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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
    Yeah! Internal celebrating going on here!I actually found out how to post my first fanfic.

    Thanks Camy for the heads up, I posted at Uniquebond.

    It's sappy, I admit to that but I just couldn't help myself.

    I am speechless...You almost made me cry! Seriously..this is beautiful! Such emotion, such passion, such honesty....I haven't seen that in too many of the stories..and you know what I love the most...I can see this happening in the real series..I can see John actually saying and feeling this way..and I can certainly see that Teyla would feel very concerned about how John feels leaving his things behind on Earth...
    Great Job...You girls are soooooooooooooo good at this...You are the ones to blame for getting me hooked! Now you must feed my appetite...keep writing...ALL of you!
    Great piece of writing have the GIFT~


      Originally posted by Camy
      Okay...I'm confused
      First, you can never dissapoint me...not by what you have written so far, anyways..I'm pretty flexible and frankly anything about J/T is good for me...I am not picky at all....about them anyways... are going to post in awhile, a story, you mean? or you are not going to post for awhile, here?

      I do hope you mean a story, 'cause I love when you post here...and we need to keep this thread up...Can you believe it was on the third page...
      OH no no....i'll be posting here for awhile...until u guys get sick of me....and boot me out... ....I meant it might be a while before i update that particular story....

      Third page you say?'s not fair...

      R.I.P Wraithlord

      Awesome sig by SciFan


        Originally posted by Purpleyin
        Well the Stargate Fan Awards 2005 results are up and there was a S/T fic that won an award.

        I think this is the one! Had a little trouble finding it so I thought I post for everyone else...Not quite my type of story....Laughed at the end though...I thought that was the best part..His interpretation, her interpretation...though I must say...well written, but I have read others that I thought were better...Still, very good story...wish one of J/T would have one the romantic category! Oh, well....

        Here's the link....


          Originally posted by WitchBlade007
          OH no no....i'll be posting here for awhile...until u guys get sick of me....and boot me out... ....I meant it might be a while before i update that particular story....

          Third page you say?'s not fair...

          Phew! Good to hear you say that...I will patiently wait for the update...That's the hard part though...I go mostly to and to and most people there forget to update their stories or abandoned sad!


            Originally posted by Camy
            Phew! Good to hear you say that...I will patiently wait for the update...That's the hard part though...I go mostly to and to and most people there forget to update their stories or abandoned sad!
            That's very true...It's one of the reasons i dont post my fanfics helter skelter....I'm very much use to i've posted them there...that way i won't forget to update...and i don't dissapoint anyone...since i myself don't like it when someone leaves off in the middle of a story....

            R.I.P Wraithlord

            Awesome sig by SciFan


              Originally posted by Camy
              Okay, who doesn't love this...what girl doesn't sit next to her man's favorite sport game...It's like a date! a bad one for the girl but nevertheless, you are sharing what your man loves...I just love this pic....When I read Snogging's story Movie Night...this is the scene that comes to my mind!
              Love it!

              Loved this scene...saw it today on the syndication... ...Teyla is so interesting in what he loves it sooo cute...Even though i also thought the scene when he's telling the story, and Teyla gives him this oh so amused/cute smile when he says football is a man's sport....

              Now this, has two reasons for me posting it here...
              First..Look at that face...OH, do you not just LOVE that face...I know I do...
              Second, this is the scene from Suspicion, when he sends Teyla off with Ford and she was hesistant and finally leaves with Ford and John is looking back at them...and this face is just postcard face..this is the one that they use in the credits during the first season...It's what does this face tell you....Don't you think this shows how concerned and worried he is about Teyla? letting her go with Ford...What do you guys think? Please tell me what you think about this look.....I have to know that I am not seeing things or that I am seeing things...
              I see this pic and I just melt!

              Okay, I hope you guys enjoy this...
              I don't think you're seeing things...

              That is a worried look if i'd ever seen one...He's got wrinkles on his forehead just shows how hard he's thinking...and his eyes...they don't look like the normal laughing eyes he normally has...It's definitely a concerned look....

