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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Angel007 View Post
    I also like where he attacked everyone except Teyla and didn't even touch her.
    Yeah, I mean really… bugged out John could have easily taken Teyla down; even with her gun aimed at him I'm sure he'd already figured a way to do so; he certainly thought he could because he turned and started toward her as if he were about to…but as he took the step forward he halted as if inside him something told him no don't do it because to hurt her would cause you/him real pain.

    Whenever, Where ever, Whatever, I'll risk life and limb when it comes to you.
    Pretty Sig by Annie Shep.


      Blue, that was FANTASTIC!

      *claps madly*

      love your take and your caps to go along with it..I'll have to organize my caps to go with my thoughts like that it will be a day or so...maybe less....LOL but I love how you guys described this are so right that John was "ravishing" Teyla........I think that Teyla and John were both so shocked by their actions....that they both looked surprised at one point....i never thought that Teyla was "against" it....she was certainly not looking or asking for it...however, she is quite capable of defending herself and never once did she do anything that i could see besides put her arms up to stop...and I beleive that it was John who then pushed away.

      He responded to her hands moving up.

      But now that you mention about John not hurting's interesting because clearly Teyla couldn't bring herself to hurt John either.....when she finally confronted him in the stairs, she gave him warning shots....and she let him go.....when she wasn't supposed to....when she went after him, it was Ronon who shot him. Now, did you guys see her face when she finally caught up and saw that Ronon had shot him...she was relieved...and I wonder how much of that was that she didn't have to shoot him and how much was that he was caught. Remember her reaction when they were looking at the screen and she knew what it would come down to to stop him and how she just froze looking at his dot on the screen and Ronon sort of snapped her out of was as if, she knew this was going to be difficult....would she be able to shoot him?

      Goes back to a bit to TLG....but that's another discussion...

      Now, I had this convo with someone, where do you think John was going and why? What was he trying to do when he let go of Weir? Was he trying to escape? Was John looking for Ronon to shoot him? did John get so close to Teyla because he wanted her to hurt him, that part of John that was still lucid, did he want to be stopped?

      I have my thoughts on that...but I wan to read everyone's thought on this...

      Also, going back to the whole John wouldn't hurt Teyla and Teyla woudn't hurt Phantoms....

      we had this whole discussion about why and how John's visions interpreted Teyla as his best friend injured and how he pretty much wanted to kill anyone he saw in front of him but not Teyla....don't you guys think all of this is connected...John wouldn't hurt Teyla...not that way anyways....even while sensing her danger like in Submerssion...he still wouldn't hurt her....and if it came down to it, what would John do? What would he have done if the ties were changed and he had to kill or stop Teyla like Conversion or TLG or in Submerssion...most importantly....I'm sure you guys are reading the fic, Shadows in the Light....I love her portrayal of how even while John is loosing it, he still won't hurt Teyla and instead sides with her and the same goes for Teyla.....I Love that interpretation..and the writers in the show have very much supported that scenario throughout this relationship....

      so, what you guys think?

      Also, Vision of the Future Chapter 4 is up!

      And her little fic for me is turning out to be a long one too...woohooo!

      I have a lot of catching up to last chapter was chapter 3.....


        Originally posted by Angel007 View Post
        Hey, does anyone know if the last few EPs if Atlantis are going to re-play before the new EPs start? Because I missed The Return Pt. 1, and I'd like to see it before seeing Pt. 2.

        Anyway, thx for the comments on my story.
        There will be a marathon April 12 on Sci-fi minus Sateda and Irresistible

        Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City



          Why they didn't just take out Irresistible and Irresponsible.....


            Irresponsible hasn't aired yet in the US


              There will be a marathon April 12 on Sci-fi minus Sateda and Irresistible
              Thanks, Planet TV! I'm glad I'll be able to tell what happened before I see Pt. 2. In the meantime, from what I've heard of it, it sounds cool! Oh, and there is this story I wrote about a month back (The beginning of a multi-chapter one) And I posted it. I might take it down until I can edit it a loooot more, but for now, I put it up.


              (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                awesome caps blue my favourite scene i never get bored of it thnx for sharing
                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                  Awesome caps Blue of the kissing scene... I can't help it ...I just love that scene... hot and passionate
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by outta-orbit View Post
                    Blue…your fire wallie, all I can say is simply beautiful.
                    Thank you.


                      Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                      awesome caps blue my favourite scene i never get bored of it thnx for sharing
                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Awesome caps Blue of the kissing scene... I can't help it ...I just love that scene... hot and passionate
                      Thanks guys -

                      That scene has to one of my all time favourite J/T scenes.


                        Okay so I was bored and I was thinking of a fic, mainly because I had just come up from reading several fics in which a JT wedding had occurred. So I said, if I was Teyla would I choose any of the dresses...not to say the ladies had bad taste, it's more along the lines of conventional. My mum got married in a blue, above the knee satin and lace dress---convention doesn't run in my blood line. Anyway I decided to go around looking for what I think Teyla would wear---and what would work in a fic I wrote. I already figured John would wear dress blues, nothing special there---huh?

                        And Witchy, I did want to sari or lehenga her up (maybe even with a hijabified action) with a tikka, but I restrained myself since it just didn't fit for me. I see the congregation or what I mean the ladies and men of athos throwing in some snazzed up Indian attire. You know the deep reds, yellows, and rust colors with little jewelry but I also see them all hennaed. Only because I think Teyla would wear henna to a special event on Athos.

