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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Fury #3

    After a long sleepless night of staring endlessly at a dark stain on his normally pristine ceiling, John felt extremely weary and cranky as he suited up and met with Colonel Carter to discuss the mission for the day.

    Zipping his vest up and adjusting the straps of his weapon, he listened to Samantha talk about the uncharted planet they had found in the database that she was sending him and his team to.

    "It's only you, Ronon, and McKay today, Colonel. Teyla wasn't feeling well this morning." she said straightening some papers on her desk without looking up. John's first reaction was concern but it quickly melded into selfish relief, for he had not seen her since she had given the news of her pregnancy with a strange look plastered on her face with Colonel Carter and Dr. Keller standing by her side as he, Ronon, and Rodney had looked on in disbelief.

    "Fine, tell them I'll meet them in the gate room," he said as he began for the door. "Colonel?" came Samantha's voice. He turned back, an eyebrow raised questioningly. She narrowed her eyes a bit before asking gingerly," Is everything allright?"

    "Yup," he answered a little taken back. "Am I dismissed?"

    She hesitated and then nodded and he quickly escaped into the crowded hallway and headed down to the gate room.

    A few minutes later, Rodney and Ronon had joined him, both of them asking where Teyla was. With a great strain and a forced look, John explained she did not feel well and neither asked any questions, although Ronon gave John an unreadable glance.

    The wormhole activated and they crossed the barrier and onto planet M39-6V. Dead valleys are far as the eye could see, with shriveled grass and barren fields and one lonely, withering tree whose branches hung sadly barely stirring in the morning breeze.

    One small settling amidst the desolation sat eerily under the gray sky. Fifty or so buildings and houses cluttered a small clearing and as they approached they saw no signs of townsfolk although the life signs detector was reading more than a hundred accounted for.

    "It's like a freaking ghost town, " remarked Rodney, looking at the peeling paint and broken shutters on the largest of the buildings.

    "Well they're definitely not ghosts," said Ronon motioning towards the life signs on the screen in Rodney's hand.

    John approached the closed entrance to the building Rodney was scanning and and took a deep breath. "Guess we'll just have to knock and find out," he said before he rapped loudly on the door.

    Nothing happened for several seconds and John knocked again, this time more forcefully. An echoed scuffling sound came from behind the door before they heard the rusted hinges start to creak as it swung outward towards them. A large man stood before them wearing simple clothes and a worn tattered hat. He had a dark shaggy beard and pale, transparent skin but his eyes were lively and shiny which was in total contrast to everything else about him.

    John immediately noticed the man was holding a large mallet of some sort, barely concealing it behind his back. The man looked at the three of them, his eyes lingering for awhile on Ronon's massive form before he spoke. "Leave this place. Now."

    John gave a half smile and looked at the man who was obviously primitive in nature although strangely unintimidated by their presence. "Don't be afraid. We're explorers and were looking for--"

    The man interrupted as the gripped mallet in his hands was edging around his large thigh towards them." I said...leave."

    John looked in the man's face and something about it was starting to make John's adrenaline pump, almost as if he knew a fight was coming. Normally, this would be the moment when John would usher the others away, apologizing for intruding on their lands and lead them back to the Stargate.

    But not today.

    The man had barely raised his arm towards him before John had raised the butt of his weapon and slammed it into the man's nose which immediately bled as he flailed backwards onto the sandy earth.

    Ronon and Rodney stared in total disbelief as they watched the man rise, spitting the trailing blood from his lips as he charged at the Colonel hitting him head first in his gut. The two wrestled and John unleashed his aggression, landing blow after blow to the man's face and body. With each hit, Ronon and Rodney felt surreal, as if the man before them was not the man they knew, but a stranger, an animal, someone dark and angry.

    Two men dressed the same as the first began to walk out of the same creaking door with mallets in their hands but Ronon raised his guns to them and shook his head slowly, letting them know it was a bad idea.

    John had gained advantage, resting atop the man now covered in blood and sand, and pounded fist after fist into his face, choking on sobs as the fury inside him welled up, driving him to go on with the burning images of Teyla and her lover laughing and cuddling etched in his brain.

    As he continued to release his wrath, he heard Rodney exclaim, "Colonel, what the hell are you doing?!" and suddenly felt Ronon's strong arms grab him from behind as he pulled him off the now motionless man, speaking gruffly but softly in his ear. "Enough, Sheppard! Enough!"
    John beating up folks! If couldn't tell I also love it when folks get whumped upon by Sheppy too! But, now, you're gonna have to him and Teyla confront each other before he kills himself....Ronon..having to pull him off the man...perfect!!
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Fury #4

      As Ronon held John from behind tightly by his arms, John heaved and flailed trying to escape his unlockable grip. "Get the hell off of me, Ronon!" he yelled, his bruising face still wildly searching the motionless body half buried in the sand.

      Ronon shoved John away hard in the opposite direction of the bloodied man and stood between them. "Sheppard, you don't want to do this. Look at him! He's down! We need to get the hell out of," Ronon said pointedly as he gestured to the many opening doors in the village where groups of men were emerging all with mallets resting in their hands.

      John made an ugly face and his chest heaved as he stared angrily at the approaching villagers while Rodney began slowly walking backwards making his way back to the path in which they had come, his wide eyes on the slowly incoming men, . "Colonel, I don't know why you're acting like a total steroid lunatic, but unless you want to get strung up by a ghost town lynch mob, we better go!"

      Ronon looked at John uncomfortably and said, "Well?" He did not want to force his friend into submission and wasn't even sure he could while John was full of this much rage. John sniffed the air and cracked his neck before giving Ronon a desperate look and turned to follow Rodney who was already quite a ways ahead.

      Ronon sighed with relief and followed as well, turning every few minutes with his guns held high to ensure the villagers would let them leave.

      Just as Rodney passed through the gate, Ronon grabbed John by the shoulder and John turned. Ronon stared at his heavy face and forlorn eyes and sympathized. "Why don't you just talk to her Sheppard?"

      John looked away from him and up towards the empty gray sky. "There's nothing to say Ronon. I was a fool to think their was." And he let Ronon's hand slip from his shoulder and he passed through the gate.
      He needs to quit and go talk to Teyla! Like Ronon said. Or just Ronon literally knock some sense into him! You know he could too! there's nothing to say? What a butthead! There is plenty that needs to be addressed . Just slightly! Great JOB once again MrsB!
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Ok! As for who it is in JM's Blog
        I did not even think of Bates . But, I think we are on the right track because even in the whump thread they guessing it is Bates too! AT first we all forgot about Bates, and some were thinking it might be Everett. But, that was ruled out. So, it does look like it's Bates. That would be very interesting thing to throw in too. Like Camy said in here mini script of dialog! It could be a new realm of possibilities in the world fic and Shep and Teyla!!!

        Only 43 days!!!
        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          Fury #4

          As Ronon held John from behind tightly by his arms, John heaved and flailed trying to escape his unlockable grip. "Get the hell off of me, Ronon!" he yelled, his bruising face still wildly searching the motionless body half buried in the sand.

          Ronon shoved John away hard in the opposite direction of the bloodied man and stood between them. "Sheppard, you don't want to do this. Look at him! He's down! We need to get the hell out of," Ronon said pointedly as he gestured to the many opening doors in the village where groups of men were emerging all with mallets resting in their hands.

          John made an ugly face and his chest heaved as he stared angrily at the approaching villagers while Rodney began slowly walking backwards making his way back to the path in which they had come, his wide eyes on the slowly incoming men, . "Colonel, I don't know why you're acting like a total steroid lunatic, but unless you want to get strung up by a ghost town lynch mob, we better go!"

          Ronon looked at John uncomfortably and said, "Well?" He did not want to force his friend into submission and wasn't even sure he could while John was full of this much rage. John sniffed the air and cracked his neck before giving Ronon a desperate look and turned to follow Rodney who was already quite a ways ahead.

          Ronon sighed with relief and followed as well, turning every few minutes with his guns held high to ensure the villagers would let them leave.

