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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    First off...

    Happy Birthday, Nina, our link queen!!!

    I hope you have a wonderful day! I'm sending a Shep clone your way!
    Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Misappropriations Part 18

      John’s legs carried him swiftly down the sloping hill towards the remains of the village that his friends had inhabited. His heart was thudding so loudly in his chest he could barely hear his own voice as he switched on his earpiece and began shouting for a medical team and back up.

      Stumbling towards the end, he stood quickly amongst the blackened debris, staring wildly at the heaps of destruction looking for a sign, any sign, of his friends. The silence was sickening and only the occasional crack from a still burning fire filled the air.

      This must have just happened.

      He began running through the dirt streets crying out desperately, his voice echoing strangely as his neck craned in every direction.



      Suddenly, John could make out a soft groaning from somewhere to his left. Rushing quickly towards the sound with his heart in his throat, he began tossing aside large pieces of burnt wood and warping metal that singed at his flesh relentlessly until he uncovered an old woman who had been buried deep underneath. Her face was badly burnt on one side disfiguring her and her tiny legs had been pinned down beneath her by a large part of a roof.

      John lifted her out gently but firmly as she wrapped her frail arms around his sweaty neck and moaned quietly in pain when he placed her back down safely onto the warm dirt of the street. She barely cracked open a swollen eye and stared at his face covered in black soot as he held her still with red, badly blistering palms from handling the debris.

      “Are you okay, miss?” he asked breathlessly, although his eyes were still scanning the village around her.

      Knowing her time was limited she spoke only what was necessary. “They came for the Atlantians. They-they took them away.” She began coughing violently, her smoke filled lungs slowly expanding their final moments.

      John’s eyes fixed and bore down hard on the old woman’s face as he gripped her tightly while she shook. “Who took them?”

      The old woman, with her one functioning eye, looked out towards the fading pink skyline behind the Colonel’s head for what would be the last sight her eyes would ever take in and she tried to smile.

      The……the Damned,” and then she gave a little sigh and John felt her body relax under his grip as her life faded away.

      John’s eyes were disbelieving while he laid her motionless body back onto the dirt and removed his jacket, placing it over her wrinkled calm face and stood once again looking out at the smoking remains.

      Who were the Damned? Where had they taken Teyla and Ronon? Where the hell is my back up and medical team?

      These were the thoughts roving John’s mind as he screamed into his radio, “AND SOMEBODY GET MCKAY DOWN HERE…….NOW!”

      You like making me do that, don't you?

      Who took them??? Who?????? Tell me tell me tell me!!!!

      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      I hope it's ok. I was half a sleep when I wrote it last night. I'm babysitting today. So, I won't be on much. Have fun making MP's today.

      Enchantment part 5-The Finale:


      As soon as Ronon and Rodney leave, they radio John. John asks them to meet him in the alleyway. Rodney gives John the quick update and he’s about to tell John what Ronon told said to Teyla, but Ronon nudges him to be quiet. When Rodney tells him that Teyla and Lukin are planning on getting married tomorrow, it takes all of John’s strength not to lose control.
      “I have a plan and you’re not going to like it,” John starts. He explains his idea and the only one that mostly likes it is Ronon. “So, you know what to do. If things don’t go the way I hope then you leave with or without her.” John looks at Ronon. “Sam is a good leader. Listen to her if I don’t make it.”
      “You sure you don’t want me to do it?” asks Ronon.
      “No, I’m sure. You’re the strongest and fastest one to carry her out of here,” John commands and Ronon nods to acknowledge.
      “What if it doesn’t work? I mean…” Rodney begins to ask nervously.
      “Well than you know what to do. He has to die, f not for Teyla then for these people. Either way it ends today,” preaches John. He asks Ronon for his gun and he tucks it behind his back. He checks his Beretta and begins to walk away.
      “How will we know the sign?” speaks up Rodney.
      John never looks back, “You’ll know.”
      John reaches Lukin’s home and knock on the door. Lukin opens the door to see a pistol aimed at him. He backs up into the room and John walks more into the doorway. He is about to fire upon him when Teyla takes Ronon’s gun from him. John quickly walks into the room and positions himself to see them both.
      “Teyla. You don’t have to do this. Put the weapon down,” commands John.
      Teyla looks at him with anger, “You were going to kill Lukin. I can’t let you do that. I thought you were my friend and that you would want me to be happy”
      “Teyla. I do want that, but he’s not going to do that for you. Please Teyla. Let’s go home,” begs John.
      Lukin laughs, “You really are pathetic. Do you think she’s going to leave you for me?” He looks at Teyla and smiles. “Teyla. I would please me if you kill him.”
      Teyla changes the setting on Ronon’s gun and aims at John. She hesitates and John fires a shot at Lukin. He hits the pendant and it falls to the floor. Teyla shoots at John and he collapses.
      Ronon and Rodney run over when they hear the shots. Rodney quickly passes Teyla to check on John. “He dead! Teyla. What have you do?
      Tears begin to flow from her face and she angrily looks at Lukin. She aims Ronon’s weapon at him and fires. As Lukin falls back he steps on the pendant and crushes the gem.
      The villagers cheer, as the women realize that their enchantment is broken. Happiness fills the village, but in one home there is only sadness and tears.
      Teyla runs to John and weeps over him.
      Radek calls Rodney on the comm., “Rodney. We just found out that the gem powers the pendant. If you destroy it will no longer work.”
      Rodney rolls his eyes, “Uh yea. We already figured that out thank you! We need a medical team standing by. Colonel Sheppard is down. We’ll explain later. McKay out!”
      Teyla strokes the side of John’s face. She gets up and begins to walk to the gate. Ronon picks up John and follows. Rodney goes to thank the old man and tells him about Lukin’s condition.
      Rodney quickly catches up to Ronon, “Aren’t you going to tell her that John is not really dead?”
      Ronon looks at him with a smirk, “Do you really want me to tell her that we tricked her and that you were the one that change the setting on my gun?” Rodney shook his head no.
      They get to Atlantis and Sam rushes down to the gate room, “What happen?” She looks at the gurney rolling by with John’s lifeless body.
      Teyla stops in front of Sam. Tears flowing down her face, “I shot him. I killed John.”
      “What?” Sam shouts in shock.
      “Well actually…” Rodney begins but Teyla interrupts.
      Teyla puts her hand up to stop Rodney from speaking, “Rodney please! No.” She starts walking up the stairs. “I will be in my quarters until you have decided what to do with me.”
      Sam still confused looks at Rodney. She asks if Teyla really killed John and Ronon and Rodney begin to tell her the whole story. Including the one that the old woman told John. “So doesn’t mean that John broke the pendant or she has…”
      “We don’t know,” Ronon interrupts. “We’re not sure which one did it.”
      “Well, aren’t you going to at least tell her that John’s not dead?” asks Sam.
      Ronon smiles, “I think I’ll leave that one to John.”
      An hour goes by and Teyla is still on her bed crying into her pillow. She hears the door open and the sound of heavy boots. “Ronon. Please leave. I do not want to talk to any one right now,” she pleads.
      “Why would you think I’m Ronon,” John asks.
      Teyla turns around quickly when she hears his voice. She is so elated that she gives him a tight hug. Shortly afterward she pulls away and looks at him angrily, “Why did do that? Why did you fool me?”
      John smiles, “It wasn’t completely how I thought it would be go.” He tells her about the old lady and her story. He also told her what Radek said about destroying the gem. “I was afraid that you would try to protect Lukin and even kill me to it. So, Rodney adjusted Ronon’s gun. This way when you changed it from stun to kill, I would actually get stunned. Rodney told me that he did try to tell you, but you wouldn’t allow him to finish talking.”
      She looks at him sheepishly, “I am glad that it worked out at the end. What if I did not change the setting on Ronon’s weapon?”
      “Well I guess we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now,” he says jokingly.
      Teyla looks away and begins to cry, “I thought I lost you. I thought that I had….”
      John turns her around and wipes her tears away, “You didn’t kill and you haven’t lost me. I’m right here.” He draws her closer and begins to kiss her. She returns his affection and they begin to kiss passionately. John slowly pulls away, “I hope you never leave me again.”
      She gives a bright smile, “I am not planning on it.” She nuzzles her head into his chest.
      John nervously confesses, “I love you Teyla.”
      She remains close to him and smiles, “I know. I love you too.”

      The End.
      Oh Scifan that was amazing!!! I loved the ending so much...

      Ronon smiles, “I think I’ll leave that one to John.” --- LOL!!!

      Great story, thanks for sharing!!

      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        Good for him. What grade did he start this year?

        See? And the moral of this story is.......The Wraith would rather eat those with malice in their very souls than innocent, kind MrsB
        Well that can't be right - I'm here!!

        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


          What do you think?..Do you think she'll like it? Let me know..


          If you do not think so, give me some suggestions. I am trying to get inspired.
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post

            You like making me do that, don't you?

            Who took them??? Who?????? Tell me tell me tell me!!!!


            Ok, I'll tell you who took them. It was
            The Damned.


              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              What do you think?..Do you think she'll like it? Let me know..


              If you do not think so, give me some suggestions. I am trying to get inspired.
              Tee hee, I think she'll love it!
              Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Misappropriations Part 18

                John’s legs carried him swiftly down the sloping hill towards the remains of the village that his friends had inhabited. His heart was thudding so loudly in his chest he could barely hear his own voice as he switched on his earpiece and began shouting for a medical team and back up.

                Stumbling towards the end, he stood quickly amongst the blackened debris, staring wildly at the heaps of destruction looking for a sign, any sign, of his friends. The silence was sickening and only the occasional crack from a still burning fire filled the air.

                This must have just happened.

                He began running through the dirt streets crying out desperately, his voice echoing strangely as his neck craned in every direction.



                Suddenly, John could make out a soft groaning from somewhere to his left. Rushing quickly towards the sound with his heart in his throat, he began tossing aside large pieces of burnt wood and warping metal that singed at his flesh relentlessly until he uncovered an old woman who had been buried deep underneath. Her face was badly burnt on one side disfiguring her and her tiny legs had been pinned down beneath her by a large part of a roof.

                John lifted her out gently but firmly as she wrapped her frail arms around his sweaty neck and moaned quietly in pain when he placed her back down safely onto the warm dirt of the street. She barely cracked open a swollen eye and stared at his face covered in black soot as he held her still with red, badly blistering palms from handling the debris.

                “Are you okay, miss?” he asked breathlessly, although his eyes were still scanning the village around her.

                Knowing her time was limited she spoke only what was necessary. “They came for the Atlantians. They-they took them away.” She began coughing violently, her smoke filled lungs slowly expanding their final moments.

                John’s eyes fixed and bore down hard on the old woman’s face as he gripped her tightly while she shook. “Who took them?”

                The old woman, with her one functioning eye, looked out towards the fading pink skyline behind the Colonel’s head for what would be the last sight her eyes would ever take in and she tried to smile.

                The……the Damned,” and then she gave a little sigh and John felt her body relax under his grip as her life faded away.

                John’s eyes were disbelieving while he laid her motionless body back onto the dirt and removed his jacket, placing it over her wrinkled calm face and stood once again looking out at the smoking remains.

                Who were the Damned? Where had they taken Teyla and Ronon? Where the hell is my back up and medical team?

                These were the thoughts roving John’s mind as he screamed into his radio, “AND SOMEBODY GET MCKAY DOWN HERE…….NOW!”

                Oooh... Poor lady... I hope they'll find them quickly. When do you think you will post the part 19 ? I adore your lines !

                Originally posted by scifan
                Originally Posted by Sheppynette

                WOW!! Awsome!! Great job Sheppynette
                Originally posted by ruby_caspar
                That's absolutely beautiful!
                Thanks !

                Originally posted by scifan
                I hope it's ok. I was half a sleep when I wrote it last night. I'm babysitting today. So, I won't be on much. Have fun making MP's today.

                Enchantment part 5-The Finale:


                As soon as Ronon and Rodney leave, they radio John. John asks them to meet him in the alleyway. Rodney gives John the quick update and he’s about to tell John what Ronon told said to Teyla, but Ronon nudges him to be quiet. When Rodney tells him that Teyla and Lukin are planning on getting married tomorrow, it takes all of John’s strength not to lose control.
                “I have a plan and you’re not going to like it,” John starts. He explains his idea and the only one that mostly likes it is Ronon. “So, you know what to do. If things don’t go the way I hope then you leave with or without her.” John looks at Ronon. “Sam is a good leader. Listen to her if I don’t make it.”
                “You sure you don’t want me to do it?” asks Ronon.
                “No, I’m sure. You’re the strongest and fastest one to carry her out of here,” John commands and Ronon nods to acknowledge.
                “What if it doesn’t work? I mean…” Rodney begins to ask nervously.
                “Well than you know what to do. He has to die, f not for Teyla then for these people. Either way it ends today,” preaches John. He asks Ronon for his gun and he tucks it behind his back. He checks his Beretta and begins to walk away.
                “How will we know the sign?” speaks up Rodney.
                John never looks back, “You’ll know.”
                John reaches Lukin’s home and knock on the door. Lukin opens the door to see a pistol aimed at him. He backs up into the room and John walks more into the doorway. He is about to fire upon him when Teyla takes Ronon’s gun from him. John quickly walks into the room and positions himself to see them both.
                “Teyla. You don’t have to do this. Put the weapon down,” commands John.
                Teyla looks at him with anger, “You were going to kill Lukin. I can’t let you do that. I thought you were my friend and that you would want me to be happy”
                “Teyla. I do want that, but he’s not going to do that for you. Please Teyla. Let’s go home,” begs John.
                Lukin laughs, “You really are pathetic. Do you think she’s going to leave you for me?” He looks at Teyla and smiles. “Teyla. I would please me if you kill him.”
                Teyla changes the setting on Ronon’s gun and aims at John. She hesitates and John fires a shot at Lukin. He hits the pendant and it falls to the floor. Teyla shoots at John and he collapses.
                Ronon and Rodney run over when they hear the shots. Rodney quickly passes Teyla to check on John. “He dead! Teyla. What have you do?
                Tears begin to flow from her face and she angrily looks at Lukin. She aims Ronon’s weapon at him and fires. As Lukin falls back he steps on the pendant and crushes the gem.
                The villagers cheer, as the women realize that their enchantment is broken. Happiness fills the village, but in one home there is only sadness and tears.
                Teyla runs to John and weeps over him.
                Radek calls Rodney on the comm., “Rodney. We just found out that the gem powers the pendant. If you destroy it will no longer work.”
                Rodney rolls his eyes, “Uh yea. We already figured that out thank you! We need a medical team standing by. Colonel Sheppard is down. We’ll explain later. McKay out!”
                Teyla strokes the side of John’s face. She gets up and begins to walk to the gate. Ronon picks up John and follows. Rodney goes to thank the old man and tells him about Lukin’s condition.
                Rodney quickly catches up to Ronon, “Aren’t you going to tell her that John is not really dead?”
                Ronon looks at him with a smirk, “Do you really want me to tell her that we tricked her and that you were the one that change the setting on my gun?” Rodney shook his head no.
                They get to Atlantis and Sam rushes down to the gate room, “What happen?” She looks at the gurney rolling by with John’s lifeless body.
                Teyla stops in front of Sam. Tears flowing down her face, “I shot him. I killed John.”
                “What?” Sam shouts in shock.
                “Well actually…” Rodney begins but Teyla interrupts.
                Teyla puts her hand up to stop Rodney from speaking, “Rodney please! No.” She starts walking up the stairs. “I will be in my quarters until you have decided what to do with me.”
                Sam still confused looks at Rodney. She asks if Teyla really killed John and Ronon and Rodney begin to tell her the whole story. Including the one that the old woman told John. “So doesn’t mean that John broke the pendant or she has…”
                “We don’t know,” Ronon interrupts. “We’re not sure which one did it.”
                “Well, aren’t you going to at least tell her that John’s not dead?” asks Sam.
                Ronon smiles, “I think I’ll leave that one to John.”
                An hour goes by and Teyla is still on her bed crying into her pillow. She hears the door open and the sound of heavy boots. “Ronon. Please leave. I do not want to talk to any one right now,” she pleads.
                “Why would you think I’m Ronon,” John asks.
                Teyla turns around quickly when she hears his voice. She is so elated that she gives him a tight hug. Shortly afterward she pulls away and looks at him angrily, “Why did do that? Why did you fool me?”
                John smiles, “It wasn’t completely how I thought it would be go.” He tells her about the old lady and her story. He also told her what Radek said about destroying the gem. “I was afraid that you would try to protect Lukin and even kill me to it. So, Rodney adjusted Ronon’s gun. This way when you changed it from stun to kill, I would actually get stunned. Rodney told me that he did try to tell you, but you wouldn’t allow him to finish talking.”
                She looks at him sheepishly, “I am glad that it worked out at the end. What if I did not change the setting on Ronon’s weapon?”
                “Well I guess we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now,” he says jokingly.
                Teyla looks away and begins to cry, “I thought I lost you. I thought that I had….”
                John turns her around and wipes her tears away, “You didn’t kill and you haven’t lost me. I’m right here.” He draws her closer and begins to kiss her. She returns his affection and they begin to kiss passionately. John slowly pulls away, “I hope you never leave me again.”
                She gives a bright smile, “I am not planning on it.” She nuzzles her head into his chest.
                John nervously confesses, “I love you Teyla.”
                She remains close to him and smiles, “I know. I love you too.”

                The End.

                Great Job !!! I love it !!!


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Good for him. What grade did he start this year?

                  See? And the moral of this story is.......The Wraith would rather eat those with malice in their very souls than innocent, kind MrsB
                  He is in second grade. Both of my boys aren't shy and love to socialize, like their dad. LOL

                  LOL. Trust me. I'm not innocent. LOL

                  Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                  Glad to see that your Little one had a good time at school mine arent back at school until next LOL will you be online tonight ? as i might be a little late on as im going to an auction
                  Tell the kids I said hi. They are soo cute. You have a great family.
                  Have fun at the auction.


                    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                    Tee hee, I think she'll love it!
                    I was just wonderin' myself...
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                      Once again - AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHH!!!

                      You like making me do that, don't you?

                      Who took them??? Who?????? Tell me tell me tell me!!!!

                      Oh Scifan that was amazing!!! I loved the ending so much...

                      Ronon smiles, “I think I’ll leave that one to John.” --- LOL!!!

                      Great story, thanks for sharing!!
                      Thanks Ruby. I'm glad you liked it. It went alot faster than I thought. LOL

                      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                      What do you think?..Do you think she'll like it? Let me know..


                      If you do not think so, give me some suggestions. I am trying to get inspired.
                      Woohoo!! Where's that Drool icon.

                      Originally posted by Sheppynette View Post

                      Thanks !
                      Great Job !!! I love it !!!
                      You're welcome and thanks.


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        LOL. Teyilia you're so cute. I don't call Steve, but Elf might. LOL Last post of the night. This one is long. Phew!!

                        Enchantment part 4:


                        John walks down the alley, leaving all the sound behind from the courtyard. He can still hear Teyla’s singing. He tries not to listen to the words, but he can tell that it is some kind of love song. As he continues to walk he hears the sound of a door opening. He instinctively turns to look. An old woman barely peeks out of the doorway. She carefully looks around before she gestures John to come in.
                        “Come in. Quickly please. Quickly,” she whispers. Once John is in she quietly closes the door. She motions John to sit at her table and offers some food and drink. “You must take your lady friend and take her back to where you came from. You can’t let her stay here.”
                        John can read the fear in her face. He puts his cup down, “We had her back home, but she hurt some people to get here. I don’t what to do. We can’t keep her locked. Is it something that goes away in time?” John asks.
                        The woman slowly shakes her head, “No. I am afraid not. All the young woman here, are cursed. They are all under his enchantment.”
                        John leans closer to the woman, “Isn’t there away to break the curse? We know it has something to do with the pendant.”
                        The woman’s eyes sadden and she rests a weary hand on John’s, “I only know of one way. Death.” John didn’t like that answer and he’s about to get up. “Wait,” she asks. “I’ll tell you a story.” She gets up to peeks out the curtain to make sure no one is listening.
                        She returns to her seat and pours herself a drink. “There once was a young girl that especially had the lord’s eye and they were to wed. Her brother was tired of seeing the women around here being his willing slaves and he was planning to do something. The young girl and her brother use to be so close. It tore him up inside to see her slip into a mindless world. He waited until she was alone, or so he thought, and begged her to leave with him. She of course said no and he tried to kill the lord. The lord told her to kill him and she did.” Tears begin to flow down her face. “She did. She saw him lying there and know what she did crushed her spirit so much that her curse was broken, but she was so devastated by what she had done that she killed herself. Lord Lukin uses that to keep the men around here in line. Most of the are to old to fight anyhow.”
                        “Well that’s not going to happen today. My team and I are all close friends, but I don’t think that she cares for us that much. If I knew it would work, I’d risk my life and have my friend take me home. They’re got to be another way,” sighed John.
                        They both got up from the table, “I’m sorry then, you’re friend is lost forever.” She carefully looks outside and motions to John when to leave and without any further words she closes the door.
                        While John is away, Ronon and Rodney watch Teyla. Lukin makes sure that he stays close to Teyla and begins to lead Teyla towards his home. Rodney and Ronon notice and they both get up to meet Teyla.
                        Rodney sees the anger in Ronon’s eyes and stops in front of him. “Ronon, you can’t just storm over there and start getting all over him. Teyla would get upset and that will be the end of us getting close to her.”
                        “What then? Should we just pretend we’re fine with it?” Ronon booms.
                        “Yes, exactly,” Rodney answers. “Well, for now. Hopefully we can get her alone and figure out from then.” Ronon is not happy, but decides to go along.
                        They pretend that everything is fine when they meet up with Teyla. She is happy to see them both, but looks around for John.
                        “Where is John? I know he is here,” she asks.
                        “Um… he’s… He’s having trouble with dealing with all this and he went for a walk,” Rodney says nervously.
                        She looks at the curiously, “I do not understand. Why would it bother him so much?” Lukin begins to be uncomfortable and Ronon can see it in his face.
                        Ronon gives Lukin a smirk before responding to Teyla, “Don’t you know?” She shakes her head. “He cares for you a lot Teyla and more than just friends.”
                        Lukin sees the crushed look on her face and before they can say more he tries to lead Teyla away. Ronon stand in the way, towering over Lukin.
                        “Teyla we just started talking. Are you going to leave us now?” Ronon asks. She looks at Lukin with begging eye. “What’s the matter? Don’t you trust her with us?”
                        Lukin glares at Ronon before turning to Teyla, “I trust her. I will be right back Teyla and when I do we really need to say goodnight to you friends.” She nods in agreement. He gives her a kiss and walks away.
                        Ronon, Rodney and Teyla sit at one of the tables. Both them sit across from her. When Rodney sat down he felt something uncomfortable. It’s the spare stunner. Ronon is talking with Teyla and Rodney looks around nervously. He reaches for the stunner and fires it at Teyla under the table. She limps over and Ronon jumps up to get her.
                        Ronon looks at Rodney and tries not to speak to loudly, “What did you do that for?”
                        “I panicked. I didn’t know what else to do,” Rodney responds fearfully.
                        An older man comes up to them and offers to put Teyla in one of his spare beds. He tells a young girl to tell Lukin that Teyla decided to retire early and she is staying in his spare bedroom. She will be with him tomorrow night after their nuptials. The girl hurries along.
                        Ronon and Rodney look at each other in shock. “Nuptials?” Rodney asks.
                        The old man motions them to follow. Ronon carries Teyla to the spare room. “Shortly after the young lady returned, Lord Lukin asked her to marry him and she said yes. We are to prepare for it tomorrow. You must leave and get your other friend. Come back and take her away from hear.” Rodney asks why he is being so nice. The man lowers his head shaking it and hurries them out the door.
                        I love Rodney and Ronon in this! I panicked! John is being foolish if he thinks does not care for them that much! Don't be weenie John! Keep it Sci!
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by Sheppynette View Post
                          This is Awesome! Great JOB!
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

                            Thank you

                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            JM BLOG PICTURE UPDATE
                            Thanks for the pics...will check out the larger ones

                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Happy Birthday Nina!!!!

                            Here's your present.
                            Almost there.
                            Thanks...and I love it...
                            I think you did a great job,,since I have so many different favorite scenes,,you put together a few of them

                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Thanks MrsB. I love his smile. *sigh*

                            Ok. I'm not trying to be mean to JoeF, but the new bio pics of him I think have been airbrushed. *duck for cover* The man is in his forties, he has bags under his eyes. Not big one, but he has the right to have them. I think the new pics were altered. Sorry. Does anyone have those pics. I know Donna does somewhere. Why can't the guy be natural. I just lose respect for the companies that feel that they have to do that stuff. Ok. Sorry, it's been bugging me for awhile. I'll stop now.
                            Here are the pics scifan of JF and RL... yes airbrushed... I think it's a common thing today,,, I can handle the pics,,,but yes I agree...after meeting him in person,,,he looks awesome for being 40... I see no fault in it,, he is the kind of a man that only gets more handsome... he was cute when he was young,,now he is down right HOT and SEXY !!! *lol*


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post

                            Enchantment part 4:
                            That was great..
                            Such a sad story that the woman told horrible... the slimeball must die....

                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post

                            Happy Birthday Nina !!!

                            Thanks Blue...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                              Happy Birthday Nina
                              Thanks Donna

                              Originally posted by Sheppynette View Post
                              Thanks...that is really lovely..beautiful

                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              Misappropriations Part 18
                              Oh my....
                              I wonder what happened there in the village... and who this The Damned are for creeps... I hope John can get a lead...
                              And I see he is back to being the hard commanding leader that he is,,, shouting orders over the comm...

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post

                              Enchantment part 5-The Finale:
                              The slimeball met the ultimate doom
                              John sure is sneaky thinking up that kind of make her think he was dead... I'm glad it worked out in the end... and they got theire happy ending where they finally confessed their feelings for one another...

                              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                              HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU NINA!

                              Thanks...and you are making me hungry for something yummy

                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              First off...

                              Happy Birthday, Nina, our link queen!!!

                              I hope you have a wonderful day! I'm sending a Shep clone your way!
                              Thanks Yappi....hrmmm a Shep clone you say...just hope that he doesn't cook up something weird together with my Shep clone

                              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                              What do you think?..Do you think she'll like it? Let me know..


                              If you do not think so, give me some suggestions. I am trying to get inspired.
                              Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh now that is a Birthday gift
                              Hrmm Shep and chocolate... nice combination... wouldn't mind having him at all...
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                                It's INSANE!! you gotta go back to the loony bin...better yet you need to stay out of there!

                                Also Scifan you may use any of those ideas i gave you in my post above your update, you are more then welcome to use any of those as I see you used one of them... the muscle one... hehe

                                anyhow.... sneeky peeky below! Elf is gonna live this!

                                John slowly woke up, 'where the hell am I?' he wondered as he heard a beeping noise before opening his eyes, looking around the first thing he noticed was the I.V. Drip in his arm, 'what the hell?' he wondered, finding he was unable to move and that he actually did not want to do so because he was as naked as a jaybird under the sheet, 'OK John think this through, why are you naked? Possibly the Wraith are doing something and they need you to be so? No that wont work, I don't see any Wraith around, hell I'm not even in a Hive Ship of all things! OK you are on a Hive Ship' John thought seeing a black haired Wraith enter, it was a female. only she seemed to be doing something with Johns I.V. Drip.

                                John only watched, not trying to move. 'That's right John, make yourself look like you are still asleep. the Doc wont notice a thing, the Doc noticed!' John thought sensing the Wraith female going to his IV Drip and checking the thing. John thought faking sleep wouldn't work so he faked waking up. "Where am I?"

                                The Wraith didn't say anything, other then muttering to itself as it left John alone.

                                'OK that didn't work now what?' John thought. 'Teyla where the hell are you??'


                                Teyla started pacing in her and Kiros cell, she had been awake for more then an hour and no sign of John. "We have to get out of here." Teyla said going to the cell door.

                                "That is easy to say mother, how do we get out? there is... mom? What are you doing?" Kiro started to say that there was no way out when Teyla found the controls to the door.

                                "You have a knife on you do you not?" Teyla asked after finding the place to cut into the door controls to open the cell so they could get out. Kiro then knew what her mother was thinking, get out, find her father, and go back home soon as possible before anything else happened. Kiro thought a few seconds before nodding, she had a knife, after all Drow rarely went around weaponless.

                                Teyla held a hand back to Kiro and Kiro set a rather oddly curved knife in her hand, handle first. without thinking much of the shape of the knife Teyla began cuting their way out, Kiro watched and listened for Wraith as Teyla cut a cord and the cell door opened, looking to the knife then back to Kiro Teyla asked "Where did you have this?"

                                "You'd be amazed as to where we keep some weapons" Kiro smiled as she drew a second knife, both blades were made the same and looked as if they were part of her waist belt. Teyla was not going to ask where the other knives were if Kiro had more then the two.

                                "Come on" Teyla then led the way and the pair of them left the cell. looking for John.

                                hope everyone likes (I know Elf will)
                                sig by Sci!

                                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..

