in the old walls of stone giving small comfort to her as the solid steel bars leading out were impenetrable, at least with any of the strength or resources Teyla had at her immediate disposal.

                  Still she would not dismay, for if Michael had truly wanted her dead, she knew, this would surely already be so by now. He had many opportunities over the past few nights and undoubtedly the will, though no harm had come to her more than a few slight bruises and an unquenchable thirst for water.

                  Footsteps approached and Teyla straightened herself; placing both her hands on the cell bars, looking out eagerly, waiting for him. Negotiation was her only hope of survival she thought, at least until someone from Atlantis figured out what had happened.

                  There he stood, slightly different from the last time Atlantis had encountered him. Michael now seemed more human in appearance than Wraith and Teyla prayed that any slivers of empathy or compassion had mutated alongside with it.

                  “Michael,” she started calmly as he stood there watching her, with his head tilted to the side. “I have been here for three days and still you have not spoken a word to me. Please, tell me what is going on, tell me why you have taken me.”

                  He stepped towards her slightly, a vague air of hesitation in his step, and he sighed heavily. “I am sorry Teyla. There are things happening here that are beyond even my control. You are a necessary victim of circumstance, though I admit, I am not displeased that our paths have crossed yet again.”

                  He took another step towards her and she squeezed on the bars turning her knuckles white, forcing herself not to back away.

                  “Michael, at least try to explain, please,” she said softly, her voice still steady and smooth, her only indication of false confidence.

                  Another step forward and he was dangerously close to her now.

                  His face was twisted strangely and his eyes were dark as he stared at her, perhaps even making her even more uncomfortable; a notion she thought that was impossible till now.

                  “What-“ she started before he cut her off, moving the last step between them and placing his cold hands over hers, their fingers coiled together around the bars.

                  “As you can see Teyla, my human gene has been activating itself more than the last time we met. I’m afraid it has been affecting me considerably in more ways than one. There is…confusion….within me now, something I am not accustomed to, nor enjoy. Your death and the death of everyone on Atlantis would bring me great pleasure and yet…..” his eyes trailed her body slightly before he continued. “And yet, it would not.”

                  Teyla’s heart beat fast and her fingers felt slimy with sweat underneath his clawed hands. She had to constantly remind herself of her predicament and that the child inside her deserved her attempts to remain calm and unharmed, no matter the cost, no matter the anger and disgust that rose inside her.

                  “Michael, I ask that you release me, not for the sake of myself, but for the sake of my child. I know you are aware of its existence and I beg for your mercy. We are the last of our kind and I know you, more than anyone, can understand what it means to be truly alone in this world.”

                  Michael’s eyes flicked upwards and he released her hands as though her skin was boiling hot. A sense of rage seemed to wash over him, a cold, uncaring expression now littering his face.

                  “Do not forget Teyla Emmagan why it is that I am this way. And do not attempt to share in my solitude for you are not the last of your kind. You are simply the last that will ever know sunlight again,” he said matter-of-factly as he turned from her and began to walk away.

                  A few moments passed as Teyla registered what he had said before she cried out to him, “Where are my people?!”

                  He stopped, turning once to look at her, before walking out of sight and into the darkness.
                  Nice filler to what may happen in that clip we see of Teyla
                  yelling to Micheal, "Where are my people!". I'd love it if something similar happened on the show!.

                  OT MrsB
                  Just curious since i know you keep up with a lot of shows one being Supernatural, do you know when the new episodes will start?. I thought maybe next week but doesn't look like it. I know Lost and Heroes begin in the end of January, maybe It also starts till the end of January.

                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Sorry. Couldn't think of a better title.

                  Table Talk:

                  After a few minutes of eating, Rodney notices John staring at his plate and pushing his food around with his fork.

                  With a little bit of food still in his mouth, Rodney mumbles, “What’s wrong with you? I thought you were hungry.”

                  John continues to play with his food, “I had to relieve Teyla from duty.”
                  “Really? Why, what happened?” he asks with some confusion.

