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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I'm pretty sure he did ask her to call him by his first name before they kissed.
    But yeah, it would've been extra weird if he had done it after.

    ALso, I was wondering about what Teyla's last line meant also. [spoiler] At first I thought she meant he should not give the kiss further thought (which would fall in to your #1 category). As a shipper that made me a little sad.

    But after having watched the scene again,

    John: There's another thing I should probably apologise for.
    Teyla: Give it no further thought.
    John: Good. I won't.

    I think she meant something more along the lines of #3, there's no need to give thought to apologizing.
    Last edited by cherryblossomjen; 13 September 2005, 10:05 AM.



      He used the words 'should probably'....i'm thinking he's not to sure and was checking to see what she would say?....

      R.I.P Wraithlord

      Awesome sig by SciFan


        Originally posted by Deborah
        I hope the folks over at the ST Fever Group don't mind but this vid was posted there and you have to see it. *Warning contains spoilers for Conversion and 'the kiss'.

        Welcome to all the Newcomers...we love Sheppard and Teyla supporters...please come by more often...

        And this video was wonderful...thanks....
        I can't get over how the words actually went perfectly with the scenes that it matched with...
        And that KISS between Sheppard and Teyla looks awesome!


          Originally posted by WitchBlade007

          He used the words 'should probably'....i'm thinking he's not to sure and was checking to see what she would say?....

          Yeah, I agree. Because with the words "should and probably" thrown in, it sounds like he was checking to see if everything is alright between them, and "give it no further thought" sounded like, "don't worry everything is alright between us"
          Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


            Originally posted by cherryblossomjen
            I'm pretty sure he did ask her to call him by his first name before they kissed.
            But yeah, it would've been extra weird if he had done it after.

            ALso, I was wondering about what Teyla's last line meant also. [spoiler] At first I thought she meant he should not give the kiss further thought (which would fall in to your #1 category). As a shipper that made me a little sad.

            But after having watched the scene again,

            John: There's another thing I should probably apologise for.
            Teyla: Give it no further thought.
            John: Good. I won't.

            I think she meant something more along the lines of #3, there's no need to give thought to apologizing.

            You are right...
            he did tell her to call him John before the kiss....

            Agree with you 100%....We can't loose hope on Sheppard and Teyla.....


              Originally posted by Deborah
              The Conversion kiss was a lot more passionate than I expected and I think the PTBs would be crazy not to build on it. On the other hand, Conversion is basically the Atlantis version of The Broca Divide, which does what the PTBs do best - it suggests there's an underlying physical attraction without actually committing to anything because the person doing the kissing is under the influence. There's that damn reset button again.

              Can you tell I'm not one for ambiguouty. Don't get me wrong, I love the subtle relationships on Atlantis, I just wouldn't mind a healthy dose of in your face overt shippiness once in a while - nine seasons and a spin-off series later and I'm still waiting for Sam and Jack to get together - onscreen, in our reality, without resetting time. Did I miss anything?

              You are so right..for me the not knowing where this entire ship thing is going is very frustrating....I understand that it cannot happen over night because it would take away from its credibility...and not to mention the suspense and tension that is going on right now...but I agree...I don't want to wait another 9 seasons and then have them either change characters or what not....You are so right! I hope that by the end of this season there is a list some more convincing scenes that show us clearly where all of this ship stuff is going...Let's see.....


                Originally posted by cherryblossomjen
                I'm pretty sure he did ask her to call him by his first name before they kissed.
                But yeah, it would've been extra weird if he had done it after.

                ALso, I was wondering about what Teyla's last line meant also. [spoiler] At first I thought she meant he should not give the kiss further thought (which would fall in to your #1 category). As a shipper that made me a little sad.

                But after having watched the scene again,

                John: There's another thing I should probably apologise for.
                Teyla: Give it no further thought.
                John: Good. I won't.

