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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    Tries to console sanssong
    No, I cannot be consoled! I will waste away to nothing lost in the memory of Ronon the way he used to be!!!!!


      Originally posted by sanssong View Post
      No, I cannot be consoled! I will waste away to nothing lost in the memory of Ronon the way he used to be!!!!!
      Well okay,,,, hrmm well then it might seem you have to cut out his hair of a large pic and stick to his head on your TV... hrmm no that might be odd...never mind
      Sigs by Scifan


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        A Stargate Halloween Part 5

        Sheppard's eyes blinked furiously as he stared up, confused, at the faces of his friends. He lifted his head and felt Teyla's reassuring hand hold him steady.

        "What happened?" he asked hazily, the fog obscuring his vision becoming more and more prominent.

        "We do not know, Colonel. You simply rose and fell. Are you feeling ill?" He could hear Teyla's voice but her face was just a blurb of kalediescopic colors.

        "I...I dont know. Its my eyes...I guess I'm just really, really...tired," he said stuttering slightly as he raised a hand to wipe futiley at his eyes.

        The Count, who had also risen from the table with the others, began to speak as his hands slicked back his greasy salt and pepper hair on either side of his head with cool unwavering hands. "Well, I simply insist you remain here as our guests. We have rooms already prepared and we would honored if you chose to stay. The weather outside will be quite horrendous I'm afraid for at least another twelve hours, so please, let us take the good Colonel to his room."

        He clapped his hands again loudly and the butler came rushing into the room already prepared to lead their guests to their quarters.

        Ronon and Teyla exchanged dubious glances but Sheppard sealed their fate with, "We really appreciate it, Count."

        And so the four of them said good night to the Count, whose plastered smile seemed darker and wider than ever with his nostrils flaring and black eyes flashing as he gave them a curt bow and nod and walked off the way he came just as the obscenely fat cook reemerged, wedging herself through the door once again and began clearing their plates with her ridiculously chubby fists.

        Ronon and Teyla placed Sheppards arms around each of their shoulders and walked him back into the foyer with Rodney in tow and up a ridiculously steep and long flight of stairs that led deep into the belly of the magnificent house.


        With the butler waiting just outside the door, Teyla and Ronon placed the Colonel gently into the extremely oversized luxury bed with silky sheets and a four poster overhang that dropped fancily across all four sides. Ronon removed his shoes, tossing them carelessly to the floor while Teyla pressed a hand to his clammy forehead, feeling for signs of something wrong.

        "I'm fine, you guys..." he said quietly, his eyes still shut. "Its just my eyes is all...After some sleep, I'll be fine..."

        Ronon sighed and shook his head as he began to leave the room but Teyla lingered for a moment, warily eyeing the Colonel lying motionless amid the ocean of bed linens.

        She joined the others in the hall and found her room to be only right next door, while Rodney's and Ronon's were quite a ways down the echoing hall.

        Once in her exquisitely ornate room, she removed her jacket and hung it neatly across the back of a chair that faced a gigantic mirror, stretched evenly over a well stocked vanity. She stared at her reflection for a moment, before dousing the light and climbing into her own bed, the lightning bolts illuminating the room from outside her towering windows.

        About an hour had passed since her eyes had closed and slumber had whisked her away from her worried thoughts of Colonel Sheppard or the endless pattering of rain on her windowsill. Something cold ran across her skin and she awoke suddenly with a short gasp and sat upright, her trained eyes quickly scanning the room for an unseen occupants.


        She threw back her covers and began peering behind the larger objects in the room, convinced something was here with her, something cold and hidden.

        Her hand caught a whisp of coldness as she passed her fingers slightly over a carving across the mantle of the large unlit fireplace, a carving in the shape of a serpent.

        Prodding with her fingers, she pressed the indent gently and to her surprise, the fireplace began to move backwards, revealing a large hole in the wall behind.

