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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by sanssong View Post
    Ah yes... it does dull the insantiy! And if I squint my eyes, Larrin looks like Teyla!

    Oh, gosh...another one with those sigs...

    You know what I hate, that here comes Miss Goody Too Shoe and WOWS my boy in less two episodes and my poor JT are struggling to even admit their feelings to themselves!!!


    don't get me started!!!*wink*


      Originally posted by sanssong View Post
      Ah yes... it does dull the insantiy! And if I squint my eyes, Larrin looks like Teyla!
      You have to make sure your eyes are closed you are squintin' so hard to see!..

      Ooops! Sorry, couldn't find any lime, only lemon..
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by Camy View Post

        Oh, gosh...another one with those sigs...

        You know what I hate, that here comes Miss Goody Too Shoe and WOWS my boy in less two episodes and my poor JT are struggling to even admit their feelings to themselves!!!


        don't get me started!!!*wink*
        Well..... I'm not sure what ep my little banner is from, so it could be that this winds up for most of the season before it happens, which would be cool. And I don't think Keller is as prim and proper as you think, she's got a strong wild streak in her a mile wide. I LOVE it!

        As for why this isn't the agonizing journey that John and Teyla are on, well, all you have to do is look at who is first in the credits to answer THAT question! lol And if it makes you feel any better, JM refused to admit that there was any other romance this season besides Katie and Rodney, so it might just be a drawn out affair for Jenn and Ronon too.


          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
          You have to make sure your eyes are closed you are squintin' so hard to see!..

          Ooops! Sorry, couldn't find any lime, only lemon..
          No worries, the trick is the combination of tequilla and squinting. As far as I'm concerned, he's kissing Teyla! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!


            Originally posted by sanssong View Post
            No worries, the trick is the combination of tequilla and squinting. As far as I'm concerned, he's kissing Teyla! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
            Ahhhhhhhhh....Yes! Numbness...INDEED...! The secret of achieving the truth in unwanted situations....
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Originally posted by sanssong View Post
              No worries, the trick is the combination of tequilla and squinting. As far as I'm concerned, he's kissing Teyla! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
              Here Sanssong try some Ruby Dalquri it'll make the lines less fuzzy, hmmm all I see is Teyla in her sparring outfit and John on his back and they are on the bech someplace..... now that'd be a nice story, a swimming story, can somebody write that?

              also... I will have a little something from my rather crazy and JT loving mind up in the galleria trhread shortly!

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                YAY a birthday a day apart! First Gateworld, then Winged and now Mayra!!!!! !!!!!!!
                Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                Today, and Happy Birthday to you! Don't worry, you're only as old as you feel. And if you feel really old, you're only as old as you think you are. If that doesn't work . . . I give up!

                Thank you Teyilia and WP!.

                Oh wow, so our birthday's are a day apart!!! YAY!. LOL!!! i love how you said that by the way. Okay, lets see, i feel 21..yeah, i like that, i'm still young and i can legally drink (i'm especially going to need it after seeing Travelers on Friday! LOL!). Where's that Tequila bottle someone was passing around a little while ago LOL!

                Sig by Camy


                  Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                  Well..... I'm not sure what ep my little banner is from, so it could be that this winds up for most of the season before it happens, which would be cool. And I don't think Keller is as prim and proper as you think, she's got a strong wild streak in her a mile wide. I LOVE it!

                  As for why this isn't the agonizing journey that John and Teyla are on, well, all you have to do is look at who is first in the credits to answer THAT question! lol And if it makes you feel any better, JM refused to admit that there was any other romance this season besides Katie and Rodney, so it might just be a drawn out affair for Jenn and Ronon too.
                  I think what I love the most about JT is that they didn't do with them what seems like they are going to do with Ronon/Keller. There's no foundation there and it's going to be rushed. John and Teyla once it's official, and once they both realize that one feels the same as the other, they will simply never go back to anything else. They've gone through the test of time and everything else, and if this season doesn't mark the spot, I don't know what will. But yeah, John and Teyla are simply those characters that will have to wait awhile, and I'm fine with that, but I need to see them go beyond this platonic relationship and into deeper waters.


                    Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                    Thank you Teyilia and WP!.

                    Oh wow, so our birthday's are a day apart!!! YAY!. LOL!!! i love how you said that by the way. Okay, lets see, i feel 21..yeah, i like that, i'm still young and i can legally drink (i'm especially going to need it after seeing Travelers on Friday! LOL!). Where's that Tequila bottle someone was passing around a little while ago LOL!
                    Here havea some Ruby Dalquri it is better then Tequila! also.....

                    When Teyla met Larrin... now playing!

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      In all seriousness, I"m really looking forward to seeing how Teyla reacts to all this..especially that comment from Rodney!

