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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    No Teyla! *sniff*
    DEEEEEE! *camy waves to Devine*


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Look at the agony(sp?) in poor Teyla's face. When you watch the clip it happens so fast, but here you can see their facial expression so much better. Thanks Camy for caps. I already voted today, so I'll use these
      for tomorrow.

      Congrats Camy on 8700 posts!!
      OH, THANKS EVERYONE! I don't even pay attention to that till you guy bring it up! GRACIAS!


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        One more part for the night.
        Part 12:


        While Rodney, Radek and Sam are in the control room, an audio message comes from John. “I don’t know how long I can talk. I’m being held captive by these… space pirates, if you want to call them that. I’m pretending to help them. They need me for the Ancient genes,” he says as quietly as he can. “I’m not sure wh…” all goes silent. Rodney and Radek believe that with short message was just enough to locate where John is. Rodney gives the coordinates to Col. Caldwell and Sam updates Ronon and Teyla. She also asks them to meet Rodney and Major Lorne on the Daedalus in twenty minutes. Teyla and Ronon quickly say yes and run towards the Daedalus.
        Didn’t take long for Col. Caldwell and his crew to get to the coordinates the Rodney gave him. They can see a ship not to far from their position.
        Rodney points to the ship, “That’s gotta be it! We’re picking up Sheppard’s life sign signature.”
        Col. Caldwell asks the technician to open a channel, “My name is Col. Caldwell. I know that you have Col. Sheppard and we want you to give him back to us immediately.”
        “Colonel, they are preparing to take off sir,” yells one of the techs.
        “I want a lock on Sheppard and beam him directly to the bridge,” demands Caldwell.
        When John is beamed aboard, he is laying on his side, curled up slightly and barely conscience. Teyla and Ronon run over to check him out. They can see that he was badly beaten. Caldwell orders a medical team to the bridge.
        John looks up and sees Ronon and Teyla. “Hey beautiful and hey to you too Teyla,” he says with a mischievous grin. Teyla and Ronon start to giggle and John grabs his side and begins to moan, “I think I have a couple of broken ribs.”
        “Do not worry John, you are safe now and you will be taken care of,” Teyla reassures him.
        John closes his eyes and mumbles, “It’s good to be going home.”

        Kingdom: I have a few things in the galleria, If you want them. I'll try to make one more for the night.
        Dang,can't you ever write badly,every update gets better and better...I loved it....

        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
        i posted this in the galleria as well

        Dang that is so good!


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Look at the agony(sp?) in poor Teyla's face. When you watch the clip it happens so fast, but here you can see their facial expression so much better. Thanks Camy for caps. I already voted today, so I'll use these
          for tomorrow.

          Congrats Camy on 8700 posts!!
          Congrats to You Camy on 8700 Posts!!

          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            OASIS - PART 5

            Rodney leaped to his feet instantly alarmed. "What? Who's here? Is this like some Wraith DNA Sixth Sense thing?" John and Ronon also rose looking at Teyla's panicked expression and approached her gingerly. Neither of them had heard anything and they both could tell the other was thinking the same thing.

            John put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Teyla, there’s nothing out there. None of us heard anything. I know this place is creepy but-“

            He was cut off by a very loud metallic groan, like someone harshly dragging metal across metal just outside where she was standing. John jumped a mile and Ronon quickly backed up, swiping his gun from the desk.

            “Um….okay…. That can’t be good. I guess that’s what I get for doubting you,” John said warily to Teyla as she looked at him with an exasperated face. The sound stopped suddenly and they all stood, listening.

            Their heads moved in unison as another loud metallic groan came from the opposite wall. “What the hell is going on here? What is that?” John yelled over the din.

            “I think it’s safe to say, something’s trying to get in!” Rodney shrieked as the noise moved, coming from directly above them. “They’re on the roof! They’re everywhere!”

            Ronon waved his gun, following the sound as it seemed to be coming from all directions now. “What do we do, Sheppard?” he roared.

            John looked at Teyla, his forehead furrowed in apprehension. “I’m open to suggestions,” he said tensely. Teyla shook her head thinking. “I think we should do nothing. We were not attacked in light. These creatures seem to come only in darkness. We should wait for dawn and then quickly return to the Stargate.”

            John nodded in agreement and cringed at the next loud groan of metal beside him. “Ok, we wait it out.”

            Rodney looked extremely perturbed. “That’s it? That’s our plan? What if these things actually make their way in here? Then what? We ask them nicely to wait outside till morning?”

            Ronon cocked his gun. “Then we kill ‘em,” he said gruffly.

            Rodney looked at him, relaxing some. “Ok fine, Rambo. But I hope you people don’t actually expect anyone to get any sleep tonight.”

            An hour later the racket had subsided and Rodney had fallen asleep using his backpack as a pillow, with a long stream of drool trailing to the floor from his mouth.

            Ronon was slumped by the door, his gun positioned readily in his hands. His eyes kept begging to close and his neck jolted every time they did.

            John and Teyla sat backs against the wall, lit very dimly with only one flashlight switched on. John had heard Teyla’s stomach growl and retrieved a can of food from one of the crates. “Thank you, Colonel,” she said smiling softly in the light. He pulled a knife from his pocket and began opening the can for her as he sat back down beside her.

            “You know, I don’t think we need to worry about those things outside anymore,” he said. Teyla sat up, curious. “What do you mean?” John smiled widely. “I think it’s a good bet this food will kill us before anything else does.”

            She smiled playfully and snatched the now open can from his outstretched hand. They sat there together and he watched her eat and prayed the sun would come up soon so they could return safely.

            Hours passed and soon Teyla was leaning heavily on his shoulder sound asleep. John couldn’t sleep though. All he could do was focus on the tiny scratches surrounding them and the sound of many feet scuttling about outside. His thoughts suddenly turned to the diary and he suddenly felt a glimmer of hope figuring there would be more information on these creatures buried somewhere in the book.

            He started to gently lift Teyla’s head from his shoulder, trying not to wake her. She twitched slightly and moaned but remained asleep. As he leaned over to grab her backpack from the other side of her to give her as a pillow, she stirred again and this time slowly opened her eyes. His face was only inches from hers as he was reaching over her body. The light was barely outlining them in the dark. Neither moved and all John could notice was how close her lips were to his and felt a sudden rush deep inside. His eyes searched hers for some kind of sign, a longing, the way he did for her.

            Just as he was about to lean into her, an insanely loud thump came from above and the metal on the roof sunk in deep. Rodney gave a little yelp and woke as Ronon stirred from his half slumber and immediately aimed his gun upwards.

            John and Teyla looked up as well, and they all stared at the humungous indent in the ceiling above.
            GRRRRRR,Dang that thing for interupting like that.....That was very rude of it!


              Originally posted by Camy View Post

              I didn't see the pain and sadness in Teyla's face until now either!

              It will be interesting to see if the writers choose to give some resolution to the whole Jack and Sam in their last movie. We'll have to wait and see.
              The Jack/Sam relationship was doomed right from the start with the fact that they were both in the Military and they have strict regs,but Shep/Teyla don't have that same problem cause she ain't part of the military or from Earth so TPTB couldn't stop them if they did get involved romantically.....I was a JS shipper but even i knew that nothing could happen here unless one of them quite the military,kinda suxs but what can ya do....We never did get a resolution to JS!


                Hey Y'all I go to bed and everything lights up like a rocket!!

                Now, I have a lot of catchin' up to do! I've got snatch some that catnip from

                YappiChick I am very happy that acknowledged that threaten with love and
                whump!! Just as long as we're clear...

                Can I just say that the artwork you guys are churning out is kicking some serious booty! It is Brilliant! I am loving all the different takes on the fics that
                are posted!!

                Is it still only once a day you can vote for your fave JT eppie in Fun and Games ?

                Does anyone know when the 3rd SGA promo aired by chance? I watched on Prion's LJ but, did not see when? I am really having a hard time containing my:


                So, everyone will have to get used to my uncontrolled outbursts for no reasons for Squeeing!!

                Now, I have to catch up on my reading now because, all of muses are in full speed!!

                Do not fear Elfie will read!... YOU know I will...

                Camy I will share some the kicked up coffee with you!! It gives a really, really,
                groovy buzz..

                Oh! I almost forgot to go vote for JF for Best Actor *Elfie runs to go do that now**!
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Elf Yup only once a day with the voting on that game thread.. if not I think we would have been railroaded by J/S and D/V more then we are today *lol*

                  Now only 6 more reach 50...
                  Vote everyone that haven't

                  Don't forget either to vote for Joe on the SyFy awards....
                  And for all things DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE ON THE J/T AWARDS we need to support our fellow J/T talents...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                    Hey Y'all I go to bed and everything lights up like a rocket!!

                    Now, I have a lot of catchin' up to do! I've got snatch some that catnip from

                    YappiChick I am very happy that acknowledged that threaten with love and
                    whump!! Just as long as we're clear...

                    Can I just say that the artwork you guys are churning out is kicking some serious booty! It is Brilliant! I am loving all the different takes on the fics that
                    are posted!!

                    Is it still only once a day you can vote for your fave JT eppie in Fun and Games ?

                    Does anyone know when the 3rd SGA promo aired by chance? I watched on Prion's LJ but, did not see when? I am really having a hard time containing my:


                    So, everyone will have to get used to my uncontrolled outbursts for no reasons for Squeeing!!

                    Now, I have to catch up on my reading now because, all of muses are in full speed!!

                    Do not fear Elfie will read!... YOU know I will...

                    Camy I will share some the kicked up coffee with you!! It gives a really, really,
                    groovy buzz..

                    Oh! I almost forgot to go vote for JF for Best Actor *Elfie runs to go do that now**!
                    Yes you may have some coffee Elf in fact.... *hooks up an IV to Elf from a catnip laced coffee truck* hope that works! and YES share with Camy!!!

                    I never really was a JS shipper before not really am though, never really caught on.

                    also I think it is once per day in the games area but then I could be wrong.

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Oh yeah,almost forgot....Congrats to Elfie and Camy on your posts,can't remember how much your up to and i cannae be bothered looking,too lazy


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Oh yeah,almost forgot....Congrats to Elfie and Camy on your posts,can't remember how much your up to and i cannae be bothered looking,too lazy
                        Well I see you are at 300 so HAPPY 300 dude


                          Congrats to you, Linda, for your 300th post!!

                          I'm a little stuck with the end of my story. (Yes, it's in the home stretch) Fror those of you who have been reading it would you...

                          rather have it fit the show's cannon since it's suppose to take before "Echoes" or should I go off the established storyline? There *might* be some things going on with John and Teyla and I'm trying to decide if I want to move things forward between them or have it fit more in context of the series. I'm leaning towards the latter, but that's only because I'm more comfortable in UST rather than full-out romance.
                          Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                            Thank ya'll,boy can we talk or what....i hate being in a different time zone to you guys,i go to bed and the next day there's like 8 pages!


                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              Congrats to you, Linda, for your 300th post!!

                              I'm a little stuck with the end of my story. (Yes, it's in the home stretch) Fror those of you who have been reading it would you...

                              rather have it fit the show's cannon since it's suppose to take before "Echoes" or should I go off the established storyline? There *might* be some things going on with John and Teyla and I'm trying to decide if I want to move things forward between them or have it fit more in context of the series. I'm leaning towards the latter, but that's only because I'm more comfortable in UST rather than full-out romance.
                              YC - I say go a little off the beaten path as far as storyline goes, but thats a) cuz I'd like more j/t of course and b) cuz your writing is so wonderful I bet your own scenarios would be totally excellent


                                Congrats Linda to 300 posts!!!

                                And congrats to the milestoners I might have missed...

                                We sure talk alot,,,which is so much fun to see...
                                Sigs by Scifan