                        This in pure to the good stuff.

                        The dress:


                        Yes, I know. VB has exceptionally apt taste that cannot be expressed in mere words. Do I see a tear in your eye? I don't blame you!

                        That's the basic design and these are the other colors it comes in, but I'd like some of your input on colors. I think they're all great, but settled on the blue---I've had coral thrown my way, the green, the red, the blue, the purple, was it you 4ps who suggested pink? Shame on you!

                        Here are the various other colors:


                        Okay, now my bit of commentary. I realize all of you ladies want the dress. We ALL want the dress. Everyone who sees the dress wants the dress in some bloody color. That's fine. I just want your input on color and if you can see Teyla in this dress. It is formal and when I see the vows, which I concurred with Seldear on (because I showed her the dress, and yes she wanted the dress or I think she did!) we both stated we saw a small celebration with only a few people from Atlantis (Ronon, Rodney, Weir---maybe and I mean maybe Zelenka/Lorne) on New Athos. I picture it by the camp fire while their kneeling on a blanket in the center of the group---that's just me and what I see. I like weddings at night. (Just to clarify Sel saw it more during a formal occasion not really the wedding. But I trumped her decision since I went looking for the dress. )

                        The dress was chosen for several reasons. I remember the dress from CM and ran with it. I chose blue over green because she's worn blue more during serious occasions and when she's meeting people. Suspicion, the blue/green dress in CM, the shirt in Coup and so forth. But it's mainly to take from the dress in CM. I also liked the detail and outline.

                        Since it does look fairy-wise ala Lord of the Rings my princess buddy Moonie aka (m00nbrain) who I finagled to help. Found me a diadem. Don't know what that is, almost like a tiara, that thing Arwen wore on her head(LotL). I couldn't find a nice diadem ANYWHERE I looked. Then Moonie came through!!

                        Who remembers the princess from Never-Ending Story? Diadem:


                        I hate veils! So there's no way on quasimoto's nose would I put Teyla in a veil or shawl. Sorry, to all veil lovers!

                        To help the diadem along---Bun Cover:

                        Teyla has been wearing a bun--a sexy messy bun, for the last 2 seasons. I figured this was only fitting. I figured she did it cause John liked necking. Okay, only in my mind in the back of a Puddle jumper.

                        Now the representation of their commitment... (one of my favorite pieces)
                        The Necklace:

                        I chose the necklace also for several reasons. I can't wear rings, I hate them. So I had said if I get married I'm getting a necklace, this was years ago. I decided it was only fitting for Teyla/John to have it as the symbol of their commitment to one another, as it is reminiscint of Rising 2. The necklace is a Tuareg origin (N-i-g-e-r (it keeps getting stars as if it's a bad word) of West Africa--it's a bloody country! GW get yourself together! ) wedding necklace. It also feels like something as tradition to Teyla and her people (of course it would range in different designs per couple. They're all one of a kind). Lastly, it would compliment military id, since it is paticular to a specific married couple on athos (again, my idea).

                        So tell me what you think and what you see the wedding being like...or if you like my version. I feel it being more closer to Teyla's people, since it has tradition and very simple and for the smple fact there are more Athosians there than Latean Ex, and they'd be in the PG when it happened.

                        Stop gushing over the dress and diadem...I know I know I know!! I love everything too! Teyla needs me as her wedding coordinator, I'd do it for free!

                        **This all fantasy and if they got together and we were privy to the wedding, what I'd set up or want to see. So run with it lovies!

                        Oh if you think you can manip it, and would like to manip it. Go ahead and manip away, I'd like to see Teyla in the outfit with the different colored dresses!!
                        Click statement above to read article.


                          I like the green dress and think green would go beautifully with Teyla's colouring and eyes. (she has worn a blue uniform so I want to see her in a colour she doesn't normally wear). Don't like red for a wedding - maybe the purple - that would suit her colouring as well. Nope I am sticking to green. I also like the necklace and I see them having a small informal wedding on New Athos.

                          Rodney as best man - no actually Ronan as best man and Rodney can be an usher. That would probably upset Rodney though - ah well no matter its Johns big day.


                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            I like the green dress and think green would go beautifully with Teyla's colouring and eyes. (she has worn a blue uniform so I want to see her in a colour she doesn't normally wear). Don't like red for a wedding - maybe the purple - that would suit her colouring as well. Nope I am sticking to green. I also like the necklace and I see them having a small informal wedding on New Athos.

                            Rodney as best man - no actually Ronan as best man and Rodney can be an usher. That would probably upset Rodney though - ah well no matter its Johns big day.
                            Hahaha...Ronon as best man...hmmm?! Yeah, I could see that. Rodney would be like "I've known you longer." John would be like, "You've annoyed me longer." Yeah that's a good fit. You sure about the green? I was feeling between blue/purple---I settled for the blue, but I had the feeling Teyla would wear red. And it's found to be a sign of good luck or wish for luck in many cultures.

                            I agree on informal by Earth standards, I'm not sure how formal would be for the Athos. But if the ring ceremony is any indication, I'd say a wedding would be fairly similar. Circle of people around the couple as they exchange their vows.
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              Still thinking about the purple one... hmmmm... maybe changing to purple



                                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                                Still thinking about the purple one... hmmmm... maybe changing to purple

                                Great wallie....she really looks good in that dress
                                The dress and especially the style of the arms,,,are a lot like the one she had on in CM
                                Sigs by Scifan

