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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    I saw 2 different promo vids where he definitley gives her a long and lingering kiss... didnt see any gun pressed up to him then. There are at least 2 kisses, possibly 3 so it goes a bit further than flirting. I really don't think Shep is kissing her just to play along.. the writers are definitly going with some attraction here. I havn't really ever been bothered by Sheps little flings before but I do find it a bit annoying now, especially since the writers have practically being hitting us over the heads with the JT stuff... so if Shep can be swayed that easily be a pretty face it makes him look a bit shallow... and I was really hoping we were going to get something a bit deeper emotionally from him this season... it just seems a bit ooc as well after Doppelganger... I just don't want the ptb to mess with us... either leave John and Teyla as friends with NO hints of a relationship and references to them hooking up etc and let Shep have his flings... but don't do both.

    I don't think it will do Sheps character any favours and I hope this ep doesn't bring all the anti kirkers out again... but then the writers don't help his character at all with this kinda storyline... as I said before I would like to see a Shep centric episode with a bit more depth and meaning... and let us see some real emotions and feelings from Shep.. sigh!!!.. is that too much to ask.. but it seems the hero is not allowed to have any real feeings.
    Agree with you as well, Blue. While I fully believe like Ruby said, that this will mean nothing in the long run, I too find this a hinderance to his character.

    Without seeing it yet of course, my shippy interpretation is that he feels genuine attraction for her, as even committed men can feel, but in this case, allows himself to act on it because it's easy. She's there, there's attraction, and there's no danger or repercussions behind it. No team or friendship to worry about affecting like there is with Teyla. With Teyla, anything happening between them also affects and possibly risks everything near and dear to him. With Larrin, it's the easy way out, but he'll find in the end, that it's shallow and empty and won't satisfy him, so it won't last. I don't like that they're making his character weak like this, but technically, he isn't committed to Teyla at this point and this is an easy way to try to move on from his growing feelings. Which actually annoys me because beside from making the character weaker in my eyes, it's also a huge plot cliche. In the same way I don't want to see this with Teyla and Kanan, I don't want to see it with John and Larrin. Bleh. It looks like we may not have any choice unfortunately. So while I would rather they not go down such a predictable path, I see it as an annoyance, not a betrayal or anything like that. Because they are both still free and one of them is still in denial of his feelings.
    It's just setting them a little further back then I wanted them to be or believe they should be after everything the writers have set up in season three and so far in season four with DG.
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
      Yeah! But, you do awesome vids!!
      Aww, thank you!!! Just for that, the next one's for you!
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
        Agree with you as well, Blue. While I fully believe like Ruby said, that this will mean nothing in the long run, I too find this a hinderance to his character.

        Without seeing it yet of course, my shippy interpretation is that he feels genuine attraction for her, as even committed men can feel, but in this case, allows himself to act on it because it's easy. She's there, there's attraction, and there's no danger or repercussions behind it. No team or friendship to worry about affecting like there is with Teyla. With Teyla, anything happening between them also affects and possibly risks everything near and dear to him. With Larrin, it's the easy way out, but he'll find in the end, that it's shallow and empty and won't satisfy him, so it won't last. I don't like that they're making his character weak like this, but technically, he isn't committed to Teyla at this point and this is an easy way to try to move on from his growing feelings. Which actually annoys me because beside from making the character weaker in my eyes, it's also a huge plot cliche. In the same way I don't want to see this with Teyla and Kanan, I don't want to see it with John and Larrin. Bleh. It looks like we may not have any choice unfortunately. So while I would rather they not go down such a predictable path, I see it as an annoyance, not a betrayal or anything like that. Because they are both still free and one of them is still in denial of his feelings.
        It's just setting them a little further back then I wanted them to be or believe they should be after everything the writers have set up in season three and so far in season four with DG.
        *twitch....twitch twitch..... twitch* Please.... *twitch* don't.... say *twitch* that name!

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by Kazavid View Post

          Thanks, LoveConquers and everyone, for the welcome. Write which fics faster? LOL.

          With all the talk of the other woman, I couldn't resist doing this.



            Welcome to the J/T thread Kazavid!

            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

            Thanks, LoveConquers and everyone, for the welcome. Write which fics faster? LOL.

            With all the talk of the other woman, I couldn't resist doing this.

            LOL Love it!

            my ships


              DG caps

              And now i'm off to bed!!!


                Originally posted by Kazavid View Post
                When you read the comments passing back and forth, it sounds like you're all really good friends, and you don't feel like intruding. But everyone is so warm and welcoming. Thanks, Elflinn, I'll just snurch the MP.
                [SIZE="4"]PLEASE DO INTRUDE!! [/SIZE]WE WANT YOU TO!!
                We are like a Big Ol' Family in here! 'cuz the slang and all being from Texas, it just comes out that way! At first, you may feel like this, I did. But, you get over it really quickly in here! Everybody in here is supportive of everyone! It does not matter how posts you do or do not have! THEY are all welcomed! I just happen to type almost as fast as I talk in RL! It's sad really!*LOL* We actually do MP's on Thursdays in the Galleria and post them for all to see! Most them are of JT but, we post all kinds. I know I do! Check this out too! Yappichick (Jess) is the queen overseer on this for us!

