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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Thanks Kingdom. I'm glad you liked my lame motivator and story. LOL

    Here's a goodnight story for all: The Ties That Bind continues...


    John begins to grab his side and winces. Teyla notices, “Have you taken your pain medication? You know that Dr. Keller wants you to take it easy for a while. I do not want you to further injure yourself because of me.”
    John cocks his head back slightly, “Well, as long as I don’t get to close to you when you’re having a nightmare, I should be fine.” He flashes his boyish grin. “Besides, I already took by medication just before I got here and good thing too,” he says pretending to be serious.
    Teyla gives him her gentle smile, “I am truly grateful that you are here with me, but please. I will be fine. You should go to your quarters and go to bed.”
    “Ok, but you come get me if you need anything else,” he replies as he gets up and walks to the door. She gives him a reassuring nod.
    During the night Teyla starts to experience a different kind of dream. It is from when she was in the Asuran city, but it is not the same as the nightmares she has had. It is almost like a memory that is surfacing. She recalls the pain that she experienced there, and voices talking about her like she wasn’t even there. She strains to hear what they are saying even though the pain in her abdomen was unbearable. She can see the male Asuran talking to a female, but can’t see her face.
    “Are you sure that the nanites will come out of their dormant state once she is pregnant?” the male asks and the female responses positively. “Good. Then this child will become part us and part human. Are you sure that her feelings for this ancient descent is strong?” Again the female answers with a yes. “Very well bring her back to her cell and probe her mind to reassure her connection to this man. We will retrieve the child after it is born and I will also make sure that she will have no way of contacting her people. We don’t want to take any chances that she remembers and wants to terminate the pregnancy.” The woman finally steps into view for Teyla to see, it is Ladil.
    Teyla awakens quickly and jumps out to bed about ready to tell John, but fear over comes her. “What if he wants Atlantis to get rid of the child? What of my people?” she thinks to herself. She sits back on her bed contemplating her decisions. She finally decides to wait and not say anything. She knows for now she will be able to hide her sickness and blame it on stress, but she also knows that the day will come when she will have to tell John, the rest of the team and Sam. How she wished right now that Dr. Keller was wrong. Another thought surfaces to her mind. The night that her and John were together. A smile comes over her remembering how he was with her. So gentle and loving, but then the thought of the Asurans pops back in her mind. “What if this is them controlling me? What if…” She tries to calm herself up again. She focuses on how she feels about John. “Were the real or forced?” she thought. “No, they weren’t forced. My feelings are there for him, but I never acted on it.” She starts to feel better. “What about John? He must have feeling for me otherwise we would not had that special time together.” Thinking things through was helping. “Why did he not say anything?” she thought for a while, but remember that everyone was experiencing various dreams and she even dismissed it. Flashes of all he has been doing for her since they rescued her came flooding in and at that moment she realizes that John truly cares for her.

    Just in case I didn't say this already, but I posted this fic on FF. It condenced to 4 chpter so far. I believes it ends where John got rescued. And I changed and add a little too. Thought I let you know. When I'm done with this chpt. I send it to Jess to beta it and then I'll post 5. Enjoy
    I love how your slowly putting all the pieces together and the spoilers for season 4 in your story!!!. Can't wait to read what you come up with next!!!
    Especially when John finds out she is pregnant!!! AH!!!! LOL!

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Dont say I ever left anything unfinished even though it stinks

      #6 – Everyday John and Teyla struggle with their feelings for each other, John tries to be clever and witty and Teyla strives to focus only on work.

      #5 – Everyday John and Teyla make Ronon shake his head and smile at the obviousness of their affection.

      #4 – Everyday John and Teyla readily exchange annoyed glances over Rodney’s latest narcissistic comments

      #3 – Everyday John and Teyla argue, even over the most simplest things and as mad as they get, they both enjoy getting a rise out of the other.

      #2 – Everyday John and Teyla spar, as they both get excited over the prospect of touching each other without having to explain themselves

      #1 – Every night John and Teyla lie in their respective beds and close their eyes placing a hand on an empty pillow, imagining what it would be like to have the other lying there with them.

      Elf - Rock on, dude

      I loved these!!! too cute!

      Sig by Camy


        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
        hehe you guys are FUNNY

        Thanks a heck of a lot Elf look what you started of all things!!! can we go back to making fafic covers please? Scifan I saved the opne you made for Forgotton Family and a Forgotton Past!

        oh and here are my top ten things they do every day

        10, John finds out that he has to wake up Rodney in time for a mission briefing, only he asks Teyla and she just hides behind Ronon who smiles knowing they are actually playing with each other

        9 Teyla finds out about John kirking on other planets and threatens to lock him in her room for the day, John though just smiles and continues Kirking off

        8 John finds out that he and Teyla mad the headlines back on Earth by killing off a few hundred Ori Soldiers (from my story) only to find out that he was said to be a very loony driver and had is DL revoked, Teyla though in an effort to comfort him took him to her homeplanet for a week(just the two of them.)

        7 They both goof off right before a mission briefing though nobody can see because they do it in front of the mirror

        6 John asks teyla out, she says why, he tells her he is in love with her and she merely slaps him silly then the pair go to HIS room for the night

        5 John asks Rodney "How long has it been since you last saw Teyla?" Rodney tells him "about an hour ago she was going offworld without you" John goes to SO(Stargate Operations) to find out where teyla went only she is laughing in Rodney's closet

        4 On an offworld mission Teyla nearly gets killed, John saves her because he says he has the only blood type(which is actually true where i live)

        3 Teyla finds out about her and John from someone else and thinks it is best to drop the matter, only thing is, John does NOT think that way

        2 They goof off whenever possible wiether alone or not

        1 They share a kiss (or three) when nobody is looking and tell nobody about the moment.

        THere are mine sorry my mind is starting to wake up so I had to make a few things out of the blue
        Another great list!...i loved all 10 Teyilia!

        Sig by Camy


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          I just felt like writing this

          “John may I speak with you?”

          John looked up at Teyla’s face. “Of course.”

          “In private, please,” she asked smiling hesitantly looking around the crowded lunchroom.

          “Uh…sure,” John said awkwardly as he got up from the table, tossed his lunch into the bin and silently led the way down the hall to an empty training room.

          As soon as the door shut behind them he turned, “You’re starting to freak me out, Teyla. What’s going on?” His face was puzzled as her eyes searched the floor.

          “I am leaving Atlantis, Colonel,” she said in a small voice.

          John put a finger to his ear and shook it mockingly, “I’m sorry. I must have heard you wrong. It sounded like you said you’re leaving Atlantis.”

          She drew in a breath and met his disbelieving gaze. “That is what I said. I am leaving to find my people. I just finished speaking with Colonel Carter and we came to an understanding. Atlantis cannot afford to keep their search as a top priority and I cannot stand by and do nothing for every day they go unfound.”

          John felt his throat start to close up and a desperate anxiety began to course through his veins, pumping his heart at a rapid speed.

          “Teyla, this is crazy! We can look for them while were on other missions! The resources Atlantis can provide you in finding them are irreplaceable!” He noticed the resolve in her face and it frightened him even more, as he knew how stubborn she could be. He continued nervously as he crossed his arms.

          “Well, I just won’t allow it. You’re part of my team and I’m not letting you go anywhere,” he said his voice catching.

          Teyla tried to smile but her mouth quivered into a strange frown instead. “I am sorry, John. What is done, is done,” she said sadly. “I am leaving.”

          His mind wracked trying to think of an excuse for her to stay and when he said nothing she turned, poised to leave. He grabbed her arm hard and twisted her back towards him.

          “Please….stay,” he said quietly. “Stay......with me.” His eyes probing hers in the hopes that she could read the message hidden behind them.

          “They need me, John,” she said her eyes filling with tears as he still gripped her arms tight. “I am responsible for all of them.”

          John took a deep breath, his body trembling. “They aren’t the only ones who need you, Teyla.”

          A lone tear ran down her cheek as she gently took his gripping hand and held it against her chest. “No matter what I feel John, no matter what we could be, I cannot abandon them. I would not be the person I am if I did.”

          She leaned over to him and brushed her warm face beside his, whispering in his ear, “I will find you again, John Sheppard.”

          And she turned and walked out hurriedly, leaving him standing in the empty room, staring at the closed door.
          This was a very touching and sad fic!. I love the emotion between John and Teyla, nice job!!!

          Sig by Camy


            Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
            yes i also read that as well that she filmed all her action scenes out of sequence so then she wouldn't have anything strenous to do whenshe got further on in he pregnancy and as far as io know that rl will be with them until shes unable to work on set and it gets too much for her so i think she might be around for quite alot of the season
            Does anyone know when RL is do???. I'm thinking around September or October. i just hope she makes it for the last episodes but if not, my guess is they make her get taken or disappears so next season they will have to find her.

            Sig by Camy


              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
              Completely OT:

              Hehehe, did anyone notice the third pic down in JM's blog tonight of his new puppy?

              Link here

              Yellow Chicken lives.
              LOL!!!! Yup, Yellow Chicken definitely lives!!! LOL!. If i ever get another dog i'll be sure to get that Yellow Chicken since all dogs seem to love it! LOL!

              Sig by Camy


                Okay, i'll stop spamming the thread, i still have to catch up but just wanted to say to YC, Camy, Scifan, Teyilia and Donna How much i'm enjoying your wallies!!!! guys had me cracking up!!!. Totally loved them!, you guy's really made my day today!

                Sig by Camy


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  And completely OT: For those that have been around the last few months, you know I've eagerly been waiting for my new puppy! Belle is finally home now, so here is an updated pic of her! I'll have more pics up at my LJ soon.


                  And Nick, if you're lurking, this one is just for you. Yellow Chicken's companion, Freaky Pink Bunny.


                  awwwwww,that is just too cute!!!

                  Soooo MrsB,when will the next update be see i've got my popcorn at the ready!


                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Soooo MrsB,when will the next update be see i've got my popcorn at the ready!
                    LOL Probably late tonight or tomorrow dude, anything good happening on the other threads today?? did u go check it out

                    And thanks Mayra, Padme and blue for enjoying my stories!!
                    Last edited by MrsB108; 04 August 2007, 01:16 PM.


                      Another story from Flea this is an angsty oneshot... very thouching and had me tearing up for John....
                      Without regret
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Got more "posters" Why did you give me this link, Elf? Why???


                        LC, what a cute puppy!!
                        Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          LOL Probably late tonight or tomorrow dude, anything good happening on the other threads today?? did u go check it out

                          And thanks Mayra and blue for enjoying my stories!!
                          Ok,i'll just huv tae run out and get some more popcorn then,probably huv this lot all eaten before then Nothin much happening on the couple that i've been on!

                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          Another story from Flea this is an angsty oneshot... very thouching and had me tearing up for John....
                          Without regret
                          I just read this and that was before you put the link up.....Great minds think alike!

                          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                          Got more "posters" Why did you give me this link, Elf? Why???


                          LC, what a cute puppy!!

                          Please stop with the posters....You're all cracking me up with these!


                            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                            Got more "posters" Why did you give me this link, Elf? Why???


                            LC, what a cute puppy!!
                            im really loving thisbatch especially the rodney one lol
                            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              Got more "posters" Why did you give me this link, Elf? Why???


                              LC, what a cute puppy!!
                              Freaking hilarious....
                              *LOL* on the Rodney one...even though the hair thing,,,I hardly think about Rodney then
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                Freaking hilarious....
                                *LOL* on the Rodney one...even though the hair thing,,,I hardly think about Rodney then
                                Oh I know the hair thing is definitely a Shep thing, but that cap just screamed "Look at me and my awesome hair." LOL
                                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain

