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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    Epiphany was so disappointing and poor Joe had such high hopes for it - thats why I don't really want any ex wife scenarios - except for the first 10 minutes or so Ephiphany was boring - even with our delectable Shep so I don't want a whole ep of something like that. But I'm beginning to think it won't be anything like that at all. It could be so many things - I think I need to go and watch the latter half of season 3 again. But whatever it is I hope John shares his feelings with Teyla and it would be great to get another wonderful scene like we got in Sateda. I'm sure that whatever it is, it will be great. I'll have to go and check out what eps Carl Binder has written - I find him a bit hit and miss though.
    he is hit and miss....i mean TRW.. gah what a pile of poop!!!
    but hes also written eps like echoes and aurora which i loved...
    hes got a great handle on the characters so i think he will do joe's idea justice and we wont end up with another epiphany (which i did like but obviously it wasnt as good as it could have been..poor joe, like he says blame brad wright not him lol)...i think whatever the story is it'll be a good one, i have faith in joe....his original idea for epiphany was great and he knows exactly what us fans wanna see. still dont know what it will be though...lots of potential indeed!!
    i hope for more scenes like sateda too.....that scene = squee!!



      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
      he is hit and miss....i mean TRW.. gah what a pile of poop!!!
      but hes also written eps like echoes and aurora which i loved...
      hes got a great handle on the characters so i think he will do joe's idea justice and we wont end up with another epiphany (which i did like but obviously it wasnt as good as it could have been..poor joe, like he says blame brad wright not him lol)...i think whatever the story is it'll be a good one, i have faith in joe....his original idea for epiphany was great and he knows exactly what us fans wanna see. still dont know what it will be though...lots of potential indeed!!
      i hope for more scenes like sateda too.....that scene = squee!!
      Epiphany could have been great - John stranded and alone - I loved how lost he seemed in the scenes in the cave. They were great but then that stupid monster thingy appeared (though we did get lovely whumped shep) and it sorta went downhill from there. The ancients were like tree hugging wanna bees and I just wanted to shake them - but its still far, far better than TRW, but not as could as it could have been.

      So Carl Binder wrote TRW - umm .. but I did like echoes so I guess we will just have to wait and see. There is another scenario that has been popping into my head that I don't want to even think about - I may pm you and see what you think !!


        Of the speculation about the idea pitched by Joe F for an angsty epi in season 4

        To tell you the truth I wouldn't want it to have anything to do with his familed marriage...I mean first of all...even if he really never shows his feelings right out,,,he just had the attitude in Sunday like...been there done that moving on... I just felt like he was long time over it already... it's not really a shock of fiding out that he had been married at one point,,,why would a divorce be such a shock... those things sadly happen all the time even in real life... then think at this...look at the difference between John and Ronon... John had been married...but he had the attitude of ...well I've done that,,not good at point in mentioning it ever again,,,then you hear what Ronon had to say,...from what I gathered she wasn't his wife,,think he said close enough...but watch his attitude...he wasn't ready to get into anything new... and it's gone so many years already,,, and it seems as his reaction that he just isn't over it yet... so two different attitudes is what I got...and then to go and pull a story of a ex-wife ...uhm not going to do it for me...since I saw his attitude of the whole thing... he was even more emotional in other scenes just talking about his friends and how much they mean to him,,, so no I don't really think the ex-wife is someone who lingers on his mind anymore...

        The other issuses discussed in later season 3...and has been seen in speculation over at the Shep whump that it might have to do with dealing with Carson's death...we really don't know how he will be back... if it's from lets say Rod's could case emotional distress...knowing he is alive in that dimension but couldn't be saved in this one....
        Then there is the speculation of it being Michael and his bug army... the angst over how much trouble the retro virus has caused... and how many more is now dying not only by Wraith's hands but now from Michael and his growing bug army....
        And the third that has been touched upon in speculation is the whole deal with Kolya... since that started a large discussion of how badly that was done... and heck Kolya has been a thorn in John's side...what to suddenly find out the bad guy is not so dead after all....

        Oh well just have to wait and see I guess...
        If it is whatever...the outcome of it all would be great...if Teyla is there for John in his time of need and they grow even closer together...uhm is that even possible,,since they seem already rather tight together *lol*
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Epiphany could have been great - John stranded and alone - I loved how lost he seemed in the scenes in the cave. They were great but then that stupid monster thingy appeared (though we did get lovely whumped shep) and it sorta went downhill from there. The ancients were like tree hugging wanna bees and I just wanted to shake them - but its still far, far better than TRW, but not as could as it could have been.

          So Carl Binder wrote TRW - umm .. but I did like echoes so I guess we will just have to wait and see. There is another scenario that has been popping into my head that I don't want to even think about - I may pm you and see what you think !!
          ooooh im intrigued now!!lol PM me if you wanna out your idea!!!
          yeh totally agree about soon as hes out of the cave its like...oh dear...but like you say we got whump and some nice team angst but it couldve been so much better. i would still rather watch this ep instead of poopy TRW (can you tell i really dont like this ep lol)!!
          i think carl will do us good going by the idea that he was having an off day when he wrote TRW!!
          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          Of the speculation about the idea pitched by Joe F for an angsty epi in season 4

          To tell you the truth I wouldn't want it to have anything to do with his familed marriage...I mean first of all...even if he really never shows his feelings right out,,,he just had the attitude in Sunday like...been there done that moving on... I just felt like he was long time over it already... it's not really a shock of fiding out that he had been married at one point,,,why would a divorce be such a shock... those things sadly happen all the time even in real life... then think at this...look at the difference between John and Ronon... John had been married...but he had the attitude of ...well I've done that,,not good at point in mentioning it ever again,,,then you hear what Ronon had to say,...from what I gathered she wasn't his wife,,think he said close enough...but watch his attitude...he wasn't ready to get into anything new... and it's gone so many years already,,, and it seems as his reaction that he just isn't over it yet... so two different attitudes is what I got...and then to go and pull a story of a ex-wife ...uhm not going to do it for me...since I saw his attitude of the whole thing... he was even more emotional in other scenes just talking about his friends and how much they mean to him,,, so no I don't really think the ex-wife is someone who lingers on his mind anymore...

          The other issuses discussed in later season 3...and has been seen in speculation over at the Shep whump that it might have to do with dealing with Carson's death...we really don't know how he will be back... if it's from lets say Rod's could case emotional distress...knowing he is alive in that dimension but couldn't be saved in this one....
          Then there is the speculation of it being Michael and his bug army... the angst over how much trouble the retro virus has caused... and how many more is now dying not only by Wraith's hands but now from Michael and his growing bug army....
          And the third that has been touched upon in speculation is the whole deal with Kolya... since that started a large discussion of how badly that was done... and heck Kolya has been a thorn in John's side...what to suddenly find out the bad guy is not so dead after all....

          Oh well just have to wait and see I guess...
          If it is whatever...the outcome of it all would be great...if Teyla is there for John in his time of need and they grow even closer together...uhm is that even possible,,since they seem already rather tight together *lol*
          i dont think and i hope its not about
          shep's failed marriage, i dont care about his past relationships, i care about the ones he's forming now...with his team and with teyla of course!! like i said in the whump thread, if theres anyone in his past i want to know about its his dad!
          there are a few ideas for what it could be....but until we get more spoilers i guess its difficult for us to know what it is.....just lots of speculation!



            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
            ooooh im intrigued now!!lol PM me if you wanna out your idea!!!
            yeh totally agree about soon as hes out of the cave its like...oh dear...but like you say we got whump and some nice team angst but it couldve been so much better. i would still rather watch this ep instead of poopy TRW (can you tell i really dont like this ep lol)!!
            i think carl will do us good going by the idea that he was having an off day when he wrote TRW!!

            i dont think and i hope its not about
            shep's failed marriage, i dont care about his past relationships, i care about the ones he's forming now...with his team and with teyla of course!! like i said in the whump thread, if theres anyone in his past i want to know about its his dad!
            there are a few ideas for what it could be....but until we get more spoilers i guess its difficult for us to know what it is.....just lots of speculation!

            Girl you are not the only one to feel that when it comes to TRW,,,count me in there too... I'm not truly a fan of Epiphany either but heck I'll take that one anyday over the other one...

            And I have to agree with you on the other thing as well
            I don't want to see anything about his ex-wife..not something that will keep my intrest... and then saying on the blog,,,we will LOVE it... uhm about an ex-wife...dream on,,, and that it will be very, very, very ,very cool...failed marriage doesn't fall in that category for me at all...what's very, very, very cool about it... then as I said before look at the difference between John and Ronon...both having relationships in the past... Ronon isn't by a long shot over it...while John had he attitide of ,,,what ever,,,next subject thank you very much.... and then I really can't see Joe pitching an idea about his failed marriage...since he doesn't seem into the whole deal of pulling an story about a relationship for just that no I really don't think so....

            I much rather see it being angst over something that has happend while in Atlantis that he has to face...that he can't push back in his mind... or if it deals with his past...look into his family,,,mother and father,,, or his military background...might something have happened more then the whole Afgahnistan that might have made him into the man he is today... rather that then some cliché story about a failed marriage... I mean come on...60 episodes...and in one *BANG* been married,,done that, not good at it,,,, and then to bring such a story up later to look into... would that hold my intrest... not much...for something that even he was surprised about,,,I can't say he would pitch an idea about something not even he saw it coming for Sheppard...

            So deal with his military background or about his parents,,,or something that has happened over the years in Atlantis...and make then J/T grow even closer together because of it
            Sigs by Scifan


              well sad rootertoise couldnt have said it better i agree i don't want to bother about his past relationships i only care about the relationships he is forming now as well the one he has steadily built with teyla for the past three seasons and the relationships he has with his other team members i like where they are at now i don't want them to be going backwards on the relationships now as it would spoil the show
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                Don't know if you all have seen the SGA promos that has now been put up at

                It's right there on the main page...the videos are rolling on several in a row...first is a competition,,*Get in the gate* then there are two promos in it too...of the show...with Joe as the star name...*finally* and then there are 3 promos ,,,one of Joe, another on Jason and another on David... now they are the same...two guys trying to send a third guy into the stargate... and the stars have the same ever I just feel Joe is the only one to truly deliver the line and putting some effort into it... Jason's and David's didn't do anything for me... hrmm might it just becasue Joe is my all time favorite
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  Girl you are not the only one to feel that when it comes to TRW,,,count me in there too... I'm not truly a fan of Epiphany either but heck I'll take that one anyday over the other one...

                  And I have to agree with you on the other thing as well
                  I don't want to see anything about his ex-wife..not something that will keep my intrest... and then saying on the blog,,,we will LOVE it... uhm about an ex-wife...dream on,,, and that it will be very, very, very ,very cool...failed marriage doesn't fall in that category for me at all...what's very, very, very cool about it... then as I said before look at the difference between John and Ronon...both having relationships in the past... Ronon isn't by a long shot over it...while John had he attitide of ,,,what ever,,,next subject thank you very much.... and then I really can't see Joe pitching an idea about his failed marriage...since he doesn't seem into the whole deal of pulling an story about a relationship for just that no I really don't think so....

                  I much rather see it being angst over something that has happend while in Atlantis that he has to face...that he can't push back in his mind... or if it deals with his past...look into his family,,,mother and father,,, or his military background...might something have happened more then the whole Afgahnistan that might have made him into the man he is today... rather that then some cliché story about a failed marriage... I mean come on...60 episodes...and in one *BANG* been married,,done that, not good at it,,,, and then to bring such a story up later to look into... would that hold my intrest... not much...for something that even he was surprised about,,,I can't say he would pitch an idea about something not even he saw it coming for Sheppard...

                  So deal with his military background or about his parents,,,or something that has happened over the years in Atlantis...and make then J/T grow even closer together because of it
                  oh dont worry i think we both know how we feel about TRW.....many words sum it up but i cant post most of them so ill settle for a big pile of poo!! hehe
                  i agree
                  failed marriage would not get us excited...but like sheppyd said in the whump thread, the issue from season 3 might not even be the focus of the story, maybe we get a few lines (to address whatever-i'd love to hear him talk about what kolya did to him or something like that!)but the story itself could be anything angsty for our shep!! i'd love backstory though on his past career, afghanistan, parents etc like you said!! as long as the team and teyla are there to look after him through his hard time, ill be happy!!

                  i wish we had more info on this ep...the spec is gonna drive us insane lol!!

                  Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                  well sad rootortoise couldnt have said it better i agree i don't want to bother about his past relationships i only care about the relationships he is forming now as well the one he has steadily built with teyla for the past three seasons and the relationships he has with his other team members i like where they are at now i don't want them to be going backwards on the relationships now as it would spoil the show
                  thanks donna!! yep, i want backstory that would show us why shep is like he is, or tell us about his experiences in afghanistan, something like that....but nothing about
                  his ex-wife, for one it seems like a pointless storyline and 2 well its boring lol i honestly dont think it will be that, but then i have been wrong before!



                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    Don't know if you all have seen the SGA promos that has now been put up at

                    It's right there on the main page...the videos are rolling on several in a row...first is a competition,,*Get in the gate* then there are two promos in it too...of the show...with Joe as the star name...*finally* and then there are 3 promos ,,,one of Joe, another on Jason and another on David... now they are the same...two guys trying to send a third guy into the stargate... and the stars have the same ever I just feel Joe is the only one to truly deliver the line and putting some effort into it... Jason's and David's didn't do anything for me... hrmm might it just becasue Joe is my all time favorite
                    thanks nina!!!!

                    i may be biased too but i loved joes the bestest too



                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Don't know if you all have seen the SGA promos that has now been put up at

                      It's right there on the main page...the videos are rolling on several in a row...first is a competition,,*Get in the gate* then there are two promos in it too...of the show...with Joe as the star name...*finally* and then there are 3 promos ,,,one of Joe, another on Jason and another on David... now they are the same...two guys trying to send a third guy into the stargate... and the stars have the same ever I just feel Joe is the only one to truly deliver the line and putting some effort into it... Jason's and David's didn't do anything for me... hrmm might it just becasue Joe is my all time favorite

                      Thanks Nina,

                      Yes I've seen the promos and they are great - I love them.

                      I love how they say starring "Joe Flanigan" and noone else. Well he is the star of the show and its about time they started to acknowlege that.
                      Last edited by bluealien; 12 April 2007, 10:49 AM.


                        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                        thanks nina!!!!

                        i may be biased too but i loved joes the bestest too
                        *lol* we both do....

                        But even if this is a very small promo he gives just as much as he does in normal scenes...the look on his face is like...uhm okay those guys have just lost it...and then he delivers the line,,and not in whole at one right of like Jason and David...but more with pause in it for a little effect...yup gotta love the guy...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Being making some sigs.....




                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            Being making some sigs.....


                            Love the first one....

                            And I really like the sig you are using now...relaxing Joe
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post

                              i dont think and i hope its not about
                              shep's failed marriage, i dont care about his past relationships, i care about the ones he's forming now...with his team and with teyla of course!! like i said in the whump thread, if theres anyone in his past i want to know about its his dad!
                              there are a few ideas for what it could be....but until we get more spoilers i guess its difficult for us to know what it is.....just lots of speculation!
                              S4 possible spoilers
                              I really don't care if his former spouse is mentioned at all. All of our past experiences make us who we are today, so if this woman was important to him, she's a part of his makeup. That reationship could hold the secret as to why he's so guarded, and hasn't been able to bust out and tell people he cares for them. He does that with acton, not words. Or not. It could be that he's just a guy, and well, sometimes they're just not verbose.

                              That 'backstory' is so cliched, it was not surprise to me that our hero had a failed marriage. However, if it's something that can be used as a catalyst for my ship, then I say okay.

                              Honestly, I'd be surprised if they'll dwell on that. In that last SGA Special magazine, Joe says:

                              "Psychologically, where do these characters end up at the end of the season, and as for the fourth season, I think the fourth season is going to be the most interesting, because we're going to map that out and have a much clearer ideaas the where the characters can go psychologically." Sounds good to me.

                              He goes on to say that he feels great drama comes from conflict and crisis, and that they could do that with McKay's character, but that BW felt that the 'hero' couldn't really go there. But, uh, Brad's not a showrunner next season, is he? Joe also says he'd always wanted Sheppard to go on a 'bit of a bend', so Binder's Joe-pitched story could be an expansion on that.

                              Woo hoo! The Return Part 2 is on tomorrow night!
                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by majortrip View Post

                                Woo hoo! The Return Part 2 is on tomorrow night!
                                Yes it will be....not that I'm in USA or have SciFi *lol* I could always dig them out on my DVD's... but I'll be watching way older epis tomorrow anyway...since Sweden started a few weeks back showing Atlantis finally here,,, hrmm what was it that was going to be on tomorrow... uhm....oh yes Hot Zone... and then Sanctuary... should be liking Sanctuary more,,love story and I'm a girl... *lol* but I don't.... yeah I'm not a typical girly girl...don't really like chick flicks... so even if he is cute in Sanctuary ...I rather have the heat and passion at one point in Hot Zone anyday
                                Sigs by Scifan

