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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
    I thought I was totally gonna hate her. What I liked was the fact John was not into her at all. Until, he responded in the kissed but, it was not him. I so do not trust her. I do not know why. I mean, yes, they are allies,but, it just seems it is gonna come back and bite'em in the butt. I had to go back and watch to see Teyla's look and when John kinda did that side glance thingy. One episode is enough for me with her but, she is coming back in Be All MY Sins Remembered. She was better than I thought. I thought that he was fall for her and all that crap! But, he did not!

    I said in an earlier post in response to Ruby about him saying his was Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic). The only thing that was going through my head was Teyla is the Invisible Woman (Mrs. Fantastic!), meaning HE'S TAKEN!! So there! Like a 5 yr old sticking out my tongue and going nanananana to Larrin! You can't have him!!!-LOL!

    I didn't even pick that out! LOOOOOVE IT!!!



      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
      Your sig is kickin' some major booty!!

      I Know!


      Witchy made it!


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        I didn't even pick that out! LOOOOOVE IT!!!

        That was why Larrin was tolerable to me.
        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Originally posted by Camy View Post

          I Know!


          Witchy made it!
          You snurched it before I could... I love the colors!

          That is alright because I now have these in my rotation


          Of course, this one is by Sci!

          This one I got from Witchy! I love it myself!
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Hey, did you guys see the new pictures from Missing and Tabula Rasa on the GW home page?
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              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
              Hey, did you guys see the new pictures from Missing and Tabula Rasa on the GW home page?
              Thanks WP!

              They coulda had one of Sheppy in scrubs or something..
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                You snurched it before I could... I love the colors!

                That is alright because I now have these in my rotation


                Of course, this one is by Sci!

                This one I got from Witchy! I love it myself!
                love it!!!!!

                Okay, a reminder for all those fanartist out there...Beya's DG Challenge is going to be open for nominations for one more week. Get your artist side out and there are plenty of sites now with DG Caps. So get going...remember you CANNOT submit any artwork that you've shown somewhere, anywhere. This is up for voting so names will be screened by yours truly.

                So far we have three nominations. Common people, I know you want to...



                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  Thanks WP!

                  They coulda had one of Sheppy in scrubs or something..
                  He's in scrubs in the promo vid . . .
                  || twitter || tumblr ||


                    Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                    He's in scrubs in the promo vid . . .
                    I know! SQUEEEEE!

                    I just really wanted to post these! I love them! I am so looking forward to TR!!
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      Sorry!!!! I was typing as fast as I could!
                      Awesome sum up and NP about missing me. I was just tired.

                      Originally posted by Rememberie View Post
                      Some of my favorite parts: [/SPOILERS]

                      When Larrin comes in to check on John's interrogation/beating the guard states that they got his name out of him: Reed Richards. (a bit ashamed it took me a minute to get the reference, wasn't expecting it.)

                      After surrendering control of the bridge back to Larrin, they argue a bit before the guard comes in to report that the hyperdrive is offline again. Larrin wonders what else Sheppard did while in control of the ship, and refuses to let him try to help. The soldier states that it doesn't make sense for Sheppard to sabotage them now, if they stay there, he will die with them. Larrin says that's what worries her, she says something like "Does he act like someone who's thinks his life is about to end?" Sheppard is slouched against his cot, arms spread, looking like he doesn't have a care in the world.

                      Anyway just my initial, two cent reaction to the show.
                      I loved the Reed Richards comment. I died laughing and the shot of him lounging on his cot. LOL
                      The rest of the ep was so so for me. I was really looking forward to an ep when the actually have to save him and him not talking his way and saving himself...Again. I guess if the didn't play it that way then they wouldn't have an aliance,but oh well.
                      I did love Teyla's and Ronon's reaction in the last scene, but this was not what I thought it would be. I'm glad the kiss scene wasn't a big deal, but we'll see what happens next time.

                      Originally posted by Quania2007 View Post
                      Do you guys think that Teyla gets pregnant in Tabula Rasa?
                      Honestly I dont' know.
                      It seems to be a busy ep. I'm so confused because she finds out in Missing that she's pregnant. Sorry Quania. Hey! We miss seeing you around. Come visit more often.

                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Alrighty...a little linky...

                      Tabula Rasa promo...not the same as is seen on SciFi's site.... this one has
                      Seems they are turning on eachother...some seems to be hunting down Teyla...don't know what that is about *lol* John is in the infirmary and it looks like Teyla is sitting next to him on his bed... seems like he has forgotten who Mckay is at that point...

                      I'm looking forward to this epi....
                      Thank you sooo much Nina.

                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      John and Teyla wallie..

                      Beautiful wallies Blue!!!

                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      JM BLOG UPDATE

                      Ascended Tauri writes: “1)when you guys write/discuss story line episodes like you did with 'Reunion', do you/rest of production staff discuss in detail the possible future direction the story could go? Say, Ronon's friend that retreats at the end of 'Reunion'. How much discussion goes into a future plan for that character? 2. Do you/rest of staff already discuss, in this case, Season 5 during your production of S. 4?

                      Answers: 1) I made the decision not to kill of Tyre at the end of Reunion because I thought he would be an interesting character to bring back for a future episode. 2) When we wrote the season finale, we had a general idea of how we wanted to pick things up in season 5, but we didn’t have detailed plans for an overall season-long arc at that point.

                      Anonymous writes: “Originally Michael's name was going to be Charlie, but for some reason it was changed.”

                      Answer: It was?

                      Zabadoo writes: “1.)For Atlantis's 100th episode, do you think you guys will do something epic or comical? 2.)Will any other major characters (Sheppard, Ronan, Teyla, McKay, Zelenka, Keller, Carter) bite the dust this season?”

                      Answers: 1) Since it will be the season-ender, it will not be comical. 2)

                      Anonymous #2 writes: “1. Does this mean we'll get to see Daniel make his way to Atlantis? 2. If the above is true, any chance for Vala to make an appearance?? Please!
                      3. Is there a possibility that Weir could pop up in the fifth season as well?”

                      Answers: 1. It means we’ll certainly try to do a story that will guest Daniel in season 5. 2) No plans to bring Vala over. 3) The answer to this can be found in a later season four episode.

                      Elizabeth writes: “Who is 'the guy in Washington'?”

                      Answer: Jack O’Neill.

                      Anonymous #3 writes: “Hi Joe, are we going to see Ford in season 5, at least to close out his story line????”

                      Answer: Not to be a bit of a downer, but some could argue that him getting blown up on the hive ship he was on could be considered closure.
                      Thanks MrsB.

                      Sorry about a one shot post but...
                      My dad is over and I'll have to go. Tomorrow is another busy day. I'll try to catch you guys tomorrow morning for a little while. Miss you guys. I can't wait for TR. I looks really good. Goodnight.


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Awesome sum up and NP about missing me. I was just tired.

                        I loved the Reed Richards comment. I died laughing and the shot of him lounging on his cot. LOL
                        The rest of the ep was so so for me. I was really looking forward to an ep when the actually have to save him and him not talking his way and saving himself...Again. I guess if the didn't play it that way then they wouldn't have an aliance,but oh well.
                        I did love Teyla's and Ronon's reaction in the last scene, but this was not what I thought it would be. I'm glad the kiss scene wasn't a big deal, but we'll see what happens next time.

                        Honestly I dont' know.
                        It seems to be a busy ep. I'm so confused because she finds out in Missing that she's pregnant. Sorry Quania. Hey! We miss seeing you around. Come visit more often.

                        Thank you sooo much Nina.

                        Beautiful wallies Blue!!!

                        Thanks MrsB.