                I think she meant something more along the lines of #3, there's no need to give thought to apologizing.
                This is exactly what I thought. I never thought that she was ever implying
                to not even keep thinking about the kiss. In my mind, she was always just telling him that apology wasn't necessary
                . But, yes, as a shipper, I could just be reading into with my ample amounts of bias. But that explanation would certainly account for the weird way in which Shep says "Good...I won't". That line could be said in a very mundane way, but the way he read it, it's heavy with meaning.

                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                  God I waited forever for Conversion!! I even had to wait longer than most of you folks because we don't get sci-fi but the movie network and they play it on mondays, so it took every last ounce of control I had not read spoilers. Seriously, I am glad I finally saw the episode because, all that anticipation could not have been healthy.
                  The episode was great, but certain aspects did not live up to my expectations, I felt the whole episode in general was rushed, and really it could have been a three parter rather than a two, because they could have had a more effective time to show the really rough stages of Sheppard's condition, and also I liked the idea of the goodbye scenes. The kiss was amazing!!! I was so worried about it, because you know hearing that it was to take place after a sparring sesion, I thought it would be aggressive. But it wasn't, they dropped there weapons, and then how he kind of put his hands gentley behind her head and pulled her to him, very cute indeed. And then afterwards, how he got all concerned and was like, "Hey.... you okay?" was adorable. Season two had really up till this last episode been lacking in the little sheyla moments that were so frequent last year.

                  As for all the scenes with Elizabeth and John together, the impression I got was of a more siblingly relationship than a romantic one. What with John saying " You know you really suck at the whole bed-side manner thing..........but I...appreciate the effort." I dunno, it just kinda reminded me of some of the times I have gotten annoyed with my sister's for making me feel worse.

                  On another hand, the part where he nearly chocked her, would make it kind of hard to form a believable relationship between the two. Now it maybe just me, but if a man nearly chocked me, I wouldn't want to get into a relation-ship with him. Also I think that maybe, just maybe, at this point Weir cares more for John then he for her.

                  Another thing I loved, was Teyla's concern for him. It sort of showed, that maybe the kiss made her more aware of her feelings towards John. I loved when she had her P-90 at him, how she called out " Colonel!!" and how he turned and looked at her, but didn't go at her. It showed just how stron their connection is, even if you don't look at it from a romantic viewpoint like I do.

                  Also, the part where she tried to stop Ronnon, after thinking on it, struck me as, not concern for Ronnon, but more for what he might do to John. (afterall, Mr. Dex is a killing machine.... come on who wouldn't be?)

                  And did anyone notice how annoyed Teyla looked after Ronnon shot John the second time, or how emotionaly beat up? She looked like she was fighting the urge to just break down completley.

                  The final scene was adorable, though as others have said, confusing.....I am hoping that by thing nothing of it she was saying "do not think of appoligizing" as,if you really disect the script in an English class sort of way, would make more sense, but could go either way.

                  Also did anyone catch how John said something along the lines of, "As I was lying in the hospital bed, I got to thinking about certain things I did, that normally I wouldn't do...." can't you just see him lying there and playing the kiss over and over in his head??

                  All in all, the interaction between John and Teyla was great, but the actual plot felt a bit rushed to me.......

                  However, we the Sheyla was amazing, and it has been too long since we have had an eppy like that....
                  Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                    green_eyed_lady, U said everything i was trying to figure out to say perfectly....

                    As for the look Teyla gave Ronon....i completely saw that...and that one part where she's looking at thought she was sad...was very much showing how the kiss had affected her.....

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      This is quite off topic, but I wish to apologize for my earlier assanine and ridiculous post.
                      It's because so many people are so freakin close minded!!! "Eww she's an Alien!!! we can't have the hot earth dude with the good looking alien chick.... quick get the Brown haired Dr. Chick to break up with that Simon dude...then pair the hot earth dude with her...... good now nothing on this show is controversial, it's good and cliched, like it should be!"
                      I did not really think out what I was saying, I did not mean too imply that people ship for shweir due to closed mindedness. I meant to say that alot of people do not like Sheppard with Teyla because she is an alien(or people that I have met though not on this board). Also this part
                      we can't have the hot earth dude with the good looking alien chick.... quick get the Brown haired Dr. Chick to break up with that Simon dude...then pair the hot earth dude with her...... good now nothing on this show is controversial, it's good and cliched, like it should be!"
                      I was refering to what the reactions of the executives of the corporation that broadcasts and owns the rights SG:A could have had, which could have been the cause of all this indecision we are getting.

                      My deepest apologies for the earlier post, like the stupid teenager that I am, I wasn't really thinking about what I was saying.

                      IN NO WAY DO I FEEL THAT PEOPLE SHIP SHWEIR BECAUSE OF CLOSED MINDEDNESS. Though I am sorry that is how it came about. My apologies.
                      Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                        Green-eyed Lady -- loved your little dissection of "Conversion". I've been playing and analyzing that episode an awful lot (my poor VCR!), and I got a lot of the same conclusions as you. I have to say that the actors and actresses in the show were at the top of their game with this episode. The emotion and weight that they put into every line and gesture was perfection, and the non-verbal stuff like the little looks, smiles, and glances were sooo professional. Kudos to all!

                        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          You are so right..for me the not knowing where this entire ship thing is going is very frustrating....I understand that it cannot happen over night because it would take away from its credibility...and not to mention the suspense and tension that is going on right now...but I agree...I don't want to wait another 9 seasons and then have them either change characters or what not....You are so right! I hope that by the end of this season there is a list some more convincing scenes that show us clearly where all of this ship stuff is going...Let's see.....
                          Er, hate to say this, but this is the way Stargate goes. They will give you HINTS of things that MIGHT be, but they will not ANSWER the question unless they actually plan to use it in the show. Ship is a dangerous thing to put on action/adventure shows. If two characters suddenly develop more than a friend relationship, how do they deal with it? Will it bog down plots? (aka Heroine gets abducted by alien, hero will go rescue her not becuase she's a teammate but because he can't live without her undying love). It can get schmaltzy. This is also more of an episodic show than say, Buffy, which could have rleationships. However, an average viewer couldn't just turn on Buffy in season 3, say, and know what the heck was going on, You can pretty much drop in on any Stargate and not sit there scratching your head for an hour afterwards trying to figure things out.

                          And the writers, when asked, will give coy answers, so it's best to take all stuff in the press with a shake of salt, not just a gran You'll be happier. If you want actual honest-to-gosh ship, read fanfic, as, after all, 'ship' is a term coined for fanfic.


                            I got a recommendation for a Shep/Teyla vid song, and wondering what you guys thought of it. It's not much of one for Conversion, mostly a Shep vid I think but would work very well with Teyla in there too.

                            Gypsy by The Moody Blues (lyrics here) - the suggestion was Shep is the gypsy, rather than Teyla, who could be the 'burning sun/warmth'. I'm not sure entirely what clips to use for it but I like the song and I think it might work.
                            Last edited by Purpleyin; 13 September 2005, 04:32 PM. Reason: typos! oops


                              Originally posted by Purpleyin
                              I got a recommendation for a Shep/Teyla vid song, and wondering what you guys thought of it. It's not much of one for conversion, mostly A Shep vid I thikn but would work very well with Teyla in there too.

                              Gypsy by The Moody Blues (lyrics here) - the suggestion was Shep is the gypsy, rather than Teyla, who could be the 'burning sun/warmth'. I'm not sure entirely what clips to use for it but I like the song and I think it might work.
                              You do really great work (with fanfiction, postings, and vids!) so I trust your judgement. Just be sure to post the link when you're done so all of us pleading, hungry souls can be allowed to enjoy the lovely shippiness.

                              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                                I wish I knew how to make vids...cause I know a perfect song for a Sheyla vid, and that is Howie Day's Collide...I mean...I am listening to that song right now and just listening to the lyrics I get Sheyla moments in my mind ...If I find the lyrics I will post 'em here

