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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
    I definetly hope for more John Teyla. But no to Sam and Ronan, I've been a Sam/Jack shipper since day one.
    Yeah... I'd have to nix the Sam/Ronon thing too, S/J all the way! . Personally, I'm hoping for Ronon/Keller (or Jennifer, that's her first name)


      Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
      Good Afternoon ladies! I come with a gift in time for the Friday premier. The fianl chapter of Stranded is betaed and psted! I know it took me awhile, but going to college takes presedence (I graduate in December with an AA).

      I can't wait 'til Friday night, I've so much good stuff about upcomming episodes I can't wait. Who cares about movie night at school, I'd much rather make popcorn and watch John and Teyla!
      Thanks for the link...a sweet ending to it all... could almost picture the look on their faces when they saw that in the beginning.. *lol*
      Gave you a review too on
      Sigs by Scifan


        Thank you Nina!
        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



          Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
          Thank you Nina!
          You're very welcome
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Hola Amigas/o

            Where is Nick?

            Am I going to have to fly to Englad with Stephie to find you?
            Yes I think you may have to and you can drop in and say hi to me while you are there.

            Now, Teyla's long arc for season 4....

            again, sometimes I cringe when the writers focus on one character...I have not liked many of their character centric episodes because of this..they aren't good at them in my opinion....I didn't like TRW, I didn't like M&MM and Common Ground was very good because of Joe but the other characters were horrible in there...I thought Weir was portrayed as the reason for having John kidnapped in the first place, making her seem weak, which in the end, she wasn't ....but that just annoyed me even more...moving on.....The only really great character driven episode that I liked was Sateda...that was such a great episode all was so Ronon centric and yet you had these awesome moments between the entire team and it was just great!
            I'm not a fan of one character eps either, but except for TRW I don't think any of the others were as one character centric. I like when one character is the FOCUS but it's still a team effort. I don't want to see Teyla go solo. I want to see her being the focus but having John and the team interact with her, similar to how Sateda was done. I prefer to see characters interact with one another, rather then just have one of them being on their own throughout the ep

            so, again...I"m not going to jump up and down until I read more and like Trippy so wisely says, not until I see it should I make any kind of assumptions...
            I'm not going to jump up and down until I see John and Teyla kiss again.

            As far as character development and progression of relationships....

            JM has stated his response on relationships this season......when asked about John and Teyla from an anonymous poster, he made a very generic statement meaning that we will see character developments and relationships among all..whatever that means...
            I'm just delighted to hear that they will be progressing relationships - that's got to include John and Teyla.

            Will Carter fall for Ronon?
            Don't think so...

            or will Keller be the lucky one....
            I think they would be great together..

            You know, Ronon is such a hottie, I"m surprised none of those girls are falling for him's just like with's like the expedition team besides the regulars are afraid to come near either one of them.....or is it that everyone knows that Teyla is meant for John only and that Ronon is meant to watch over those two...LOL
            Well Ronan says he not ready yet - but I think Keller will change that - and of course everyone knows that Teyla is ment only for John.
            Last edited by bluealien; 09 April 2007, 01:52 PM.



              Guys, I was kidding about John and Sam...LOL and Even Sam and anyone...I think she belongs with Jack...I've waited long enough to see those two together...I wonder if this means that Jack will show up in Atlantis more often....

              See, this is what I"m talking about....I want only to be the team that is the focus on the show!

              Padme...I have to go and read Stranded pronto....did everyone finish Song without Words by Crecesere.....go and check it many great fics coming out lately....actually, I love all JT Fics...pretty much...

              Blue, I agree with some of the things that you wrote.....LOL

              Actually, since our Teyla has been a bit negligent lately, I wouldn't mind a very heavily Teyla centric episode...they've done it for all the characters, why not her...but you and I are on the same page, I like team episodes the best!

              I have said this and have written this over and over again....

              I don't want SGA to turn into a soap opera....We already have Katie and Rodney as a couple.....I don't want to see them all paired up with, no Ronon with Keller for me...I'd rather he fall for the girl in an episode and be a one time deal than having him steady with anyone on the show...there is only one couple that I care to see a steady progression and that is John and Teyla...I root for no other.....

              If we start going into pairs here and there it will take away from our pairing, I think...and it would loose the fun out of my ship....

              I want Ronon loose and wreckless...with only Teyla to calm him down as any sister would....and John reigning him in...LOL

              Keller, I have to keep watching her before I can even consider her for my boy, Ronon or anyone else for that matter....

              *hold the tomatoes you Firefly fans*


                Yes I think you may have to and you can drop in and say hi to me while you are there.
                Blue, you are so on......I"d love that!

                Nick...I"M COMING!


                  Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                  Good Afternoon ladies! I come with a gift in time for the Friday premier. The fianl chapter of Stranded is betaed and psted! I know it took me awhile, but going to college takes presedence (I graduate in December with an AA).


                  I can't wait 'til Friday night, I've so much good stuff about upcomming episodes I can't wait. Who cares about movie night at school, I'd much rather make popcorn and watch John and Teyla!
                  Just re-read Stranded. Great ending! Caldwell really needs to ask before beaming people up! Loved how you worked Charin in at the end too and had Teyla taking charge.

                  I hear ya about being busy with school! Only a few more weeks until the semester's over!

                  Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                  We're getting a lot of info from other sources as well, which is good, cause JM doesn't like to give too much away! One of the main reasons I'm looking forward to S4
                  is that we've been hearing about a big Teyla arc that will run over several episodes. This is great for a number of reasons, the first being we'll get to delve more deeply into Teyla's character which I love and the second is, John will most likely be right there by her side. The potential for more scenes like the ones in Sateda, The Ark and Sunday go up dramaticlly.

                  We know from JM's blog that TPTB like to progress relationships slowly and naturally as part of the storylines, so it would make perfect sense that John and Teyla will grow even closer through her arc. It will be a natural extention of their time together. From where I stand we are going to get some great J/T scenes.

                  I have a feeling that Ronon may even try his hand at matchmaker after his little conversation in Sunday with John. He's noticed the attraction between them and I think our dear Ronon has a romantic heart.
                  Season 4 is sounding great! Especially

                  the Teyla arc!! About time I say! Hopefully we'll finally get some backstory about her family. Sooo many possibilities for stories! And of course, more J/T is always a good thing.
                  Ronon as matchmaker-I can definitely see that!
                  Sig by Cazzblade


                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    I'm not going to jump up and down until I see John and Teyla kiss again.
                    I'm waiting for THAT day myself. I'll even take a AU ep.

                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    I'm just delighted to hear that they will be progressing relationships - that's got to include John and Teyla.
                    Most definitely! I'll be happy if they do more of what they did in S3

                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    Well Ronan says he not ready yet - but I think Keller will change that - and of course everyone knows that Teyla is ment only for John.
                    Teyla is definitely only for John! As for Ronon, I think Keller could change his mind!


                      Originally posted by Spectrum View Post
                      Season 4 is sounding great! Especially

                      the Teyla arc!! About time I say! Hopefully we'll finally get some backstory about her family. Sooo many possibilities for stories! And of course, more J/T is always a good thing.
                      Ronon as matchmaker-I can definitely see that!
                      I can ABSOLUTELY see that! He would be too funny.
                      As for the Teyla arc, Trippy and I are thinking that Teyla goes missing in the episode Missing and that's part of her arc. Can you just see how CRAZY that would make John if he didn't know what happened to her?


                        Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                        Just watched 'Home' and it's now my new favourite Atlantis ep. (I'd also like to point out that A Human Reaction is my favourite Farscape ep.) The conversation near the beginning between John and Teyla when he was enticing her to come to Earth with him was cute. Popcorn and Ferris Wheels.

                        The twists and turns were good and I didn't really think anything of it at first other than a mild curiousity as to why Sheppard wasn't at the briefing with Weir and MacKay. Interesting as to how John was with Teyla while the others were alone with 'alternate' versions of themselves. And he took her shopping then admired her outfit. Loved how he took her to his house (well, not really his...) and gave her beer (In AHR there was a lovely squeeish moment where John gave Aeryn her first beer and there was much activity after... I admit I was hoping for something of the same.)

                        I like when 'General Hammond' told the reunited group that Sheppard was good at 'blocking' his mind and creating his own reality and John commented that had he known that he would've made things different. I wonder how...
                        Sorry I'm so late in responding!!! Crazy busy life stuff, as usual.

                        I love Home!!!! I've been waiting for you to see this one, LOL! I wondered if it would make you think of AHR, being a fellow Farscape fan! Too bad we didn't get nearly as much "activity" as we got in AHR....DARN! LOL! But still, I really adore this ep as well. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It's fun!
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by Angel007 View Post
                          Well, since it's been the weekend again, I've had more time away from school to write, so I managed another chapter of Waiting For Yesterday. I would really love any thoughts on the chapter; if you like it but don't have an account on, I accept Anon. reviews. So please leave your thoughts.

                          And I am dying while waiting for the new Atlantis EPs. XD

                          Story: Waiting For Yesterday
                          Summary: [Sheyla] When she was controlled by them, she killed. When she was captured by her friends, she was experimented upon — and she was pregnant with a Wraith child. When she broke free of the being controlling her, she was different. John ... help her.

                          Awesome update, Angel!! Thank you!!!

                          Blue, love your sigs from last week!!! Sorry I'm so late to comment on them!

                          Nina, thanks so much for the pics of Rachel! She is just too sweet and adorable!

                          Donna, thanks for the link to the interview! I totally would have missed that one otherwise!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            Hola Amigas/o

                            Where is Nick?

                            Am I going to have to fly to England with Stephie to find you?

                            LOL! Nick, are your ears starting to burn yet?
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                              Good Afternoon ladies! I come with a gift in time for the Friday premier. The fianl chapter of Stranded is betaed and psted! I know it took me awhile, but going to college takes presedence (I graduate in December with an AA).


                              I can't wait 'til Friday night, I've so much good stuff about upcomming episodes I can't wait. Who cares about movie night at school, I'd much rather make popcorn and watch John and Teyla!
                              Oh, awesome chapter, Padme!!! Thank you!!!! And popcorn on Fri night is a great idea! Return Part 2 wasn't one of my favorites, but hey, it's a new ep so we can't complain!
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                                I can ABSOLUTELY see that! He would be too funny.
                                As for the Teyla arc, Trippy and I are thinking that Teyla goes missing in the episode Missing and that's part of her arc. Can you just see how CRAZY that would make John if he didn't know what happened to her?

                                I like the way you and Trippy are thinking! What a great J/T ep that would be! John would be freaking out if Teyla went missing. Defying all orders to safe her...
                                I want S4 now!!
                                Sig by Cazzblade