        Curiousity settled nicely on her shoulders as she gingerly stepped inside after reaching over to her belt and slipping out the thin flashlight all the team member carried there.

        Three steps inside revealed nothing except a hollow tunnel, but the fifth and sixth step sounded strange beneath her feet and as she looked down and she momentarily stopped breathing at the sight beneath her bare feet as the fast whoosh of the fireplace slamming silently back in place swept her hair into her open mouth.
        You're too good at suspence woman!!
        That is so funny with the lady wedging herself through the door.
        And What's Wrong With Shep!!! I hope your next update is soon.


          Originally posted by sanssong View Post
          *wails in dispair* Jason can't cut his dreads off!!!!!! He won't be Ronon anymore!!!!!! I will be desolate.
          That's the rumor.

          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          Thanks for the congrats scifan

          Thanks for the J/T small vids and dancing Shep
          You're welcome Nina.

          Originally posted by sanssong View Post
          No, I cannot be consoled! I will waste away to nothing lost in the memory of Ronon the way he used to be!!!!!
          Well my thought that maybe he cut it because of the baby and who know what great job the make up department can do if they pick up season 5. Great example is Rachel's wig for Teyla. It gets better and better all the time.

          Thanks Jess!! Off the edit now.


            Just your friendly nagging reminder to post all this great fic on John Teyla Convergence! Let's keep all our John/Teyla fic in our very own archive! If you need the link, just click on my banner. And if you need help in uploading, let me know and I can do it for you.


              *lol* I little friendly shoving sanssong,,, have you been able to find out about my vid...where it has dissapeared to??
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                Just your friendly nagging reminder to post all this great fic on John Teyla Convergence! Let's keep all our John/Teyla fic in our very own archive! If you need the link, just click on my banner. And if you need help in uploading, let me know and I can do it for you.
                Ok Suz. I'll try to post some today.


                  Thanks alot guys!!!!

                  Nina - Congrats on 7000 and all other milestones I missed!!!


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    Thanks alot guys!!!!

                    Nina - Congrats on 7000 and all other milestones I missed!!!
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Congrats WP on 700 posts!!!


                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

                        YAh!!!! ELf's got her PB back.
                        Hey Elf.

                        It's been awhile since I was on JTC and I forgot my password. I got a new one in my email, but that one is not working either. Can you help.


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          Linda, thanks for awesome caps, they are beautiful.
                          I'll try to update tonight after kids go to bed. Sorry you'll be in bed too.

                          These caps are awesome!!!

                          LOL. I would wanting to Sqeee loud too.

                          I love your MP and yes I see your sig.

                          Congrats Camy on 10,300!!!!!



                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            YAh!!!! ELf's got her PB back.
                            Hey Elf.

                            It's been awhile since I was on JTC and I forgot my password. I got a new one in my email, but that one is not working either. Can you help.

                            Hey Y'all! I'm trying to catch on my ditto's for Dancin' Joe's I owe! There are a lot of them too!! I'm doing it while my PB is cooperatin' with me!! So, I am afraid there is going to be an overload of Dancin' Joe's! I hope none of y'all get offended by all the Dancin' Joe's! I mean really, can we ever get tired of 'em..
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                              Hey Y'all! I'm trying to catch on my ditto's for Dancin' Joe's I owe! There are a lot of them too!! I'm doing it while my PB is cooperatin' with me!! So, I am afraid there is going to be an overload of Dancin' Joe's! I hope none of y'all get offended by all the Dancin' Joe's! I mean really, can we ever get tired of 'em..

                              Bring them on Elf!!!


                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                Hey Y'all! I'm trying to catch on my ditto's for Dancin' Joe's I owe! There are a lot of them too!! I'm doing it while my PB is cooperatin' with me!! So, I am afraid there is going to be an overload of Dancin' Joe's! I hope none of y'all get offended by all the Dancin' Joe's! I mean really, can we ever get tired of 'em..
                                YAY!!! Elf and her dancin' Joes are back!
                                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain

