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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    OMG! This is wild! I am member of STF too! What a small world!

    Only true lovers of JT end up in the same circles! Although, I am not Elf in there!! How mind blowing!
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
      OMG! This is wild! I am member of STF too! What a small world!

      Only true lovers of JT end up in the same circles! Although, I am not Elf in there!! How mind blowing!
      LOL! Actually a lot of the J/T'ers here are also on STF. And Suz is really good about posting all the work from STF onto JTC as well.
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Part 2: (I'm still struggling with a title.)

        Teyla waits for him to continue, but he remains silent, “John?” Still no response, “ JOHN!”
        Keller and the medical team came rushing toward John and quickly loads him on a gurney. Teyla follows them to the infirmary and radios Ronon, Rodney and Carter about John. When Teyla arrives at the infirmary with John, Sam, Ronon and Rodney are already there. Teyla stands next to Ronon as Keller and her team checks John out and hooks him up to many different monitors. Keller walks up to Teyla, “Do you know what happened?”
        Teyla shakes her head and continues to explain what she witnessed. She struggles to utter the question for she fears the answer, “Is he….”
        Keller interrupts, “No, he’s not dead. I believe he’s in a coma and by what Teyla has just described to me I don’t know why right now.” She looks at Teyla and the rest of the team, “Do you feel anything that might be similar to the Colonel’s symptoms? Do you think it was the food?’
        Rodney suddenly gets a panic look in his eyes and starts quickly list what he ate and checking his pulse. They all roll their eyes and Sam yells and Rodney to cut it out.
        Teyla is about to walk towards John when the alarm for the gate goes off. Sam nods her head to let Teyla know that she can stay with John. Once they get to the control room the tech announces that they had an audio and video transmission coming through. Sam motions her head to the tech to allow the message to come through.
        It was Falin, but instead of having Corum by her side she had another person with her. Someone that Sam has never met before, but Ronon and McKay know the face. Ronon faces rears an angry look and McKay is equally upset.
        “Kolya, I thought you were dead? Can’t say that I particularly happy that you’re not,” Rodney responds sarcastically. Sam has a questionable look on her face and Rodney tells her that her will inform her later.
        “It’s wonderful to hear your voice too Dr. McKay,” replies an all to happy Kolya. No, as you can see I’m quite alive. If you would have examine me thoroughly after Colonel Sheppard shot me you would have see that I wasn’t dead. Barely living, and it took me many months to recover, but my well being is not why we are talking now,” Kolya pauses briefly and smiles, “Oh, by the way, how is Colonel Sheppard doing?”
        Ronon and Sam both look at Rodney and can see the worry look on his face. “What did you do to him?” demands a nervous Rodney.
        “I haven’t done anything to the Colonel,” answers a snide Kolya.
        “Ok, I’ll rephrase that! What is happening to Sheppard?” replies Rodney. “Obviously you must know other wise why would you call and ask.”
        “Well, it’s quite interesting really. Awhile back my scientists accidentally stumbled on to a plant that will put you in a coma if you digest it.” Rodney blinks and his face grows blank in disbelief. “We finally made an antidote, after testing on many people. We learned that if the antidote is not administered within two days, the person slowly dies, but during this time they are aware of the whole thing. The men that recovered reported that they heard everything that was going on, but they couldn’t move or speak. Remarkable, wouldn’t you say?” gloats Kolya.
        “You poisoned him!” booms an angry Ronon.

        If you guys see typos don't be afraid to tell me. Thanks.

        I'm slowly catching up with all the fics LOL!.

        This is really great Scifan!!!

        You totally shocked me with Kolya!!! awesome Job!!!. I didn't even think of him as being the cause for John being in a Coma!. Poor John!!!

        Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

        Sig by Camy


          Originally posted by prion View Post
          For those who don't mind spoilers (and really, even if you read it, you don't where it's from, or what it's in context to, so....) ... transcript of season 4 'sneak peek' and over a dozen pictures are now up at

          Here's the link for the screencaps from the promo if any of you are interested
          in seeing them! I should say atleast we got something! That at least is better
          than nothing at all. Who I kidding! I'm still kicking myself for missing it the first
          time around! I'll catch it when comes again tonight after PKJ (Blah!)
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Well Good Night Everyone!

            I will see you part of tomorrow!

            Happy fic reading!!

            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
              Ah, found her! She goes by flea on her fics.

              Thanks Steph! I'll have to read tomorrow.

              Elf and Steph, What's STF?


                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                I'm slowly catching up with all the fics LOL!.

                This is really great Scifan!!!

                You totally shocked me with Kolya!!! awesome Job!!!. I didn't even think of him as being the cause for John being in a Coma!. Poor John!!!

                Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
                Thanks Mayra, I'm glad you're liking it. I'm hoping to be done tonight so I can send to Jess later.

                Thanks Elf for link.


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Thanks Steph! I'll have to read tomorrow.

                  Elf and Steph, What's STF?
                  STF is a J/T Yahoo Group, it stands for Sheppard/Teyla Fever. Suz is the list owner/moderator. If you search yahoo, there are a couple great J/T groups! They've been a bit slow right now, but always pick up when new episodes air.
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                    Here's the link for the screencaps from the promo if any of you are interested
                    in seeing them! I should say atleast we got something! That at least is better
                    than nothing at all. Who I kidding! I'm still kicking myself for missing it the first
                    time around! I'll catch it when comes again tonight after PKJ (Blah!)
                    Thanks for the link!!!! Like you said, it's at least better than nothing!
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      STF is a J/T Yahoo Group, it stands for Sheppard/Teyla Fever. Suz is the list owner/moderator. If you search yahoo, there are a couple great J/T groups! They've been a bit slow right now, but always pick up when new episodes air.
                      Thanks Steph and Goodnight.


                        Hi guys...don't know if anyone has posted this or not from JM's Blog...the Eureka preview had nothing interesting at least not for our ship...but JM gave us something better...


                        Alipeeps writes: “If I beg really pitifully could you cheer me up with some enticing Season 4 gossip?”

                        Answer: Hmmmm. Gossip? Well, we were just watching a scene in which Sheppard and Teyla have a bit of a heated exchange. Interesting, no?

                        Now, you tell me if this is good or not cause my mind is a bit hazy right now!



                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          From JM BLOG:

                          Alipeeps writes: “If I beg really pitifully could you cheer me up with some enticing Season 4 gossip?”

                          Answer: Hmmmm. Gossip? Well, we were just watching a scene in which Sheppard and Teyla have a bit of a heated exchange. Interesting, no?
                          Oooopss...Mrs. B beat me to it! LOL

                          Anywho...I'm not dissapointed with the preview...

                          I wasn't expecting anything really juicy and I"m glad that at least it wasn't anything bad like Teyla kissing another guy or something...AH! sorry! Or even John kissing another woman, I"ve already know I have to see him with Larrin...LOL..anywho...No Teyla in the PJ. She's simply not there. I wonder where she could be. I wonder if they are looking for her and that's what they are doing? Who knows. I wasn't dissapointed and I wasn't surprised. So believe it or not. I"m okay with it.

                          JM's blog is interesting. The man does like to throw tidbits in here. He knows how to play his cards. This can mean many things but the bottom line, anything "heated" between John and Teyla is definetly good for our ship! And as far as him not making a move on Teyla while she's pregnant, well that depends. If it's from another man, no! If it's his...yes! If it's alien, yes! If it's something outside of a normal pregnancy, yes! So, maybe this has to do with his emotions now going all wild on him and he simply can't take it anymore and he looses control or simply that they are both loosing control. I can see John in a heated argument with Teyla when it has to do with her safety. We know Teyla is going to go dark on us, and so is John at some point, that alone is going to be angsty. And well, what if we finally get the confession that I've always wanted in a heated scene! Ah, I can't wait! No matter how this plays out, it has to be good for our ship!

                          But I refused to let myself get excited about this. I"m just going to patiently wait and see how this turns out!

                          BTW, ladies are you posting your fics in cause I don't know if I have time now to go back and read all the posts.


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            Oooopss...Mrs. B beat me to it! LOL

                            Anywho...I'm not dissapointed with the preview...

                            I wasn't expecting anything really juicy and I"m glad that at least it wasn't anything bad like Teyla kissing another guy or something...AH! sorry! Or even John kissing another woman, I"ve already know I have to see him with Larrin...LOL..anywho...No Teyla in the PJ. She's simply not there. I wonder where she could be. I wonder if they are looking for her and that's what they are doing? Who knows. I wasn't dissapointed and I wasn't surprised. So believe it or not. I"m okay with it.

                            JM's blog is interesting. The man does like to throw tidbits in here. He knows how to play his cards. This can mean many things but the bottom line, anything "heated" between John and Teyla is definetly good for our ship! And as far as him not making a move on Teyla while she's pregnant, well that depends. If it's from another man, no! If it's his...yes! If it's alien, yes! If it's something outside of a normal pregnancy, yes! So, maybe this has to do with his emotions now going all wild on him and he simply can't take it anymore and he looses control or simply that they are both loosing control. I can see John in a heated argument with Teyla when it has to do with her safety. We know Teyla is going to go dark on us, and so is John at some point, that alone is going to be angsty. And well, what if we finally get the confession that I've always wanted in a heated scene! Ah, I can't wait! No matter how this plays out, it has to be good for our ship!

                            But I refused to let myself get excited about this. I"m just going to patiently wait and see how this turns out!

                            BTW, ladies are you posting your fics in cause I don't know if I have time now to go back and read all the posts.
                            Good to see you Camy and glad to here your side of things. I'll be posting fics soon. Don't worry, but I already said I was going to bed and now I really mean it. See you tomorrow.


                              OH, I"m exhausted too...I just read the last part of Truth be Known...LOOOOOOOVE IT!

                              but it's been a good hard day for me as well. So, I"m turning in. You know I've noticed that when I don't expect much, I get a lot more than I bargained for. And that's exactly what happen tonight. I wasn't expecting much on the preview, and I ended up getting something really juicy from JM's blog. At least I think it is...

                              Night sunshine!

                              Love John and Teyla...sweet dreams! I"ll catchup on everything maybe tomorrow.

                              Just to let you guys know that the caps for the Return part 2 almost done. Two entries I've made tonight and the last one tomorrow.

                              Go and check out Stargaze and if you haven't friend me, do!


                                I'm hoping you guys can help me out. Can anyone think of a scene where John steps through the gate and back into Atlantis by himself? If so, can you please let me know? Thanks!!!!
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