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                WitchBlade007]Loved this scene...saw it today on the syndication... ...Teyla is so interesting in what he loves it sooo cute...Even though i also thought the scene when he's telling the story, and Teyla gives him this oh so amused/cute smile when he says football is a man's sport....
                Witchblade..I am trying to figure out what channel in my area are the syndication episodes playing....I can't figure it out...Where are you? Are you in the Northeast? Is anyone in the Northeast area that can tell me where they are playing the syndication episodes? I want to watch them as well..but I can't find it...

                I just love their pics together...whether shippy or not...I just can't help but see their attraction and how good they look together...I just love that picture of John looking back...that look just says it all...

                Anyhow, I've been reading some fanfic...before I'm off to do get sleep....and I think I just realized who you are in, I'm not much of an observant..but are you OMGIRl...if you are...I love the story First Moments...oh, you have to update soon....I can't wait to see what you write when they both confess their feelings...wonderful story...just love that last chapter...keep up the good work......


                  Okay... I am not sure if I have mentioned this already so forgive me if I am repeating myself...but I was reading some of the spoilers for the upcoming episodes and my mind started racing for some really shippy moments and I want your feedback and thoughts on this....
         the upcoming episode...Epiphany....

                  We know that this is a Shep centric episode..we know that he goes to another planet where time moves faster than in Atlantis...we know that he will be stuck there for about a year in his time in the planet, but in reality it has only been minutes in Atlantis...but, we also know that somehow, in Atlantis they know that he is stuck there and that time is moving slowly(this I am not certain about) but we do know that in Atlantis they figure out that he is stuck there because it says that Weir and Rodney start working on some of the wording or something like that (sorry, not good at these sort of details) Anyways, we also know that in this episode Teyla sings...(am I right about this one?) I have to go back and verify this, but anyways, my point...

                  If John is stuck in a planet for a year, don't you think that if he has any feelings for Teyla or even Weir, this would be the time of revelations?
                  Two, there's a girl there that will try to sway him to her ways...(I really hate these episodes) if he rejects her or seems reluctant to stay with just confirms that he is reserving his love for someone else...Now, a year later, I can understand...This reminds me of an episode in SG-1 where Jack also gets stuck in another planet and the same thing happens....and he finally falls and sleeps with the woman, and at the end he leaves and we see her feeling her stomach area...leaving us to believe that she is pregnant...Did we ever find anything else about that episode...see I lost interest in SG-1 awhile ago..with the whole Sam/Jack thing...
                  Okay, back to my point..sorry...I hope this episode isn't like that one...Jack took a long time to finally give in to this woman, but will John do the same? I mean he really jumped at the idea with Chaya...and help me here, are we to assume that he slept with Chaya? Forgive my ignorance, but I'm not quite sure...I mean we did see them come out of some quarters..he came out first and encountered Rodney and then she came out later...did they sleep together, or did they just make out in the balcony? Sickening...I hated that whole episode..not only because of Chaya but because I just never got convinced as to the whole attraction thing...

                  Okay, rambling you think that we will have even the slightest glimpse as to what John feels for any of the woman in Atlantis..and don't you think it should be proper to at least have it hinted? and second, do you think that Teyla's singing has to do with her Athosian prayers, similar to what Halling did when Jinto was missing in Hide and calling and praying for John's safety return, thus also, signifying her attraction and love for him? Or is this episode just going to be a John falling for an Ancient woman and then coming home as if nothing happened....which could very well be the latter, seeing as to how these writers like to make us suffer....
                  Any one care to humor me on this one...any thoughts?

                  One more thing...someone mentioned that John is going to play the role of Capt. Kirk..and you know what..even Rodney has mentioned Sanctuary... in the Hive there is supposed to be a young woman with him in the cell...and now in Epipany again...and I believe there are like two more episodes this second half that also come up with him flirting or hinting at some other girls...I really hate this and can't stand it if this is the direction in which they are going with his character...and it has nothing to do with me wanting him to hook up with Teyla...I just don't care to see a him...anyone else feel that this is the way that the writers are headed with this character..because if it is...then I don't want Teyla with him, not even at the end....