                  John can barely say it again and the thought of it makes him feel sick to his stomach, “She’s pregnant.”

                  Rodney begins to choke on his food, “What? Who… who is the father?”
                  John places his fork on his tray and pauses for a moment, “She said it wasn’t anyone from Atlantis.”

                  Rodney stops eating for a moment and sit back in his chair. A small smile creeps upon his face and a small glimmer shines in his eyes.

                  “Wow. Our Teyla is going to be a mom,” Rodney sighs.

                  John slowly raises his eyes to Rodney and looks stunned, “You’re happy she’s pregnant?”

                  “Why wouldn’t I be? Weren’t you?” Rodney asks with surprise.

                  “No! I was too busy being shocked and then mad because she allowed me to put her in danger. Being happy and congratulations were the furthest from my mind,” John snaps.

                  “Well, I guess you do have a point there,” Rodney pauses. “Hey! I just had a thought. If we don’t find her people alive. She and her baby will be the last of her kind. Kinda sad if you really think of it.”

                  That was one thing John didn’t think of. He was too busy feeling mad at her that he didn’t think what she was going through. He began to feel ashamed.

                  Rodney begins to pull away from the table and picks up his half eaten food. John looks at him with confusion.

                  “Where are you going?” John asks.

                  “Well, it’s probably not to late to go see Teyla and congratulate her. Do you want to come?” responds Rodney.

                  John hangs his head and softly answers, “No. I’m sure I’m the last person she wants to see, besides I have tons of reports to fill out.”

                  Rodney shrugs his shoulders, “Ok. Suit yourself.”

                  He walks away and leaves John sitting there alone and for the first time in years, that is exactly how he feels.

                  The End.

                  I know it's short. Sorry.

                  Nice missing scene Scifan!
                  I loved how Rodney made John see how Teyla might be feeling during this time. I was really hoping to see Rodney's reaction to the news in BAMSR but didn't . Hopefully in the SOW.

                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                    Nice filler to what may happen in that clip we see of Teyla
                    yelling to Micheal, "Where are my people!". I'd love it if something similar happened on the show!.

                    OT MrsB
                    Just curious since i know you keep up with a lot of shows one being Supernatural, do you know when the new episodes will start?. I thought maybe next week but doesn't look like it. I know Lost and Heroes begin in the end of January, maybe It also starts till the end of January.

                    Nice missing scene Scifan!
                    I loved how Rodney made John see how Teyla might be feeling during this time. I was really hoping to see Rodney's reaction to the news in BAMSR but didn't . Hopefully in the SOW.

                    Sorry Mayra, but MG said...
                    He will find out off screne.


                      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                      Nice filler to what may happen in that clip we see of Teyla
                      yelling to Micheal, "Where are my people!". I'd love it if something similar happened on the show!.

                      OT MrsB
                      Just curious since i know you keep up with a lot of shows one being Supernatural, do you know when the new episodes will start?. I thought maybe next week but doesn't look like it. I know Lost and Heroes begin in the end of January, maybe It also starts till the end of January.
                      Hey Mayra! Thanks.
                      Here's my thoughts:It seems they've made 12 of the 22 episodes for season 3 of Supernatural. And it would also seem that as of Thursday February 28th, Reaper will be sitting in the Supernatural slot due to stopped episodes (cuz of the strike of course).

                      So here's my best guess: I assume Supernatural will return alongside Smallville at the end of January and run for a month or less (3-4 eps) and then stop and wait until the strikes end. I could be wrong and they may wait until the strike is resolved completely before putting up the new eps but I guess this way anyone having to choose between Supernatural and LOST on Thursday nights wont have to for awhile at least. Kinda sucks huh......


                        Hey folks!

                        Just popping in for a moment to say hi, welcome to all new members, congrats to all milestoners, and that I love what I was able to see of the round-robin fic so far!
                        For those in interested in the robot:
                        We're in the stratagey/design/prototying phase right now, but out of about 15 possible robot designs, I think we're going with a slight variation of mine. I have a more in-depth design (that I got with the help of my wonderful brother the engineer ) I'm going to present today. Hope that goes well!

                        Miss you guys, and see you all later!
                        || twitter || tumblr ||


                          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                          Title: Ascension from anger
                          Summary: “Because, you know, I thought you guys had a thing.”
                          Characters: John, Rodney
                          Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan.
                          Rating: K
                          Spoilers: Be All My Sins Remember’d

                          John didn’t really know what to do. He’d gone and eaten dinner with Rodney and had cajoled the scientist about his recent dry spell and many numerous things but his mind hadn’t moved from the point of Teyla’s pregnancy. He was glad Rodney hadn’t mentioned it, because he was pretty sure that his anger had still been at its peak then and if the snarky Canadian had even mentioned her name, or a word relating to children or pregnancy or anything similar, he may have had no tongue left to speak of anything ever again.

                          He sighed as he clicked another card on the game of Solitaire in front of him, groaning when it was a card as useless as his anger had been.

                          He’d surmised that anger was not the way to go in regards to Teyla and he supposed he should probably apologise to her before there was a rift too large to mend. But there was something inside of him nagging at him that she had betrayed him, that she had endangered all of their lives and his anger was justified. But then the reasonable side kicked in as he clicked the mouse pad again, assuring him that she had her reasons for not telling him.

                          There may have been some Athosian custom that didn’t allow her to tell him before her people... before the father. Or maybe there was complications that she didn’t want them to know about, or maybe she had actually tried to tell him and he hadn’t listened.

                          Though he was pretty sure he would have remembered if she’d uttered those words to him. Hell, he was having a hard time trying to burn the sound of her voice saying them out now so if she’d said anything even remotely relating to her carrying a child, he would remember.

                          And that left her pride. It was the only thing he could think of that would have held her back from telling him. She must have known he’d remove her from his team, or maybe even think she was weak if he was aware of her situation. And to be fair to her, she hadn’t been far wrong. He knew that his treatment of her was unprecedented but he had just not known how to react. It was the fact that, after not telling him for two months, she’d insulted their friendship by blurting it out in the middle of a corridor in front of Ronon. And that’s what stung. John couldn’t react the way he’d wanted to because he knew Ronon was watching him, and it made John giddy, especially after what Ronon had said that Sunday.

                          He yawned and leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms over his head.

                          Then his doors slid open and an out of breath Rodney McKay came hurtling through the tiny gap. John jumped up at the fervent look on Rodney’s face, wondering what was so important that he’d run all the way from wherever he’d been to tell John instead of calling him on the radio. His mind instantly jumped to Teyla and his heart rate sped up.

                          Had something happened to her? The stunner must have hurt her somehow.

                          Then Rodney stopped, took a few deep breaths before yelling,

                          “Teyla’s pregnant?” And John felt that irrepressible anger build again in his chest and he glared at Rodney. Rodney spluttered, hands flailing as he tried to grasp onto words that seemed to escape him. Finally, he settled on, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

                          “It’s not my place to tell,” John replied darkly, the glare not leaving his eyes.

                          “What do you mean ‘not your place to tell’. It’s your child too!”

                          John frowned at that and raised an eyebrow in Rodney’s direction.

                          “Who told you that?”

                          Rodney faltered.

                          “One of... one of my scientists. She said...”

                          John shook his head.

                          “Oh, well... Oh. You’re not the father.”

                          “We’ve established that Rodney.”

                          “Oh.” John closed his eyes, wondering again how he ever managed to put up with this man sometimes. “Well... sorry.”

                          John’s eyelids sprung up and he frowned at Rodney once again.

                          “What for?”

                          Rodney, too, looked confused.

                          “Well, because, you know.”

                          John waited for him to continue but when he didn’t he raised his hands to the side of his face and looked at Rodney exasperatedly.

                          “No, Rodney I don’t know.”

                          “Well, because... you know...I figured you two... had a thing.”

