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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hrmm a little OT since it has to do with another something we have specualted on...
    This was taken from SciFi's site...
    Staite is "fabulous," executive producer Robert C. Cooper said in an interview on the show's Vancouver, Canada, set over the weekend. Other cast members hinted that Keller may develop a romantic relationship with one of the other characters and will become friends with Carter.

    Hrmm could it be Ronon as some has speculated on....
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Hrmm a little OT since it has to do with another something we have specualted on...
      This was taken from SciFi's site...
      Staite is "fabulous," executive producer Robert C. Cooper said in an interview on the show's Vancouver, Canada, set over the weekend. Other cast members hinted that Keller may develop a romantic relationship with one of the other characters and will become friends with Carter.

      Hrmm could it be Ronon as some has speculated on....
      Ooooo, that would be nice. Ronon needs some lovin'. How can anybody resist him. I love John, but Ronon's smile..... I liked him in Baywatch too. And Keller does kinda look like his lost love. Maybe that's something else JM was talking about. Thanks for sharing.


        Wow, nearly 16 pages to catch up on, which I probably will never find the time to do. I scanned the last page...sad to see that their is some angst in the thread/forum. I keep myself blissfully "blonde" about the whole situation. (I can say that since I really am a blonde from California )

        Bottom line, for me, I'm a JT shipper and proud of it! Spead the love, Baby!
        Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
          Wow, nearly 16 pages to catch up on, which I probably will never find the time to do. I scanned the last page...sad to see that their is some angst in the thread/forum. I keep myself blissfully "blonde" about the whole situation. (I can say that since I really am a blonde from California )

          Bottom line, for me, I'm a JT shipper and proud of it! Spead the love, Baby!
          *lol* Yeah the thread exploded after a sertain video came out with some s4 clips.. *lol*

          And no just as you I'm proud to be a J/T shipper... and ignore most things unless it gets personal...but I will NEVER say I'm sorry for liking this ship to however that has a problem with it..or with what I see and feel.... Especially in our own thread... or for something I know I haven't done..and I refuse to take blame for something I or we haven't started...
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            *lol* Yeah the thread exploded after a sertain video came out with some s4 clips.. *lol*

            And no just as you I'm proud to be a J/T shipper... and ignore most things unless it gets personal...but I will NEVER say I'm sorry for liking this ship to however that has a problem with it..or with what I see and feel.... Especially in our own thread... or for something I know I haven't done..and I refuse to take blame for something I or we haven't started...
            And no one here has ever asked anyone to?? Of course, we are all proud J/T shippers!
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              David Hewlett and SGA won both a Spacey Award.... for Favorite character and Favorite TV show... Both Joe and Rachel was at set to accept the award with David H, David N & Jason
              Oh that is very cool!! Thanks for the link, Nina! And congrats to David Hewlett and to SGA!

              The new uniforms are...interesting. Can't quite decide what I think of them! LOL! It is pretty dark, so it's hard to really tell much of anything!
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!



                LC, what a cutie your puppy is!!! Belle, right? I'm sure you can't wait until you get the little one home! Puppies are so darling! My daughter has been hitting me up for one the past three months.
                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  Oh that is very cool!! Thanks for the link, Nina! And congrats to David Hewlett and to SGA!

                  The new uniforms are...interesting. Can't quite decide what I think of them! LOL! It is pretty dark, so it's hard to really tell much of anything!
                  Well John looks like he has done in season 3 back half... Teyla I think is the one who has changed the most if this was just not for whatever epi they were shooting...since she seems to be in all leather... I just thought it was so funny when Rachel didn't wanna let the award go when Joe tried to grab it *lol*
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post

                    LC, what a cutie your puppy is!!! Belle, right? I'm sure you can't wait until you get the little one home! Puppies are so darling! My daughter has been hitting me up for one the past three months.
                    Oh, thanks YC!!! I'm in for a lot of sleepless nights once she arrives, but it will be worth it. And at least then I'll have new eps to watch during those nights of no sleep! LOL!

                    Just watched the S4 vid again and I think it deserves one more big


                    Oh, and Mayra's got a wonderful treat coming for us later today!!! Lot of J/T love in there! Yay!
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Well John looks like he has done in season 3 back half... Teyla I think is the one who has changed the most if this was just not for whatever epi they were shooting...since she seems to be in all leather... I just thought it was so funny when Rachel didn't wanna let the award go when Joe tried to grab it *lol*
                      That was hilarious!!! Hehe, too cute.
                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        LC, I know that you're going through a rough time so I'd thought I'd try to cheer you up.

                        Boston terrier vids.


                        They are both cute. I hope you enjoy. There are tons of them.
                        Last edited by scifan; 11 June 2007, 07:47 AM.


                          VB, where in my posting am I apologizing or complying to anyone? I made a suggestion. There are different ways to fight a war. Has your voicing lessened their rantings, accusations and posting of anti JT comments and attacking JT fans?

                          Hence, I made a different suggestion.

                          I'm not one to stand quiet, I don't have over 7,000 postings for nothing altough most of them are nothing! LOL
                          I'm only suggesting to get another thread to do it.
                          Posters in here have been more effective and successful at standing their ground and writing back but in a different way. Example, when we do our parties we get more participations and newcomers in the thread. I think it is a good way to show that we are growing. Two, commenting and posting in the episode threads and going to other threads for support and enjoyment of the other characters. One thing I have to give credit to Tielan is that she's always stated that multishipping is the best way to at least get our ship recognized. Three, ask and comment in JM's blog respectfully voicing our love for JT and making comments about the show.
                          Four, being active in JT sites and supporting ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that is good for JT. It shows growth, it shows the writers that there is a large fan base out there for JT and it's a good way to get others in here. I"ve gotten great comments and green in other threads because I"ve been expanding a bit. The multi shippers thread was one way that I got to meet others that love other ships and do it in a classy, respectable way.

                          I've been here longer than most of you and I"ve put up with a lot. Most of it, I never know about it because I don't venture to any other ship thread. But one thing I"ve notice, you are always going to get those that simply will do what they can to demean and discourage their opponent. Stupid and foolish because this is not a competition, but some make it look like it is. I can't shut up those that speak and write about me and like Steph I"m not going to go down to their level. I think that what we are doing, writing fics,making vids, doing artwork, voicing our opinions, celeberating those moments and finally standing together and showing our presence is a way to fight back and at the same time continue to love what we do in this thread and for this ship. Look at how much we've grown so far and how much more support and love for this ship is out there and the number of newcomers is growing.

                          When I started here, I was bashed by both JT shippers and non-Jt Shippers and yet one ShepWeir was the reason I stayed. The only one willing to stay and chat with me after I was accused of being someone that I"m not. And I"m still here! And plan to be for a bit longer.

                          The reality is, that the closer JT becomes canon, the uglier it's going to get, and what are you suggesting, that we start ranting and calling all the posters against us on it!?

                          Nah, I"m going to continue to love JT and I"m going to continue to do my artwork and I"m going to continue to post in the threads and I'm going to continue to comment on JM's blog when I feel like it and that to me is fighting back the good fight than fighting back at something that I have no control and no win over. This I can control, not getting the mods in here, I can avoid. Right now, I went to sleep and woke up 9 hours later and this thread is not how or where it used to be, why? Because most don't want to be a part of a ship war. And I think we should respect that.

                          Again, there are many ways to skin a cat. I"m simply suggesting that you look for that other way.

                          I don't own this thread and never have my opinions influenced that of any in here. I voiced my thoughts and I think that everyone else in here can think and act and post on their own and freely without thinking others will think any less or better of them. I sure don't. But I think the fact that the thread slowed down, makes a big statement again, this is not the way that the majority in here care to address the matter at hand. I think it should be addressed, but I"ve already made some suggestions. The best way that I think we can make a difference is by showing them that we are a ship to be reckoned with and that we will in numbers and in quality stand above the rest. JM clearly can defend and laughs at the ridiculous posts. That makes me happy. He is going to do what he wants to do. And for that I applaud him. Nothing is set in stone and things can move in many different directions for Season 4.

                          Bring on Season 4 and let the JTers show their presence and support.


