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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by majortrip View Post
    You rang?

    S4 spoilers

    Speaking of First Strike, it strikes me that now the SGC/IOA feels that more military presence is required because Atlantis has become even more of a first line of defense for Earth, since now the Wraith and the Asurans want to get there.

    I do think that they're setting up a more clear parallel between Hammond's/Landry's role and Carter's, meaning there's a military commander over a series of away teams, the premiere of which will be Sheppard's. Remember all the way back to the early days- O'Neill was SG-1's leader, but he also had quite a bit of authority at the Mountain.
    That's my take as well Trippy. I think they are going for that same dynamic.

    S4 Spoilers
    Originally posted by majortrip View Post

    I don't think, though, that any clashes will be lasting. I do think that John may be upset at the regime change, but I think he doesn't have any plans to leave Atlantis, so whatever happens he'll be on board after a bit. I did read that AT said that Carter will have some observations about Sheppard, namely how he runs his team. Now, after her being a part of SG-1 during the O'Neill years, I can't think that she'd be surprised at just how attached he is, since she experienced that type of bonding herself. I'm interested in how that will play out.
    That's a great point, and I think I was trying to get to that, but I didn't say it as well as you did.

    It's interesting to note that AT had that to say about Carter and Sheppard. Caldwell was trying to comment on that in season 2, but of course, no one wanted to listen to him at the time cause he was cast as the advisary. With Carter perhaps pointing out some of the same things, we may see some interesting initial clashes with she and John. But as you said Trippy, I don't think they'll last long. When all is said and done I expect that this change in leadership will smooth out and be better than the previous. Though, from my perspective, I think John does a great job of leading his team.

    S4 spoilers
    Originally posted by majortrip View Post
    I too think that J/T will continue to grow closer. It looks like S4 will have lots of danger and angst and people bond during those times. I am heartened by that hug, whether it's romantic or not. Either way, it's personal and a big step for both of them.
    Oh yeah, I'm on board with that as well. These two are the couple to watch for next season (well, okay, maybe Keller and Ronon too!) After all, I should know, I've got the inside scoup! *snort*


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Nice to have you back. Looking forward to your vids. Sanssong, sorry I missed it earlier, but CONGRATS!!!! over 800 post!!!!!
      Thanks Scifan and Ellfin! I didn't even realize it myself.


        Season 4 pt2!
        Last edited by Quania2007; 14 June 2007, 11:38 AM.


          Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
          Ladies here you go, the first chapter in my Christmas fic inspired by Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas is you"

          All I Want for Christmas is You

          and convergence link


          I'm off to lunch now!
          Great first Chapter Padme!!
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by sanssong View Post
            Excellent, excellent post. I agree with just about everything you've said. And I just want to clarify that I never meant to say that I thought
            John wouldn't be different around Carter or treat her with more respect because she's military, I think I just took for granted that he would. My comments were meant in addition to that existing dynamic.

            FYI- Carter is slated for 14 eps. We dont' know the extent of her involvement in the eps, but that's how many she's in.
            Don't worry I know what you meant with the whole deal
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by Quania2007 View Post
              Season 4 pt2!
              I can't see it!!!
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                I can't see it!!!
                This is the vid with the hug. If you've not seen it yet and can't get quick time to work it's archived at John Teyla Convergence in a Window's Media format. It's on the front page.


                  Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                  This is the vid with the hug. If you've not seen it yet and can't get quick time to work it's archived at John Teyla Convergence in a Window's Media format. It's on the front page.

                  Thanks Sanssong!! JTC is actually where I was able to see hug!

                  They should not torture us like that in making us think there is a second part!!
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    I have a discussion topic here....

                    Nina, you kind of inspired me to bring it here because I just commented this with someone and thought of going to the Thunk thread for it, but I think this might affect JT as well...
                    Season 4 thoughts, questions...
                    With the arrival of Carter coming to lead Atlantis, do you think this will demote Sheppard? he certainly won't be the Military Commander of Atlantis anymore. Carter will be both leader of the city and the military, right? So, what does that mean for Sheppard? less duty, responsibility? Will he be able to sleep better at night?
                    I don't think it will demote Sheppard at all... I really don't see much change to his responsibilites l.. all I see is that he won't have as much free reign as he did with Weir.

                    Will Sheppard go against Carter at any given point, and we know she's not going to be Weir....I liked the idea of Carter only because I know she will bring what Weir couldn't.
                    I don't think so unless it's something big or something that involves his team. I think that Carter and Shep will be on the same page most of the time and find it unlikey that he would disoby her unless it's a situation like The Return where his home or his team are in danger and she doesn't back him up.. but I think Carter will be the most qualified to understand team loyalties.

                    Too many times I found and especially in Season 2 that although I never saw the shippy between Weir and John, Season 2 was heavily John and Weir but it only made Weir weak in front of Sheppard. Now, I don't think that is going to be the case between Carter and John. I think John will look weak or less authoritative in front of Carter and I"m not sure how I feel about this just yet since the idea just got presented to me.
                    Season two was horrible for Shep IMO ... the writers did a complete U turn with his charcter and made him way too accepting of bad decisions. Shep seemed to loose the abilty to form an opinion of his own or even put one forward in season two.. so not a good season character wise for him. I don't think Weir looked weak ... more niave from lack of experience and thats why I felt that John should have objected more often to her decisions.
                    Carter on the other hand has experience and will be better able to make decisons based on her military experience. I hope to see more of a partnership between them of sorts, and advise shared on both sides. There will be times that Shep will have to take orders from Carter even if he not 100% happy with them but I see him respecting the chain of command and also respecting Carters long years of experience in the field which Weir didn't have, so again I don't see how this would make John look weak at all.

                    But on another note, this could be good for John and Teyla....I am going to write here first.....mark these words...John and Teyla will get closer in Season 4...romantically or not, they will, we've seen it already! woohooo!
                    Yes I think season four will test John and Teyla's relationship and we will see some of their hidden feelings come to light.. maybe not expressed in words but definitely through their actions... as witnessed already with the hug.

                    So, what if John finally breaks another rule and goes to find Teyla but this time, there is no Weir to cover his actions and defend him but Carter will stand by her military ground....this will only end in what i've predicted all along...John is not going back to Earth, ever...he will stay in the Pegasus Galaxy, beside the woman he loves, leading along side her as the new leader of the Athosian people..actually, Dee had the idea first!
                    Again I don't see John going against Carter unless it is something really big and I cannot see Sam not supporting John if it is a matter of aiding his team. John has stated that Atlantis is his home.. and I don't see him ever going back to earth... John has made the Pegasus galaxy his home and that is where he is going to settle.


                      blue - Love the new sig of yours
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        Season 4 thoughts, questions...

                        Season two was horrible for Shep IMO ... the writers did a complete U turn with his charcter and made him way too accepting of bad decisions. Shep seemed to loose the abilty to form an opinion of his own or even put one forward in season two.. so not a good season character wise for him.

                        Oh, I couldn't agree with you more! Poor Shep was reduced to a laughable stereo-type at times. He did accept many many bad decisions that Weir chose to make, adn that WAS out of character for him. He gave over his military command to her when he shouldn't have. I was glad to see that much of that kind of writing was left behind as Season 3 progressed.

                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        I don't think Weir looked weak ... more niave from lack of experience and thats why I felt that John should have objected more often to her decisions.
                        Exactly! She never had the necessary experience to make the decisions that she did. I was amazed that Teyla seemed to be the one many times who knew what was best. And you'd also find out many times that Shep really did agree with Teyla's way of handling a situation and he STILL didn't challenge Weir. It left me very frustrated.

                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        Carter on the other hand has experience and will be better able to make decisons based on her military experience. I hope to see more of a partnership between them of sorts, and advise shared on both sides. There will be times that Shep will have to take orders from Carter even if he not 100% happy with them but I see him respecting the chain of command and also respecting Carters long years of experience in the field which Weir didn't have, so again I don't see how this would make John look weak at all.
                        This is what I expect to see as well. AND as someone else pointed out, I'm really hoping that Carter will give not only Teyla's but Ronon's input the weight it deserves. Too many times, Weir just made some crazy decision and never bothered to even ask Teyla her opinion. In the case of Michael, it would have done her a world of good.

                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        John has made the Pegasus galaxy his home and that is where he is going to settle.
                        Yes, I think so too. I think he got a picture of what life would be like away from Atlantis in Return I and he's not anxious to go back to that.


                          I don't think I can see Sheppard leaving Pegasus Galaxy...he has made it his home...he has friends there and he has the woman there who means the world to him... kind of funny he had to go to another galaxy to find the woman of his dreams

                          I think in Return 1 he saw what life was gonna be like without his friend Ronon and the very special lady of his heart Teyla.. and he felt to me like he just went into his work to keep him from thinking to much... for me he like just went along,, he was there, he did his work , but he left a piece of himself in PG... I think none of them felt at home anymore on earth...even though I think Weir took it a little to extreme for me,,like the world just ended,, that just bugged me... I didn't feel like she had a bad life on earth.. I mean John had way more to lose by going back to earth...he didn't exactly have it easy before going to PG...but he atleast did suck it up and went on..even though he left his heart and spirit behind in PG...hrmm maybe not his spirit,,I think he just hid that one in his office until there came the chance of going back home..then I felt he got his spirit back ,,,and of course the first thing on his mind was to get to Teyla
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                            blue - Love the new sig of yours
                            Thanks Nina...

                            Yes, I think so too. I think he got a picture of what life would be like away from Atlantis in Return I and he's not anxious to go back to that.
                            I agree.. I think going back to earth made him realise exactly where home really was.

                            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                            I don't think I can see Sheppard leaving Pegasus Galaxy...he has made it his home...he has friends there and he has the woman there who means the world to him... kind of funny he had to go to another galaxy to find the woman of his dreams

                            I think in Return 1 he saw what life was gonna be like without his friend Ronon and the very special lady of his heart Teyla.. and he felt to me like he just went into his work to keep him from thinking to much... for me he like just went along,, he was there, he did his work , but he left a piece of himself in PG... I think none of them felt at home anymore on earth...the first thing on his mind was to get to Teyla
                            Exactly...he jumped at the chance to get back to Teyla and as you say we then saw the old John Sheppard... he had that spark back again... which was completely gone when he was away from her and the Pegasus Galaxy..

                            Their expressions just say it all...



                              I don't think I can see Sheppard leaving Pegasus Galaxy...he has made it his home...he has friends there and he has the woman there who means the world to him... kind of funny he had to go to another galaxy to find the woman of his dreams

                              I think in Return 1 he saw what life was gonna be like without his friend Ronon and the very special lady of his heart Teyla.. and he felt to me like he just went into his work to keep him from thinking to much... for me he like just went along,, he was there, he did his work , but he left a piece of himself in PG... I think none of them felt at home anymore on earth...even though I think Weir took it a little to extreme for me,,like the world just ended,, that just bugged me... I didn't feel like she had a bad life on earth.. I mean John had way more to lose by going back to earth...he didn't exactly have it easy before going to PG...but he atleast did suck it up and went on..even though he left his heart and spirit behind in PG...hrmm maybe not his spirit,,I think he just hid that one in his office until there came the chance of going back home..then I felt he got his spirit back ,,,and of course the first thing on his mind was to get to Teyla
                              Today 04:09 AM
                              I agree with you totally i don't see John wanting to leave the Pegasus Galaxy as he has made something of himself he has alot of people who respect him and Teyla who is the closest person he has there and plenty of friends he proved that in The Return Pt 1 when he did everything he could to get back and the first place he went was to Teylas planet to fetch her and the smile Teyla give him was priceless it just proves how much these two people care for each other in the way they react towards each other i guess if he did ge sent back to Earth he would be looking for another way to get back there again as it showed in that episode
                              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                Ok, Ok, I know I said I was going to bed. Someone else already pointed this out so I can't take credit.
                                Johnny Cash poster is hanging in the background. It's John's room. Ooooo, I hope I have some gooood dreams tonight.
                                Oh my, how in the world could i have missed that! LOL! Thanks for correcting me!. Okay, its definitely John's room

                                Sig by Camy

