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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by sanssong View Post

    Very pretty! I like them all!


      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      How's this one, Crescere...


      You are WAY bad! But this one is funny as heck too. I may be forced to retaliate!


        Originally posted by sanssong View Post
        My thoughts exactly. I just trust the writers, they've not let me down yet, despite a bunch of bitter folks, saying they will.
        I know...I should too are right! It's just that this whole "soft reset" and we had no other choice but to do this scenario type of thing...not to mention that I've yet to see a
        pregnancy story done right on TV for a duo


          Originally posted by sanssong View Post

          You are WAY bad! But this one is funny as heck too. I may be forced to retaliate!

          Oh, gosh, Suz...the damn thing is's the link.


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            I know...I should too are right! It's just that this whole "soft reset" and we had no other choice but to do this scenario type of thing...not to mention that I've yet to see a
            pregnancy story done right on TV for a duo
            Meh... I'm not worried about that either. Yeah, it may be cheezy and aggravating at times, we ARE talking about guys writing about pregnancy, but I still say that the end result will be something we'll be happy about.


              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              How's this one, Crescere...

              Excellent! (If only all resistance could be this artful...) I don't see Ronon playing hard to get...impossible to get is more like it. This cap is a tribute to that practice Five stars to you!


                Originally posted by Crescere View Post
                Excellent! (If only all resistance could be this artful...) I don't see Ronon playing hard to get...impossible to get is more like it. This cap is a tribute to that practice Five stars to you!
                Nah... I don't think so.
                I'm pretty sure he was scheming with John in DG to get a little one on one attention from the beautiful new doc! It was too dang cute, and it's obvious to me that he's interested.




                    You both should visit the Galleria...and Steph too!


                      Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                      Nah... I don't think so.
                      I'm pretty sure he was scheming with John in DG to get a little one on one attention from the beautiful new doc! It was too dang cute, and it's obvious to me that he's interested.
                      You're absolutely right, but I know that if Ronon... He isn't one for games. He's either there or doing the impossible to get thing. However, you've seen DG so you know he is there. *sigh* I can't wait to see the ep!


                        Originally posted by Camy View Post


                        Some of these were scattered..don't know if you have these...but I think this is it for now!

                        Oh Camy, these are gorgeous!!!! Thank you!!! A few of them I was already using, but I got three more new ones from here, so that's perfect! Thank you!!
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by Camy View Post

                          You both should visit the Galleria...and Steph too!
                          LOL, LOL, LOL, these are all hilarious! You are the master! I'll check out Galleria as well! Cool!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Gotta go to bed but just wanted to say Camy, Steph and Suz You guys are really pumping me up for this season!!!.
                            I can't wait to see how all these obsticles they are putting between John and Teyla brings them closer together!

                            By the way Camy, i'm loving your MP!!!. This one in particular had me cracking up! LOL!

                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            You guys are just too funny!.

                            Sig by Camy


                              Camy you're insane!
                              I'm a R/J shipper and proud, but these were hilarious Crazy person.

                              I'm finally ready to cast my vote - I'm going for Quarantine. So I'd advise anyone else who's chosen that ep to switch...

                              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                                Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                                Everything is under the cut, cause it ALL be spoilers!

                                I thought the hug was one of the shippy highlights of the ep. It was so beautifully done with the writers setting up the moment with each of the grieving separately and then seeking the other out! God, that was just amazingly tender and beautiful. Anyone who can look at that and NOT see how much these two depend on each other and care for each other is completely ingoring the facts. The hug itself was very emotional with John trying to come to terms with his roll in Kate's death and as others have said before, making himself accept Teyla's comfort. It was very well done by Joe F. I think if he had just grabbed onto Teyla right away we wouldn't have felt John's sense of guilt and loss so keenly as we did. These two have taken a giant step in their emotional evolution and it's making me giddy to think about it. No wonder the anti's and the other ship were spinning their brains out, this was colateral damage for them and then some.

                                The other moments were the teasing, yes, the beginning when she went with him to make sure he was okay, the dream, which I'm still trying to assimliate... You're right the list is endless! I'm in ship overload at the moment trying to assimliate it all!

                                Just seen Doppelganger!!!! My thoughts on the JT stuff...

                                Excellent episode and it gets better the more you watch it... The JT moments pretty much started from the moment the ep began.. John getting thrown back by the entity and Teyla being the first to go to his aid... I loved how she hung around in the infirmary to see if he was ok... I'm still trying to work out Teyla's nightmare. On first impression... the fact that she is having dinner with John (alone) shows that she has thought about them being together in a personal way.... I got the overall feeling that she is afraid of anyone finding out... especially John.. because she is still unsure of how he feels about her... she seemed almost panicked when Ronan came into her nightmare. Her biggest fear is ADMITTING how much she cares for John and possibly being rejected.
                                So she is really shaken the next day... she was conflicted.. her dream/nightmare had confirmed her biggest fear.. or so she thought.. so she didnt know how to respond to John when she saw him at breakfast. She was obviously so upset by her nightmare that she even sought out Kate... and the first thing Kate tells her is to confront her feelings about John ... YAY!! If John was just a friend and ment no more to her than Rodney or Ronan, would be thinking about him at all in a personal way.. so why would evil entity Shep be bringing us these things... he has picked up that she has personal feelings towards John and tries to use them against her.. hehe Bad evil Sheppy Now to the HUG!! Yowsa.... this was not awkward in any way. You have to look at the circumstances... both of them AGAIN thinking of each other.. BOTH go to see each other at the same time.... John because he is filled with guilt and Teyla because she is devastated at the loss of her friend... but why go to John... why not Ronan or Rodney if they are all just FRIENDS... because John is more than a friend. She went into his arms with ease ... this is not the action of just one friend to another.... I really cannot see Teyla holding ANYONE else like this except John. The poor guy was full of mixed feelings... wondering if Teyla even wanted to see him and feeling guilty about Kates death... so sure, he was hesitant in a way.. he didnt think Teyla would even want to see him, yet alone hug him... If you look at the expression on his face.. it was of sadness and torment and that was reflected in the way he responded to the hug... but he still held her.. and very tenderly.. so to those who way that this was arkward and that John was uncomfortable .. I'll say hogwash!! Loads more goodies in this ep... alll over an excellent character piece and one that I will watch over and over.. and that alone is a change from season three.. there were very few eps in season three that I want to watch over and over...

