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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hey fellow JTer's !!

    I've been catching up on what everyone's what's to happen in S4!!

    I agree with the different takes everyone has.

    I'm just so excited about all of it I do not know about any of you!

    I just want them to show it now!!

    But,alas, I have to wait!! *bangs head on desk*

    But, since September is my B-day month:

    How perfect is that!! S4 and S3 coming out on DVD all in the same month!!

    So, I can not help myself :

    Here's ((HUGS!!)) to my people who love JT!

    Just 'cuz I love JT so much!!
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Originally posted by sanssong View Post
      Okay.... WHY is she nervous about the pregnancy? That is my point. She's nervous because it's not normal, she KNOWS it's not normal. Whether the pregnancy is a byproduct of Doppelganger or something else all the current spoilers lead to a sci-fi pregnancy, not a normal one. That's all I'm saying. I think the idea that Teyla fell in love with some strange guy and is having his baby, is last on the list of possibilities.
      S4 spoilers

      I've always said that, SUz. Here, LJ, wherever. I know about as many details as you do, but that's my gut. That's why I think she's nervous about the pregnancy. I think that by the time DG airs, she my still not have many details, either. Or, Icould be completely wrong.

      I will say you do have some crazy dreams when you're pregnant, though, no matter what galaxy you're in, I'm sure.
      Sig by Camy


        It's cool how a small little thing can get people to's like a squee party in the Shep thread...*lol* and here we have some discussions on the deal with Teyla...
        Is it September yet... oh I get both premieres on SGA and CSI New York on the same month... cool...

        Awesome also that J/T has only now 11 more to go in the ship pic game then they have reached 50... even though I hardly think will be able to keep J/S away from getting past us...are right now 3 points ahead of them
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by majortrip View Post
          S4 spoilers

          I've always said that, SUz. Here, LJ, wherever. I know about as many details as you do, but that's my gut. That's why I think she's nervous about the pregnancy. I think that by the time DG airs, she my still not have many details, either. Or, Icould be completely wrong.

          I will say you do have some crazy dreams when you're pregnant, though, no matter what galaxy you're in, I'm sure.

          That's very true. You worry that things will be okay.. But can you imagine the torturous nightmares if you weren't sure what it was you were carrying? Man, poor Teyla!


            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            It's cool how a small little thing can get people to's like a squee party in the Shep thread...*lol* and here we have some discussions on the deal with Teyla...
            Is it September yet... oh I get both premieres on SGA and CSI New York on the same month... cool...

            Awesome also that J/T has only now 11 more to go in the ship pic game then they have reached 50... even though I hardly think will be able to keep J/S away from getting past us...are right now 3 points ahead of them
            I agree with Nina!! I wanted to just express my Squeeee! For it is a wonderful
            feeling!!! *Squee is threatening to escape*
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Originally posted by sanssong View Post
              That's very true. You worry that things will be okay.. But can you imagine the torturous nightmares if you weren't sure what it was you were carrying? Man, poor Teyla!
              Even though

              I've never been pregnant...I'm sure you can be nervous about things and that the baby is going to be fine...
              And I'm sure she is nervous about her pregnancy... but if she knew the father is..let's say Athosian,,and the baby is human,,would she be having such a freaky dream about something freaky moving in her stomach and her screaming like it's something horrible happening there... I can understand the angle of having maybe nightmares about the baby not being okay and worrying about it,,but to have such a freaky dream,, but hey who knows... so I'm thinking more that her nightmares are more of the kind of not knowing what is growing inside of her.,,not knowing by who, what or whatever has gotten her this way... I mean either that or John must have tortured her with making her watch an alien movie.. *lol*
              Sigs by Scifan


                Page no can't have that...

                Where is everyone...have everyone passed out from getting the promos for season 4... ??
                Sigs by Scifan


                  im just trying to catch up from this morning as there has been so much posted since i was so here we go
                  about the clips my instinct is still telling me its from Doppleganger but i have to agree her tummy looks really flat but in some women thy dont begin to show until they hit their fourth month so there is no way of knowing completley but from the look on her face in the s4 clips it certainly looks like she is having a nightmare and if it s from that episode it could very well be the Doppleganger Entity taking her fear and turning it against her about her pregnancy but she sure looks as scared as hell in the clips
                  Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    im just trying to catch up from this morning as there has been so much posted since i was so here we go
                    about the clips my instinct is still telling me its from Doppleganger but i have to agree her tummy looks really flat but in some women thy dont begin to show until they hit their fourth month so there is no way of knowing completley but from the look on her face in the s4 clips it certainly looks like she is having a nightmare and if it s from that episode it could very well be the Doppleganger Entity taking her fear and turning it against her about her pregnancy but she sure looks as scared as hell in the clips

                    The specualtion around here is that it might be a nightmare she is having in Doppelganger since it will be about dreams and stuff with this entity...
                    Now if she doesn't know what, why , who or whatever has gotten her pregnant...I'm sure the entity could play on that and make her have nightmare about what she is then fearing she might be having inside of her.. so all in all I don't think we will see a normal pregnancy,, why else have that rather freaky nightmare...
                    Yes her tummy is rather flat...but as you say some might not show for a while...and I do think Doppelganger was one of the first epis to be shot... and I think it also is pretty early in the lineup as well for airing...

                    I think the only shots from later epis that will have been shot by Rachel early is the action shots so she will be able to do them before she gets a bigger tummy and wont be able to do action shots..... and then might also be shot from waist up other wise it's going to be looking rather funny when you see her in a fight scene in the later half of the season with a rather flat tummy and then in some other she has a larger tummy.. *lol* so with this scene I think it's going to be one of the early epi...most likely Doppelganger...
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      This interview was posted on syfyportal its an interview with Amanda tapping at least she mentions Teyla and Ronan
                      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                        Guys, has anyone noticed this?

                        I see everyone talking about Teyla's poor tummy, or poor Teyla's tummy. That was interesting to watch on TV last night, yowza.

                        But did you also notice a scene with two Johns?

                        I thought I saw it, but here's (actually I put it at the bottom) a page with caps and you can get a look and we can discuss.

                        You can decide for yourself. There's a cap with Lorne near it, and Lorne's also holding a gun. And there's a cap of the gate room with at least two people holding guns and John in a black uniform holding up his hand. The closest person with the gun could be John or Lorne, but, folks, look at the hair. That's John's hair. (I can see us all discussing how many hairs have to be standing up in the middle of the guy's head before we agree it's John, lol!)

                        So ... does this mean anything? Well, it could mean we'll have a really, really nice confrontation in Doppleganger. Anything else? Unless the scene is happening in a dream, and I'm thinking not, then crystal John becomes corporeal enough to either hold a pistol or be worried about a pistol being pointed at him.

                        And if crystal John can become corporeal, I wonder what the DNA transfer would look like, if that's what's going to happen, and admittedly I'm having a blast letting imagination zoom zoom here, but if I was going to show a DNA transfer in my TV show, it'd look sci-fi-ish and freaky just like Teyla's poor wiggly tummy.

                        Just throwing my .02 into the ring.

                        We'll get better caps before long, I'm sure, so the guy confronting John will eventually be recognizable.

                        Even if it's not John, my little theory about a DNA transfer in DG is still alive and well.

                        As in it's his ... and yet ... not ...

                        Poor Teyla.


                        September is only 6 weeks (that's 6 Fridays) off the usual season premiere date, so I'm already starting my happy dance and crossing my fingers it's the Friday after Memorial Day.


                          Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
                          Guys, has anyone noticed this?


                          But did you also notice a scene with two Johns?

                          I thought I saw it, but here's (actually I put it at the bottom) a page with caps and you can get a look and we can discuss.

                          You can decide for yourself. There's a cap with Lorne near it, and Lorne's also holding a gun. And there's a cap of the gate room with at least two people holding guns and John in a black uniform holding up his hand. The closest person with the gun could be John or Lorne, but, folks, look at the hair. That's John's hair. (I can see us all discussing how many hairs have to be standing up in the middle of the guy's head before we agree it's John, lol!)

                          So ... does this mean anything? Well, it could mean we'll have a really, really nice confrontation in Doppleganger. Anything else? Unless the scene is happening in a dream, and I'm thinking not, then crystal John becomes corporeal enough to either hold a pistol or be worried about a pistol being pointed at him.

                          September is only 6 weeks (that's 6 Fridays) off the usual season premiere date, so I'm already starting my happy dance and crossing my fingers it's the Friday after Memorial Day.
                          That looks like Lorne and Sheppard in the standoff. And when Sheppard is pushed to the ground, it looks like Lorne's on top of him. I remember JM saying in is blog that Lorne has scenes in DG.

                          I think there is a real John and the crystal John appears in the dreams.

                          I'm glad it starts in September. That's ony about three months away, better than the four I'd been expecting. Now I just hope we don't have to endure another long hiatus between season halves.
                          Sig by Camy


                            Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                            That looks like Lorne and Sheppard in the standoff. And when Sheppard is pushed to the ground, it looks like Lorne's on top of him. I remember JM saying in is blog that Lorne has scenes in DG.

                            I think there is a real John and the crystal John appears in the dreams.

                            I'm glad it starts in September. That's ony about three months away, better than the four I'd been expecting. Now I just hope we don't have to endure another long hiatus between season halves.
                            That's the talk in the Sheppard thread too...

                            That it's Lorne pulling a gun on Sheppard..I think someone said he was going to be in Doppelganger...wasn't it at some point armed and barefoot... could be that he has woken from a nightmare by the *John* entity and are a little out of it...or it goes as far as some not knowing if they are still dreaming or awake..and thinks the real John is the one in his dreams.. or whatever...

                            Someone did ask JM if there was going to be a stupid long hiatus between first and second half of the season...according to the answer it was NOT going to happen...hopefully he is right... I feel that without SGA on SciFi they got nothing worth mentioning...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              Alright I stand corrected... I never thought they would show anything from season 4.... since hey skiffy seems to be all weird when it has come to SGA... but I see sanssong has put up the LJ link for prion who I heard this from first....

                              I'll give you two more links with larger screencaps from SGAFan they look really great....

                              the clip where there are pics of in one of these posts about Teyla..yes the speculation is that it might be from Doppelganger ,,that she is having some kind of nightmare...but then again who know... I guess we just have to wait and see,,if it is a nightmare of her ,, or if it might my something freaky with her pregnancy...

                              Season 4 looks really awesome,,,and seeing pics ,,I really don't mind seeing Carter there,,, it kind of looks like she might actally belong among them *ducks* *lol* I guess I'm just so used to her that I don't mind... and since the latest interview with Amanda,,it seems it might be turning out just the way I want it to...hopefully...

                              anyway the links to the two posts by SGAFan with larger caps from the ads...


                              And according to the ads...Season 4 is having it's premiere in September!!!
                              Brrr! I just got a chill just from seeing Doppleganger John. Thanks for the link to the caps.


                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                No that is nothing that I've heard...

                                That Keller should know about Teyla's pregnancy... then again as you say yes the clips could very well be in the epi Doppelganger where she is having a nightmare about it... BUT I just thought if this...if she might be having this dream,,,and it's a nightmare,,,that gets be to think she doesn't know what has happened to her... I mean think about it...if it were a normal pregnancy why would she have a nightmare about it...if she knows who the father is,,, and I can't see her really falling for a slimey alien *lol* so that would leave a guy from either earth or an Athosian or another human race.. but if that is a nightmare,,that's like she is dreaming of her worst fear..the baby isn't humen,,,that gives me the thought that the pregnancy indeed isn't human and normal....

                                If it's not a dream...this could be taken place after she starts to feel something weird,,,and whatever then might happen... I don't know how far along she is going to be by the epi The Seer... she might not be far along,,since hey wouldn't the guys see something...or will they only think she has eaten to much cookies and getting fat... *lol*
                                Very good point Nina!

                                The things that throws me off is that it looks like whatever is happening to her is happening on Atlantis. Her stomach is pretty flat so it must be an early episode and if this is about her pregnancy, i just can't see Dr. Keller not knowing if this is happening in Atlantis and it's not a dream. Now of course, those lights that look like the lights on Atlantis could very well not be from Atlantis and those human hands could very well not be someone from atlantis, but they sure look like it to me LOL!. The episode Missing is listed as being the 5th episode and from the clip we saw featuring Bam Bam and Teyla fighting those bad guy's, i believe some people stated that you could see a little stomach already, I'll have to go back and see that clip again. I doubt Adrift is going to show us how she gets pregnant because That is going to focus on Atlantis getting out of space. Please correct me if i'm wrong, did JM mention that we will find out soon who the "father" of Teyla's baby is?. Also, Travelers is scheduled to be a John episode and Reunion a Ronon episode. This of course doesn't mean we can't find out who the father of the baby is in those episodes but it's more unlikely i think. The only episode i see maybe will be lifeline. Does anybody know what that episode is about?. Doppelganger is actually next after Missing...but i could have sworn that you could already see a tummy by Missing and in the clip, her stomach looked soooo flat. So maybe it can't be Doppelganger. The Seer is scheduled to be the 8th episode, i would think she would be showing by then but again, who knows. According to the episode, nobody is able to tell so maybe she isn't showing too much yet. To me, It all depends if what i remember and please, if someone has better memory than me, is she showing already in that clip for missing?.

                                If it is a nightmare and the father is human, is that maybe in her dream evil John is making her think she is loosing her baby which is HIGHLY unlikely i know and the other just like you mentioned, it isn't human at all. I just think it's not a coincidence that wether its a nightmare or not, it's too much of a coincidence not to be a clue of her pregnancy whether that episode explains how she got pregnant or she is already pregnant and something is happening to the baby, i just think it's not just a random accurance that has nothing to do with her pregnancy.

                                Anyway, i got to stop thinking about this because i'm just confussing myself and there just isn't enough to really know what's happening.

                                Sig by Camy

