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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Part 14 - The Trial (Big Finale)

    John placed Rodney’s hand gently onto the sand. He took a long look at the face of the man who had given his life for him. And then he turned and never looked back as he walked through the hidden door from which the giant had come.

    He took only a few steps before he came to the edge of a cliff. Almost stumbling off, he skidded slightly, as tiny pebbles scattered down, echoing. This was it, the end of the line, John thought. He looked out into the great emptiness before him. He extended both arms into the air and puffed out his chest. “Hello! I’m here! I made it! Show yourselves, you cowards!”
    His voice echoed many times until there was only silence. John stood peering into the nothingness, his thoughts lost and scattered.

    Suddenly he felt a presence and he turned swiftly to find the old woman from the hologram standing beside him. He looked at her, peering closely. “Are you real?” he asked.
    She smiled. “Yes, Colonel Sheppard. I am very real.”


    “Yes, that is your name. And yes, I know many things, Colonel.”

    John looked at her angrily. “Why have you brought me here?”

    She smiled innocently. “It was you and your friends who trespassed, Colonel. I assure you, we did not expect you, as much as you did not expect this.”

    My friends……My friends are all DEAD! Your stupid tests, your trials…….I should kill you where you stand,” he said recollecting all that had been done.

    She looked alarmed but only for a moment. She smiled widely. “But Colonel…You have passed The Trials. Be disheartened no longer and lay your burdens down, for your reward is great.”

    She extended her robed arm towards the great darkness and it suddenly started to grow lighter and lighter until John had to use his arm to shield his eyes. Hundreds of thousands of bright shiny tubes stretched on for miles.

    John looked at her confused. “I won a bunch of night lights?”

    She pursed her lips. “Ah, Colonel. When your memory returns, you will remember that these are a sacred source of power, one that your people greatly rely on.”

    My people? My people?” John scoffed, his eyes flashing. “The only people I can remember are all dead back there! I don’t give a crap about your precious power source lady! All I want is for all of them to be alive again!” He paced back and forth. “If you can’t offer me that, then there’s nothing you could possibly have that I would want!”

    She looked thoughtful and murmured to herself as if she were speaking to someone else. “That can be arranged,” she spoke firmly.

    John looked at her a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. His face was filthy, he was beyond tired, and his heart couldn’t handle anymore sorrow. “Lady, if you’re messing with me-“

    She interrupted. “If you are willing to trade your life for theirs, we can bring them back.”

    He didn’t miss a beat. “I’ll do it.”

    He stared at her waiting. She laughed. “Oh Colonel, we aren’t murderous people. This is a task for you, and you alone.” She held her arm out, motioning towards the edge of the cliff.

    He walked over, peering down carefully. “They’ll be all right then, won’t they?” he asked without looking at her.

    “Yes, Colonel. They will be all right.”

    John stood, the tips of his toes just barely hanging over the crevice. He closed his eyes and pictured Ronon saving Rodney’s life, he remembered Teyla’s warmth and the happiness he had felt when he was with her, and Rodney, brave Rodney who had died saving him. He wished he could see them all one last time, but just knowing they were going to be okay was enough for him.

    “I’ll find you in the next life,” he said as he thought of them, leaning forward, letting his body fall into the depths.

    John awoke to someone talking loudly. He could barely crack his eyelids open until the loud voice became more clear to him. He sat up quickly, looking around for the voice.

    “I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe it! How you fail to grasp basic concepts Ronon, is just beyond me. When we get back to Atlantis, I’m going to write a book solely about you. I think I’ll call it ‘A Day in the Life of a Caveman’. It’ll have a lot of grunts and groans in it. Do you think people will read it?”

    John held his breath staring at Rodney and Ronon before him, arguing. John looked at them in absolute awe. Ronon caught his expression. “Sheppard?”

    “I’m not dead?!” John exclaimed. “You guys can see me??” he said, getting to his feet excitedly.

    “What kind of a ridiculous question is that? Of course, we can see you.” Rodney made a face.

    John ran over and hugged Rodney tightly.

    “I didn’t know being able to see was such a cause for celebration,” Rodney said uncomfortably.

    Ronon looked at him strangely. “What is it?” John clapped him on his shoulder, grinning wildly. “Nothing, big guy, nothing. It’s just really, really good to see y—“


    His eyes turned and rested on Teyla’s face. She was looking at him, with such worry in her brown eyes. He took two steps to her and grabbed her face, kissing her passionately. She was surprised for a moment before surrendering to him and pressing him closer.

    “Oh my God! Are you guys kissing?” Rodney cried.

    Ronon smiled and slapped Rodney on the back, distracting him. Rodney started. “So anyways, like I was saying, people don’t just go leaving things like this laying around, Ronon! ‘Oh yes hon, I think I’ll just take my ZedPM for a walk today. Oops it fell off its leash. Silly me.’ No, Ronon it just doesn’t happen. There must be some kind of trick—“

    John broke away from his deep kiss with Teyla to look questioningly at Rodney. “You found a ZPM?”

    Rodney looked exasperated. “Yes, Colonel. Thank you for finally catching up with the rest of us. A ZPM was just lying here and I was explaining to Ronon that it might be some sort of a –“

    “Take it.” John said smiling, looking back at Teyla.

    “That’s it, just take it?” Rodney questioned.

    “Yup. C’mon let’s head back to the gate.”

    “Well, there’s this cave over here I wanted to check out for that energy reading—“


    “Well, you don’t have to scream about it….”

    “Let’s go home……” he smiled, looking back to the cave once, with his arm around Teyla as they walked to the gate.
    I see we'll have to threaten you more often. It works!!
    Ruby will be so happy... Elfie is feeling really good now she
    is in her happy place!!! Thank for this ending!
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Part 14 - The Trial (Big Finale)

      John placed Rodney’s hand gently onto the sand. He took a long look at the face of the man who had given his life for him. And then he turned and never looked back as he walked through the hidden door from which the giant had come.

      He took only a few steps before he came to the edge of a cliff. Almost stumbling off, he skidded slightly, as tiny pebbles scattered down, echoing. This was it, the end of the line, John thought. He looked out into the great emptiness before him. He extended both arms into the air and puffed out his chest. “Hello! I’m here! I made it! Show yourselves, you cowards!”
      His voice echoed many times until there was only silence. John stood peering into the nothingness, his thoughts lost and scattered.

      Suddenly he felt a presence and he turned swiftly to find the old woman from the hologram standing beside him. He looked at her, peering closely. “Are you real?” he asked.
      She smiled. “Yes, Colonel Sheppard. I am very real.”


      “Yes, that is your name. And yes, I know many things, Colonel.”

      John looked at her angrily. “Why have you brought me here?”

      She smiled innocently. “It was you and your friends who trespassed, Colonel. I assure you, we did not expect you, as much as you did not expect this.”

      My friends……My friends are all DEAD! Your stupid tests, your trials…….I should kill you where you stand,” he said recollecting all that had been done.

      She looked alarmed but only for a moment. She smiled widely. “But Colonel…You have passed The Trials. Be disheartened no longer and lay your burdens down, for your reward is great.”

      She extended her robed arm towards the great darkness and it suddenly started to grow lighter and lighter until John had to use his arm to shield his eyes. Hundreds of thousands of bright shiny tubes stretched on for miles.

      John looked at her confused. “I won a bunch of night lights?”

      She pursed her lips. “Ah, Colonel. When your memory returns, you will remember that these are a sacred source of power, one that your people greatly rely on.”

      My people? My people?” John scoffed, his eyes flashing. “The only people I can remember are all dead back there! I don’t give a crap about your precious power source lady! All I want is for all of them to be alive again!” He paced back and forth. “If you can’t offer me that, then there’s nothing you could possibly have that I would want!”

      She looked thoughtful and murmured to herself as if she were speaking to someone else. “That can be arranged,” she spoke firmly.

      John looked at her a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. His face was filthy, he was beyond tired, and his heart couldn’t handle anymore sorrow. “Lady, if you’re messing with me-“

      She interrupted. “If you are willing to trade your life for theirs, we can bring them back.”

      He didn’t miss a beat. “I’ll do it.”

      He stared at her waiting. She laughed. “Oh Colonel, we aren’t murderous people. This is a task for you, and you alone.” She held her arm out, motioning towards the edge of the cliff.

      He walked over, peering down carefully. “They’ll be all right then, won’t they?” he asked without looking at her.

      “Yes, Colonel. They will be all right.”

      John stood, the tips of his toes just barely hanging over the crevice. He closed his eyes and pictured Ronon saving Rodney’s life, he remembered Teyla’s warmth and the happiness he had felt when he was with her, and Rodney, brave Rodney who had died saving him. He wished he could see them all one last time, but just knowing they were going to be okay was enough for him.

      “I’ll find you in the next life,” he said as he thought of them, leaning forward, letting his body fall into the depths.

      John awoke to someone talking loudly. He could barely crack his eyelids open until the loud voice became more clear to him. He sat up quickly, looking around for the voice.

      “I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe it! How you fail to grasp basic concepts Ronon, is just beyond me. When we get back to Atlantis, I’m going to write a book solely about you. I think I’ll call it ‘A Day in the Life of a Caveman’. It’ll have a lot of grunts and groans in it. Do you think people will read it?”

      John held his breath staring at Rodney and Ronon before him, arguing. John looked at them in absolute awe. Ronon caught his expression. “Sheppard?”

      “I’m not dead?!” John exclaimed. “You guys can see me??” he said, getting to his feet excitedly.

      “What kind of a ridiculous question is that? Of course, we can see you.” Rodney made a face.

      John ran over and hugged Rodney tightly.

      “I didn’t know being able to see was such a cause for celebration,” Rodney said uncomfortably.

      Ronon looked at him strangely. “What is it?” John clapped him on his shoulder, grinning wildly. “Nothing, big guy, nothing. It’s just really, really good to see y—“


      His eyes turned and rested on Teyla’s face. She was looking at him, with such worry in her brown eyes. He took two steps to her and grabbed her face, kissing her passionately. She was surprised for a moment before surrendering to him and pressing him closer.

      “Oh my God! Are you guys kissing?” Rodney cried.

      Ronon smiled and slapped Rodney on the back, distracting him. Rodney started. “So anyways, like I was saying, people don’t just go leaving things like this laying around, Ronon! ‘Oh yes hon, I think I’ll just take my ZedPM for a walk today. Oops it fell off its leash. Silly me.’ No, Ronon it just doesn’t happen. There must be some kind of trick—“

      John broke away from his deep kiss with Teyla to look questioningly at Rodney. “You found a ZPM?”

      Rodney looked exasperated. “Yes, Colonel. Thank you for finally catching up with the rest of us. A ZPM was just lying here and I was explaining to Ronon that it might be some sort of a –“

      “Take it.” John said smiling, looking back at Teyla.

      “That’s it, just take it?” Rodney questioned.

      “Yup. C’mon let’s head back to the gate.”

      “Well, there’s this cave over here I wanted to check out for that energy reading—“


      “Well, you don’t have to scream about it….”

      “Let’s go home……” he smiled, looking back to the cave once, with his arm around Teyla as they walked to the gate.
      read this and immediately rushed to to find the rest!!!!


      *round of applause*


        Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
        stop it you are making me blush!

        im glad you think so highly of it!
        *turns beetroot red*
        *runs back to safety of clones*


        You're what made come on over in here....
        Hey you are very talented in the I just did a little doodle department.
        I'm thinking stick figures. That is the limit to doodling talent.
        Besides. a little advertising never hurts anyone!
        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
          read this and immediately rushed to to find the rest!!!!


          *round of applause*
          Thank you! Be sure and leave me a review!
          PS - Your art is wonderful!!!


            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
            I see we'll have to threaten you more often. It works!!
            Ruby will be so happy... Elfie is feeling really good now she
            is in her happy place!!! Thank for this ending!
            Thanks Elf! I hope I can avoid an untimely death at the hands of a wraith now


              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post


              You're what made come on over in here....
              Hey you are very talented in the I just did a little doodle department.
              I'm thinking stick figures. That is the limit to doodling talent.
              Besides. a little advertising never hurts anyone!
              and they are just doodles.....

              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Thank you! Be sure and leave me a review!
              PS - Your art is wonderful!!!
              thank you

              edit: review left
              Last edited by mayogaelz; 12 July 2007, 05:48 PM.


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Part 14 - The Trial (Big Finale)

                John placed Rodney’s hand gently onto the sand. He took a long look at the face of the man who had given his life for him. And then he turned and never looked back as he walked through the hidden door from which the giant had come.

                He took only a few steps before he came to the edge of a cliff. Almost stumbling off, he skidded slightly, as tiny pebbles scattered down, echoing. This was it, the end of the line, John thought. He looked out into the great emptiness before him. He extended both arms into the air and puffed out his chest. “Hello! I’m here! I made it! Show yourselves, you cowards!”
                His voice echoed many times until there was only silence. John stood peering into the nothingness, his thoughts lost and scattered.

                Suddenly he felt a presence and he turned swiftly to find the old woman from the hologram standing beside him. He looked at her, peering closely. “Are you real?” he asked.
                She smiled. “Yes, Colonel Sheppard. I am very real.”


                “Yes, that is your name. And yes, I know many things, Colonel.”

                John looked at her angrily. “Why have you brought me here?”

                She smiled innocently. “It was you and your friends who trespassed, Colonel. I assure you, we did not expect you, as much as you did not expect this.”

                My friends……My friends are all DEAD! Your stupid tests, your trials…….I should kill you where you stand,” he said recollecting all that had been done.

                She looked alarmed but only for a moment. She smiled widely. “But Colonel…You have passed The Trials. Be disheartened no longer and lay your burdens down, for your reward is great.”

                She extended her robed arm towards the great darkness and it suddenly started to grow lighter and lighter until John had to use his arm to shield his eyes. Hundreds of thousands of bright shiny tubes stretched on for miles.

                John looked at her confused. “I won a bunch of night lights?”

                She pursed her lips. “Ah, Colonel. When your memory returns, you will remember that these are a sacred source of power, one that your people greatly rely on.”

                My people? My people?” John scoffed, his eyes flashing. “The only people I can remember are all dead back there! I don’t give a crap about your precious power source lady! All I want is for all of them to be alive again!” He paced back and forth. “If you can’t offer me that, then there’s nothing you could possibly have that I would want!”

                She looked thoughtful and murmured to herself as if she were speaking to someone else. “That can be arranged,” she spoke firmly.

                John looked at her a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. His face was filthy, he was beyond tired, and his heart couldn’t handle anymore sorrow. “Lady, if you’re messing with me-“

                She interrupted. “If you are willing to trade your life for theirs, we can bring them back.”

                He didn’t miss a beat. “I’ll do it.”

                He stared at her waiting. She laughed. “Oh Colonel, we aren’t murderous people. This is a task for you, and you alone.” She held her arm out, motioning towards the edge of the cliff.

                He walked over, peering down carefully. “They’ll be all right then, won’t they?” he asked without looking at her.

                “Yes, Colonel. They will be all right.”

                John stood, the tips of his toes just barely hanging over the crevice. He closed his eyes and pictured Ronon saving Rodney’s life, he remembered Teyla’s warmth and the happiness he had felt when he was with her, and Rodney, brave Rodney who had died saving him. He wished he could see them all one last time, but just knowing they were going to be okay was enough for him.

                “I’ll find you in the next life,” he said as he thought of them, leaning forward, letting his body fall into the depths.

                John awoke to someone talking loudly. He could barely crack his eyelids open until the loud voice became more clear to him. He sat up quickly, looking around for the voice.

                “I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe it! How you fail to grasp basic concepts Ronon, is just beyond me. When we get back to Atlantis, I’m going to write a book solely about you. I think I’ll call it ‘A Day in the Life of a Caveman’. It’ll have a lot of grunts and groans in it. Do you think people will read it?”

                John held his breath staring at Rodney and Ronon before him, arguing. John looked at them in absolute awe. Ronon caught his expression. “Sheppard?”

                “I’m not dead?!” John exclaimed. “You guys can see me??” he said, getting to his feet excitedly.

                “What kind of a ridiculous question is that? Of course, we can see you.” Rodney made a face.

                John ran over and hugged Rodney tightly.

                “I didn’t know being able to see was such a cause for celebration,” Rodney said uncomfortably.

                Ronon looked at him strangely. “What is it?” John clapped him on his shoulder, grinning wildly. “Nothing, big guy, nothing. It’s just really, really good to see y—“


                His eyes turned and rested on Teyla’s face. She was looking at him, with such worry in her brown eyes. He took two steps to her and grabbed her face, kissing her passionately. She was surprised for a moment before surrendering to him and pressing him closer.

                “Oh my God! Are you guys kissing?” Rodney cried.

                Ronon smiled and slapped Rodney on the back, distracting him. Rodney started. “So anyways, like I was saying, people don’t just go leaving things like this laying around, Ronon! ‘Oh yes hon, I think I’ll just take my ZedPM for a walk today. Oops it fell off its leash. Silly me.’ No, Ronon it just doesn’t happen. There must be some kind of trick—“

                John broke away from his deep kiss with Teyla to look questioningly at Rodney. “You found a ZPM?”

                Rodney looked exasperated. “Yes, Colonel. Thank you for finally catching up with the rest of us. A ZPM was just lying here and I was explaining to Ronon that it might be some sort of a –“

                “Take it.” John said smiling, looking back at Teyla.

                “That’s it, just take it?” Rodney questioned.

                “Yup. C’mon let’s head back to the gate.”

                “Well, there’s this cave over here I wanted to check out for that energy reading—“


                “Well, you don’t have to scream about it….”

                “Let’s go home……” he smiled, looking back to the cave once, with his arm around Teyla as they walked to the gate.

                WOW!!! What a rollercoaster ride of emotions.Please let me know when you have it all posted on FF so I can have hubby read it.

                I was crying,AGAIN, when I thought that John was really going to have to sacrifice himself. I'm hope that you didn't mind us hounding you and this was the ending that you really wanted. I was really happy with all of it. Thank you. wonderful job.


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Thanks Elf! I hope I can avoid an untimely death at the hands of a wraith now
                  He was very content that everything worked really. He himself had been reading
                  your fic also. So, he completely understood the hostility towards the certain
                  author of the fanfic in question. He was able to meet his dietary requirements
                  elsewhere. But, he is available if the need arises again...

                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post


                    You're what made come on over in here....
                    Hey you are very talented in the I just did a little doodle department.
                    I'm thinking stick figures. That is the limit to doodling talent.
                    Besides. a little advertising never hurts anyone!
                    I agree and if anyone else would like to see Mayo's and other wonderful artists, check out her blogs and links in the spoiler under her sig.



                      Am I converting you into a JT shipper?...

                      *Elfie ducks as mayoESC starts shooting Wraith stunner at her*
                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        WOW!!! What a rollercoaster ride of emotions.Please let me know when you have it all posted on FF so I can have hubby read it.

                        I was crying,AGAIN, when I thought that John was really going to have to sacrifice himself. I'm hope that you didn't mind us hounding you and this was the ending that you really wanted. I was really happy with all of it. Thank you. wonderful job.
                        Thats soooo nice of you Scifan - and guess what I've been keeping up so is ALL updated with it and completed!Woo hoo!
                        I am happy with the ending. I thought it was fitting after all that death where all he could do was stand by and do nothing, that he would give the greatest sacrifice of all, just so they could live! ahhhhhh...i think my fav part when when rodney told him that he remembered him


                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          Sorry, That was me. Scifan pointed it out the Sateda caps in round-up I went
                          back and put in spoiler caps. That fixed it I hope. Let me know if it is better now.
                          Oh no worries! We've all done it!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            I agree and if anyone else would like to see Mayo's and other wonderful artists, check out her blogs and links in the spoiler under her sig.
                            You know it!
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Elflinn you did another job of recapping.Thanks!

                              Linda: Congrats on 100 posts!!

                              Ok, I did another one for Doxy's challenge. This is for Memento.


                              VERY nice!!! I love that scene! Definitely a true momento! Thanks!!
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                I almost forgot why I came here. I got destracted by MrsB's big finale.

                                It's ok. I'm not alway good with coming up with wordings. But this is for Vow.