          Just as Rodney passed through the gate, Ronon grabbed John by the shoulder and John turned. Ronon stared at his heavy face and forlorn eyes and sympathized. "Why don't you just talk to her Sheppard?"

          John looked away from him and up towards the empty gray sky. "There's nothing to say Ronon. I was a fool to think their was." And he let Ronon's hand slip from his shoulder and he passed through the gate.
          Another fantastic update..... keep them coming.


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Fury #2

            John ran hard through the steely, dark overpass that he and Ronon frequented, sweat glistening on his forehead and his black t-shirt was stuck damp to his chest and back. While it was always deserted, the two men usually came here for exercise or some friendly competition, but this day John was here for a different reason.

            His heart thumped loudly in his chest and his face was red and blotchy as he ran full speed down the long, shadowed corridor. He had thought perhaps, if he came to run, if he ran hard enough, that maybe, just maybe, his mind would rest, even for a moment, from the constant torment of thinking of her.

            After running for over an hour, he knew this was not the answer. His thoughts were still completely focused on her and he still felt the sickening feeling deep in his stomach as if something dead inside was trying to claw its way out. He ran off the end of the walkway and continued running, careening through the halls of Atlantis towards his quarters, ignoring the friendly staff who greeted him as he passed hurriedly by.

            He brushed his palm affront his entrance crystals and entered his room sullenly, removing his damp shirt over his head and tossing it carelessly onto the floor. He turned into the bathroom and grabbed the knob for the shower, yanking it sideways as jets of hot water streamed out onto the shower floor.

            He padded slowly over to his sink and rested his shaking hands on either side, looking through the slowly fogging mirror into his miserable heavy eyes.

            He let the refreshing steam wash over him as it flooded the room stealthily and he closed his eyes, trying to think of anything but her. But he simply couldn’t. And soon the image of her with another man, the image he had suffered all day long, of her and some unknown lover wrapped in each others arms pierced through his attempted serenity and poured a foul darkness into his heart like thick molten lava.

            His knuckles turned white as he gripped the sink with a growing ferocity and the images in his mind of the happy couple grew and twisted, making even John feel nervous of his own monstrous reaction.

            Suppressing his urge to slam his fist into the mirror, he removed the rest of his clothing and stepped into the scalding shower, letting the waves of heat run over him like an angry ocean.

            He stood there silent and his anger began to melt into something else.


            Why do I even care? She’s a member of my team, my good friend…….We’ve never been together, not like that anyways…..she has no bond to me………….so why does it feel like the end of the world??
            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Fury #3

            After a long sleepless night of staring endlessly at a dark stain on his normally pristine ceiling, John felt extremely weary and cranky as he suited up and met with Colonel Carter to discuss the mission for the day.

            Zipping his vest up and adjusting the straps of his weapon, he listened to Samantha talk about the uncharted planet they had found in the database that she was sending him and his team to.

            "It's only you, Ronon, and McKay today, Colonel. Teyla wasn't feeling well this morning." she said straightening some papers on her desk without looking up. John's first reaction was concern but it quickly melded into selfish relief, for he had not seen her since she had given the news of her pregnancy with a strange look plastered on her face with Colonel Carter and Dr. Keller standing by her side as he, Ronon, and Rodney had looked on in disbelief.

            "Fine, tell them I'll meet them in the gate room," he said as he began for the door. "Colonel?" came Samantha's voice. He turned back, an eyebrow raised questioningly. She narrowed her eyes a bit before asking gingerly," Is everything allright?"

            "Yup," he answered a little taken back. "Am I dismissed?"

            She hesitated and then nodded and he quickly escaped into the crowded hallway and headed down to the gate room.

            A few minutes later, Rodney and Ronon had joined him, both of them asking where Teyla was. With a great strain and a forced look, John explained she did not feel well and neither asked any questions, although Ronon gave John an unreadable glance.

            The wormhole activated and they crossed the barrier and onto planet M39-6V. Dead valleys are far as the eye could see, with shriveled grass and barren fields and one lonely, withering tree whose branches hung sadly barely stirring in the morning breeze.

            One small settling amidst the desolation sat eerily under the gray sky. Fifty or so buildings and houses cluttered a small clearing and as they approached they saw no signs of townsfolk although the life signs detector was reading more than a hundred accounted for.

