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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I agree MrsB..

    I think I would have enjoyed any scenario about his father and his past. I really believe that his father has had the MOST influence on him .. and even possibly his mother. But I can't see a relationship failing being the reason that Shep is so closed with his emotions. I think he was never allowed to express them and this stemmed from his childhood. Probably the type of scenario that you have written above. His father gave orders and expected them to be obeyed, but Shep being the stubburn little buggar he was as a youngin... didn't always obey his father and this may have caused them to grow apart as John got older. This kind of thing would give me some insight into the man .. but throwing in woman left right and centre.. sorry don't tell me anything and all it does is show Shep to be kind of a shallow person who hides behind his flippant nature and his flirting. But I think it's time the writers got past this type of thing now... John is all grown up and even though drop dead gorgeous, doesn't need to be smitten with every female that comes his way, or have every female smitten with him.
    I know we have no idea what will occur between him and the ex and it could just be a brief appearance by her, but I just don't see the need at all for us to go there. So Shep is bad at relationships.. that probably stemmed from his upbringing and he couldnt relate to her ... or express his feelings... whatever... we know this already and Teyla has already helped John to express these feelings a little more and let us see what is behind the layers.

    But again hopefully all we will get is some closure on that part of Shep's life and it will make him more aware of how short life is, and that he should grab the opportunity of telling someone he cares about them.. before it's too late.
    But the overall theme of the Larrins, ex wife and smitten princesses kinda tell me that John won't be expressing those feelings in season four... possibly feelings of deep friendship and caring but not anything romantic.


      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      I agree MrsB..

      I think I would have enjoyed any scenario about his father and his past. I really believe that his father has had the MOST influence on him .. and even possibly his mother. But I can't see a relationship failing being the reason that Shep is so closed with his emotions. I think he was never allowed to express them and this stemmed from his childhood. Probably the type of scenario that you have written above. His father gave orders and expected them to be obeyed, but Shep being the stubburn little buggar he was as a youngin... didn't always obey his father and this may have caused them to grow apart as John got older. This kind of thing would give me some insight into the man .. but throwing in woman left right and centre.. sorry don't tell me anything and all it does is show Shep to be kind of a shallow person who hides behind his flippant nature and his flirting. But I think it's time the writers got past this type of thing now... John is all grown up and even though drop dead gorgeous, doesn't need to be smitten with every female that comes his way, or have every female smitten with him.
      I know we have no idea what will occur between him and the ex and it could just be a brief appearance by her, but I just don't see the need at all for us to go there. So Shep is bad at relationships.. that probably stemmed from his upbringing and he couldnt relate to her ... or express his feelings... whatever... we know this already and Teyla has already helped John to express these feelings a little more and let us see what is behind the layers.

      But again hopefully all we will get is some closure on that part of Shep's life and it will make him more aware of how short life is, and that he should grab the opportunity of telling someone he cares about them.. before it's too late.
      But the overall theme of the Larrins, ex wife and smitten princesses kinda tell me that John won't be expressing those feelings in season four... possibly feelings of deep friendship and caring but not anything romantic.
      I can't believe you don't write fic, Blue. You gotta try it man, you express your thoughts extremely well.

      Anyways, I feel like a broken record but I agree. I betcha the bond that John and Teyla first formed, regardless of attraction, was stronger than anything John ever knew. Because he related to her as a friend and probably more so than he ever did before since she was a female and he opened up with his feelings a little bit more than he probably would with a male.

      It's time they took Shep to the next level emotionally. We've seen him for three seasons be charming and all, now its time to show some depth behind the character. but I gues we'll just have to see if anyone agrees with us. At least we dont have to wait too long lol

      And yes, I would think theres ALOT about his family that made him the way he is. I will still hope his father is in it though, even though you said JM said probably not.


