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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
    I'm so useless...

    Thanks!...i love all these little graphics they are very cute!

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      awwwww,poor John....Get in there and fight for yer woman!

      Night night Sheppynette!

      And i'm off to bed too
      I'm gonna be right behind ya... good night!

      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
        Thanks MrsB, that's really sweet! Hopefully I'll have it finished tomorrow... it's getting late here!

        I have an idea for the end of your story:

        J- We're having a baby? Yay!
        T - I'm sorry I left
        J - I forgive you
        T - I love you
        J - I love you more
        T- No, I love YOU more
        J - I love you infinity
        T - I love you double-dog infinity no returns!
        J - Teyla?
        T - Yes?
        J - Shut up now!

        Feel free to use that exact dialogue.


          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
          I'm gonna be right behind ya... good night!
          Goodnight Ruby!


            Wow, 12 members viewing... JT LOVE TO ALL!!!!

            I have to love you and leave you I'm afraid... good night everyone! x

            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Another quick post for fic then I gotta go catch up. LOL

              Enchantment part 3:


              John is so upset that he wants to punch something, but he refrains himself. Rodney calls for a medical team and runs to check on the technicians as Sam examines the Marine.
              Sam looks at John, “Teyla did this?” John nods as he paces back and forth thinking. “Go ahead John. Assemble a team and go get Teyla. Obviously she’ under the influence of something.”
              “I agree, but what,” answers John.
              Rodney starts snapping his fingers, “The… the pendant.” John, Ronon and Sam look at him confused. “No. It makes sense. Teyla started acting weird after she touched the pendant. I bet that’s the key… And Teyla mentioned something about it having ancient writing.” Ronon and John nod their heads in agreement.
              “Ok then, Rodney why don’t you go and see what you can find in the Ancient data base about pendant…” Sam is about to continue until John interrupts.
              “In all honesty Sam. I would rather just bring Ronon and Rodney with me. I don’t want this guy getting nervous and doing something worse to Teyla.” Sam can see the concern on John’s face and agrees reluctantly. John points to Rodney, “Try to describe the pendant to Radek and as soon as you’re done we’ll go.”
              Ronon pulls John aside, “What if she doesn’t to come back?”
              “I don’t know. I haven’t thought that far ahead,” John replies with a dissatisfying look.
              “Ok. What if she tries to do more than stun us,” asks Ronon.
              John face saddens, “I don’t know. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. At this point, I don’t know what she’ll do.”
              A small glimmer sparks in Ronon’s eyes, “I’ll fight then if I have too. If you fight her she’ll win.” He pats John on the shoulder and turns towards the gate.
              John’s ego is shattered and his eyes narrow, “Thanks. Thanks a lot.”
              Within a half an hour, John, Ronon and Rodney return to the planet. Ronon notices the stunner left carelessly by the side of the DHD. John gives Rodney the spare stunner to hold.
              The celebration has already started in the village. On the stage are three girls dancing for Lord Lukin. One girl is playing a wooden flute, another a tambourine and the last is clapping her hands to keep rhythm. John doesn’t see Teyla anywhere. Ronon, John and Rodney sit at an empty table behind all the benches. They are all constantly scanning for a glimpse of Teyla.
              Lukin notices them in the corner of eyes, but he doesn’t let them know that he sees them. He motions a young lady and whispers in her ear. She runs off. Lukin gets up and claps to applaud the performers and he walks up the steps to get on the stage. He keeps his glare away from John, Ronon and Rodney.
              “Thank you girls for that wonderful performance,” Lukin says with a smile. “Now I have a special treat for you. My lovely Teyla said that she was willing to sing a song from her native world.” He looks at John with a slight grin and then steps aside as Teyla walks onto the stage.
              John sits up and stares at Teyla, hoping to see some response from her. Rodney’s jaw drops at the site of Teyla and the sound of her voice.
              John is disgusted. “I can’t do this,” John says as he gets up to leave. Ronon nudges to Rodney to close his mouth.
              “What? Do see and hear her? She’s h…” Rodney finally notices Ronon motioning his head to look at John. He sees John’s look of despair. “Oh.”
              John sighs deeply, “Guys, I can’t do this. I’m going for a walk. Make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid with Lord Loser and let me know when she’s alone. We’ll try to reason with her first. If not… Just let me know when she’s alone.” He walks away, heading toward an alley between two buildings.
              This is soooooo good Sci.
              I feel so bad for him and its wonderful!! I can't wait till they are alone together and shes probably gonna still be all stepford wife and say something else to crush him

              Originally posted by Mayra View Post
              AH!!! Noooo!!!.
              Now why in the world did i think you were actually going to make John come through the stargate, see Teyla, run to her tell her that they can be together now and kiss her!. Yup, i should have seen this cliffhanger coming! LOL!

              Thanks MrsB! another exciting chapter!!!
              Thanks Mayra! Don't you know I'm way too evil for a simple happy ending lol

              Night Ruby, and Sheppynette and Linda, and all of the Waltons lol


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                This is soooooo good Sci.
                I feel so bad for him and its wonderful!! I can't wait till they are alone together and shes probably gonna still be all stepford wife and say something else to crush him

                Thanks Mayra! Don't you know I'm way too evil for a simple happy ending lol

                Night Ruby, and Sheppynette and Linda, and all of the Waltons lol
                I'm sorry, I've had to log back on to say LOL!!!!

                1) I love that you can't wait
                for Teyla to crush John - SADIST!!

                2) Good night John Boy!

                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                  Originally posted by Sheppynette View Post
                  Indeed... That's the reason why I'm going to sleep, I'll have to wake up in 8 hours.

                  Good evening and good night !
                  Good night Sheppynette!
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                    Yeah, that's what I did with Baby Love

                    Okay, here's the beginning of Living Memory, chapter three; it's quite long but I wanted to annoy you by ending it on a cliffhanger...


                    Chapter Three

                    Staying with Tagan and Teyla was not nearly as bad as John had expected. Tagan had lots of meetings with traders set up during the afternoon and so John didn’t see he or Teyla again until the evening. Instead he spent the day wandering around the market, having a closer look at all the merchandise. There was so much for sale, and the whole place was so incredibly vibrant and alive.

                    It made John sick to the stomach to think of what would happen to it. He wondered if he should warn someone that the Wraith were going to destroy the place. But who? And why would they believe him, a complete stranger? Besides, he didn’t have a clue when the culling would take place – probably many years from now.

                    John met up with Tagan and Teyla again at the inn where they had had lunch. It seemed to be the main meeting place for meals for the people in the town, and the place was very crowded.

                    Tagan didn’t say anything to John about the devices or about being from the future, for which he was grateful. He didn’t want to have to deflect questions for the whole night.

                    Tagan and Teyla were staying in a small, one-storey house on the edge of the town, quite near the edge of the forest. It was just two rooms, both of which had two low-slung wooden beds in them. It was like the Pegasus version of a motel room.

                    Tagan and Teyla retired to one of the rooms, and John lay on one of the beds in the other, his flack jacket removed and propped up against the wall next the bed. He still held his P-90 in his hand. He could hear Tagan snoring softly from the other room, and the familiar sound of Teyla’s steady breathing, but felt absolutely no inclination to sleep. To his internal clock it was only early evening, and besides, his mind was buzzing with unanswerable questions.

                    How was he going to keep this up, this pretence that he didn’t know who Teyla was? What if he let something slip and completely messed up the timeline? What would he do if he couldn’t get back? He’d have to hide out somewhere for however many years and then go back to Atlantis. By which time he’d be old. And where the hell would he hide?

                    This was just stupid. His only hope was that Davos could tell him how to use the device.

                    John took the active device out of his pocket and checked that the lights were still glowing. It was too dark to see the dials properly, and John thought about using the flashlight on his P-90 to study it, but decided against it. He should save the flashlight for a time when he might really need it – he could study the device in the morning when it was light. It wasn’t like he’d have anything better to do.

                    John awoke the next day to the sound of Tagan and Teyla talking in the other room. Sunlight was slanting through the small window. John felt as though he had only had a few hours’ sleep – and he probably had – but he swung his legs out of bed and started to put on his flack jacket.

                    “I am sorry, Teyla, but you know there is nothing I can do,” came the sound of Tagan’s voice. A moment later he appeared in the doorway to John’s room.

                    “Ah, good, you are awake,” said Tagan, smiling at John. John couldn’t help the smile was slightly strained, and wondered what he and Teyla had been talking about.

                    “Good morning,” John said.

                    “Good morning, John,” Teyla said as she bounded into the room. It was like watching a cricket jump around, she was so full of energy.

                    “Would you like a Floot Cake?” Teyla asked, walking over to him. “Charin made them – she is famous for her cooking, they are very good.”

                    John knew they were very good. He took one of the proffered cakes and smiled at Teyla. “Thanks,” he said.

                    Teyla smiled back at him and started eating one of the cakes herself. There was a moment’s silence, and then Teyla spoke again, crumbs flying everywhere.

                    “Father, can you not –?”

                    “No, Teyla,” Tagan said, gently but firmly. He looked at John, who was trying not to appear too curious.

                    “I have a meeting with Filius of Garkos,” he told John. “Filius does not like to conduct business in the presence of children.”

                    John looked at Teyla. She was looking very sulky. John had to hide a smile.

                    “Perhaps next time we come to Tabol, Filius will allow you to come to the meeting,” Tagan said to Teyla. “But for now we must respect his wishes. He is a very important trading partner.”

                    “I know,” said Teyla in a low voice. She went back to eating her cake.

                    Tagan smiled at her. “I am sure you will be able to occupy yourself until the midday meal,” he said. “Perhaps look around the Circle?”

                    “I did that yesterday,” Teyla answered glumly. Then she brightened up. “I will go and pick sun fruits…”

                    Tagan shook his head. “Teyla, you know I do not like you going into the woods alone,” he said.

                    “But Father –”

                    “I am sorry Teyla, but no.”

                    “John will come with me,” said Teyla.

                    John almost choked on the piece of cake he was swallowing. Luckily neither Teyla nor Tagan noticed.


                    But Teyla turned to John, her eyes alight with excitement. “Please John? Sun fruits are delicious, but they do not grow on Athos,” she said. “And it is just the season for them…”

                    John stared down at Teyla. Chaperoning her in a forest while she picked fruit was probably not the best way to avoid messing up the timeline. However, John found saying no to Teyla difficult at the best of times, and she’d never looked at him so hopefully and excitedly before, her emotions shining through her face.

                    It almost made John sad to think that one day she would be so good at masking her true feelings.

                    “Sure, I’ll come with you,” he said.

                    Teyla grinned and bounced on her feet, looking at her father.

                    “John, you really –”

                    John cut Tagan off with a shake of his head. “No, Tagan, it’s alright,” he said. “I don’t have anything else to do.”

                    Tagan looked at him in silence for a moment, and once again John had the feeling he was being studied intently. Tagan looked at Teyla, who was beaming at her father, and then back at John. He sighed. “Alright,” he said. “Thank you John.”

                    YAY!!! new chapter!. I'm loving your story Ruby! Can't wait to see what happens next because i have a feeling
                    Something is bound to happen with John and little Teyla alone!

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                      I'm sorry, I've had to log back on to say LOL!!!!

                      1) I love that you can't wait
                      for Teyla to crush John - SADIST!!

                      2) Good night John Boy!
                      Am I awful??? LOL I just like some good angst man..... IS THAT A CRIME???? lol


                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

                        Thanks Mayra! Don't you know I'm way too evil for a simple happy ending lol

                        LOL! yup, i should have known time i wont be caught off guard LOL!. Can't wait for the next exciting chapter!

                        Sig by Camy


                          Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                          YAY!! a new fic from you Scifan!.
                          Poor John, seeing Teyla all in love with this Lord Lukin must be killing him!. Hopefully they find a cure soon!
                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                          Oh wow!

                          Poor John... I can't wait to see what happens! 'My lovely Teyla'... tell me he gets his arse kicked for that!!
                          Thanks Guys. All will work out at the end.


                            Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                            LOL! yup, i should have known time i wont be caught off guard LOL!. Can't wait for the next exciting chapter!
                            LOL Good!

                            Hey you're almost at 600 dude!


                              YAY! very nice Elflinn!!!. I hope you do more!
                              All I did was type the message I wanted to go on banner. Image Chef already had the design for banner. That is where we got the cappucino cups.
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                                Thanks Scifan! Ya really think so, huh? Hmm.....
                                Of course I do. I can't wait for more.

                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                awwwww,poor John....Get in there and fight for yer woman!

                                Night night Sheppynette!

                                And i'm off to bed too
                                Oh he will.
                                G'night Linda and Sheppynette.

                                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                                No - it's not Shep, it's Joe F. At least we think it is - David Hewlett said on his blog that 'Joe has food poisoning', so he has the day off. It could be another Joe, but it's probably Joe F.

                                Poor guy...
                                Oh No!! Poor John. Food poisoning sucks!!! I"ve had it before.