            "It's like a freaking ghost town, " remarked Rodney, looking at the peeling paint and broken shutters on the largest of the buildings.

            "Well they're definitely not ghosts," said Ronon motioning towards the life signs on the screen in Rodney's hand.

            John approached the closed entrance to the building Rodney was scanning and and took a deep breath. "Guess we'll just have to knock and find out," he said before he rapped loudly on the door.

            Nothing happened for several seconds and John knocked again, this time more forcefully. An echoed scuffling sound came from behind the door before they heard the rusted hinges start to creak as it swung outward towards them. A large man stood before them wearing simple clothes and a worn tattered hat. He had a dark shaggy beard and pale, transparent skin but his eyes were lively and shiny which was in total contrast to everything else about him.

            John immediately noticed the man was holding a large mallet of some sort, barely concealing it behind his back. The man looked at the three of them, his eyes lingering for awhile on Ronon's massive form before he spoke. "Leave this place. Now."

            John gave a half smile and looked at the man who was obviously primitive in nature although strangely unintimidated by their presence. "Don't be afraid. We're explorers and were looking for--"

            The man interrupted as the gripped mallet in his hands was edging around his large thigh towards them." I said...leave."

            John looked in the man's face and something about it was starting to make John's adrenaline pump, almost as if he knew a fight was coming. Normally, this would be the moment when John would usher the others away, apologizing for intruding on their lands and lead them back to the Stargate.

            But not today.

            The man had barely raised his arm towards him before John had raised the butt of his weapon and slammed it into the man's nose which immediately bled as he flailed backwards onto the sandy earth.

            Ronon and Rodney stared in total disbelief as they watched the man rise, spitting the trailing blood from his lips as he charged at the Colonel hitting him head first in his gut. The two wrestled and John unleashed his aggression, landing blow after blow to the man's face and body. With each hit, Ronon and Rodney felt surreal, as if the man before them was not the man they knew, but a stranger, an animal, someone dark and angry.

            Two men dressed the same as the first began to walk out of the same creaking door with mallets in their hands but Ronon raised his guns to them and shook his head slowly, letting them know it was a bad idea.

            John had gained advantage, resting atop the man now covered in blood and sand, and pounded fist after fist into his face, choking on sobs as the fury inside him welled up, driving him to go on with the burning images of Teyla and her lover laughing and cuddling etched in his brain.

            As he continued to release his wrath, he heard Rodney exclaim, "Colonel, what the hell are you doing?!" and suddenly felt Ronon's strong arms grab him from behind as he pulled him off the now motionless man, speaking gruffly but softly in his ear. "Enough, Sheppard! Enough!"
            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Fury #4

            As Ronon held John from behind tightly by his arms, John heaved and flailed trying to escape his unlockable grip. "Get the hell off of me, Ronon!" he yelled, his bruising face still wildly searching the motionless body half buried in the sand.

            Ronon shoved John away hard in the opposite direction of the bloodied man and stood between them. "Sheppard, you don't want to do this. Look at him! He's down! We need to get the hell out of," Ronon said pointedly as he gestured to the many opening doors in the village where groups of men were emerging all with mallets resting in their hands.

            John made an ugly face and his chest heaved as he stared angrily at the approaching villagers while Rodney began slowly walking backwards making his way back to the path in which they had come, his wide eyes on the slowly incoming men, . "Colonel, I don't know why you're acting like a total steroid lunatic, but unless you want to get strung up by a ghost town lynch mob, we better go!"

            Ronon looked at John uncomfortably and said, "Well?" He did not want to force his friend into submission and wasn't even sure he could while John was full of this much rage. John sniffed the air and cracked his neck before giving Ronon a desperate look and turned to follow Rodney who was already quite a ways ahead.

            Ronon sighed with relief and followed as well, turning every few minutes with his guns held high to ensure the villagers would let them leave.

            Just as Rodney passed through the gate, Ronon grabbed John by the shoulder and John turned. Ronon stared at his heavy face and forlorn eyes and sympathized. "Why don't you just talk to her Sheppard?"

            John looked away from him and up towards the empty gray sky. "There's nothing to say Ronon. I was a fool to think their was." And he let Ronon's hand slip from his shoulder and he passed through the gate.
            Oh my , Oh my....
            Okay seriously I don't want to be at the recieving end of that anger...crap... that guy needs to stop before he either kill someone or end up getting himself killed...he can't even think straight on a mission and he usually never let's anything get in the way of his focus...
            I really think he needs to talk to Teyla...or Teyla hearing about what has happened and that she confronts him...tie him down to the bed to get him to listen to her or whatever...or lock him and Teyla in a room where you can only open the door from the outside... he should talk to her instead of thinking up scenarios he is going to by ashamed of thinking about before even having any facts... oh I wish I could get in your story and kick some sense into the moron...

            Keep it up and hope to read more soon
            Sigs by Scifan


              We are posting Hot Zone caps in the favorite ship,Right?
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                We are posting Hot Zone caps in the favorite ship,Right?

                don't forget to vote in the best hairdo thread as well... Shep is only barely in the lead..


                  DAILY VOTING LINKS

                  Vote for Joe in SyFy Awards

                  Vote for our fellow J/T talents in the J/T Awards

                  Vote for J/T on Hot Zone in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

                  Pics to use for the game:

                  Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode
                  (If one of your favorite John episodes isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                  Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode
                  (If one of your favorite Teyla episodes isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                  Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment
                  (If one of your favorite J/T moments isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                  Support John in the H&H Best Hairdos

                  Vote or discuss in the Guess The Body Part

                  VOTING UPDATE
                  In the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game...we have now 8 votes for Hot Zone
                  So keep up the good work....

                  LET THE VOTING BEGIN FOR THE DAY!!
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post

                    DAILY VOTING LINKS

                    Vote for Joe in SyFy Awards

                    Vote for our fellow J/T talents in the J/T Awards

                    Vote for J/T on Hot Zone in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

                    Pics to use for the game:

                    Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode
                    (If one of your favorite John episodes isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                    Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode
                    (If one of your favorite Teyla episodes isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                    Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment
                    (If one of your favorite J/T moments isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                    Support John in the H&H Best Hairdos

                    Vote or discuss in the Guess The Body Part

                    VOTING UPDATE
                    In the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game...we have now 8 votes for Hot Zone
                    So keep up the good work....

                    LET THE VOTING BEGIN FOR THE DAY!!

                    Thanks for the links Nina..... I keep forgetting to vote for Joe in the Syfy Awards.


                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      Thanks for the links Nina..... I keep forgetting to vote for Joe in the Syfy Awards.
                      That's what I'm here for Keeping everyone up to speed on what to vote,,and pics for use..
                      Sigs by Scifan



                        Your J/T icon... could be from a pic like this...From Condemned
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          You save me with the link page. I never remember all the things we are voting in
                          to keep our fave couple on top!

                          I alway make sure I vote for the Syfy awards Blue! I really want JF to get the award for best actor! HE certainly deserves it!
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Love your Fury updates MrsB!!!!

                            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                            MrsB Fury is incredible

                            Poor John!! I mean, the poor guy. Tell me he's going to be put out of his misery soon!

                            I'm with Camy - definitely my fave story of yours!

                            Has anyone read the comments in response to JM's blog? VB asked a perfectly question about whether Teyla's arcs would be included in the season finale and two people completely slammed her, saying that the only reason Teyla was getting an arc was because of her pregnancy and otherwise she would 'be in the background as usual', and lots of other things... it was horrible. Luckily a few people have called them on their bitter and twisted rubbish already, which is good coz I couldn't think of anything enough to say!

                            It's amazing how bitter people can be... jeez, if Sheppard suddenly turned around and announced he was in love with Weir I wouldn't be happy but I also wouldn't go round trashing other fans because of something the writers decided. Not that that would happen anyway.

                            And I'm not saying that just because I'm a JT fan, I'm saying it because from my experience of watching TV over the years and being a shipper I know that I'm a very boring shipper - I ship canon. Which is why I ship JT - they're the canon couple of SGA and have been from Rising. Maybe it's lack of imagination on my part, but I almost always ship canon. I never really got behind McWeir - I'd love it to happen because they are two of my fave characters and I read fanfiction on it sometimes but it became clear quite quickly on the show that they're just friends and so I never really got into it.

                            My (long-winded) point is that if you're going to get behind a non-canon ship then that's absolutely fine, but you have to be prepared to be disappointed. And lashing out at other fans is not going to help.

                            Okay. Rant over.
                            Completely agree with your post! I can't stand people like that! They're bitter and an overall pain in the butt.

                            my ships


                              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                              You save me with the link page. I never remember all the things we are voting in
                              to keep our fave couple on top!

                              I alway make sure I vote for the Syfy awards Blue! I really want JF to get the award for best actor! HE certainly deserves it!
                              Voting links girl to the rescue everyday then
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Fury #5
                                Once Ronon had stepped through the wormhole he watched as Colonel Carter looked down from the top of the staircase and began to descend towards them, asking for a mission report. Rodney began to stutter an incomprehensible story while John awkwardly fiddled with his vest pocket.

                                Ronon heard familiar distant laughter and his eyes caught at the top of one of the overpasses to see Teyla standing there. She was standing with one of the many marines of Atlantis and she was talking avidly and smiling widely. Ronon quickly turned to distract John from looking towards the general area, but it was too late.

                                Ronon could see the transformation of John face as his gaze caught them, an intense burn glowing in his eyes. John's thoughts screamed in his mind, 'Is that him? Is that the guy?' Ronon wanted to get John out of there but before he could say anything Colonel Carter spoke first. "Colonel Sheppard, since McKay is obviously incapable of giving me a straight answer, could you please fill me in on what happened on M39-6V? Colonel Sheppard? John, what's wrong?" she finally said noticing his expression.

                                John wasn't even listening. His heart pounding in his throat, he marched past Samantha who stared at him open mouthed and straight up the stairs, directly towards his quarters. He did this out of fear, fear for the man who stood beside her because he wanted nothing more than to bash his face in, even if they were just talking innocently.

                                He entered his room and collapsed on his bed, slamming his open palm to his forehead in frustration. "Stupid, John! Stupid!" he scolded himself aloud. He sat there thinking for what felt like hours, but had actually been minutes and came to the only conclusion he knew was right.

                                He straightened up and looked in the mirror, frowning at his reflection, before leaving his room and heading towards Colonel Carter's office.

                                He knocked gently on the door and heard her say, "Enter."

                                He opened the door and saw her look up almost smiling, as if expecting him.

                                "I was hoping I wouldn't have to track you down Colonel. Neither of your team members seem to remember what happened on that planet in the last hour and I'm still waiting for a report," she said with a kind look in her eye.

                                "Yeah, well, I do apologize for my behavior at the gate. That was entirely unprofessional of me. This is actually what I came here to talk about, Colonel. I'd like to be temporarily relieved of duty," he said not meeting her gaze.

                                She said nothing for a moment and looked down at her hands before answering. "May I ask why, John?"

                                John cleared his throat. "Personal reasons I'd rather not get into, but I feel my judgment has been compromised and the safety of the team comes first, so..."

                                Colonel Carter had a knowing look on her face although since John was not looking at her, he did not catch it. "I know we don't know each other very well yet Colonel, but I've been around long enough and experienced enough in my time to pick up on certain...reactions."

                                John finally met her eyes, confused. "I don't get what your saying Colonel."

                                "I noticed your reaction to Teyla's news, John."

                                His face darkened to a deep purple at the mere mention of her name, let alone Samantha's acknowledgement of his situation. His heart started pounding again in anxiousness.

                                "If you could just let me know when the Daedelus is expected to return to Earth next, I'd appreciate it. Now if you'll excuse me..." He started to rise when she cut him off.

                                "John?" He didn't turn but he did stop moving.

                                "I know its none of my business, but a word of advice. Things aren't always what they seem."

                                He didn't respond and continued towards the door, letting himself out.
                                Last edited by MrsB108; 16 August 2007, 07:44 AM.