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

        I hope so too! 22 DAYS! SDQUEEEEEEE!
        Does any of you happen to remember some of the words for the 20 word challenge or whatever Camy put up for us to do? I am actually trying to do more than 3 MP's today. I noticed that I have been only doing three on each Thursday.I have some ideas for dialog but, I was as to what the word challenges are.
        Camy posted the words on Beya if you want to take a look.


          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

          Camy posted the words on Beya if you want to take a look.
          Thanks Scifan! Alright, Y'all will have to let me know what you think. I took one
          cap and have three different takes on it for 3 separate MP's. I posted them in
          the Galleria..
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Sometimes posters overreact and say things they don't mean.. I wouldn't take much notice of him..
            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
            Thanks so much guys. I'm glad I feel like part of the family in here

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Congrats Padme on 600 posts!!!

              Congrats Linda on 1200 posts!!!

              And dancing Shep,how did you know that Submersion was one of my fave eps

              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
              OK here is chapter one of Lost and Wounded

              "So, any idea what you might want to bring back to the city?" John asked Teyla, he knew that every now and again Teyla would find something, or make something on the mainland that she'd want to bring home to the City. John smiled as he spoke, making Teylas face go beet red.

              "Well, perhaps so...." there came a creaking noise from thr back part of the jumper. Causing both of them to look back there.

              "What was that?" John asked looking on the HUD only to see everything fuzzy, "Something worng, Teyla can you check the main conduit area and see if something burned out?" John started to have to struggle with the controls

              Teyla nodded and got up from her seat nd went to the back part and start looking around to see wjhat happened. a few seconds later the bulkhead doors slammed shut, John turned around when Teyla banged on the door. "Teyla?" John hit the seal to open the door.... nothing happened, "Teyla? Can you hear me?"

              Teyla got on her radio, the lights had gone out, "Yes John i can hear you, the door is sealed I cannot open it." Her voice sounded worried.

              "I can't open it on this end either," there came a creak from the back part of the Jumper again, "Teyla, are you by chance opening the back hatch?"

              Teyla didn't answer, she just stared at the slowly growing line of whiteness in the back part of the Jumper as the ramp slowly opened, they were about a hundred or so feet above the tree line and Teyla was then pulled by the rushing wind out of the Jumper as John tried to control both himself and the failing Jumper.

              John tried frantic as ever to keep the Jumper steady, only he was just barely able to keep it on its heading, the open ramp hit a tree and made the jumper go into a nosedive, then it cartwheeled twice and came to a stop, thankfully throwing John free after the second cartwheel. The Jumper left a path of total destruction.

              After getting pulled out of the Jumper Teyla first hit her back against a tree with a very sickening CRACK, the brach then snappen and she headed for the ground, landing with a very loud and very muddy splash unable to move because of the shock of hitting the tree, Teyla sank into the thin yet watery mud.


              Rodney looked at his watch, "They shoulda been here an hour ago what's taking them so long?" he had gone to the mainland to help set up a power planet from the thermal energey station far below the water of the planet. he had hoped to have the thing up and running for the Athosians on the mainland so they had power.

              "It is quite possible that Teyla Emmagan and Col Sheppard were waylaid." Halling said, he didn't say what type of waylaid he meant but he had seen the way the two people he called his friends looked at the other.

              "They're coming from the city not from another planet." Rodney said snarky sounding, then he saw what Halling meant, "Possible" was all he said in a very thoughtful sounding voice.

              He and Halling had turned to go into a tent when they heard the sounds of a Jumper crashing, Rodney looked to Halling "did you hear that?" it was not just them that heard the sound the whole camp heard.

              Halling shouted over to a fellow older looking man, "Keep everyone here, we will need weapons, and most likely dressings for wounds, hurry" Halling looked ot Rodney, who was setting his laptop on a stool and taking out his 9mm handgun and making sure it was loaded, he also made sure he had a second clip, Halling thought that Rodney was just being safe then sorry.

              "Ready?" Rodney asked Halling who nodded when two other men appeared to help the pair find out what happened, "get some tourches too we need to see where we are going." Rodney was partly right as the evening hours were drawing near and sometimes the forset was so thick with trees that it got dark in the woods before the rest of the planet got dark.