                  I want their relationship to grow slowly but not that he goes off and starts humping every other alien girl in the galaxy..I mean what does that mean as far as his character and his loyalty to the woman whom he cares for....and what does that translate for his character and how real and true will it be if they eventually do develop a relationship at the end...I don't know people, help me I off on a whim again...It's just that so far his character has been one of a pure, honest, truthful and devoted male figure that cares for these two women in his life and has not been able to pursue either of them because of their circumstances...I don't mind the occasional flirting, I mean, please, he is a man! It's only normal and natural...but I also see him as a one woman man, much like Jack...we hardly ever saw him with any woman...but that doesn't mean that he can't fall for another girl that comes his way, I can live with that...I just don't want him to do it with every other girl in every other episode...I know I am rambling...but this has been on my mind, and I'm just glad I let it out...please, help me....tell me what you honestly think...
                  Gosh...I bet I just got all of you sick of me!


                    Originally posted by Camy
                    Witchblade..I am trying to figure out what channel in my area are the syndication episodes playing....I can't figure it out...Where are you? Are you in the Northeast? Is anyone in the Northeast area that can tell me where they are playing the syndication episodes? I want to watch them as well..but I can't find it...
                    I see the syndication on UPN...but i think this link might help you:
                    It has a listing for all channels showing Atlantis in different locations...


                    I just love their pics together...whether shippy or not...I just can't help but see their attraction and how good they look together...I just love that picture of John looking back...that look just says it all...
                    They do look great together...i think it's their smiles...they both have such wonderful smiles...

                    Anyhow, I've been reading some fanfic...before I'm off to do get sleep....and I think I just realized who you are in, I'm not much of an observant..but are you OMGIRl...if you are...I love the story First Moments...oh, you have to update soon....I can't wait to see what you write when they both confess their feelings...wonderful story...just love that last chapter...keep up the good work......
                    Yeah that's me....Thanks...First Moments was my first Atlantis Fic...I'm aiming for an update by next weekend....u know time permits and all that...

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      WitchBlade007I see the syndication on UPN...but i think this link might help you:
                      It has a listing for all channels showing Atlantis in different locations...

                      You are the best..thanks...found it! Now I can see it....

                      They do look great together...i think it's their smiles...they both have such wonderful smiles...
                      I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees it!

                      Yeah that's me....Thanks...First Moments was my first Atlantis Fic...I'm aiming for an update by next weekend....u know time permits and all that...
                      OH, you are soo good.....I'm so lucky...SnoggingPicard, Athosiangirl and now You...that's fabulouso....! Great work...Well, I'm calling it a morning...
                      Good night!


                        Okay..just to show you guys how sick I is 4:15 in the morning..Sunday morning...I have my 5 year old sleeping next to me in the daybed in my office...and I have spent the past two hours writing my first fanfic ever! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

                        Okay...I won't devulge too much information because it will be awhile, if ever, that I actually will post this, please just bare with me and realize that this is very traumatizing for me..but very exciting as well...I don't think you people understand...the only writing that I have done have been for my thesis, my independent study (which was 35pages) and I still get nightmares about that one...and of coarse your regular college course papers...okay..that is it...I have never written anything for pure pleasure..besides what I write here of coarse, and of coarse when I was dating my husband, I would write love letters..okay! SHUT UP, Camy...

                        point being...Witchblade has graciously volunteered...but, I need another volunteer to be honestly truthful to my first chapter...I don't want sympathy, I don't want sweet talk, I want an honest critique that will tell me, "get another hobby", "you are much better at reading fanfic and critiquing", "you are a much better reader than a writer", "you should try writing a Weir/Sheppard love story instead!"
                        you know, gently but honestly tell me the truth! I can live with it! As long as you are carful with my feelings...

                        I think you call this a beta...? And I must warn you...if you volunteer, you must be able to help me and if this will continue, be able to continue with me as well..This is a long story or it seems that way...
                        So, I need two things. one more volunteer and I need for you to tell me the best way to send you my first draft...PM is just not large enough to send that way...there is an attachment file but I can't seem to do it from my, help! and again, be aware that you might never see this story!
                        So, don't bring it up to me and just get the hint that if I don't mention it is because it stunk! or I could never find time to finish it...but the first one is probably the most obvious..okay...I'm really off to sleep 4:26a.m.


                          I heard this song the other day and it just sort of hit me that this would make a great Teyla/Sheppard/Weir vid. Where it's from Teyla's POV about Weir thinking that Teyla stole Shep away from Weir. It would be so so funny! And it's not a bash against Weir or anything (I love season 1 Weir), it just reminds me of how clingy Weir is this season and how if they were all teenagers or something I could see this happening!

                          Ashlee Simpson

                          Whatcha been doing?
                          Whatcha been doing?
                          woah woah
                          Haven't seen you around
                          How you been feeling?
                          How you been feeling?
                          woah woah
                          Dontcha bring me down
                          All that stuff
                          About me
                          Being with him
                          Can't believe
                          All the lies that you told
                          Just to ease your own soul
                          But I'm bigger than that,
                          No you don't have my back
                          No No..(Ha)

                          Hey how long till the music drowns you out?
                          Don't put words up in my mouth,
                          I didn't steal your boyfriend
                          Hey how long till you face whats going on?
                          Cause you really got it wrong
                          I didn't steal your boyfriend

                          Well I'm sorry
                          That he called me
                          And that I answered the telephone
                          Don't be worried
                          I'm not with him
                          And when I go out tonight I'm going home alone
                          Just got back from my tour
                          I'm a mess, girl for sure
                          All I want is some fun guess that I've had a run
                          Hollywood sucks you in but it won't spit me out
                          Woah woah (Ha)

                          Hey how long till the music drowns you out?
                          Don't put words up in my mouth
                          I didn't steal your boyfriend
                          Hey how long til you face what's going on?
                          'Cause you really got it wrong
                          I didn't steal your boyfriend
                          Hey how long til you look at your own life
                          Instead of looking into mine
                          I didn't steal your boyfriend
                          Hey how long til you're leaving me alone?
                          Don't you got some where to go?
                          I didn't steal your boyfriend

                          Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Ha
                          Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Ha

                          Please stop telling all your friends
                          I'm getting sick of them
                          Always staring at me
                          Like I took him from ya

                          Hey how long til the music drowns you out?
                          Don't put words up in my mouth
                          I didn't steal your boyfriend
                          Hey how long til you face what's going on?
                          'Cause you really got it wrong
                          I didn't steal your boyfriend
                          Hey how long til you look at your own life
                          Stead of looking into mine
                          I didn't steal your boyfriend
                          Hey how long til you're leaving me alone?
                          Don't you got some where to go?
                          I didn't steal your boyfriend

                          Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Ha
                          Whoa, I didn't steal your boyfriend

                          Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Ha
                          Whoa, I didn't steal your boyfriend
                          It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                            Originally posted by aaobuttons
                            I heard this song the other day and it just sort of hit me that this would make a great Teyla/Sheppard/Weir vid. Where it's from Teyla's POV about Weir thinking that Teyla stole Shep away from Weir. It would be so so funny! And it's not a bash against Weir or anything (I love season 1 Weir), it just reminds me of how clingy Weir is this season and how if they were all teenagers or something I could see this happening!

                            Ashlee Simpson

                            Whatcha been doing?
                            Whatcha been doing?
                            woah woah
                            Haven't seen you around
                            How you been feeling?
                            How you been feeling?
                            woah woah
                            Dontcha bring me down
                            All that stuff
                            About me
                            Being with him
                            Can't believe
                            All the lies that you told
                            Just to ease your own soul
                            But I'm bigger than that,
                            No you don't have my back
                            No No..(Ha)

                            Hey how long till the music drowns you out?
                            Don't put words up in my mouth,
                            I didn't steal your boyfriend
                            Hey how long till you face whats going on?
                            Cause you really got it wrong
                            I didn't steal your boyfriend

                            Well I'm sorry
                            That he called me
                            And that I answered the telephone
                            Don't be worried
                            I'm not with him
                            And when I go out tonight I'm going home alone
                            Just got back from my tour
                            I'm a mess, girl for sure
                            All I want is some fun guess that I've had a run
                            Hollywood sucks you in but it won't spit me out
                            Woah woah (Ha)

                            Hey how long till the music drowns you out?
                            Don't put words up in my mouth
                            I didn't steal your boyfriend
                            Hey how long til you face what's going on?
                            'Cause you really got it wrong
                            I didn't steal your boyfriend
                            Hey how long til you look at your own life
                            Instead of looking into mine
                            I didn't steal your boyfriend
                            Hey how long til you're leaving me alone?
                            Don't you got some where to go?
                            I didn't steal your boyfriend

                            Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Ha
                            Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Ha

                            Please stop telling all your friends
                            I'm getting sick of them
                            Always staring at me
                            Like I took him from ya

                            Hey how long til the music drowns you out?
                            Don't put words up in my mouth
                            I didn't steal your boyfriend
                            Hey how long til you face what's going on?
                            'Cause you really got it wrong
                            I didn't steal your boyfriend
                            Hey how long til you look at your own life
                            Stead of looking into mine
                            I didn't steal your boyfriend
                            Hey how long til you're leaving me alone?
                            Don't you got some where to go?
                            I didn't steal your boyfriend

                            Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Ha
                            Whoa, I didn't steal your boyfriend

                            Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Ha
                            Whoa, I didn't steal your boyfriend

                            Cool! I don't think I've heard this one! Not an Ashlee Simpson Fan....


                              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                              I see the syndication on UPN...but i think this link might help you:
                              It has a listing for all channels showing Atlantis in different locations...

                              Um, WitchBlade, do you mind if I prostrate myself at your feet? Thank you, thank you, thank you for this! I've been looking for this list for forever, and now I can FINALLY watch Season 1! Thanks again, and you're so getting green for this!

                              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                Okay..just to show you guys how sick I is 4:15 in the morning..Sunday morning...I have my 5 year old sleeping next to me in the daybed in my office...and I have spent the past two hours writing my first fanfic ever! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

                                Okay...I won't devulge too much information because it will be awhile, if ever, that I actually will post this, please just bare with me and realize that this is very traumatizing for me..but very exciting as well...I don't think you people understand...the only writing that I have done have been for my thesis, my independent study (which was 35pages) and I still get nightmares about that one...and of coarse your regular college course papers...okay..that is it...I have never written anything for pure pleasure..besides what I write here of coarse, and of coarse when I was dating my husband, I would write love letters..okay! SHUT UP, Camy...

                                point being...Witchblade has graciously volunteered...but, I need another volunteer to be honestly truthful to my first chapter...I don't want sympathy, I don't want sweet talk, I want an honest critique that will tell me, "get another hobby", "you are much better at reading fanfic and critiquing", "you are a much better reader than a writer", "you should try writing a Weir/Sheppard love story instead!"
                                you know, gently but honestly tell me the truth! I can live with it! As long as you are carful with my feelings...

                                I think you call this a beta...? And I must warn you...if you volunteer, you must be able to help me and if this will continue, be able to continue with me as well..This is a long story or it seems that way...
                                So, I need two things. one more volunteer and I need for you to tell me the best way to send you my first draft...PM is just not large enough to send that way...there is an attachment file but I can't seem to do it from my, help! and again, be aware that you might never see this story!
                                So, don't bring it up to me and just get the hint that if I don't mention it is because it stunk! or I could never find time to finish it...but the first one is probably the most obvious..okay...I'm really off to sleep 4:26a.m.
                                So proud of you Camy!! I'm so glad you've decided to challenge yourself and try your hand at writing. And you know what, even if you decide not to post it, you can always go back and read it for yourself. Some of my early stories I didn't feel comfortable posting, but it's nice to have your ideas down on paper. And you know that I will definitely be willing to walk you through whatever you need help with and look over what you have. I love being a beta, so definitely give me a yell. Again, so, so proud that you're doing this. Writing feels really good -- you'll find out soon enough.

                                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???

