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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post

    You know, I was thinking about that...
    What if they did some taping out of sequence knowing she wouldn't have the baby before the end of season?
    What I mean is, she could have done a delivery scene when she was still not showing so much and tptb did the rest of the ep around that.
    Just a wild idea.

    Not so wild, since I just made a similar comment above! LOL! I think it's definitely a possibility and one that I would much rather see! So I'm hoping it does happen this way so the storyline is for the most part resolved by season end. *Keeping fingers crossed*
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
      It looks like the Infanity special gives us some hints about Teyla at the end of the season! Nothing huge, but I'll take anything. LOL!

      It shows them applauding Rachel as she wraps her last scene. But in that last scene, it's a still very pregnant Teyla standing next to John. It looks like they're on that inside hallway/balcony in the gateroom. So it looks like the season ends with her still pregnant. (Darn! I was hoping the storyline would be wrapped by the end of the season!) I'm happy to see her last scene is with John though! YAY! As it should be!

      The other question is what is happening in that last scene. Are they saying goodbye? Or was it just a normal conversation and Teyla will conveniently be on bed rest or city bound or some such thing for the end of her pregnancy with hopefully some small scenes filmed ahead of time for the finale. AH! So many unknowns!

      Whatever it means, glad to see John by her side!
      I have no idea how much they maybe have shot out of order..the Infanity special seems to have been done sometime in August...
      Sigs by Scifan


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        LOL. I forgot to comment on that. LOL. I was like, ?????.

        Oh man. This gonna drive me nuts all season, but I saw the same thing....
        About Kindred.So, there's a good chance that they did film out of order. Maybe John gets to deliver the baby. Major bonding.

        Hey Elf!!
        Oh man, I would pay big bucks to see a scene like that! LOL! I would be shocked if it actually happened though. Well, if we don't get it on screen, it can live on in fanfic!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          I have no idea how much they maybe have shot out of order..the Infanity special seems to have been done sometime in August...
          Yep, I said that already twice above now...
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by Doxymom View Post
            Thanks for the caps and links, you guys.

            Camy, love your sig.

            I need to make a new one, I suppose.

            Anna!!!!! I'm so glad to see you over here again. I owe you an e-mail too!


              Oh, man I HOPE these eps were shot out of order! They simply cannot leaving us hanging with the pregnancy story line at the end of the season! AHHHH!!!!!!


                Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                Oh, man I HOPE these eps were shot out of order! They simply cannot leaving us hanging with the pregnancy story line at the end of the season! AHHHH!!!!!!
                I'm thinking here that that scene that Camy mentioned was from Last man while they were shooting it, it is possible that Teyl will be in said episode but we don't know for sure, heck she could have her baby like Scifan said in either Kindred I or Kindred II, (I'm thinking the latter of those two)

                just my thoughts is all. and I too don't want to be left hanging

                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  She LEAVES?????!!!!!! WHY would she do THAT?!

                  OK Camy I think you should join me here with these four very simple words..... breathe in, breathe out (repeate as needed untuil blood pressure and pulse are back to normal)
                  Well, think about it, if she finds her
                  people in Kindred, don't you think that Teyla would feel so guilty that she would want to be there with them this time, and since she's obviously not doing much in Atlantis, I would think that she would want to go back and lead her people after everything they've been through. I could see Teyla doing this. We've already seen in several episodes so far that she really does continue to doubt her judgement about staying in Atlantis, she did it in Reunion and in DG we see that this still haunts her, not been trusted and misunderstood, and being fed by a Wraith. Teyla still feels mortified and she will feel responsible for not being there for her people, so I could see Teyla saying goodbye to John and that to me would be heartbreaking because John leaving her was horrible, but Teyla saying goodbye to him, will be a heartbreaker. It could also be significant that Rachel could have very well filmed out of order!

                  But I"m just thinking out loud here...*wink*

                  Scifan, you and me both! this is going to hurt me badly!


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Well, think about it, if she finds her
                    people in Kindred, don't you think that Teyla would feel so guilty that she would want to be there with them this time, and since she's obviously not doing much in Atlantis, I would think that she would want to go back and lead her people after everything they've been through. I could see Teyla doing this. We've already seen in several episodes so far that she really does continue to doubt her judgement about staying in Atlantis, she did it in Reunion and in DG we see that this still haunts her, not been trusted and misunderstood, and being fed by a Wraith. Teyla still feels mortified and she will feel responsible for not being there for her people, so I could see Teyla saying goodbye to John and that to me would be heartbreaking because John leaving her was horrible, but Teyla saying goodbye to him, will be a heartbreaker. It could also be significant that Rachel could have very well filmed out of order!

                    But I"m just thinking out loud here...*wink*

                    Scifan, you and me both! this is going to hurt me badly!
                    If Teyla leaves Atlantis I'm gonna be so freaking mad, though here is an idea, WHAT IF: when Teyla tells John she is leaving he actually gets on his kness begging her not to leave saying that he'll bring her people to her?
                    I think I'll need a something to breathe into now

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      All right! I have given up on trying to catch up on what has been going on in here today! My computer is either having an attitude or I get a message that the forum is down entirely! It really bites! But, hey, what are you gonna do about it? NOTHING! There is nothing you can do!
                      OT (sort of)
                      Anyway,it so killing me not knowing what the sick,twisted sense of humors the writers this season! Do not they not know that I do want to know who the father of Teyla's baby is! And, if she actually has it before the season ends! That would really suck if she doesn't have the baby before the end of S4! Because, if Scifi decide to be weenies and not pick SGA up for S5, I will be so livid! IF that happens, they can not leave us hanging like that! Come on already, I am actually wanting to see,read, hear all the spoilers...NOW! I am trying hard not to be a total spoiler geek!... Give Elfie a break and throw another little milk bone to the crowds! I am positive we will jump at the chance to find out what it is!! Who knows...maybe it is in the future like Camy mentioned in her post.Then, to go really out there, say it is future Teyla and she is with John and they do have a life in Atlantis....together. Doubtful that would is just my sick,twisted sense of humor this time!! Instead of the writers....Oh, how I wish we could just see the eps already!!
                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                        If Teyla leaves Atlantis I'm gonna be so freaking mad, though here is an idea, WHAT IF: when Teyla tells John she is leaving he actually gets on his kness begging her not to leave saying that he'll bring her people to her?
                        I think I'll need a something to breathe into now
                        Oh Girl....I LIKE YOUR THINKING! you are so right though, John would never let her leave.....never!!!


                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          All right! I have given up on trying to catch up on what has been going on in here today! My computer is either having an attitude or I get a message that the forum is down entirely! It really bites! But, hey, what are you gonna do about it? NOTHING! There is nothing you can do!
                          OT (sort of)
                          Anyway,it so killing me not knowing what the sick,twisted sense of humors the writers this season! Do not they not know that I do want to know who the father of Teyla's baby is! And, if she actually has it before the season ends! That would really suck if she doesn't have the baby before the end of S4! Because, if Scifi decide to be weenies and not pick SGA up for S5, I will be so livid! IF that happens, they can not leave us hanging like that! Come on already, I am actually wanting to see,read, hear all the spoilers...NOW! I am trying hard not to be a total spoiler geek!... Give Elfie a break and throw another little milk bone to the crowds! I am positive we will jump at the chance to find out what it is!! Who knows...maybe it is in the future like Camy mentioned in her post.Then, to go really out there, say it is future Teyla and she is with John and they do have a life in Atlantis....together. Doubtful that would is just my sick,twisted sense of humor this time!! Instead of the writers....Oh, how I wish we could just see the eps already!!
                          Yes, but what if the writers were in fact giving us a glimpse of the end, if it was to be the end, and this would be it! Wooohoo!

                          Dangit! Camy is at it again...I hope I"m wrong but JM keep mentioning that season 5 will continue where Season 4 is going to be and that one of the arcs will continue, and which one do you think that could be??????


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            Oh Girl....I LIKE YOUR THINKING! you are so right though, John would never let her leave.....never!!!
                            He'd stn her and put her in the brig if he has too, in fact that actually might happen in my NaNoWriMo novel

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              That's my biggest fear too, Elffie that things won't get resolved with her arc and that there won't be a Season 5...I CAN"T FREAKING WAIT TILL A MOVIE COMES OUT TWO YEARS FROM NOW!!!!!

                              I'm not upset, really guys...don't worry about me, I just had huge dose of sugar!!!!


                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                Yes, but what if the writers were in fact giving us a glimpse of the end, if it was to be the end, and this would be it! Wooohoo!

                                Dangit! Camy is at it again...I hope I"m wrong but JM keep mentioning that season 5 will continue where Season 4 is going to be and that one of the arcs will continue, and which one do you think that could be??????
                                hmmm.... I am thinking..... Teyla/John/baby continues, then if there is no season six..... we are fine we have the tidy end to the whole JT/Baby storyline and we are basically set

                                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress

