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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I GOTTA HUG SOMEBODY!!!!!! *pulls the very next person to post into a hug *

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      JT wallie of our beautiful duo...

      I love this Blue! I love the smiley in the caption! That is too cute!!
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
        I love this Blue! I love the smiley in the caption! That is too cute!!
        *Hugs Elf* YAY! I'm hugging sombody!

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          Fury #6 (small one)

          John sat on his bed in his darkened room with his hands folded neatly in his lap and his eyes on the blank white walls. It was night and only one small lamp cast a warm glow lighting up the space around him. He had packed his clothes and all his belongings, neatly rolling up his Johnny Cash poster and tucking away his football tapes.

          All that was left now was to actually leave. He stared at the empty room and felt out of place. This place he had come to know as home, suddenly felt strange and foreign, and even good friends and adventurous exploring held little, if any, excitement for him.

          His heart was excruciatingly heavy and it felt heavier with each item he packed, each memory remembered. He knew in the farthest reaches of his mind, he would never return to Atlantis, the pain would be too unbearable. He felt alone and hurt and the one person he would even consider telling his feelings to, was the same person who had shattered his heart and didn't even know it.

          He would leave in the morning and had decided not to say goodbye, 'I wouldn't even know what to say', he thought. The Daedelus was ready and so was he. Ready to forget he ever came to Atlantis, ready to forget he ever loved too late, ready to forget her beautiful face...

          A knock came at the door and for a moment, John thought of letting them pass without answering but begrudgingly he rose and the door slid open to reveal the very last person he wanted to see.

          Awww. That was soo sad. I want to cry.


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Fury #3

            After a long sleepless night of staring endlessly at a dark stain on his normally pristine ceiling, John felt extremely weary and cranky as he suited up and met with Colonel Carter to discuss the mission for the day.

            Zipping his vest up and adjusting the straps of his weapon, he listened to Samantha talk about the uncharted planet they had found in the database that she was sending him and his team to.

            "It's only you, Ronon, and McKay today, Colonel. Teyla wasn't feeling well this morning." she said straightening some papers on her desk without looking up. John's first reaction was concern but it quickly melded into selfish relief, for he had not seen her since she had given the news of her pregnancy with a strange look plastered on her face with Colonel Carter and Dr. Keller standing by her side as he, Ronon, and Rodney had looked on in disbelief.

            "Fine, tell them I'll meet them in the gate room," he said as he began for the door. "Colonel?" came Samantha's voice. He turned back, an eyebrow raised questioningly. She narrowed her eyes a bit before asking gingerly," Is everything allright?"

            "Yup," he answered a little taken back. "Am I dismissed?"

            She hesitated and then nodded and he quickly escaped into the crowded hallway and headed down to the gate room.

            A few minutes later, Rodney and Ronon had joined him, both of them asking where Teyla was. With a great strain and a forced look, John explained she did not feel well and neither asked any questions, although Ronon gave John an unreadable glance.

            The wormhole activated and they crossed the barrier and onto planet M39-6V. Dead valleys are far as the eye could see, with shriveled grass and barren fields and one lonely, withering tree whose branches hung sadly barely stirring in the morning breeze.

            One small settling amidst the desolation sat eerily under the gray sky. Fifty or so buildings and houses cluttered a small clearing and as they approached they saw no signs of townsfolk although the life signs detector was reading more than a hundred accounted for.

            "It's like a freaking ghost town, " remarked Rodney, looking at the peeling paint and broken shutters on the largest of the buildings.

            "Well they're definitely not ghosts," said Ronon motioning towards the life signs on the screen in Rodney's hand.

            John approached the closed entrance to the building Rodney was scanning and and took a deep breath. "Guess we'll just have to knock and find out," he said before he rapped loudly on the door.

            Nothing happened for several seconds and John knocked again, this time more forcefully. An echoed scuffling sound came from behind the door before they heard the rusted hinges start to creak as it swung outward towards them. A large man stood before them wearing simple clothes and a worn tattered hat. He had a dark shaggy beard and pale, transparent skin but his eyes were lively and shiny which was in total contrast to everything else about him.

            John immediately noticed the man was holding a large mallet of some sort, barely concealing it behind his back. The man looked at the three of them, his eyes lingering for awhile on Ronon's massive form before he spoke. "Leave this place. Now."

            John gave a half smile and looked at the man who was obviously primitive in nature although strangely unintimidated by their presence. "Don't be afraid. We're explorers and were looking for--"

            The man interrupted as the gripped mallet in his hands was edging around his large thigh towards them." I said...leave."

            John looked in the man's face and something about it was starting to make John's adrenaline pump, almost as if he knew a fight was coming. Normally, this would be the moment when John would usher the others away, apologizing for intruding on their lands and lead them back to the Stargate.

            But not today.

            The man had barely raised his arm towards him before John had raised the butt of his weapon and slammed it into the man's nose which immediately bled as he flailed backwards onto the sandy earth.

            Ronon and Rodney stared in total disbelief as they watched the man rise, spitting the trailing blood from his lips as he charged at the Colonel hitting him head first in his gut. The two wrestled and John unleashed his aggression, landing blow after blow to the man's face and body. With each hit, Ronon and Rodney felt surreal, as if the man before them was not the man they knew, but a stranger, an animal, someone dark and angry.

            Two men dressed the same as the first began to walk out of the same creaking door with mallets in their hands but Ronon raised his guns to them and shook his head slowly, letting them know it was a bad idea.

            John had gained advantage, resting atop the man now covered in blood and sand, and pounded fist after fist into his face, choking on sobs as the fury inside him welled up, driving him to go on with the burning images of Teyla and her lover laughing and cuddling etched in his brain.

            As he continued to release his wrath, he heard Rodney exclaim, "Colonel, what the hell are you doing?!" and suddenly felt Ronon's strong arms grab him from behind as he pulled him off the now motionless man, speaking gruffly but softly in his ear. "Enough, Sheppard! Enough!"

            John is really p'd off,never seen him so furious with rage!


              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              JT wallie of our beautiful duo...


              That was cute how you used the smilies.


                Oh, Sci....your chapter is beta'd! Go check your mail!!

                MrsB, I have forgotten about your story. Visitng the in Laws..then I had a killer headache last night...and now my darling Miss Teyla has been waking up at 3:30 in the morning ready to start the day (for the past three days!). So, your story is just might be a bit delayed.

                So...have I missed anything interesting the past couple of days?
                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                  Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                  So...have I missed anything interesting the past couple of days?
                  Other then me hugging people and getting passed over as if I'm not posting no *hugs Yappi *

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    YC, GNB, Ruby I'm loving the motavational posters, but I greened you recently so it won't let me agian. Sending Mental Green

                    Blue same to you about that wallie.
                    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                      Other then me hugging people and getting passed over as if I'm not posting no *hugs Yappi *
                      *hugs Teyilia* Well, there you go...
                      Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                        Thanks everyone for the comments about the wallie ....


                          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                          *hugs Teyilia* Well, there you go...
                          *big half moon grin here* yay! food! ..... POSTER!!!!!(will be posted shortly!)

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

                            Teyla’s eyes felt exceedingly heavy as she attempted with great effort to open them. She felt groggy and disoriented and her mouth tasted strangely, like some sort of metal, as she tried to swallow.

                            The blurred brightness before her took time to adjust and she blinked furiously at the harshness of the fluorescent lights above her. She could hear voices but they sounded distant and muffled, as if underwater.

                            “Hello?” she tried to speak but her voice was hoarse and dry.

                            As her foggy vision lessened, she attempted to move and found herself bound to something, a bed or a stretcher she thought, with straps restraining her hands and feet.

                            She could barely make out white figures shuffling about in a corner of the bright, white room as she looked wildly around for an explanation.

                            She forced her voice to clarity as she yelled, “Hello? Please help me!” while she heaved on her restraints futilely.

                            A man dressed in a white lab coat quickly hustled over and immediately pulled up Teyla’s shirt so that her smooth, flat belly was exposed and placed a cold hand upon it.

                            It was Carson.

                            He paid her no mind and the smile Teyla had missed for so long appeared on his face as he turned to look over his shoulder and called out,” It’s time!”

                            Other people in white lab coats hurried over, their faces half covered in surgical masks and placed their cold hands on Teyla’s uncovered belly.

                            Teyla felt confused and angry, no one was even looking at her. She looked pleadingly at her old friend. “Carson? What is happening? Why am I bound this way?”

                            “Easy lass,” he said in his comforting voice as a half masked nurse placed gloves on his hands that made a smacking noise as they fitted into place. “We’re all getting ready for the delivery.”

                            “Delivery?” Teyla repeated, as she became increasingly agitated. “What delivery? Carson, untie me, please!”

                            A nurse had wheeled over a small mobile table full of clanking instruments that rattled as she came to a stop by the doctor. Carson reached down and fiddled with the different items as he responded. “Teyla, the restraints are for our protection, of course. Now,” he said as he pulled an enormous syringe from the table and squirted a clear liquid from its end. “Tell, me when it hurts.”

                            He jabbed the needle deep into her belly and Teyla screamed in terror. For a few seconds she thought she might pass out from the pain before Carson retracted it harshly and gently patted her belly with his hand. “See now that wasn’t so bad.”

                            Teyla felt weary again and extremely sore where the needle had been. Before she could ask Carson what he had just done to her, she heard a strange clattering sound not too far from her head. She turned, trying hard to concentrate and her eyes opened wide as she saw a large cage filled with a bug she recognized instantly.

                            More than thirty Iratus bugs were swarming in a small, steel cage, shrieking loudly and spewing white foam that was dripping through the bars. Their beady eyes seemed to all find her and she turned back to Carson, hardly able to breathe in fear.

                            “Carson, please, PLEASE release me! I do not understand what is happening!”

                            Carson ignored her and mumbled with the others as he pulled an identical white surgical mask on, shrouding his nose and mouth and with a muffled voice said, “Here we go.”

                            Teyla’s eyes bulged and her scream echoed as she looked down and saw a shape start to shift under the skin of her toned, muscular stomach. It moved eerily from side to side and soon seemed to take the form of a hand pressing hard, its fingers outlined from under her flesh.

                            Teyla fell backward, her head slamming hard onto the thin pillow they had provided her. Turning her head, she vomited onto the floor, the pain unbearable.

                            She heard a strange noise and a slap and then, a shrilly cry of a newborn child. She quickly turned back, wiping her mouth on her shoulder and stared disbelievingly at Carson and the naked baby he held high in his hands.

                            “What….what…” Words could not form the thoughts clustered in her mind.

                            One of the nurses pulled Carson’s mask down around his neck and Teyla saw he was smiling again as he stared at the child. His gaze turned to her and he said, “It’s a boy, my dear. The father will be so pleased!”

                            Teyla shook her head violently, surpassing the urge to be sick again. “The father?”

                            A dark cloaked figure appeared suddenly in the corner of the room from behind the cage of shrieking bugs and glided gracefully towards the child, his face masked under the dark hood.

                            Slender, sallow hands emerged from under the dark robes and accepted the crying baby holding it close to its breast and rocking gently, as Carson and the nurses looked on approvingly.

                            “Who…..?” Teyla was barely able to gasp out as she stared in horror.

                            One hand on the child, the other reached up and pulled back its hood to reveal a face that made Teyla's heart shrivel in revulsion.


                            “No….no,” Teyla started to sob, pulling against her bonds.

                            The child resting comfortably swathed in the black robes was cooing and fidgeting as Michael looked from his tiny face and back towards Teyla. “We’re a family now….” Michael voice rang deep in her ears.

                            Teyla closed her eyes and screamed as loud as her lungs would allow her. Her heart felt as though it would explode in pure terror when she could suddenly hear another familiar voice calling her name over and over.


                            Teyla opened her eyes and found herself back in her warm bed now drenched in sweat with John Sheppard holding her arms tightly as he loudly called her name.

                            “Teyla! Wake up!” She sat up quickly and looked around at her quarters. Her body instantly collapsing in relief as John held her.

                            “Oh, John,” she said anxiously and buried her head into his shoulder as he held her, confused and concerned.

                            “What the hell is going on Teyla? You were screaming so loud, the people in your hall called security! Was it only a bad dream?”

                            She did not reply, she only clung to his warmth and stared with hard eyes into the void of her dream and prayed for the images to burn away.
                            OMG! Awesome!
                            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                              ohhhh darn....6 videos nominated in the awards... oh crap,,,didn't think they were that popular
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Hey guys! Another prayer request if I may. I'm sure most of you have read about the horrible earthquake that struck Peru yesterday. One of my best friends lives in Lima, and I can't reach her. I don't know anything about how her and her family are doing. Phone lines, cell lines, and obviously internet connections are all down right now, so I'm praying she and her family are safe, but just unable to communicate at the moment. The toll so far is over 300 dead. How sad and awful. I am worried sick for their safety.

                                Between the bridge, the miners in Utah, the quake in Japan, and now the quake in Peru, I see the petty crap like the comments in JM's blog and it is just disgusting. Do people really have that much time on their hands that they have nothing better to do or to worry about?!
                                I'll probably get redded for saying this again, but I am so PROUD of our ship for showing such grace in lieu of yet more ridiculous behavior of some people.

                                Mrs B--can't wait to read Fury! It sounds awesome!! I'll get caught up as soon as I can!

                                Ruby, managed to read the last two chapters of Baby Love! AHHH! I love this story! And your new one, sorry the name escapes me at the moment, is SO good as well! Really enjoyed it a lot! THANK YOU!!!!

                                So many wonderful fics and artwork! Thank you all!!!

                                Nina, how's your vid coming along? Can't wait to see it!

                                Hope everyone has finished voting for the J/T Awards! I think tomorrow is the last day if I remember correctly!

                                Oh, and my bet is on Bates as well. I hope so!! Can you imagine his reaction to Teyla's condition?


                                Bates, "With all due respect Sir, I told you not to put your personal feelings in front--"

                                John, "That's enough!"


                                Just kidding. A girl can only dream.

                                Alright, I'm off to work now, just wanted to pop in quickly. Thanks guys!
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

