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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Wow, I dissappear for eighteen hours and you guys have already burned through more pages. My favorite SHEYLA moment was not the kiss (Don't burn me yet) but when Teyla's aiming her P90 at him and says, "Do not make me do this." Then as he stares at her for a minute and then turns away. It's so SHEYLA! The key to that epiode's SHEYLA is that he couldn't attack her, not even when he wasn't right in the head. He did attack Weir however. SHEYLA FOREVER! Can we be called a cult? Seriously, I'm not kidding. Could someone make a wallpaper of that moment for me, I lack all artistic abilities, and in response to anyone else's remarks about my schoolwork... (camy) it's highschool, not college. College comes next years. **RUNS FOR LIFE**
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      Originally posted by WitchBlade007
      Logically i know they can't get together and be all lovey dovey...but a girl can hope....

      What i'd really like to see more maybe more personal they do anything other than spar together?....the personal time doesn't have to be in your face taking up the whole episode or anything just a hint here and there i can deal with...maybe more insight of where TPTB are really know if they really are going to ship these two...the flirting, looks...increase them...instead of it looking like teasing how it is right now...put some more feeling behind it...and a KISS...plz oh plz...have one where they're both their right minds and both participating....Does this sound like a soap or is it me?....

      Really just expand on their relationship i want to see development....

      I may come up with more specifics later...we'll see.....

      ok gonna search up some more pics.....

      Yes, most definitely more time devoted to their relationship, especially since it's been downplayed so greatly in this season. There was alot of interaction between the two of them in the first season (the whole Bates incident) and just how closely they worked together. Now, on the missions Teyla hangs with Ronon all the time and McKay ends up with Sheppard. Disappoints me every time this happens.
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        Originally posted by Camy are too good to me...thanks...

        Hey, now that we know we have a season 3 what would you like to see happening with our favorite duo..? Do you think we will get anything specific? The season's last episode, Allies is supposed to be a cliffhanger...I really hate those...!

        I so hope 'Allies' has something to do with Teyla introducing someone to the Atlantis team and they trust Teyla so they agree to help. (I doubt that this is going to happen but...I can wish)

        I'm not sure what is in store for Shep and Teyla, perhaps our Trinity II hopes will come true.

        I silently wish for someone in Teyla's past will resurface who has feelings for her just to make Shep a little protective and jealous!


          Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
          Wow, I dissappear for eighteen hours and you guys have already burned through more pages. My favorite SHEYLA moment was not the kiss (Don't burn me yet) but when Teyla's aiming her P90 at him and says, "Do not make me do this." Then as he stares at her for a minute and then turns away. It's so SHEYLA! The key to that epiode's SHEYLA is that he couldn't attack her, not even when he wasn't right in the head. He did attack Weir however. SHEYLA FOREVER! Can we be called a cult? Seriously, I'm not kidding. Could someone make a wallpaper of that moment for me, I lack all artistic abilities, and in response to anyone else's remarks about my schoolwork... (camy) it's highschool, not college. College comes next years. **RUNS FOR LIFE**

          If you want some terrific wallpaper...go plead and beg the wonderful Whistler to help you out. She is FANTASTIC!!!!

          Right now she is designing a cover page for Camy's scrapbook. It's posted on the Teyla Appreciation Thread. You so should go check it out!


            Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
            Wow, I dissappear for eighteen hours and you guys have already burned through more pages. My favorite SHEYLA moment was not the kiss (Don't burn me yet) but when Teyla's aiming her P90 at him and says, "Do not make me do this." Then as he stares at her for a minute and then turns away. It's so SHEYLA! The key to that epiode's SHEYLA is that he couldn't attack her, not even when he wasn't right in the head. He did attack Weir however. SHEYLA FOREVER! Can we be called a cult? Seriously, I'm not kidding. Could someone make a wallpaper of that moment for me, I lack all artistic abilities, and in response to anyone else's remarks about my schoolwork... (camy) it's highschool, not college. College comes next years. **RUNS FOR LIFE**
            Oh that is a good moment...It was great that even in his altered mind he couldn't hurt her...he just simply walked/ran away...It's as if he knew she wouldn't shoot him but that he couldn't stay and make the mistake of actually hurting her...the whole part where he's about to walk back down steps...I doubt he was going to attack her....and the look on his face....
            AND..more importantly she was way closer to him when he was scalling up the wall...but he jumps?...over her and attacks the rest of the crew....

