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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    Your trying to confuse me again with this rotating sig... how do you get it to do that?
    Uh oh,maybe you'd better not go there,it took ages for me to figure out how to do it but thanks to sci for helping me figure it out,even if it did take her a while to get it through my thick skull!


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      I just hate that we have to wait til next year to see what happens.
      so do I, at least our Bookie here put me down for the rest of the season, so iyts a win/win bet now
      Originally posted by Crescere View Post
      Of course she's a JT'er! I've never had any doubt in Rachel. She knows a good plot when she sees it! lol, btw, did you read the part on her site where she was laughing about getting to beat her hubby up in Missing?

      Teyilia, what do you mean "Teyla had better not be Wraith? In my fic or for real in the show?
      Didn't you know that it's my goal in life to turn Teyla into a Wraith in as many fics as possible? No, seriously I have better things to do with this fic although I could make her Wraith if I wanted.
      hahahahahahahahaha I forgot that you like to do that to Teyla, at least YAY we aren't the ONLY ones being JT'ers, we got one of the actors on our side!!! *dances*
      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Isn't it great. I did see that in her blog. It's cool she gets to work with her hubby.

      I wonder who he is?
      The guy Teyla got to hit the with the axe in Missing I think, either that or the guy that got her in the belly and got her on the ground

      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

      hey! Why is Jaera dacning, in this thread of all places?!
      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
      What about a mini fic with me in it on Atlantis!! You know what I love JT and whump! So, the possibities are endless...
      I'm currently in the middle of writing such a fic Elfie! how does John, in a coma with a trillion or so feeding tubes in him sound to you?

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        Has everyone been to this thread to give their vote on their favourite season 4 eps. Missing is coming in last so far which is such a shame as I thought it was one of the best of the season.

        Give it some support if you havn't already..


          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Has everyone been to this thread to give their vote on their favourite season 4 eps. Missing is coming in last so far which is such a shame as I thought it was one of the best of the season.

          Give it some support if you havn't already..
          Oh i've already voted....What the heck,oh this is not happening.....How the heck is it neck and neck with Travellers,possibly the worse ep in all 4 seasons put together...Missing is the bestest ep of the season so far!

          I'm offski to watch the fitbaw!
          Last edited by Linda06; 12 December 2007, 10:44 AM.


            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
            Oh i've already voted....What the heck,oh this is not happening.....How the heck is it neck and neck with Travellers,possibly the worse ep in all 4 seasons put together...Missing is the bestest ep of the season so far!

            I'm offski to watch the fitbaw!
            Oh I know but the Shep and Rodney eps always do well because they have such a big following. I can understand some didnt like it because it was all Teyla and Keller but I thought it was very entertaining and Teyla rocked. It was a million times better than Millers Crossing.. and Travelers.


              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              Oh I know but the Shep and Rodney eps always do well because they have such a big following. I can understand some didnt like it because it was all Teyla and Keller but I thought it was very entertaining and Teyla rocked. It was a million times better than Millers Crossing.. and Travelers.
              I'm back the now,it's halftime!

              Oh yeah Shep and Rodney eps,I just don't like too much Rodney,he's good but in short supply and well Shep/Rodney eps gets a little tiresome after about 50000 of them....Why won't they give us more Teyla and Ronan,Ronan hardly gets anything to do except twirl his gun and occasionally hit someone....To be honest i'd rather see more Ronan than Rodney....He's sometimes funny an all but i just prefer Ronan!


                Thanks Linda for her hubby's website!

                Grr! is still being stupid! I'm trying to post my fic while I still have internet access. I have a business meeting this evening so I will have to leave my parents house soon. We were doing Christmas baking yesterday and I stayed the night. *whine*


                  Originally posted by Crescere View Post
                  Thanks Linda for her hubby's website!