                          And that was it for John. He slumped onto his chair once again and covered his eyes. He’d avoided it all night, had somehow managed to get his inner voice to forget that fact because he too had thought they’d had a ‘thing’.

                          When he looked up, Rodney was gone and he wondered for a moment if the scientist had been a figment of his imagination. Slowly, he exhaled and leaned back into the chair, staring at the ceiling. Then slowly, realisation dawned and he sat forward again, a fresh, slightly confused frowned appearing on his brow.

                          She’d thought they’d had a thing too, and that’s why she hadn’t told him.

                          He pursed his lips at that and nodded. He liked the sound of that. He mulled over that thought for some time, nodding every now and again. Resolved, he shut down his laptop and got ready for bed.

                          He could accept that, for now.
                          Another great snippet Gater!.
                          Loved how Rodney helped John come to his realization at the end!

                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          Thanks Donna and did you see that preview!! Its gonna be an insane episode, the one with Mick, Beth and her boyfriend. Hope you are feeling better!!

                          Oh *LOST SPOILER* - I heard episode 4x04 "Eggtown" is going to be a very shippy episode. Kate and Sawyer will have a falling out on island and there will be a flashforward showing Kate and Jack in romantic entanglements though the ending for them in the future will not be a happy one either. And I also read that the reason Kate is not behind bars in the future is because of the mysterious "him" she referred to in last years finale flashforward.
                          AHHH!!!! What a spoiler!!! thanks MrsB!!!.
                          I can't wait to see what happens when Lost returns!. It's going to be interesting seeing flash forwards instead of flash backs!. I'm really curious to see who is "him" Kate was refering too. I at first thought it was Sawyer...but now i know it's not.

                          Originally posted by LiveLongAndProsper View Post

                          Try this one. Sorry 'bout that.

                          I should be working.
                          Welcome LiveLongAndProsper!!!. Hope you decide to de-lurk and join us!

                          Thanks for the link!..i voted a little while ago and we were one up on J/W but who knows now! LOL!

                          Sig by Camy


                            Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                            Welcome LiveLongAndProsper!!!. Hope you decide to de-lurk and join us!

                            Thanks for the link!..i voted a little while ago and we were one up on J/W but who knows now! LOL!
                            We are in first. We have seven more!
                            Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
                            "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
                            dA | tumblr | twitter


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Sorry Mayra, but MG said...
                              He will find out off screne.
                              DUH! LOL! thanks for the reminder Scifan, i had forgotten. Ah well, maybe we can get a
                              sweet moment between Teyla and Rodney about her pregnancy. Did JM say there would be a nice moment between many spoilers i'm forgetting already! LOL!

                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              Hey Mayra! Thanks.
                              Here's my thoughts:It seems they've made 12 of the 22 episodes for season 3 of Supernatural. And it would also seem that as of Thursday February 28th, Reaper will be sitting in the Supernatural slot due to stopped episodes (cuz of the strike of course).

                              So here's my best guess: I assume Supernatural will return alongside Smallville at the end of January and run for a month or less (3-4 eps) and then stop and wait until the strikes end. I could be wrong and they may wait until the strike is resolved completely before putting up the new eps but I guess this way anyone having to choose between Supernatural and LOST on Thursday nights wont have to for awhile at least. Kinda sucks huh......
                              Thanks MrsB!. I was hopeing it didn't have anything to do with the strike but i guess it does. Lost and Heroes also got affected with the strike right?...i believe i read Lost did but i don't remember Heroes but i'm sure it did. Hopefully the strike doesn't last for too long, it's sure going to be hard to wait for new episodes to come back, especially if they leave us with cliffhangers! LOL!.

                              I'm loving the round robin guys!!!. Thanks YC for posting what has been done so far in the round robin, i believe i had missed one so i'm caught up now! LOL!.

                              Congrats to all the milestones today!!! YAY!!!

                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by sillyscipia View Post
                                We are in first. We have seven more!
                                Oh Wow, up seven!. It wasn't that long ago that i voted, cool!. Thanks for letting me know sillyscipia

                                Sig by Camy