                      Night guys....this Friday might just be one of those dreaded Fridays! LOL


                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        Hehe Nina.. I know what you mean... each time I see another Shep/Larrin "sexy" pose I want to skip this ep completley. Give me a more interesting character with some substance, and one who may pose an actual threat to Shep, rather then some lame tough hot babe with a gun, . I wish Shep could get some good meaty stuff like Rodney gets when he gets a Shep centric ep, not some lighthearted predictable fluff showing him getting whumped by the big scary bad alien girl.. yup Shep looks like he is in real danger here.. of being flirted to death..
                        LOL! "Flirted to death"LOL!!! you had me cracking up with that one Blue!!. Definitely making me feel better after seeing those horrifying pics!.

                        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                        Okay i could not help my self i did these

                        You just put a smile on my face with these MP Donna!!! Awesome!!!

                        Originally posted by Kazavid View Post

                        Give Larring Atlantis' gate address and don't give her an IDC, then wait for the splat on the shield.
                        Welcome to our J/T family Kazavid!!!!

                        See, you got it!...i love that suggestion by the way about Larrin going splat on the shield!..very nice!

                        Sig by Camy


                          Alright, because I"m the thread mommy, I can't leave on a negative note...

                          here's another wishful thinking...

                          I wasn't here for Season 1 but if you guys remember, Sanctuary, I think was one of the best and most shippiest episodes for our Ship....John and Teyla were together throughout most of the episode, Chaya did in fact look like Teyla...and the best caps of these two are so from this episode as well....

                          I was around for The Long Goodbye and I remember from reading spoilers that this thread was also down because we were under the impression and other threads were booming with the news that John was going to confess to Weir that he cared for her....we even saw the actual dialogue if I remember correctly...and to our wonderful surprise, who did John in fact tell that "he cared for"...TEYLA! this thread was so ALIVE and BOOMING! but before that we were so dreading that episode...and if I can recall, in almost all the episodes we've seen Johnny boy showing some male loving and affection, somehow we get this cute side of Teyla and John that reassures us that their feelings are so there and in the open....Remember Epiphany? Gosh, I love that last scene when Teyla is right behind John and her expression is priceless and then when Teer ask John to come with her, he looks slightly towards Teyla and then says...HELL NO! LOL...Not to mention that most of the episode John wanted to get the hell out of there and said so to Teer on many occasions. She knew he wasn't going to stay with her, not even after they danced the tango in bed!

                          Then we have the scene with Meira...he so rejected her!!!! he even refused King!!!!

                          So, if the pattern continues....Travellers will take us on a wild ride, but hopefully that glimpse and that lingering deep feeling between John and Teyla will only flourish stronger out of some floosy who wants to steal our boy from Teyla...

                          so, I"m looking forward to that little bit!

                          NIGHT *for real this time*

                          I just thought I"d go on a happy note!


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            In all seriousness, I"m really looking forward to seeing how Teyla reacts to all this..especially that comment from Rodney!

                            Night guys....this Friday might just be one of those dreaded Fridays! LOL

                            I agree Camy, that is what i'm seriously hoping for. I really want to see some reaction from Teyla. That at least will make this episode better. We are already going to have to endure more that one kiss!!! and a lot of flirting and from the look like John was very interested. I'm not looking forward to seeing this episode but i am curious just to see how much of this flirting and playing is John trying to get out of this mess he is in and try and screw Larrin and the wraith and how much of it is his actual attraction to this woman. I really hope we are pleasantly surprised and it's not as bad as these pics make it out to be, but yeah, not really looking forward to it.

                            Sig by Camy


                              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                              Here havea some Ruby Dalquri it is better then Tequila! also.....

                              When Teyla met Larrin... now playing!
                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                              Thanks, LoveConquers and everyone, for the welcome. Write which fics faster? LOL.

                              With all the talk of the other woman, I couldn't resist doing this.

                              You guys really know how to make me feel better, had me cracking up with these!!! LOL!!!

                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                                Hehe, that's awesome!

                                WP--HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry I don't know how to make pretty art for you. But wanted to wish a WONDERFUL day all the same!!!!
                                Aw, thank you so much! I don't know how to do art either, so I'll have to do the same for you when your b-day rolls around.

                                Originally posted by Kazavid View Post
                                When you read the comments passing back and forth, it sounds like you're all really good friends, and you don't feel like intruding. But everyone is so warm and welcoming. Thanks, Elflinn, I'll just snurch the MP.
                                How do you think we get to be such good freinds? INTRUSION!!

                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                Yes we're just like a big family....Dysfunctional family maybe but......heehee jk!!!
                                Maybe?!? Definitely!!

                                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                                Trust us Kazavid you'll like it here! Heck Winged is not extaly a JT shipper but she comes in here anyway!
                                Ahem. *points to first ever JT sig* You were saying? (She's right, though. But I am coming around . . . slowly!)

                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                Here we can all have some virtual Tequila shots to numb it all!!


                                Shame on you Elfie, offering alchohol to a minor!

                                Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                                Ah yes... it does dull the insantiy! And if I squint my eyes, Larrin looks like Teyla!
                                Nah. Larrin looks too . . . ditzy. I bet Teyla could have her flat on her back in two seconds.
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