                        Sorry about a one shot post but...
                        My dad is over and I'll have to go. Tomorrow is another busy day. I'll try to catch you guys tomorrow morning for a little while. Miss you guys. I can't wait for TR. I looks really good. Goodnight.
                        Auntie Sci!
                        Enjoy having your dad over! We'll miss you though. I agree about TR, that vid really has me psyched! Good night!
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                          Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                          DANG that looks cool!!
                          Looks like they are hunting Teyla. If John ends up stunning her (or worse), he'd feel pretty rotten about it. I can so not wait to see this!

                          I'm gonna try to watch Travelers tonight. I'll let you know what I think if I get the chance! Thanks for the summary on it LC. I think Tabula Rasa looks a lot more interesting.
                          This will sound a bit silly, but just wanted to say thanks for the thanks! LOL! But it's nice to hear the summaries are appreciated. They take me almost an hour to type up each week and it's not easy because I have carpel tunnel and have trouble typing that for that long straight through. So it's nice to be appreciated. Thanks!

                          Nina and Camy and Blue and Witchy
                          --great comments on Travelers!

                          Glad to hear I'm not the only one that thought John's eyes bounced to Teyla and that he kind of shrunk down a bit at Rodney's comments. It's subtle, but I think he so did not want to say anything in front of Teyla!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Tabula Rasa looks AWESOME!!!

                            I wonder why teyla is necessary for the cure?!?!? if she isnt affected by the virus then surely she would remember to find rodney and help him....mmm...looks like a very exciting episode!

                            oh and
                            she is sitting on john's bed...sigh....
                            -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                            Thanks Camy!!


                              DAILY VOTING LINKS

                              Vote for J/T on Suspicion in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

                              Pics to follow for use in game:

                              Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode
                              (If one of your favorite John episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                              Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode
                              (If one of your favorite Teyla episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                              Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment
                              (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                              Support John in the H&H Best Hairdos
                              (Make sure you have the last page on the thread to make the correct score)

                              VOTING UPDATE

                              Suspicion has now 43 votes and will need 7 more.
                              Which is going to be the next episode???
                              John still needs support everyday on the hairdo game.

                              LET THE VOTING BEGIN!!!

                              STARGATE MUSIC VIDEO AWARD 2007

                              ATTENTION LAST DAY FOR NOMINATIONS
                              Nominate videos to Stargate Music Video Award 2007
                              Let's make sure there are video with John, Teyla and John/Teyla
                              Nominations are open until 28th October

                              *NEW* DAVID HEWLETT INTERVIEW

                              Watch David answer fans questions.. inculdes spoilers

                              INFANITY SPECIAL ON STARGATE ATLANTIS

                              Check out the Infanity Special that was done on Stargate Atlantis. Behind the scene stuff, talking to the cast, stunts, costumes, visuals and some fan questions.

                              Video links


                              Check out reports from some fans from the Armageddon Convention in Melbourne where fans got to meet Joe Flanigan

                              Report Links

                              Video Links
                     (bit of Joe's talk and him getting a taste of Vegemite...)

                     (First 25 min of his talk)

                              Pics links


                              You can find some awesome pics of Joe on the Armageddon Convention in Melbourne right here..

                              Be aware though that the owner have asked that these pics are NOT to be reposted anywhere... you can snag them for your own enjoyment,,just not post them anywhere public like other pages and here at please respect that request from the owner of these pics



                              Check out videos from Joe Flanigan's talk (almost 40 min) and some pics of him from the Armageddon Convention in Auckland. When more turn up it will be added.

                              Report Links

                              Video Links

                              Pic Links
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Guys, where is everyone? I had to go on to page 2 (yes, page TWO) to find this thread, that has never ever happened!


                                In JM's blog, why is "The guy in Washington" mentioned? Ahh, the Sam/Jacker in me returns.

                                The general consensus is that Travellers wasn't as bad as we thought, because we had the shippy moment
                                at the end?
                                Try not to worry so much about this next storyline
                                I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation! Lol.
                                don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

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