            R.I.P Wraithlord

            Awesome sig by SciFan


              Originally posted by AthosianGirl
              I so hope 'Allies' has something to do with Teyla introducing someone to the Atlantis team and they trust Teyla so they agree to help. (I doubt that this is going to happen but...I can wish)
              I'm hoping the same...but who knows...we don't always get what we want... ..I think this idea would definitely show more of Teyla's character and her relationship with the Team and maybe Shep...

              I silently wish for someone in Teyla's past will resurface who has feelings for her just to make Shep a little protective and jealous!
              Oh that is devious..... ....but GREAT idea..... ....that would be so much fun to see.....I can just see the looks passing between them.....

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                I so hope 'Allies' has something to do with Teyla introducing someone to the Atlantis team and they trust Teyla so they agree to help. (I doubt that this is going to happen but...I can wish)

                I'm not sure what is in store for Shep and Teyla, perhaps our Trinity II hopes will come true.

                I silently wish for someone in Teyla's past will resurface who has feelings for her just to make Shep a little protective and jealous!

                Ohh yes, great idea. There was one story I was reading on FanFiction that had something very similar to that, unfortunately, they had Teyla get together with Ronon at the end. You can imagine my reation! Anyway, up until that moment, Sheppard was purely in character, not to mention it was narrowed down with the John S. Teyla E. parameters. ARRG! I HATE THAT! If anyone's read Inner Demons, you know what I'm talking about.

                Oh yeah, hey Camy, read your story on Unique Bond, look forward to sending you a pretty review once I see it on Fanfic, since I can't figure out Unique Bond (mainly from a lack of trying!)
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                  It would be especially good if it promted SHEYLA for us. The looks, or maybe just the return of the Sheppard and Teyla interaction that so predominated the first season. If they have to bring Ford back to do it, THEN SCIFI BETTER QUIT WASTING TIME.
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                    Oh Look girls...he's looking at her....AGAIN....

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      And they're talking.....

                      R.I.P Wraithlord

                      Awesome sig by SciFan


                        Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                        Oh Look girls...he's looking at her....AGAIN....

                        and she's not looking at him...

                        now we need a picture where Teyla's looking at Shep and he's doesn't see her


                          AthosianGirl....all for you.....there's one on the previous page...Teyla's looking at him and he's smiling as if he knows she's looking...

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                            Why Thank you WitchBlade...those looks are so cute. Have to back and check out the other one...I cannot believe I missed it


                              Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                              I so hope 'Allies' has something to do with Teyla introducing someone to the Atlantis team and they trust Teyla so they agree to help. (I doubt that this is going to happen but...I can wish)

                              I'm not sure what is in store for Shep and Teyla, perhaps our Trinity II hopes will come true.

                              I silently wish for someone in Teyla's past will resurface who has feelings for her just to make Shep a little protective and jealous!

                              Oh, this would be so cool! Teyla with a hottie and Shep all jealous...could someone write a fic on this? love this idea!


                                Saddest part is, that those pics are all from the one episode in season one I never saw. I wasn't home the first time and the recorder screwed up, then the second time I wasn't home and I forgot to set the recorder!!!!! I hate that when that happens. I've got to get around to ordering those DVDs. Then I can pour over hours of footage and analyze it way beyond sense and reason for any and all traces of possible relationship moments. (That's pathetic, I know) And witchblade, we're not all girls! Thought yes, he was looking at her. (We all know it) I just wish we'd see it on the show. And that's my only complaint, I'm a total Atlantis buff, I can't get enough. The episode always ends and I'm never done.
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