                            Thanks for that link, it was great to see that David won and even more great that Atlantis won best show! The cast was great. And Joe and Rachel as always have such great chemistry that even while not filming in the show, they simply show that they do get along very well. All of them do. And that is what makes them so great at what they do on-screen. What a nice way to show them that we do love them. And that little bit at the end with the team together, priceless and hilarious.

                            Yeah, I wonder when that was filmed? It is very dark and she does have the entire suit black and covered. She still doesn't look like she has a
                            flat tummy,
                            but you never know. Black is great for hiding those love handles! LOL
                            In any case, they look great.

                            This new spoiler about Keller worries me,
                            I doubt that these writers are going to have three ships going on at the same time in the show. Just like they weren't going to show two characters facing parenthood, I doubt multi-ships is in their roster, plus to me, it will take away from JT spotlight. And I sure don't want that. I like the idea of Ronon finding a love interest. I just don't want a recurring character to take over again, the spotlight from the main team. And Keller can do that. Carter is already going to do it, so I don't care to see another ship until my ship has been well established and with kiddies tugging and hugging their mommy and daddy.


                              Ok Steph, one more I couldn't resist.



                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                And no just as you I'm proud to be a J/T shipper... and ignore most things unless it gets personal...but I will NEVER say I'm sorry for liking this ship to however that has a problem with it..or with what I see and feel.... Especially in our own thread... or for something I know I haven't done..and I refuse to take blame for something I or we haven't started...
                                I agree with you and VB here, Nina. Under the cut for semi-OT

                                This is the last comment I'll make on this subject since the *last* thing I want is for *us* to be disagreeing with one another. We all love JT and that's what brings us together and why we're all here and I agree that the shipper thread is not the place for a prolonged OT discussion.

                                I will not accept ANY part of the blame for the bad blood that has existed between JT shippers and sweirs - sorry. I personally have never even acknowledged them unless they have attacked me first, which in the past has been often. Would I like to have ignored the animosity? Yes, in fact for two years I did. I got pounded on in a GW thread three years ago for saying that I thought John and Teyla belonged together. After that I left and started Sheppard Teyla Fever so that I didn't have to deal with nasty negative people.

                                I decided later that I didn't want to just let obnoxious people ruin my fun so I came back and now pretty much post where ever I feel like. *sigh* I suppose I *should* just ignore it when I'm personally insulted and called a trouble maker and told to shut my mouth, but I'm not wired that way. I don't like being bullied and will shove back if I'm shoved.

                                Now in all fairness, the two s/w supporters who posted here are (not to my knowledge) part of the group who has been nasty and hateful and so I can accept that their comments were most likely meant for fun. And maybe they were unaware of the way we've been harassed in our own thread by sweirs in the past. I'm willing to believe they will be different and go on from there.

                                Sadly, and I don't mean this as any kind of insult, the policy of ignoring the huge group of bullies on GW for three years has caused hundreds of John Teyla supporters to go elsewhere. They don't want to be attacked and *know* at GW there has been a very high probability of it if they say they support JT. I know this to be true because most of them are on STF. I understand not wanting to be around fighting and name calling- it sucks and I hate it myself, but when you let bad behavior go unchecked it eventually hurts everyone.

                                The thing is now, that it looks very much like TPTB are going to give us at least a little JT as canon for the show. They, funnily enough, seem to be into John/Teyla as much as we are, but are having to move with tact and cautiousness to appease a group of people who are used to getting their way and used to shutting up the opposition. I can't help but think the unbalanced situation here at GW is partially to blame for that.

                                The good news is, I think we are going to move past all the garbage. I think eventually GW and the fandom as a whole will be a friendly place for JT shippers. I see the start of it already and it makes me excited for the seasons of SGA to come. With my prediction that Dr. Keller was brought on as a love interest for Ronon nearly confirmed by Robert Cooper and the exciting spoilers we've had for John and Teyla's relationship, it looks to be a banner year.

                                So, yes, lets work to get along with everyone, but I don't think we need to return to the days of accepting blame for things we didn't do or being nice to people who are mean to us.

                                Sorry again for the OT stuff.