              John slowly woke up, he was on his back, looking at the ever darkening sky, 'what the hell? What happened?' he wondered trying to move, only to have a shot of pain lace through him, 'OK John no moving you are hurt, how bad?' John felt himself over and found a good sized piece of tree sticking out of his leg and another piece of thorn sticking out of his ribcage, 'Hurt but alive, check, smashed up Jumper..... check.... Teyla?' John looked around, he did't see Teyla anywhere, "Teyla?!"

              Teyla was missing..... and most likely badly hurt.
              awwww,if only i stayed on a few more minutes last night,abywho awesome whumpy whumpy!!

              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Linda & Elf - Thanks for taking over the "awesomes" while I was quiet today!! lol

              Congrats on milestone Linda and anyone else!!
              No problemo MrsB,that's what we're here for,Elf took over the smileys when i wasn't here!

              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
              Yeah, I'll try. Maybe I'll think of something and make it *gasp* three paragraphs!
              Remember when I said I wasn't really a shipper? LOL You guys are working on it, but don't rush things! I'm really more of a tomboy than anything, I don't think I could write "mush" very well. Maybe when I'm older. . .

              You don't have to make it mushy,it could be nice and sweet withoput it being too mushy,hey we have something in common,i'm more of a tomboy too....So are we slowly converting you to a fully fledged JT shipper yet!


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                CONGRATS LINDA ON 1200 POSTS!

                WOOHOO,i got my JT kiss!


                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  Thanks so much guys. I'm glad I feel like part of the family in here
                  That was just so wrong to say aweful things like that. Sorry that they hurt you.


                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    And dancing Shep,how did you know that Submersion was one of my fave eps

                    awwww,if only i stayed on a few more minutes last night,abywho awesome whumpy whumpy!!

                    No problemo MrsB,that's what we're here for,Elf took over the smileys when i wasn't here!

                    You don't have to make it mushy,it could be nice and sweet withoput it being too mushy,hey we have something in common,i'm more of a tomboy too....So are we slowly converting you to a fully fledged JT shipper yet!
                    LOL. I didn't, but I laugh evey time I see that clip. LOL I'm glad that I picked a good clip for you.


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      WOOHOO,i got my JT kiss!
                      Glad you liked it! I love the clip that small! It makes seems they are kissing way
                      more than once..

                      That as close to artwork you will get from Elf!
                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        LOL. I didn't, but I laugh evey time I see that clip. LOL I'm glad that I picked a good clip for you.
                        I laugh too! Poor Teyla trying to concentrate with the boys that won't be quiet
                        because, they so concerned and worried for her..
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          That was just so wrong to say aweful things like that. Sorry that they hurt you.
                          thankfully we are even now so it is OK, that and I had a good night of sleep for once (my fanfic muse went to bed before I did but it did wake me up 12 hours after I nodded off)

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                            I laugh too! Poor Teyla trying to concentrate with the boys that won't be quiet
                            because, they so concerned and worried for her..
                            I love that pitiful look on John's face. I guess that's why I had to make a MP with it.

                            MrsB. I can't wait for you to see them all. I hope your day goes better. Maybe MrB will be nice and get you a stress reliever. A snickers bar maybe.


                              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                              thankfully we are even now so it is OK, that and I had a good night of sleep for once (my fanfic muse went to bed before I did but it did wake me up 12 hours after I nodded off)
                              I'm glad you're feeling better.


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                I love that pitiful look on John's face. I guess that's why I had to make a MP with it.

                                MrsB. I can't wait for you to see them all. I hope your day goes better. Maybe MrB will be nice and get you a stress reliever. A snickers bar maybe.
                                I like those little fruity like candies from Earth Shep maneged to get the Daedalus Crew to get him a few boxes of the candy for me... it comes in a red or purple pack/bag and I forget the name.

                                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress

