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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Okay..... So for those of us who have already seen all of season 3, I have a question for you? What episode are you most looking forward to seeing again when the US season airs and why?


      Originally posted by outta-orbit View Post
      Sanssong as per your request, here are the downloadable links for the vids.

      These two vids came up- file not found- Help!


        Originally posted by sanssong View Post
        No, I didn't mean no kissing for season 4! We have no idea about possilbe lip locking there, so the possibilities are endless! . But yeah, there wasn't any in S3.

        The marathon (minus Sateda! grrrrrr! And The Tao of Rodney) is tomorrow on Sci-Fi channel.
        *sigh of relief* Thanks!

        I need some lip locking....Right now I"ll take anything! Oh, we did get some really hot and juicy Ronon liplocking! Sateda? or was that one of my dreams...No, it couldn't have been cause it wasn't with me.....

        Ooops..... scratch that out!

        *evil grin* remember how I mentioned that John and Teyla have similar facial expressions....

        Spoilers for The Game...Wikked's awesome caps!

        My personal favorite at the moment...



          This one has to go somewhere....look at this ....



            Oy, I could do this all day!



              Last one, I's Wikked's fault!



                Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                Okay..... So for those of us who have already seen all of season 3, I have a question for you? What episode are you most looking forward to seeing again when the US season airs and why?


                Ok big spoilers so if you don't want to be spoiled don't look..

                I'd say firstly The Arc..

                because its not only a great John and Teyla ep, its a great Teyla ep. I think she is awesome in this and it really shows just how much John cares for her. I mean he's willing to go on a suicide mission for her. The infirmary scene is just so sweet - their body language and the looks they give each other just says it all for me.


                Sunday is the first time we actually see John loose his cool and its over Teyla. Those pent up emotions just pop out when he sees how badly she is injured, and the John/Ronan scene is just so cute - Ronan the matchmaker.. ;lol the infirmary scene even beats The Arc IMO - just beautiful - Teyla is the one that John goes to share his grief with, and when be bends down to help her off the bed .... sigh

                Submersion and Vengeance...

                Also great eps and Johns concern for Teyla is just evident in nearly every scene. Some lovely cute moments between them too. In Vengeance when Teyla cries out - its John she calls and I love how John rushes into the room and starts to release her from the restraints.

                All of the eps in the latter half of the season were great for J/T but if I had to choose a favourite it would be the Arc with Sunday a close second.
                Last edited by bluealien; 11 April 2007, 10:11 AM.


         I with it!


                  This is what happens when you get the master key to the vault! *g*


                    Very nice Camy...

                    I love them.


                      OOOH, favorite episodes for the latter half of Season 3...

                      Okay..I"m SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO with Blue here...

                      The Ark...

                      I hope Ken C comes by here again...and I hope we are buzzing up a storm on how much we love this episdoe...for me, it isn't just about John and Teyla....*stop, you're hurting my arm* it is because of John and Teyla, but *is that better* it goes beyond that...I wrote this huge email to someone and well, basically, it's the meaning behind the story...not only was this story different and had so many great moments betweent the team...but it showed once again just how far John would go for his team...and I say this with emphasis because for me, it wasn't about John risking his life for Teyla...he would have done it for any of was that IT was Teyla and that for him, it was the only reason he did it....that infirmiry scene could have been so much better...but again...the telling part here for me was Teyla....when Weir even shocked him by not supporting his actions, even though Teyla stood alive right there in front of her, Teyla was the only one who acknowledge him and "touched" or grabbed him to firmly state so....I love that! It was Teyla's "I know" that was so telling and John's "that's not why I did it" that melted my heart....the underlying meaning and context was so powerful and so intense that even John had to leave because it was getting to serious and emotional for him.....I love that! and there's more, but I'll save the rest for when the episode airs....

                      My next favorite...I disagree with you here Blue, it's not Sunday at all.....

                      It has to be Echoes...ironically,
                      there wasn't much of John and Teyla...but the bit that there was, was enough for me to squee...Teyla played a huge role in this one and the relationship between Ronon and Teyla really moved me was intense, sincere, and very well played out by Ronon and Teyla....more of Ronon but it just fit perfectly to what I've always thought of as Teyla and Ronon's relationship....and I loved it....Ronon was there when John couldn't be, and that has always been the scene between these three....and that part when John carries Weir but then his entire attention focuses on Teyla and walks over to her and his face just says it all.....It wasn't when Weir passed out that his heart raced and his thoughts cleared, it was after he saw Teyla and right before he left, that last glance that stirred in him the seriousness and the urgency of the matter....AH!

                      Next, Submerssion....yeah...I know....bear with me....
                      this again, was a very well thought of Teyla episode...I felt sort of cheated on this one though...there should have been so much more to this plot....but in the end, I think season 4 promises to bring us more to Teyla and her connection to the Wraith..I hope....and Submersion, again.....John stood by her side....he listened to her when no one else did, and he picked up her indifference before anyone else could see it on his face that he thought there was something odd about her the first time she got possessed....or whatever you want to call that....I know he wouldn't have endangered Teyla if he didn't beleive in her abilities...his trust and his reliance on her go beyond any other crew or team mate...and that is all tied to their connection....

                      Sunday....*sighs* Please don't take my title away from me because I don't find this one to be my shippiest episode...I got hives more than anything after watching this episode....
                      Yes, the Teyla and John scenes were AWESOME! some of the best scenes were without a doubt in this episode...the ones together and the ones not! Clearly we found out a lot about John more so than even Teyla....we confirmed our suspicions that Ronon KNOWS! and he's our number one shipper! *some think that I'm Ronon indisguise* NOT! Blue, you mentioned about John's true feelings and his reaction towards Teyla....oh, you couldn't have been more right....that first scene when he meets up to her...he's running towards her....he was looking all over for her....he says so....his demeanor and his smile, he has it so bad for her....and she does too........His chat with Ronon in his room..jeepers, let's hope that John doesn't get much time off because all it takes is one moment with him not to be with Teyla and he starts drinking...not only that but he starts spewing, no more time off for John...please! He can't function without the girl.....LOL.....And Ronon so knows it! That scene when he sees her in the stretcher, priceless...his words to Carson....FANTASTICO! And yes, last but not least, that moment with her in the infirmary...was so much more intense and emotional than the scene in the was two different feelings really.....John was faced with almost loosing Teyla yet again...and this time, he really did loose a wonder he says he's not looking forward to when it hits him.....the thought that he was so concerned for Teyla and yet, lost Carson...has to hurt him badly....And I love that last scene in the ceremony....John looks back at Teyla....and she never leaves his gaze even as he walks off into the event horizon....

                      so, why is it not my favorite...We loose Carson...and I didn't like the way he died...and we didn't hear who Teyla's prospective interest is....and that convo....*sighs* Don't get me started!

                      First Strike and Vengeance....equal place..

                      I loooooove First Strike for the simple fact that again, John values his time with Ronon and most importantly best artwork, in my opinion, is Stephies LJ banner and it depicts that feeling beautiful in that cap with the three of them standing in the balcony....that moment when Ronon opens up and dares to admit that he has to learn some science...that must have not been something easy for Ronon to admit too..and John so beautifully, so eloquently, so gentlemanly and honestly and humourously, compares them to the Fantastic Four...this is his team...this is his home, these are his people, his family, and next to him is his Invisible Woman...the irony of it all!

                      Vengeance.....was great...again...he listens to Teyla..and Teyla calling to John twice or three times, PRICELESS!

                      And then of course there is the scene in Irresponsible,
                      when Teyla stops John from confronting Koyla....those caps...I LOVE! and then we have The Game....wonderful moments between them....they are together most of the time that they are in the planet...
                      and last but not least...I really liked Tao of Rodney....
                      for the simple fact that it showed me a different Rodney, a caring and honest Rodney, a warm, flesh and blood Rodney that I really needed to see....

                      So, watch the latter half of Season 3 People!


                        I agree Camy - loved Echoes too and

                        the Fantastic Four reference in First Strike was also awesome - Great Irresponsible moment too - well I did say that all the eps in the latter half of the season were great.



                          Blue, I forgot to mention in First Strike...

                          John sees Weir injured but his concern for her injury doesn't compare to his double whamy for Teyla....and not only that...he leaves and runs over to the control room to see Teyla alright...and that last scene with them in the caption...STUPENDOUS!

                          BEST CLIFFHANGER! Actually, doesn't top The Return Part 1


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post

                            Blue, I forgot to mention in First Strike...

                            John sees Weir injured but his concern for her injury doesn't compare to his double whamy for Teyla....and not only that...he leaves and runs over to the control room to see Teyla alright...and that last scene with them in the caption...STUPENDOUS!

                            BEST CLIFFHANGER! Actually, doesn't top The Return Part 1
                            Oh I like that word - STUPENDOUS!!

                            The end of First Strike...

                            Yes John' reaction to Teyla being injured in Sunday doesn't compare to his reaction to Weir being injured, and the fact that he bounded up those stairs to check if Teyla and his team were ok says it all.
                            STUPENDOUS INDEED!!


                              *claps madly*

                              Cyn...I made you something...for some reason I can get into my emails....*GRRR*

                              For Cyn's Eyes ONLY! YOU WILL COMBUST INSTANTLY IF YOU CLICK ON THIS!

                              Cyn, click under my sig for your surprise!
                              Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 11 April 2007, 12:29 PM.


                                Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                                Okay..... So for those of us who have already seen all of season 3, I have a question for you? What episode are you most looking forward to seeing again when the US season airs and why?
                                Um, I'd say...

                                Just an all aroud good ep, and the Sheppard/McKay stuff was funny

                                The Tao of Rodney
                                Team!love and Rodney trying to do meaningful things for his friends. Awwww!

                                The Ark
                                It goes without saying, but I think this was a fantastic episode for Teyla. Oh, and then there's that thing in the infirmary.

                                Very comical yet emotional for me. There's the Carson thing, and then there's the Teyla mystery, the Ronon potential match-making, some Teyla whump, and another infirmary thing. Another all around good episode.

                                Michael's back and it's creepy. What more could I ask for?

                                First Strike
                                Oooh, the tension! And finally a cliffhanger in which our heroes are all together. Thankfully I don't have to wait for months to find out if Sheppard's gonna make it. [/sarcasm]
                                Sig by Camy