                NINA is SUPER LINK GIRL! I gave her a promotion 'cuz she is so good! She posts a daily link page of stuff to wet the appetite! Stuff that you have to vote for and stuff! pics, vids, con links, etc.! So, come on in, and enjoy the JT ride!!
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Welcome Kazavid to the thread!!


                    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                    Thank you...I found them.

                    Okay, my thoughts.

                    I know I"m going to hate the episode, never mind Larrin. I think it should be mentioned that first, this will be the first girl or love interest that he kisses more than once, right? Chaya he kissed once and all the other ones that I can remember. Two, this will also be the first love interest that actually comes back and from the sound of the way the writers and Joe talk about her, if there is a season 5, she may even come back. I really don't care about this episode, in regards to Larrin and John because after seeing those kisses, a couple of things come to mind and things that I observe in the caps. First, it really does look like he's going to get more than two kisses out of this episode. Out of the four caps in MGM, two are from the same scene. However, if it means anything, in one of them his eyes are open and the cap right before it, you can tell that Larrin is the one making the moves on him. We've seen that Larrin is also the one making the move on him on the first kiss that they share when he's still hostage. But, we shall have to see. I will be really PO if this is a kissing episode. And I sooo hope it does terrible in ratings...BAD CAMY! So, I"m hoping that since we do have to endure these kisses that it's only because, first, John has no ties to anyone. If a beautiful woman comes on to him, he's not going to back off especially when he's been held hostage by her. Two, I'm hoping that we see that he's simply using her and playing along with her but unlike Chaya, that we don't see him completely smitten by her. That they are going to show an attraction between the two of them, hell that is obvious. What I"m really also hoping is that I see John like I saw him with Teer, dying to go back home! That will show me that he's just having fun and being a man. It's not that he's cheating on Teyla. And I"m also looking forward to that last scene with Teyla and Rodney and I would imagine that Ronon is there, but no John from the looks of it. And I"m looking forward to seeing Teyla's expression. That might tell us a bit too of how she's feeling. I"m also hoping that this is a one shot deal. Larrin is supposed to come back, and by then John most likely will have find out about Teyla's pregnancy, and I want to see how he deals with all of this, if he's already experiencing he's jealousy and how these emotions will make him act around Larrin the second time she comes along. I"m hoping that there is no lingering feelings next time she comes. That's what I"m hoping. And even if there is a second time and they do kiss, if we've seen John deal with Teyla's pregnancy in a negative way, then this might be seen as him finding distraction elsewhere, and although I REALLY don't care to see all this soapy crap, at the very least it will show me that John is dealing with his inner feelings for Teyla like any other man like him would. I don't like it, but I can live with it.

                    I guess where I find that I can deal with this Larrin thing is that the way I see it is that John is really hiding even from himself his real feelings for Teyla. When Dr. Hewston mention to Teyla that "he" is oblivious, I really think now that it also meant that he might even be obvlious to how he feels for Teyla. I think he feels that since there is nothing there on her part, why even dwell on it from his point, either. Right now, I think John has closed that thought from his mind for two reasons, first because she's a member of his team and I really don't think that John was to jeopardize that, and most importantly, I think John thinks Teyla doesn't see him romantically, either....especially after Conversion.

                    So, in conclusion, although I know that I"m going to hate this episode, I think I can find comfort if I see that John is just playing along and enjoying the ride, and if I see later on that the feelings don't continue, and if I see Teyla really having trouble dealing with this idea. In the end, neither one of them owes the other any explanation or loyalty. We know that if John had to choose between the two woman, in a heartbeat, he wouldn't even think about it.

                    That we have to endure Larrin, *sighs* yes we do. I wish I could just skip it all together. But I really want to see his emotions with her and so far from those caps, I think he finds her intriguing and exotic but not a look of he's madly in love with this woman. And that makes a little difference to me! *sighs*

                    Yes, I know this season is definetely going to be a tester for all of us! It's going to be one emotional roller coaster ride, folks!!!!


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      DG caps

                      And now i'm off to bed!!!
                      NICE screenshots Linda! sleep well, sweet Sheyla dreams! don't worry tomrrow I'll have snippet #4 up(it is another Atlantis side of the Mirror piece) then the next one will have... tada! JM in it!

                      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                        Originally posted by Kazavid View Post
                        When you read the comments passing back and forth, it sounds like you're all really good friends, and you don't feel like intruding. But everyone is so warm and welcoming. Thanks, Elflinn, I'll just snurch the MP.

                        I"m not good with names, so I tend to make my own abbreviations. *wink*

                        Hope you don't mind.

                        Now, just to let you know, I"m the thread Mum...and I"m THE JT SHIPPIEST SHIPPER THAT EVER LIVED ...

                        so, please, bow to your master!!!!! *giggles*

                        Where's Scifan? Have you worked on our JT goodie bags?


                          Originally posted by Camy View Post
                          Thank you...I found them.

                          Okay, my thoughts.

                          I know I"m going to hate the episode, never mind Larrin. I think it should be mentioned that first, this will be the first girl or love interest that he kisses more than once, right? Chaya he kissed once and all the other ones that I can remember. Two, this will also be the first love interest that actually comes back and from the sound of the way the writers and Joe talk about her, if there is a season 5, she may even come back. I really don't care about this episode, in regards to Larrin and John because after seeing those kisses, a couple of things come to mind and things that I observe in the caps. First, it really does look like he's going to get more than two kisses out of this episode. Out of the four caps in MGM, two are from the same scene. However, if it means anything, in one of them his eyes are open and the cap right before it, you can tell that Larrin is the one making the moves on him. We've seen that Larrin is also the one making the move on him on the first kiss that they share when he's still hostage. But, we shall have to see. I will be really PO if this is a kissing episode. And I sooo hope it does terrible in ratings...BAD CAMY! So, I"m hoping that since we do have to endure these kisses that it's only because, first, John has no ties to anyone. If a beautiful woman comes on to him, he's not going to back off especially when he's been held hostage by her. Two, I'm hoping that we see that he's simply using her and playing along with her but unlike Chaya, that we don't see him completely smitten by her. That they are going to show an attraction between the two of them, hell that is obvious. What I"m really also hoping is that I see John like I saw him with Teer, dying to go back home! That will show me that he's just having fun and being a man. It's not that he's cheating on Teyla. And I"m also looking forward to that last scene with Teyla and Rodney and I would imagine that Ronon is there, but no John from the looks of it. And I"m looking forward to seeing Teyla's expression. That might tell us a bit too of how she's feeling. I"m also hoping that this is a one shot deal. Larrin is supposed to come back, and by then John most likely will have find out about Teyla's pregnancy, and I want to see how he deals with all of this, if he's already experiencing he's jealousy and how these emotions will make him act around Larrin the second time she comes along. I"m hoping that there is no lingering feelings next time she comes. That's what I"m hoping. And even if there is a second time and they do kiss, if we've seen John deal with Teyla's pregnancy in a negative way, then this might be seen as him finding distraction elsewhere, and although I REALLY don't care to see all this soapy crap, at the very least it will show me that John is dealing with his inner feelings for Teyla like any other man like him would. I don't like it, but I can live with it.

                          I guess where I find that I can deal with this Larrin thing is that the way I see it is that John is really hiding even from himself his real feelings for Teyla. When Dr. Hewston mention to Teyla that "he" is oblivious, I really think now that it also meant that he might even be obvlious to how he feels for Teyla. I think he feels that since there is nothing there on her part, why even dwell on it from his point, either. Right now, I think John has closed that thought from his mind for two reasons, first because she's a member of his team and I really don't think that John was to jeopardize that, and most importantly, I think John thinks Teyla doesn't see him romantically, either....especially after Conversion.

                          So, in conclusion, although I know that I"m going to hate this episode, I think I can find comfort if I see that John is just playing along and enjoying the ride, and if I see later on that the feelings don't continue, and if I see Teyla really having trouble dealing with this idea. In the end, neither one of them owes the other any explanation or loyalty. We know that if John had to choose between the two woman, in a heartbeat, he wouldn't even think about it.

                          That we have to endure Larrin, *sighs* yes we do. I wish I could just skip it all together. But I really want to see his emotions with her and so far from those caps, I think he finds her intriguing and exotic but not a look of he's madly in love with this woman. And that makes a little difference to me! *sighs*

                          Yes, I know this season is definetely going to be a tester for all of us! It's going to be one emotional roller coaster ride, folks!!!!
                          This why I love ya, Camy! I always hang around to read your feedback!!
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            This is what Ronan thought of the kiss

                            Now i'm really off to bed......You see Kazavid how addictive this place is


                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              This is what Ronan thought of the kiss

                              Now i'm really off to bed......You see Kazavid how addictive this place is
                              I absolutely LOVE that scene!!! All of your caps ROCK LINDA! Good NIGHT and have some sweet, JT Dreams!!
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                [SIZE="4"]PLEASE DO INTRUDE!! [/SIZE]WE WANT YOU TO!!
                                We are like a Big Ol' Family in here! 'cuz the slang and all being from Texas, it just comes out that way! At first, you may feel like this, I did. But, you get over it really quickly in here! Everybody in here is supportive of everyone! It does not matter how posts you do or do not have! THEY are all welcomed! I just happen to type almost as fast as I talk in RL! It's sad really!*LOL* We actually do MP's on Thursdays in the Galleria and post them for all to see! Most them are of JT but, we post all kinds. I know I do! Check this out too! Yappichick (Jess) is the queen overseer on this for us!

                                NINA is SUPER LINK GIRL! I gave her a promotion 'cuz she is so good! She posts a daily link page of stuff to wet the appetite! Stuff that you have to vote for and stuff! pics, vids, con links, etc.! So, come on in, and enjoy the JT ride!!
                                Thanks, it already feels like home. LOL. And thank you MrsB108, girlinabox, scifan, and *bows gracefuly* to Camy, thank you for the welcomes.