                  Grr! is still being stupid! I'm trying to post my fic while I still have internet access. I have a business meeting this evening so I will have to leave my parents house soon. We were doing Christmas baking yesterday and I stayed the night. *whine*
                  it works fine for me.... at least as fine as it should be working fine, I see no problems

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Originally posted by Crescere View Post
                    Thanks Linda for her hubby's website!

                    Grr! is still being stupid! I'm trying to post my fic while I still have internet access. I have a business meeting this evening so I will have to leave my parents house soon. We were doing Christmas baking yesterday and I stayed the night. *whine*
                    NP,i bet she enjoyed beating him up...hehehe

                    Yeah i couldn't review a story or add to story alert!


                      Okay, so I'll post sections from my fic here because I can, but it will eventually be up on The only brag I have is that I am quite contente with the way I deal with Kanan, although I was much pleased with what Ruby did in her fic Glimpse! ( is being stupid so I still can't give you a review
                      The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
                      Excerpt 1 (if you haven't read it)
                      Kanan woke in a dark room feeling the bodies of frightened people pressed against him. He recognized the whispered voices of those who were bold enough to speak out and wondered where they were and what had happened. The blackness of the room was so complete that it was a surprise when a light suddenly appeared. It grew brighter and he watched as four Wraith guards escorted a Wraith queen into the room. He quickly bowed his head as if blocking his eyes would keep him from being seen by them.

                      “Which of you is leader to these people?” Her question was met with silence, so she moved closer to the tight crowd and paced in front of them. “Surely there is someone here who will represent you. By your silence, it is clear that you are nothing more than a group of strangers we happened to find inhabiting the same village. A nation without a leader is a nation without a future. Someone answer me!”

                      Kanan lifted his head cautiously, ready to speak out, but he heard someone else’s voice before he could open his mouth.

                      “I will represent the Athosian people,” a young woman said as she stood to her feet. “My name is Ava. I’m second cousin to Teyla Emmagan, our leader, who was not with us when we were captured.”

                      The queen nodded in approval. “I am Shani. My hive has accepted guardianship of your people. Follow me. We have much to discuss.”

                      Kanan watched Ava leave the room with the queen leading the way. The light went out when they were gone, and he let out a breath of relief, but at the same time, cursed himself for his weakness. He was thankful that Teyla was not present to witness it.

                      Excerpt 2

                      New Athos
                      Stargate M34 227

                      The light of the campfire was very welcome to the five people circled around it. After a day of lying low, hoping that the Replicators were really gone, they decided to allow themselves the one comfort, which gave them more than just warmth. They had expected to be killed in the crash after the Jumper was shot down, but they had shifted gears effortlessly like a team with years of experience instead of a mere week when it came time to execute plan B. When all four of the Replicator scouts entered the jumper, Rodney triggered the shield emitter to put out a low frequency flux field.

                      “So, what exactly is that going to do for us, Rodney?” John had asked while they were taking off in the Jumper in an effort to divert the Replicators’s attention from the gate.

                      “It’ll put them in a loop. They’ll think we’re dead, leave, and then report what they saw to Oberoth.”

                      “What happens if they don’t think we’re dead?”

                      Rodeny looked up from the data tablet he was working on. “I’ll start the pulse when all of them have entered and cut it off when I think they’ve gotten a good enough look. Just play like a dog for as long as you can.”

                      “Play like a dog?” Teyla asked.

                      “He means play dead,” Elizabeth provided.

                      John let out a sarcastic laugh. “What if they’re not convinced? I’d rather die than be a prisoner of the Replicators again.”

                      “Look, when they leave the Jumper they’ll only remember what happened inside the loop, so that means we just have to get them to leave the jumper once it’s recorded. They’ll probably try to shoot us if they notice we’re not dead.” Rodney snapped his fingers. “We could use that. John, they’ll head to the front of the ship. I’ll be at the very back so they’ll pass right on by me. When they get close to you, look up at them so they are completely focused on you. Feel free to insult them because they’ll probably shoot you anyway. That will give me enough time to get to my feet, double check the integrity of the loop, and challenge them to chase me outside where they’ll promptly forget that I’m alive.”

                      “You know, your plan sucks,” John whined. “Even if we can heal, it’s no excuse for you to start factoring death scenarios into your plans. I’ll still feel it when they shoot me. What you’ve proposed is way beyond cutting open our hands and watching them heal quickly.”

                      “In case we don’t get the crash landing we’re hoping for and get blasted into pieces in a few seconds,” Ronon spoke out, “I’m glad we escaped, and I’m glad we’re still a team even if we’re not them.”

                      Ronon dropped an arm full of wood beside the fire and pulled a knife out of his belt as he sat down. Rodney looked across the fire at him with hopeful eyes. “Hey, what are you planning to do with that? Are you going hunting, ‘cause I’m starving?”

                      Ronon grabbed one of the dreadlocks at the back of his neck and cut it off. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

                      “Ronon! You’re cutting your hair?” Teyla gasped.

                      “Woah! Wait a minute,” John said as he took a step closer to Ronon.

                      “What? It’s my decision. I’m not him, so I don’t want to look like him.”

                      “I get that you’re pissed about this—we all are, but changing your appearance isn’t going to keep people from recognizing you,” John stated. “If anything, it will get us killed. We’re going to be interacting with people we have alliances with so we’re going to have to pretend we’re the real deal. What happens if a week after we leave some place the other Ronon shows up and the people threaten to kill him because he’s suddenly grown back several year’s worth of hair?”

                      “They won’t be happy when they find out we’re using their identities,” Ronon pointed out.

                      “Hey, even if they arrive at a village that we’ve just left and get the awkward, “you’ve come back so soon” greeting, they’ll know it was just us and they’ll see that we’re trying to help,” Rodney said. “No one is going to get hurt by our plan.”

                      “Plan? We have a plan, Rodney?” Elizabeth asked.

                      “Yes, of course, a plan to help. By now my other self has figured out how seriously screwed we are. We did a good job of almost killing everyone in the galaxy by waking the Wraith, but this business with the Replicators will wipe out everyone in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies if we don’t do something to stop them.”

                      “Hey, we weren’t the ones who ‘woke’ the Replicators,” Ronon interrupted. “That was them!”

                      “Well don’t we all get gold stars for not being responsible this time. My point is that we’re human and just as doomed as all of the other humans. The question you should be asking right now is, ‘How are we better than the team at Atlantis?”

                      “We’re hard to kill?” John guessed.

                      Rodney turned to glare at him. “Besides the obvious. Look, we don’t have the SGC or the IOA breathing down our necks. No mission reports. Everything we do is off the radar.”

                      “My dream come true,” Elizabeth whispered.

                      “When you put it that way, it does seem like we have the better end of the deal,” John added.

                      “I wish I had had more time to talk to myself—him—to find out what they know. He told me that they have a Wraith scientist who voluntarily came to Atlantis to help with the fight against the Replicators, so I think it’s safe to say that the Wraith have taken a hard hit and are probably desperate at this point.”

                      “I’m going to have to get used to this. All my life, the Wraith have been the bad guys,” Ronon stated.

                      “I feel the same,” Teyla said, “but, we must be willing to work with the Wraith if it will help us some time in the future.”

                      “What’s the plan, Rodney,” John asked.

                      “Trial and error. We need a copy of the Replicator’s base code as it’s currently written.”

                      “What about Dr. Keller’s code?” Ronon asked. “You said something about—”

                      “Yeah, yeah, I know, but Dr. Keller’s code isn’t the same because she was on a quest for ascension so it’s missing thing like dispositions for aggression, revenge—”

                      “Rodney!” Elizabeth gasped. “Could we use that? I mean, can use Dr. Keller’s code as a template for what the Replicator’s code will need to look like in order for us to get them to stand down?”

                      “Hey, yeah,” Rodney smiled as he thought about it. “Okay, but we’d still need the current code so I can write a transition code. I’ll need a few days to figure out just how much our nanites can help us with this, but I think if we get close to any Replicator, our nanites will be able to read their code.”

                      John smiled and looked at Teyla. “That’s sort of like how you crack into the minds of the Wraith, right?”

                      “Yes, but I risk exposing myself each time in the process. Will they not also be able to connect with our nanites and possibly influence them like when Niam attacked Elizabeth?”

                      Rodney paused for a moment. “That’s a very good point, but we have a symbiotic relationship with the nanites that are inside of us. They thrive when we’re thriving which means that the nanites will go to every extreme to keep us that way so they don’t suffer.”

                      “That’s cool,” John said and then looked at Ronon. “So, next time I spar with Ronon, if I just tell those little guys that it’s in my best interest to kick his ass, they’ll help me pull it off no problem?”

                      “You can develop your super powers for your sinister purposes on your own time. Right now my only concern is shutting down the Replicators. Just give me a few days to figure things out, and then I’ll brief you on the next step.”

                      “I’m going to pull rank right now,” Elizabeth stated. “Although I agree with everything you’ve said so far Rodney, there’s no way I’m just going to sit around while you work. I may not be Dr. Zelenka, but apparently I have a certain influence that the Replicators don’t want spread around.”

                      “Sounds good. Dr. Keller’s program with a touch of Elizabeth’s good sense,” Rodney said to himself.

                      “You’re addicted to playing God, Rodney. You’re going to pay for it eventually, you know,” John commented.

                      “Oh, come on. You’re still jealous that I’m winning the game.”

                      “Rodney,” Elizabeth interrupted. “Let’s head back to the Jumper. I want to see what you’ve got right now.”

                      “Awe, but I’m hungry,” Rodney complained.

                      Ronon picked up his knife. “I’ll go find dinner.”

                      “Oh, that would be great, Ronon. Thanks!”

                      “Sure, but you’re on for dinner tomorrow,” Ronon grinned. “Teyla, John, are you both up for a hunt?”

                      “Sure,” John said.

                      Teyla shook her head. “No, some other time.”


                        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                        it works fine for me.... at least as fine as it should be working fine, I see no problems
                        You are so lucky! I can't give Ruby a review and I can't post my new fic (I just tried again).


                          Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                          Hello, people! Have another manip:

                          Originally posted by sin392 View Post
                          I can totally understand about the 'roots & culture' thing. We're not talking about how a person was raised but more about the traditions and beliefs, customs. I know many people want to say that it doesn't matter but it does. It especially becomes more difficult when family or just the people (in general) don't understand why you would 'change' even when the other person doesn't follow the same tradtions/customs etc...why accept his stuff when he can accept yours because this is how you have always done it and has always been done...since they can remember. And if you are a leader of a people (where part of the job is keeping the traditions/customs/beliefs), it's just NOT that cut and just isn't.

                          An example is thinking that Teyla is putting her child's life in danger. She isn't...she is being how SHE WOULD BE STILL if the team or Atlantis was never a part of her life. She would have to fight, whether she was pregnant or not, just to survive. She isn't trying to put her child's life in danger but she knows that danger is a part of her life...pregnant or not...if Altantis or the team wasn't there...she wouldn't have the 'luxury' (for lack of a better word) to just 'stay behind for the sake of her child'....she would have to escape...and that may also mean to fight. Again we are not Athosians...we don't have have never lived like Teyla...what we might consider putting her child's life in Teyla it's survival and doing what you need to do to protect her child. Two different views from two different 'peoples' from two different cultures....viewed in two different ways. Things are just not cut and dry.

                          just putting in my 2 cents

                          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                          But there is a difference here. Teyla is not on Athos anymore. She does not have to put herself in dangers way as she has a choice now. Yes she is the leader of her people and she would have to fight normally whether she is pregnant or not if she was amongst her people, but her people are gone and she may be carrying the last of the Athosians so I do feel that by going on missions she is putting her child's life in danger when she doesn't have to. There is a difference between defending your people if they are in danger and choosing to put yourself in harms way. What good is it being a leader if she has no people left to lead. I can also understand the culture thing. I have lived in many different cultures and yes it can make a difference when two people come from different cultures and traditions have to be followed, but it depends on what Teyla wants. She is attracted to two different men and she has decided that the one from her own culture is the one she wants to be with, or she thinks she does. But is she really choosing this man because she cares for him so deeply or because it is easier to follow tradition and culture. Maybe she is caught between both, and time will tell as to which one has the stronger pull.
                          We can say the same for John. Would he give up on Teyla because her culture is different to his. Would he be prepared to stay in the Pegasus Galaxy and never go back to earth. Is his love for Teyla more important than his own culture and traditions. I don't expect either one of them to give up their own culture or traditions but to respect each others cultures and maybe even make some sacrifices to be together. Both have responsibities to their own cutlures. John is in the air force, so would he give that up for Teyla. Would Teyla give up the leadership of her people for John, though I do feel that Halling has almost taken over that position. So both of them are governed by their different cultures and traditions, and sacrifices would have to be made on both sides.
                          You both make very good points.

                          my ships


                            'This Mortal Coil' was a good episode. I liked how Teyla helped John sneek into the infirmery, even though they were copies. Of course later it was Ronan and Teyla taking a walk for both versions while John talked it up with Elizabeth.
                            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                              Originally posted by Crescere View Post
                              Okay, so I'll post sections from my fic here because I can, but it will eventually be up on The only brag I have is that I am quite contente with the way I deal with Kanan, although I was much pleased with what Ruby did in her fic Glimpse! ( is being stupid so I still can't give you a review
                              The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
                              Excerpt 1 (if you haven't read it)
                              Kanan woke in a dark room feeling the bodies of frightened people pressed against him. He recognized the whispered voices of those who were bold enough to speak out and wondered where they were and what had happened. The blackness of the room was so complete that it was a surprise when a light suddenly appeared. It grew brighter and he watched as four Wraith guards escorted a Wraith queen into the room. He quickly bowed his head as if blocking his eyes would keep him from being seen by them.

                              “Which of you is leader to these people?” Her question was met with silence, so she moved closer to the tight crowd and paced in front of them. “Surely there is someone here who will represent you. By your silence, it is clear that you are nothing more than a group of strangers we happened to find inhabiting the same village. A nation without a leader is a nation without a future. Someone answer me!”

                              Kanan lifted his head cautiously, ready to speak out, but he heard someone else’s voice before he could open his mouth.

                              “I will represent the Athosian people,” a young woman said as she stood to her feet. “My name is Ava. I’m second cousin to Teyla Emmagan, our leader, who was not with us when we were captured.”

                              The queen nodded in approval. “I am Shani. My hive has accepted guardianship of your people. Follow me. We have much to discuss.”

                              Kanan watched Ava leave the room with the queen leading the way. The light went out when they were gone, and he let out a breath of relief, but at the same time, cursed himself for his weakness. He was thankful that Teyla was not present to witness it.

                              Excerpt 2

                              New Athos
                              Stargate M34 227

                              The light of the campfire was very welcome to the five people circled around it. After a day of lying low, hoping that the Replicators were really gone, they decided to allow themselves the one comfort, which gave them more than just warmth. They had expected to be killed in the crash after the Jumper was shot down, but they had shifted gears effortlessly like a team with years of experience instead of a mere week when it came time to execute plan B. When all four of the Replicator scouts entered the jumper, Rodney triggered the shield emitter to put out a low frequency flux field.

                              “So, what exactly is that going to do for us, Rodney?” John had asked while they were taking off in the Jumper in an effort to divert the Replicators’s attention from the gate.

                              “It’ll put them in a loop. They’ll think we’re dead, leave, and then report what they saw to Oberoth.”

                              “What happens if they don’t think we’re dead?”

                              Rodeny looked up from the data tablet he was working on. “I’ll start the pulse when all of them have entered and cut it off when I think they’ve gotten a good enough look. Just play like a dog for as long as you can.”

                              “Play like a dog?” Teyla asked.

                              “He means play dead,” Elizabeth provided.

                              John let out a sarcastic laugh. “What if they’re not convinced? I’d rather die than be a prisoner of the Replicators again.”

                              “Look, when they leave the Jumper they’ll only remember what happened inside the loop, so that means we just have to get them to leave the jumper once it’s recorded. They’ll probably try to shoot us if they notice we’re not dead.” Rodney snapped his fingers. “We could use that. John, they’ll head to the front of the ship. I’ll be at the very back so they’ll pass right on by me. When they get close to you, look up at them so they are completely focused on you. Feel free to insult them because they’ll probably shoot you anyway. That will give me enough time to get to my feet, double check the integrity of the loop, and challenge them to chase me outside where they’ll promptly forget that I’m alive.”

                              “You know, your plan sucks,” John whined. “Even if we can heal, it’s no excuse for you to start factoring death scenarios into your plans. I’ll still feel it when they shoot me. What you’ve proposed is way beyond cutting open our hands and watching them heal quickly.”

                              “In case we don’t get the crash landing we’re hoping for and get blasted into pieces in a few seconds,” Ronon spoke out, “I’m glad we escaped, and I’m glad we’re still a team even if we’re not them.”

                              Ronon dropped an arm full of wood beside the fire and pulled a knife out of his belt as he sat down. Rodney looked across the fire at him with hopeful eyes. “Hey, what are you planning to do with that? Are you going hunting, ‘cause I’m starving?”

                              Ronon grabbed one of the dreadlocks at the back of his neck and cut it off. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

                              “Ronon! You’re cutting your hair?” Teyla gasped.

                              “Woah! Wait a minute,” John said as he took a step closer to Ronon.

                              “What? It’s my decision. I’m not him, so I don’t want to look like him.”

                              “I get that you’re pissed about this—we all are, but changing your appearance isn’t going to keep people from recognizing you,” John stated. “If anything, it will get us killed. We’re going to be interacting with people we have alliances with so we’re going to have to pretend we’re the real deal. What happens if a week after we leave some place the other Ronon shows up and the people threaten to kill him because he’s suddenly grown back several year’s worth of hair?”

                              “They won’t be happy when they find out we’re using their identities,” Ronon pointed out.

                              “Hey, even if they arrive at a village that we’ve just left and get the awkward, “you’ve come back so soon” greeting, they’ll know it was just us and they’ll see that we’re trying to help,” Rodney said. “No one is going to get hurt by our plan.”

                              “Plan? We have a plan, Rodney?” Elizabeth asked.

                              “Yes, of course, a plan to help. By now my other self has figured out how seriously screwed we are. We did a good job of almost killing everyone in the galaxy by waking the Wraith, but this business with the Replicators will wipe out everyone in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies if we don’t do something to stop them.”

                              “Hey, we weren’t the ones who ‘woke’ the Replicators,” Ronon interrupted. “That was them!”

                              “Well don’t we all get gold stars for not being responsible this time. My point is that we’re human and just as doomed as all of the other humans. The question you should be asking right now is, ‘How are we better than the team at Atlantis?”

                              “We’re hard to kill?” John guessed.

                              Rodney turned to glare at him. “Besides the obvious. Look, we don’t have the SGC or the IOA breathing down our necks. No mission reports. Everything we do is off the radar.”

                              “My dream come true,” Elizabeth whispered.

                              “When you put it that way, it does seem like we have the better end of the deal,” John added.

                              “I wish I had had more time to talk to myself—him—to find out what they know. He told me that they have a Wraith scientist who voluntarily came to Atlantis to help with the fight against the Replicators, so I think it’s safe to say that the Wraith have taken a hard hit and are probably desperate at this point.”

                              “I’m going to have to get used to this. All my life, the Wraith have been the bad guys,” Ronon stated.

                              “I feel the same,” Teyla said, “but, we must be willing to work with the Wraith if it will help us some time in the future.”

                              “What’s the plan, Rodney,” John asked.

                              “Trial and error. We need a copy of the Replicator’s base code as it’s currently written.”

                              “What about Dr. Keller’s code?” Ronon asked. “You said something about—”

                              “Yeah, yeah, I know, but Dr. Keller’s code isn’t the same because she was on a quest for ascension so it’s missing thing like dispositions for aggression, revenge—”

                              “Rodney!” Elizabeth gasped. “Could we use that? I mean, can use Dr. Keller’s code as a template for what the Replicator’s code will need to look like in order for us to get them to stand down?”

                              “Hey, yeah,” Rodney smiled as he thought about it. “Okay, but we’d still need the current code so I can write a transition code. I’ll need a few days to figure out just how much our nanites can help us with this, but I think if we get close to any Replicator, our nanites will be able to read their code.”

                              John smiled and looked at Teyla. “That’s sort of like how you crack into the minds of the Wraith, right?”

                              “Yes, but I risk exposing myself each time in the process. Will they not also be able to connect with our nanites and possibly influence them like when Niam attacked Elizabeth?”

                              Rodney paused for a moment. “That’s a very good point, but we have a symbiotic relationship with the nanites that are inside of us. They thrive when we’re thriving which means that the nanites will go to every extreme to keep us that way so they don’t suffer.”

                              “That’s cool,” John said and then looked at Ronon. “So, next time I spar with Ronon, if I just tell those little guys that it’s in my best interest to kick his ass, they’ll help me pull it off no problem?”

                              “You can develop your super powers for your sinister purposes on your own time. Right now my only concern is shutting down the Replicators. Just give me a few days to figure things out, and then I’ll brief you on the next step.”

                              “I’m going to pull rank right now,” Elizabeth stated. “Although I agree with everything you’ve said so far Rodney, there’s no way I’m just going to sit around while you work. I may not be Dr. Zelenka, but apparently I have a certain influence that the Replicators don’t want spread around.”

                              “Sounds good. Dr. Keller’s program with a touch of Elizabeth’s good sense,” Rodney said to himself.

                              “You’re addicted to playing God, Rodney. You’re going to pay for it eventually, you know,” John commented.

                              “Oh, come on. You’re still jealous that I’m winning the game.”

                              “Rodney,” Elizabeth interrupted. “Let’s head back to the Jumper. I want to see what you’ve got right now.”

                              “Awe, but I’m hungry,” Rodney complained.

                              Ronon picked up his knife. “I’ll go find dinner.”

                              “Oh, that would be great, Ronon. Thanks!”

                              “Sure, but you’re on for dinner tomorrow,” Ronon grinned. “Teyla, John, are you both up for a hunt?”

                              “Sure,” John said.

                              Teyla shook her head. “No, some other time.”
                              Nice,loved it
                              hmmmmm,i wonder why Teyla doesn't want to go hunting with them!!!


                                Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                                'This Mortal Coil' was a good episode. I liked how Teyla helped John sneek into the infirmery, even though they were copies. Of course later it was Ronan and Teyla taking a walk for both versions while John talked it up with Elizabeth.
                                This Mortal Coil has been my favorite so far. I rank Missing as a close second, but to me the copies count because they react the exact same way the real John and Teyla would have reacted in those situations. I admit that it's weird, but I hope that TPTB use the copies to hook up our ship...sort of like use them as a mirror so JT will wake and see how they act around each other and that it's obvious that they're in love! lol I'm not holding my breath, but I did write a fic.

                                Ah look at the time! Almost 4pm central! That means I have to get and it's too bad that still isn't working properly. Take care everyone! XOXO


