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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Well, then the both of you are going to have to trek all the way up here to PSU to see me!

    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


      I'm not going anywhere Camy! You can't get rid of me that easily!

      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


        Oh, I love how your mind works..I can't wait to see Teyla's facial expressions...which I am sure she will have a lot of them since the team will practically
        be hunting for them down not to kill each, this will be very promising...and I do hope you are sooo right about this and that the episode will turn out to be more of a three-some or even a team fic...


          awesome Camy.

          I'm near the PA border.

          I'm with Snogging on 'TLG'
          so i won't be suprised if there is an ending between Shep/Weir like there was with Shep/Teyla at the end of 'Conversion'...even though i think it will be slightly different, and not have the same feeling like 'conversion'.

          R.I.P Wraithlord

          Awesome sig by SciFan


            I agree that the ending
            , if it turns out to be between Shep and Weir (quite likely), will have a very different tone than that in "Conversion". "Conversion" brought up some very uncomfortable issues for Shep and Teyla, and they were both pretty aware of what was going on. "TLG" spoilers seem to indicate that the interaction between Shep and Weir is going to be mostly hunting each other down through Atlantis. I don't know, but trying to kill each other because you were possessed by aliens isn't a kiss that was caused by lowered inhibitions. Maybe it's just me.

            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


              Well whatever happens I'm sure we'll find some ship in it!


                Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                awesome Camy.

                I'm near the PA border.

                I'm with Snogging on 'TLG'
                so i won't be suprised if there is an ending between Shep/Weir like there was with Shep/Teyla at the end of 'Conversion'...even though i think it will be slightly different, and not have the same feeling like 'conversion'.
                Oh, Witchblade I hope you are soooo right about this...let do you think this will end...
                I think he won't have to apologize because none of it was him or her..and I think that they will probably laugh about the whole thing..very friendship like...Now, this shippy mind of mines is thinking more of a scene where Shep and Teyla discuss about how she almost had to kill him for the second time....Oh, and how that made her feel...SQUEE! Are you girls with me on this...OH, promise me...promise me that one of you two will write some sort of fic about would be sooo good...don't you think?


                  Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                  I agree that the ending
                  , if it turns out to be between Shep and Weir (quite likely), will have a very different tone than that in "Conversion". "Conversion" brought up some very uncomfortable issues for Shep and Teyla, and they were both pretty aware of what was going on. "TLG" spoilers seem to indicate that the interaction between Shep and Weir is going to be mostly hunting each other down through Atlantis. I don't know, but trying to kill each other because you were possessed by aliens isn't a kiss that was caused by lowered inhibitions. Maybe it's just me.
                  I soo agree with you on this one as well..the tone, setting and scenario is completely's not just you....and I can't wait...


                    Originally posted by melpomene
                    Well whatever happens I'm sure we'll find some ship in it!
                    Hi there! Glad you decided to join you see the episodes in Canada too? or are you like us...waiting till january?


                      I will definitely write that fic, Camy, and I think it's a definite possibility for the episode.
                      Your ideas about a "last scene" between Weir and Shep are exactly what I was thinking could happen. Something a little uncomfortable but humorous -- I think they'll both understand it wasn't them who was acting that way.

                      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                        Snogging, I get it...and i can only hope it plays out like that....

                        Originally posted by Camy
                        Oh, Witchblade I hope you are soooo right about this...let do you think this will end...
                        I think he won't have to apologize because none of it was him or her..and I think that they will probably laugh about the whole thing..very friendship like...Now, this shippy mind of mines is thinking more of a scene where Shep and Teyla discuss about how she almost had to kill him for the second time....Oh, and how that made her feel...SQUEE! Are you girls with me on this...OH, promise me...promise me that one of you two will write some sort of fic about would be sooo good...don't you think?
                        I can't see how they can go from trying to kill each other to shippiness, i mean the end of 'conversion' was filled with tension from the kiss. Now in 'TLG' the only tension there will be is from killing each other, and i don't see how that could be played out the same way, It may definitely be something like a joking scene where, they may talk about how how Weir almost got him or something like that, but nothing with that...uneasiness?...that sheppard and Teyla had in 'conversion' that gave hints that there may be more
                        ...I may not have said that correctly....

                        Originally posted by melpomene
                        Well whatever happens I'm sure we'll find some ship in it!
                        We would, could, and most likely will,.......We can't help it...

                        R.I.P Wraithlord

                        Awesome sig by SciFan


                          Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                          I will definitely write that fic, Camy, and I think it's a definite possibility for the episode.
                          Your ideas about a "last scene" between Weir and Shep are exactly what I was thinking could happen. Something a little uncomfortable but humorous -- I think they'll both understand it wasn't them who was acting that way.
                          Yeah, but with Teyla it won't be as funny...she will be faced again with the possibility
                          of killing Sheppard and I am sure she won't find that funny...most likely my shippy heart will be discouraged again and TPTB won't touch this issue I will patiently wait for a fic on that one...Now what about tonight...maybe Teyla doesn't sing in this one afterall and she will sing in Critical Mass...from the pic out there it looks like we will see her interact with the Athosians again.....
                          I'm telling you guys...she sings beautifully....


                            I get exactly what you mean Witchblade.
                            I mean, unless Shep and Weir confess their love or something while under the alien influence, I think most of this episode is just going to be a lot of action, explosions, and stuff like that. The character tension is going to come in when the other characters are forced to deal with what is going on, particularly Teyla when she is confronted with the very real possibility of having to kill Sheppard.

                            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                              Snogging, I get it...and i can only hope it plays out like that....

                              I can't see how they can go from trying to kill each other to shippiness, i mean the end of 'conversion' was filled with tension from the kiss. Now in 'TLG' the only tension there will be is from killing each other, and i don't see how that could be played out the same way, It may definitely be something like a joking scene where, they may talk about how how Weir almost got him or something like that, but nothing with that...uneasiness?...that sheppard and Teyla had in 'conversion' that gave hints that there may be more
                              ...I may not have said that correctly....

                              We would, could, and most likely will,.......We can't help it...
                              Exactly...isn't is awful how this writers play with our emotions..first we thought that Conversion was going to be all about Shep/Teyla...NOT!
                              Then I was stressed for several weeks about this whole Shep/Weir in LG...and seems that we might just get the opposite...OH, I love it! What are these people trying to do to me? AHHHHHHHH


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                Hi there! Glad you decided to join you see the episodes in Canada too? or are you like us...waiting till january?
                                I'm a stateside girl. But I don't have cable, so I had to wait until boxsets until I started getting them from someone...

